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1// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$
4 * Project: RooStats *
5 * Package: RooFit/RooStats *
6 * Authors: *
7 * Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke *
8 *************************************************************************
9 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
10 * All rights reserved. *
11 * *
12 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
13 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
14 *************************************************************************/
17/** \class RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
18 \ingroup Roostats
20 This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a LikelihoodInterval
21 object.
27#include <algorithm>
28#include <iostream>
29#include <cmath>
31#include "TROOT.h"
32#include "TMath.h"
33#include "TLine.h"
34#include "TObjArray.h"
35#include "TList.h"
36#include "TGraph.h"
37#include "TPad.h"
38#include "TCanvas.h"
39#include "Math/DistFunc.h"
42#include "RooRealVar.h"
43#include "RooPlot.h"
44#include "RooMsgService.h"
45#include "RooProfileLL.h"
46#include "TF1.h"
48/// ClassImp for building the THtml documentation of the class
49using namespace std;
53using namespace RooStats;
56/// LikelihoodIntervalPlot default constructor
57/// with default parameters
61 fInterval = 0;
62 fNdimPlot = 0;
63 fParamsPlot = 0;
64 fColor = 0;
65 fFillStyle = 4050; // half transparent
66 fLineColor = 0;
67 fMaximum = -1;
68 fNPoints = 0; // default depends if 1D or 2D
69 // default is variable range
70 fXmin = 0;
71 fXmax = -1;
72 fYmin = 0;
73 fYmax = -1;
74 fPrecision = -1; // use default
75 fPlotObject = 0;
79/// LikelihoodIntervalPlot copy constructor
83 fInterval = theInterval;
86 fColor = 0;
87 fLineColor = 0;
88 fFillStyle = 4050; // half transparent
89 fMaximum = -1;
90 fNPoints = 0; // default depends if 1D or 2D
91 // default is variable range
92 fXmin = 0;
93 fXmax = -1;
94 fYmin = 0;
95 fYmax = -1;
96 fPrecision = -1; // use default
97 fPlotObject = 0;
101/// LikelihoodIntervalPlot destructor
111 fInterval = theInterval;
115 return;
122 fNdimPlot = params->getSize();
123 fParamsPlot = (RooArgSet*) params->clone((std::string(params->GetName())+"_clone").c_str());
125 return;
130/// draw the log of the profiled likelihood function in 1D with the interval or
131/// as a 2D plot with the contours.
132/// Higher dimensional intervals cannot be drawn. One needs to call
133/// SetPlotParameters to project interval in 1 or 2dim
135/// ### Options for drawing 1D intervals
137/// For 1D problem the log of the profiled likelihood function is drawn by default in a RooPlot as a
138/// RooCurve
139/// The plotting range (default is the full parameter range) and the precision of the RooCurve
140/// can be specified by using SetRange(x1,x2) and SetPrecision(eps).
141/// SetNPoints(npoints) can also be used (default is npoints=100)
142/// Optionally the function can be drawn as a TF1 (option="tf1") obtained by sampling the given npoints
143/// in the given range
145/// ### Options for drawing 2D intervals
147/// For 2D case, a contour and optionally the profiled likelihood function is drawn by sampling npoints in
148/// the given range. A 2d histogram of nbinsX=nbinsY = sqrt(npoints) is used for sampling the profiled likelihood.
149/// The contour can be obtained by using Minuit or by the sampled histogram,
150/// If using Minuit, the number of points specifies the number of contour points. If using an histogram the number of
151/// points is approximately the total number of bins of the histogram.
152/// Possible options:
153/// - minuit/nominuit: use minuit for computing the contour
154/// - hist/nohist : sample in an histogram the profiled likelihood
156/// Note that one can have both a drawing of the sampled likelihood and of the contour using minuit.
157/// The default options is "minuit nohist"
158/// The sampled histogram is drawn first by default using the option "colz" and then 8 probability contours at
159/// these CL are drawn: { 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.683,0.95,0.9973,0.9999366575,0.9999994267} re-drawing the histogram with the
160/// option "cont3"
162/// The drawn object (RooPlot or sampled histogram) is saved in the class and can be retrieved using GetPlottedObject()
163/// In this way the user can eventually customize further the plot.
164/// Note that the class does not delete the plotted object. It needs, if needed, to be deleted by the user
169 // we need to check if parameters to plot is different than parameters of interval
170 RooArgSet* intervalParams = fInterval->GetParameters();
171 RooAbsArg * arg = 0;
172 RooArgSet extraParams;
173 while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)it.Next())) {
174 if (!intervalParams->contains(*arg) ) {
175 ccoutE(InputArguments) << "Parameter " << arg->GetName() << "is not in the list of LikelihoodInterval parameters "
176 << " - do not use for plotting " << std::endl;
177 fNdimPlot--;
178 extraParams.add(*arg);
179 }
180 }
181 if (extraParams.getSize() > 0)
182 fParamsPlot->remove(extraParams,true,true);
184 if(fNdimPlot > 2){
185 ccoutE(InputArguments) << "LikelihoodIntervalPlot::Draw(" << GetName()
186 << ") ERROR: contours for more than 2 dimensions not implemented!" << std::endl;
187 return;
188 }
190 // if the number of parameters to plot is less to the number of parameters of the LikelihoodInterval
191 // we need to re-do the profile likelihood function, otherwise those parameters will not be profiled
192 // when plotting
193 RooAbsReal* newProfile = 0;
194 RooAbsReal* oldProfile = fInterval->GetLikelihoodRatio();
195 if (fNdimPlot != intervalParams->getSize() ) {
196 RooProfileLL * profilell = dynamic_cast<RooProfileLL*>(oldProfile);
197 if (!profilell) return;
198 RooAbsReal & nll = profilell->nll();
199 newProfile = nll.createProfile(*fParamsPlot);
200 }
201 else {
202 newProfile = oldProfile;
203 }
205 it.Reset();
206 RooRealVar *myparam = (RooRealVar*) it.Next();
208 // do a dummy evaluation around minimum to be sure profile has right minimum
211 newProfile->getVal();
212 }
214 // analyze options
215 TString opt = options;
216 opt.ToLower();
218 TString title = GetTitle();
219 int nPoints = fNPoints;
221 if(fNdimPlot == 1) {
223 // 1D drawing options
224 // use RooPLot for drawing the 1D PL
225 // if option is TF1 use TF1 for drawing
226 bool useRooPlot = opt.Contains("rooplot") || ! (opt.Contains("tf1"));
227 opt.ReplaceAll("rooplot","");
228 opt.ReplaceAll("tf1","");
231 // if (title.Length() == 0)
232 // title = "- log profile likelihood ratio";
234 if (nPoints <=0) nPoints = 100; // default in 1D
236 const Double_t xcont_min = fInterval->LowerLimit(*myparam);
237 const Double_t xcont_max = fInterval->UpperLimit(*myparam);
239 RooRealVar* myarg = (RooRealVar *) newProfile->getVariables()->find(myparam->GetName());
240 double x1 = myarg->getMin();
241 double x2 = myarg->getMax();
243 // default color values
244 if (fColor == 0) fColor = kBlue;
245 if (fLineColor == 0) fLineColor = kGreen;
247 RooPlot * frame = 0;
249 // use TF1 for drawing the function
250 if (!useRooPlot) {
252 // set a first estimate of range including 2 times upper and lower limit
253 double xmin = std::max( x1, 2*xcont_min - xcont_max);
254 double xmax = std::min( x2, 2*xcont_max - xcont_min);
255 if (fXmin < fXmax) { xmin = fXmin; xmax = fXmax; }
257 TF1 * tmp = newProfile->asTF(*myarg);
258 assert(tmp != 0);
259 tmp->SetRange(xmin, xmax);
260 tmp->SetNpx(nPoints);
262 // clone the function to avoid later to sample it
263 TF1 * f1 = (TF1*) tmp->Clone();
264 delete tmp;
266 f1->SetTitle(title);
267 TString name = TString(GetName()) + TString("_PLL_") + TString(myarg->GetName());
268 f1->SetName(name);
270 // set range for displaying x values where function <= fMaximum
271 // if no range is set amd
272 // if no reasonable value found maintain first estimate
273 x1 = xmin; x2 = xmax;
274 if (fMaximum > 0 && fXmin >= fXmax ) {
275 double x0 = f1->GetX(0, xmin, xmax);
276 // check that minimum is between xmin and xmax
277 if ( x0 > x1 && x0 < x2) {
278 x1 = f1->GetX(fMaximum, xmin, x0);
279 x2 = f1->GetX(fMaximum, x0, xmax);
281 //std::cout << "setting range to " << x1 << " , " << x2 << " x0 = " << x0 << std::endl;
282 }
283 }
285 f1->SetRange(x1,x2);
289 f1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(myarg->GetName());
290 f1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("- log #lambda(%s)",myparam->GetName()));
291 f1->Draw(opt);
294 }
295 else {
296 // use a RooPlot for drawing the PL function
297 double xmin = myparam->getMin(); double xmax = myparam->getMax();
298 if (fXmin < fXmax) { xmin = fXmin; xmax = fXmax; }
300 // set nbins (must be used in combination with precision )
301 // the curve will evaluate 2 * nbins if precision is > 1
302 int prevBins = myarg->getBins();
303 myarg->setBins(fNPoints);
305 // want to set range on frame not function
306 frame = myarg->frame(xmin,xmax,nPoints);
307 // for ycutoff line
308 x1= xmin;
309 x2=xmax;
310 frame->SetTitle(title);
311 frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("- log #lambda(%s)",myparam->GetName()));
312 // frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("- log profile likelihood ratio");
315 // plot
316 RooCmdArg cmd;
318 newProfile->plotOn(frame,cmd,RooFit::LineColor(fColor));
320 frame->SetMaximum(fMaximum);
321 frame->SetMinimum(0.);
323 myarg->setBins(prevBins);
324 fPlotObject = frame;
325 }
328 //myarg->setVal(xcont_max);
329 //const Double_t Yat_Xmax = newProfile->getVal();
332 TLine *Yline_cutoff = new TLine(x1,Yat_Xmax,x2,Yat_Xmax);
333 TLine *Yline_min = new TLine(xcont_min,0.,xcont_min,Yat_Xmax);
334 TLine *Yline_max = new TLine(xcont_max,0.,xcont_max,Yat_Xmax);
336 Yline_cutoff->SetLineColor(fLineColor);
337 Yline_min->SetLineColor(fLineColor);
338 Yline_max->SetLineColor(fLineColor);
340 if (!useRooPlot) {
341 // need to draw the line
342 Yline_cutoff->Draw();
343 Yline_min->Draw();
344 Yline_max->Draw();
345 }
346 else {
347 // add line in the RooPlot
348 frame->addObject(Yline_min);
349 frame->addObject(Yline_max);
350 frame->addObject(Yline_cutoff);
351 frame->Draw(opt);
352 }
355 return;
356 }
358 // case of 2 dimensions
360 else if(fNdimPlot == 2){
362 //2D drawing options
364 // use Minuit for drawing the contours of the PL (default case)
365 bool useMinuit = !opt.Contains("nominuit");
366 // plot histogram in 2D
367 bool plotHist = !opt.Contains("nohist");
368 opt.ReplaceAll("nominuit","");
369 opt.ReplaceAll("nohist","");
370 if (opt.Contains("minuit") ) useMinuit= true;
371 if (useMinuit) plotHist = false; // switch off hist by default in case of Minuit
372 if (opt.Contains("hist") ) plotHist= true;
373 opt.ReplaceAll("minuit","");
374 opt.ReplaceAll("hist","");
376 RooRealVar *myparamY = (RooRealVar*)it.Next();
378 Double_t cont_level = ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile(fInterval->ConfidenceLevel(),fNdimPlot); // level for -2log LR
379 cont_level = cont_level/2; // since we are plotting -log LR
381 RooArgList params(*newProfile->getVariables());
382 // set values and error for the POI to the best fit values
383 for (int i = 0; i < params.getSize(); ++i) {
384 RooRealVar & par = (RooRealVar &) params[i];
385 RooRealVar * fitPar = (RooRealVar *) (fInterval->GetBestFitParameters()->find(par.GetName() ) );
386 if (fitPar) {
387 par.setVal( fitPar->getVal() );
388 }
389 }
390 // do a profile evaluation to start from the best fit values of parameters
391 newProfile->getVal();
393 if (title.Length() == 0)
394 title = TString("Contour of ") + TString(myparamY->GetName() ) + TString(" vs ") + TString(myparam->GetName() );
395 // add also labels
396 title = TString::Format("%s;%s;%s",title.Data(),myparam->GetName(),myparamY->GetName());
398 if (nPoints <=0) nPoints = 40; // default in 2D
400 double xmin = myparam->getMin(); double xmax = myparam->getMax();
401 double ymin = myparamY->getMin(); double ymax = myparamY->getMax();
402 if (fXmin < fXmax) { xmin = fXmin; xmax = fXmax; }
403 if (fYmin < fYmax) { ymin = fYmin; ymax = fYmax; }
406 if (!useMinuit || plotHist) {
408 // find contour from a scanned histogram of points
410 // draw directly the TH2 from the profile LL
411 TString histName = TString::Format("_hist2D__%s_%s",myparam->GetName(),myparamY->GetName() );
412 int nBins = int( std::sqrt(double(nPoints)) + 0.5 );
413 TH2* hist2D = new TH2D(histName, title, nBins, xmin, xmax, nBins, ymin, ymax );
414 newProfile->fillHistogram(hist2D, RooArgList(*myparam,*myparamY), 1, 0, false, 0, false);
416 hist2D->SetTitle(title);
417 hist2D->SetStats(kFALSE);
419 //need many color levels for drawing with option colz
420 if (plotHist) {
422 const int nLevels = 51;
423 double contLevels[nLevels];
424 contLevels[0] = 0.01;
425 double maxVal = (fMaximum > 0) ? fMaximum : hist2D->GetMaximum();
426 for (int k = 1; k < nLevels; ++k) {
427 contLevels[k] = k*maxVal/double(nLevels-1);
428 }
429 hist2D->SetContour(nLevels,contLevels);
431 if (fMaximum>0) hist2D->SetMaximum(fMaximum);
433 hist2D->DrawClone("COLZ");
434 }
437 //need now less contours for drawing with option cont
439 const int nLevels = 8;
440 double contLevels[nLevels];
441 // last 3 are the 3,4,5 sigma levels
442 double confLevels[nLevels] = { 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.683,0.95,0.9973,0.9999366575,0.9999994267};
443 for (int k = 0; k < nLevels; ++k) {
444 //contLevels[k] = 0.5*ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile(1.-2.*ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(nSigmaLevels[k],1),2);
445 contLevels[k] = 0.5*ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile(confLevels[k],2);
446 }
447 hist2D->SetContour(nLevels,contLevels);
448 if (fLineColor) hist2D->SetLineColor(fLineColor);
450 // default options for drawing a second histogram
451 TString tmpOpt = opt;
452 tmpOpt.ReplaceAll("same","");
453 if (tmpOpt.Length() < 3) opt += "cont3";
454 // if histo is plotted draw on top
455 if (plotHist) opt += TString(" same");
456 hist2D->Draw(opt.Data());
457 gPad->Update();
459 // case of plotting contours without minuit
460 if (!useMinuit) {
462 // set levels of contours if make contours without minuit
463 TH2 * h = (TH2*) hist2D->Clone();
464 h->SetContour(1,&cont_level);
466 TVirtualPad * currentPad = gPad;
467 // o a temporary draw to get the contour graph
468 TCanvas * tmpCanvas = new TCanvas("tmpCanvas","tmpCanvas");
469 h->Draw("CONT LIST");
470 gPad->Update();
472 // get graphs from the contours
473 TObjArray *contoursOrig = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours");
475 TObjArray *contours = 0;
476 if (contoursOrig) contours = (TObjArray*) contoursOrig->Clone();
478 delete tmpCanvas;
479 delete h;
480 gPad = currentPad;
483 // in case of option CONT4 I need to re-make the Pad
484 if (tmpOpt.Contains("cont4")) {
485 Double_t bm = gPad->GetBottomMargin();
486 Double_t lm = gPad->GetLeftMargin();
487 Double_t rm = gPad->GetRightMargin();
488 Double_t tm = gPad->GetTopMargin();
489 Double_t x1 = hist2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
490 Double_t y1 = hist2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
491 Double_t x2 = hist2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
492 Double_t y2 = hist2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
494 TPad *null=new TPad("null","null",0,0,1,1);
495 null->SetFillStyle(0);
496 null->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
497 null->Draw();
498 null->cd();
499 null->Range(x1-(x2-x1)*(lm/(1-rm-lm)),
500 y1-(y2-y1)*(bm/(1-tm-lm)),
501 x2+(x2-x1)*(rm/(1-rm-lm)),
502 y2+(y2-y1)*(tm/(1-tm-lm)));
504 gPad->Update();
505 }
508 if (contours) {
509 int ncontours = contours->GetSize();
510 for (int icont = 0; icont < ncontours; ++icont) {
511 TList * contourList = (TList*)contours->At(icont);
512 if (contourList && contourList->GetSize() > 0) {
513 TIterator * itgr = contourList->MakeIterator();
514 TGraph * gr = 0;
515 while( (gr = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(itgr->Next()) ) ){
518 gr->SetLineWidth(3);
519 if (fColor) {
521 gr->Draw("FL");
522 }
523 else
524 gr->Draw("L");
525 }
526 delete itgr;
527 }
528 }
529 }
530 else {
531 ccoutE(InputArguments) << "LikelihoodIntervalPlot::Draw(" << GetName()
532 << ") ERROR: no contours found in ListOfSpecial" << std::endl;
533 }
535 fPlotObject = hist2D;
537 }
538 }
539 if (useMinuit) {
541 // find contours using Minuit
542 TGraph * gr = new TGraph(nPoints+1);
544 int ncp = fInterval->GetContourPoints(*myparam, *myparamY, gr->GetX(), gr->GetY(),nPoints);
546 if (int(ncp) < nPoints) {
547 std::cout << "Warning - Less points calculated in contours np = " << ncp << " / " << nPoints << std::endl;
548 for (int i = ncp; i < nPoints; ++i) gr->RemovePoint(i);
549 }
550 // add last point to same as first one to close the contour
551 gr->SetPoint(ncp, gr->GetX()[0], gr->GetY()[0] );
552 if (!opt.Contains("c")) opt.Append("L"); // use by default option L if C is not specified
553 // draw first a dummy 2d histogram gfor the axis
554 if (!opt.Contains("same") && !plotHist) {
556 TH2F* hist2D = new TH2F("_hist2D",title, nPoints, xmin, xmax, nPoints, ymin, ymax );
557 hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(myparam->GetName());
558 hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(myparamY->GetName());
559 hist2D->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); // do not draw statistics
560 hist2D->SetFillStyle(fFillStyle);
561 hist2D->SetMaximum(1); // to avoid problem with subsequents draws
562 hist2D->Draw("AXIS");
563 }
565 if (fColor) {
566 // draw contour as filled area (add option "F")
568 opt.Append("F");
569 }
570 gr->SetLineWidth(3);
571 if (opt.Contains("same")) gr->SetFillStyle(fFillStyle); // put transparent
572 gr->Draw(opt);
573 TString name = TString("Graph_of_") + TString(fInterval->GetName());
574 gr->SetName(name);
576 if (!fPlotObject) fPlotObject = gr;
577 else if (fPlotObject->IsA() != TH2D::Class() ) fPlotObject = gr;
579 }
581 // draw also the minimum
582 const RooArgSet * bestFitParams = fInterval->GetBestFitParameters();
583 if (bestFitParams) {
584 TGraph * gr0 = new TGraph(1);
585 double x0 = bestFitParams->getRealValue(myparam->GetName());
586 double y0 = bestFitParams->getRealValue(myparamY->GetName());
587 gr0->SetPoint(0,x0,y0);
588 gr0->SetMarkerStyle(33);
589 if (fColor) {
590 if (fColor != kBlack) gr0->SetMarkerColor(fColor+4);
591 else gr0->SetMarkerColor(kGray);
592 }
593 gr0->Draw("P");
594 delete bestFitParams;
595 }
599 }
601 // need to delete if a new profileLL was made
602 if (newProfile != oldProfile) delete newProfile;
604 return;
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
#define h(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:106
static const double x2[5]
static const double x1[5]
#define ccoutE(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:42
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:365
@ kGray
Definition: Rtypes.h:63
@ kBlack
Definition: Rtypes.h:63
@ kGreen
Definition: Rtypes.h:64
@ kBlue
Definition: Rtypes.h:64
@ kDashed
Definition: TAttLine.h:48
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
float xmin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
float ymin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
float xmax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
float ymax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
double sqrt(double)
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:415
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
#define gPad
Definition: TVirtualPad.h:286
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) an...
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:71
RooArgSet * getVariables(Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Return RooArgSet with all variables (tree leaf nodes of expresssion tree)
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:1917
Int_t getSize() const
Bool_t contains(const RooAbsArg &var) const
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
TIterator * createIterator(Bool_t dir=kIterForward) const R__SUGGEST_ALTERNATIVE("begin()
TIterator-style iteration over contained elements.
virtual Bool_t remove(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE)
Remove the specified argument from our list.
RooAbsArg * find(const char *name) const
Find object with given name in list.
virtual Double_t getMax(const char *name=0) const
Get maximum of currently defined range.
RooPlot * frame(const RooCmdArg &arg1, const RooCmdArg &arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg5=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg6=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg8=RooCmdArg::none()) const
Create a new RooPlot on the heap with a drawing frame initialized for this object,...
virtual Int_t getBins(const char *name=0) const
Get number of bins of currently defined range.
virtual Double_t getMin(const char *name=0) const
Get miniminum of currently defined range.
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:59
TH1 * fillHistogram(TH1 *hist, const RooArgList &plotVars, Double_t scaleFactor=1, const RooArgSet *projectedVars=0, Bool_t scaling=kTRUE, const RooArgSet *condObs=0, Bool_t setError=kTRUE) const
Fill the ROOT histogram 'hist' with values sampled from this function at the bin centers.
virtual RooPlot * plotOn(RooPlot *frame, const RooCmdArg &arg1=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg2=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg3=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg4=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg5=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg6=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg7=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg8=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg9=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg &arg10=RooCmdArg()) const
Plot (project) PDF on specified frame.
virtual RooAbsReal * createProfile(const RooArgSet &paramsOfInterest)
Create a RooProfileLL object that eliminates all nuisance parameters in the present function.
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:517
TF1 * asTF(const RooArgList &obs, const RooArgList &pars=RooArgList(), const RooArgSet &nset=RooArgSet()) const
Return a ROOT TF1,2,3 object bound to this RooAbsReal with given definition of observables and parame...
Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet *normalisationSet=nullptr) const
Evaluate object.
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:87
RooArgList is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition: RooArgList.h:21
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition: RooArgSet.h:28
Double_t getRealValue(const char *name, Double_t defVal=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) const
Get value of a RooAbsReal stored in set with given name.
Definition: RooArgSet.cxx:472
virtual TObject * clone(const char *newname) const
Definition: RooArgSet.h:84
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsCollection &col, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Add a collection of arguments to this collection by calling add() for each element in the source coll...
Definition: RooArgSet.h:88
RooCmdArg is a named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string point...
Definition: RooCmdArg.h:28
A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame.
Definition: RooPlot.h:44
void addObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *drawOptions="", Bool_t invisible=kFALSE)
Add a generic object to this plot.
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:443
void SetTitle(const char *name)
Set the title of the RooPlot to 'title'.
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:1258
virtual void SetMinimum(Double_t minimum=-1111)
Set minimum value of Y axis.
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:1112
TAxis * GetYaxis() const
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:1277
virtual void SetMaximum(Double_t maximum=-1111)
Set maximum value of Y axis.
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:1102
virtual void Draw(Option_t *options=0)
Draw this plot and all of the elements it contains.
Definition: RooPlot.cxx:712
Class RooProfileLL implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of para...
Definition: RooProfileLL.h:26
RooAbsReal & nll()
Definition: RooProfileLL.h:39
RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside.
Definition: RooRealVar.h:35
void setBins(Int_t nBins, const char *name=0)
Create a uniform binning under name 'name' for this variable.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:430
virtual void setVal(Double_t value)
Set value of variable to 'value'.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:278
This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a LikelihoodInterval object.
Double_t fMaximum
number of points used to scan the PL
virtual ~LikelihoodIntervalPlot()
Destructor of SamplingDistribution.
Int_t fNdimPlot
line color for the interval (1D) or for other contours (2D)
void SetPlotParameters(const RooArgSet *params)
Style_t fFillStyle
color for the contour (for 2D) or function (in 1D)
LikelihoodIntervalPlot default constructor with default parameters.
void Draw(const Option_t *options=0)
draw the likelihood interval or contour for the 1D case a RooPlot is drawn by default of the profiled...
LikelihoodInterval * fInterval
RooCurve precision.
void SetLikelihoodInterval(LikelihoodInterval *theInterval)
Color_t fLineColor
fill style for contours
LikelihoodInterval is a concrete implementation of the RooStats::ConfInterval interface.
virtual RooArgSet * GetParameters() const
return a cloned list of parameters of interest. User manages the return object
Double_t LowerLimit(const RooRealVar &param)
return the lower bound of the interval on a given parameter
Int_t GetContourPoints(const RooRealVar &paramX, const RooRealVar &paramY, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Int_t npoints=30)
return the 2D-contour points for the given subset of parameters by default make the contour using 30 ...
virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const
return confidence level
RooAbsReal * GetLikelihoodRatio()
return the profile log-likelihood ratio function
Double_t UpperLimit(const RooRealVar &param)
return the upper bound of the interval on a given parameter
const RooArgSet * GetBestFitParameters() const
return a pointer to a snapshot with best fit parameter of interest
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition: TAttFill.h:37
virtual void SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle)
Set the fill area style.
Definition: TAttFill.h:39
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
Set the line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:42
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:43
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:40
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t mcolor=1)
Set the marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:38
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:40
Double_t GetXmax() const
Definition: TAxis.h:134
Double_t GetXmin() const
Definition: TAxis.h:133
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
virtual TObject * Clone(const char *newname="") const
Make a clone of an collection using the Streamer facility.
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Return the capacity of the collection, i.e.
Definition: TCollection.h:182
1-Dim function class
Definition: TF1.h:211
virtual TH1 * GetHistogram() const
Return a pointer to the histogram used to visualise the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:1564
TAxis * GetYaxis() const
Get y axis of the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:2393
virtual void SetMaximum(Double_t maximum=-1111)
Set the maximum value along Y for this function In case the function is already drawn,...
Definition: TF1.cxx:3393
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set function title if title has the form "fffffff;xxxx;yyyy", it is assumed that the function title i...
Definition: TF1.cxx:3548
virtual void SetRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
Initialize the upper and lower bounds to draw the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:3518
virtual void SetNpx(Int_t npx=100)
Set the number of points used to draw the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:3432
virtual Double_t GetX(Double_t y, Double_t xmin=0, Double_t xmax=0, Double_t epsilon=1.E-10, Int_t maxiter=100, Bool_t logx=false) const
Returns the X value corresponding to the function value fy for (xmin<x<xmax).
Definition: TF1.cxx:1843
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this function with its current attributes.
Definition: TF1.cxx:1317
TAxis * GetXaxis() const
Get x axis of the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:2382
A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each.
Definition: TGraph.h:41
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
Set x and y values for point number i.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2257
Double_t * GetY() const
Definition: TGraph.h:131
virtual void SetName(const char *name="")
Set graph name.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2296
virtual void Draw(Option_t *chopt="")
Draw this graph with its current attributes.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:753
Double_t * GetX() const
Definition: TGraph.h:130
virtual Int_t RemovePoint()
Delete point close to the mouse position.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2075
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title)
See GetStatOverflows for more information.
Definition: TH1.cxx:6333
@ kNoStats
don't draw stats box
Definition: TH1.h:160
TAxis * GetXaxis()
Get the behaviour adopted by the object about the statoverflows. See EStatOverflows for more informat...
Definition: TH1.h:316
TObject * Clone(const char *newname=0) const
Make a complete copy of the underlying object.
Definition: TH1.cxx:2665
virtual Double_t GetMaximum(Double_t maxval=FLT_MAX) const
Return maximum value smaller than maxval of bins in the range, unless the value has been overridden b...
Definition: TH1.cxx:7994
virtual void SetMaximum(Double_t maximum=-1111)
Definition: TH1.h:394
TAxis * GetYaxis()
Definition: TH1.h:317
virtual void SetContour(Int_t nlevels, const Double_t *levels=0)
Set the number and values of contour levels.
Definition: TH1.cxx:7935
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this histogram with options.
Definition: TH1.cxx:2998
virtual void SetStats(Bool_t stats=kTRUE)
Set statistics option on/off.
Definition: TH1.cxx:8434
2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition: TH2.h:292
2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition: TH2.h:251
Service class for 2-Dim histogram classes.
Definition: TH2.h:30
TObject * Next()
Definition: TCollection.h:249
void Reset()
Definition: TCollection.h:252
Iterator abstract base class.
Definition: TIterator.h:30
virtual TObject * Next()=0
A simple line.
Definition: TLine.h:23
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
virtual TIterator * MakeIterator(Bool_t dir=kIterForward) const
Return a list iterator.
Definition: TList.cxx:719
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:164
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:140
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:48
virtual TObject * Clone(const char *newname="") const
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:74
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:37
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Definition: TObjArray.h:166
virtual TObject * DrawClone(Option_t *option="") const
Draw a clone of this object in the current selected pad for instance with: gROOT->SetSelectedPad(gPad...
Definition: TObject.cxx:219
void SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f.
Definition: TObject.cxx:694
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Default Draw method for all objects.
Definition: TObject.cxx:195
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
Definition: TPad.h:29
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
Ssiz_t Length() const
Definition: TString.h:405
void ToLower()
Change string to lower-case.
Definition: TString.cxx:1125
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
TString & ReplaceAll(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
Definition: TString.h:687
TString & Append(const char *cs)
Definition: TString.h:559
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2311
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:619
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Definition: TVirtualPad.h:50
double chisquared_quantile(double z, double r)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the distribution with degr...
TGraphErrors * gr
Definition: legend1.C:25
TF1 * f1
Definition: legend1.C:11
@ InputArguments
Definition: RooGlobalFunc.h:68
RooCmdArg Precision(Double_t prec)
RooCmdArg LineColor(Color_t color)
Namespace for the RooStats classes.
Definition: Asimov.h:20
null_t< F > null()