- Preface
- Guide to Programming with the
Presentation Framework
- CommonPoint information set
- Getting started
- Taxonomy
- Developer guides
- Usage and tools guidelines
- Application documentation
- Documented
sample programs
and sample code
- Installation and
- Typographical conventions
- Reading notation diagrams
- Introduction
- Using this tutorial
- Accessing the
code online
- If you need online access...
- Tiles--the tutorial program
- Introducing the Presentation framework
- Creating the
model and view
- Using the default presentation
- Creating the data model
- Defining the
data structure
- TaligentTypeExtension
- Storing the TTile objects
- Providing access
to the model's data
- Supporting selections on the model
- The TTilesModel interface
- Creating the view
- Accessing the model
- Using GUI bundles
- Initializing and finalizing the view
- Using stationery classes
- Launching a document
- Code walkthrough
- TTile: header
- TTile: source
- TTilesModel: header
- TTilesModel: source
- TTilesView: header
- TTilesView: source
- Instantiating the stationery template
- Handling mouse events
- Mixing in MMouseEventHandler
- Code walkthrough
- TTile::ContainsPoint
- Mixing in MMouseEventHandler
- Creating selections
and commands
- Selecting a tile and issuing a command
- Creating the selection class
- Creating the command class
- Making the command undoable and redoable
- Issuing the command
- Code walkthrough
- TTilesSelection: header
- TTilesSelection: source
- Command binding
- TChangeColorCommand: header
- TChangeColorCommand: source
- TTilesModel:: CreateSelection
- TTilesView::MouseDown
- Maintaining a
current selection
- Tiles current selections
- Accessing the current selection
- Providing selection feedback
- Code walkthrough
- TChangeColorCommand:: HandleCanDo
- TTilesSelection:: ContainsTile
- TTilesView:: GetTilesSelection
- TTilesView::DrawContents
- TTilesView::DrawTile
- TTilesView::MouseDown
- TTilesView:: HandleAfterConnectionToViewRoot
- Adding menus
- Creating a custom presentation
- Adding menus
- Deriving a
presenter class
- Overriding
TGUIPresenter functions
- Storing the menu
- Building a menu programmatically
- Using a control
state to issue commands
- Enabling and
disabling menu
- Building a menu with the cpConstructor tool
- Constructing the
- Using the cpConstructor tool
- Working with
export files
- Working with
- Handling actions
- Enabling and
disabling items from an archived menu
- Implementing TCreateTileCommand
- Creating a document component using TTilesPresenter
- Code walkthrough
- TTilesPresenter:
- TTilesPresenter:
- TCreateTileCommand: header
- TCreateTileCommand: source
- Stationery class instantiation
- Adding a
mouse interactor
- Moving tiles
- Creating the move command
- Creating the interactor
- Code walkthrough
- TMoveInteractor: header
- TMoveInteractor: source
- TMoveCommand: header
- TMoveCommand: source
- TTilesSelection functions
- TTilesView::MouseDown
- Supporting cut, copy,
and paste operations
- Data exchange in the Tiles program
- Supporting embedding
- Supporting a new version of the model
- Code walkthrough
- TTilesModel
- TTilesView
- TTilesSelection
- Enabling drag and drop
- Dropping a color item onto a tile
- How drag and drop items are transported
- Creating a drop acceptor
- Creating a drag source
- Code walkthrough
- Mixing in MDropAcceptor
- TTilesView::MouseDown
- Where to go from here
- Extending the Tiles program
- Creating your own document component
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