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clingwrapper.cxx File Reference
#include "capi.h"
#include "cpp_cppyy.h"
#include "callcontext.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassRef.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TCollection.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TEnum.h"
#include "TEnumConstant.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TException.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TFunctionTemplate.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TListOfDataMembers.h"
#include "TListOfEnums.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
#include <new>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
Include dependency graph for clingwrapper.cxx:


#define CPPYY_IMP_CALL(typecode, rtype)
#define FILL_COLL(type, filter)


typedef std::vector< TClassRefClassRefs_t
typedef std::vector< TGlobal * > GlobalVars_t
typedef std::map< std::string, ClassRefs_t::size_type > Name2ClassRefIndex_t
typedef CPyCppyy::Parameter Parameter


template<typename T >
static T CallT (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, Cppyy::TCppObject_t self, size_t nargs, void *args)
static void cond_add (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, const std::string &ns_scope, std::set< std::string > &cppnames, const char *name, bool nofilter=false)
static bool copy_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs, void **vargs)
static char * cppstring_to_cstring (const std::string &cppstr)
cppyy_type_t cppyy_actual_class (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t obj)
void cppyy_add_smartptr_type (const char *type_name)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_allocate (cppyy_type_t type)
voidcppyy_allocate_function_args (int nargs)
char * cppyy_base_name (cppyy_type_t type, int base_index)
ptrdiff_t cppyy_base_offset (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base, cppyy_object_t address, int direction)
unsigned char cppyy_call_b (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
char cppyy_call_c (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
double cppyy_call_d (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
float cppyy_call_f (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
short cppyy_call_h (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
int cppyy_call_i (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long cppyy_call_l (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long double cppyy_call_ld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long long cppyy_call_ll (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
double cppyy_call_nld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_call_o (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, cppyy_type_t result_type)
voidcppyy_call_r (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
char * cppyy_call_s (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, size_t *lsz)
void cppyy_call_v (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_charp2stdstring (const char *str, size_t sz)
int cppyy_compile (const char *code)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_construct (cppyy_type_t type)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_constructor (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_type_t klass, int nargs, void *args)
int cppyy_datamember_index (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
char * cppyy_datamember_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
intptr_t cppyy_datamember_offset (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
char * cppyy_datamember_type (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
void cppyy_deallocate (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_deallocate_function_args (void *args)
void cppyy_destruct (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_destructor (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_double2longdouble (double d, void *p)
int cppyy_exists_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
char * cppyy_final_name (cppyy_type_t type)
void cppyy_free (void *ptr)
cppyy_funcaddr_t cppyy_function_address (cppyy_method_t method)
size_t cppyy_function_arg_sizeof ()
size_t cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset ()
const char ** cppyy_get_all_cpp_names (cppyy_scope_t scope, size_t *count)
int cppyy_get_dimension_size (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata, int dimension)
cppyy_index_t cppyy_get_global_operator (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_scope_t lc, cppyy_scope_t rc, const char *op)
cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx)
cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name, const char *proto)
int cppyy_get_num_templated_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope)
cppyy_scope_t cppyy_get_scope (const char *scope_name)
char * cppyy_get_templated_method_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth)
cppyy_scope_tcppyy_get_using_namespaces (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_has_virtual_destructor (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_abstract (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_const_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata)
int cppyy_is_const_method (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_constructor (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_destructor (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_enum (const char *type_name)
int cppyy_is_enum_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata)
int cppyy_is_namespace (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_is_protecteddata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_protectedmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_publicdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_publicmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_smartptr (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_staticdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_staticmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_subtype (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base)
int cppyy_is_template (const char *template_name)
int cppyy_is_templated_constructor (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth)
RPY_EXTERN voidcppyy_load_dictionary (const char *lib_name)
double cppyy_longdouble2double (void *p)
char * cppyy_method_arg_default (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_arg_name (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_arg_type (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_full_name (cppyy_method_t method)
cppyy_index_tcppyy_method_indices_from_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
int cppyy_method_is_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx)
char * cppyy_method_mangled_name (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_name (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_method_num_args (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_prototype (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs)
int cppyy_method_req_args (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_result_type (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_signature (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs)
char * cppyy_method_signature_max (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs, int maxargs)
int cppyy_num_bases (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_num_datamembers (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_num_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope)
char * cppyy_resolve_enum (const char *enum_type)
char * cppyy_resolve_name (const char *cppitem_name)
char * cppyy_scoped_final_name (cppyy_type_t type)
size_t cppyy_size_of_klass (cppyy_type_t klass)
size_t cppyy_size_of_type (const char *type_name)
int cppyy_smartptr_info (const char *name, cppyy_type_t *raw, cppyy_method_t *deref)
const char * cppyy_stdstring2charp (cppyy_object_t ptr, size_t *lsz)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_stdstring2stdstring (cppyy_object_t ptr)
long long cppyy_strtoll (const char *str)
unsigned long long cppyy_strtoull (const char *str)
int cppyy_vectorbool_getitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx)
void cppyy_vectorbool_setitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx, int value)
static ClassRefs_t g_classrefs (1)
static TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t GetCallFunc (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method)
static TDataMemberGetDataMemberByIndex (TClassRef cr, int idata)
static bool is_missclassified_stl (const std::string &name)
static TFunctionm2f (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method)
static bool match_name (const std::string &tname, const std::string fname)
static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper (CallWrapper::DeclId_t fid, const std::string &n)
static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper (TFunction *f)
static std::string outer_no_template (const std::string &name)
static std::string outer_with_template (const std::string &name)
static void release_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs)
static TClassReftype_from_handle (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope)
static std::string type_remap (const std::string &n1, const std::string &n2)
static bool WrapperCall (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, size_t nargs, void *args_, void *self, void *result)


static std::set< std::string > g_builtins
static GlobalVars_t g_globalvars
static Name2ClassRefIndex_t g_name2classrefidx
static bool gEnableFastPath = true
static std::set< std::string > gInitialNames
static const ClassRefs_t::size_type GLOBAL_HANDLE = 1
static std::map< TDictionary::DeclId_t, CallWrapper * > gMethodTemplates
static std::set< std::string > gRootSOs
static std::set< std::string > gSmartPtrTypes
static std::set< std::string > gSTLNames
static std::vector< CallWrapper * > gWrapperHolder
static std::map< std::string, std::string > resolved_enum_types
static std::map< Cppyy::TCppType_t, boolsHasOperatorDelete
const int SMALL_ARGS_N = 8
static const ClassRefs_t::size_type STD_HANDLE = GLOBAL_HANDLE + 1

Macro Definition Documentation


catch (std::exception& e) { \
cppyy_exctype_t* etype = (cppyy_exctype_t*)((Parameter*)args+nargs); \
*etype = (cppyy_exctype_t)2; \
*((char**)(etype+1)) = cppstring_to_cstring(e.what()); \
} \
catch (...) { \
cppyy_exctype_t* etype = (cppyy_exctype_t*)((Parameter*)args+nargs); \
*etype = (cppyy_exctype_t)1; \
*((char**)(etype+1)) = \
cppstring_to_cstring("unhandled, unknown C++ exception"); \
#define e(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:103
unsigned long cppyy_exctype_t
Definition capi.h:20
static char * cppstring_to_cstring(const std::string &cppstr)

Definition at line 2174 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


#define CPPYY_IMP_CALL (   typecode,
rtype Cppyy::Call##typecode(TCppMethod_t method, TCppObject_t self, size_t nargs, void* args)\
{ \
return CallT<rtype>(method, self, nargs, args); \

Definition at line 821 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


#define FILL_COLL (   type,
{ \
TIter itr{coll}; \
type* obj = nullptr; \
while ((obj = (type*)itr.Next())) { \
const char* nm = obj->GetName(); \
if (nm && nm[0] != '_' && !(obj->Property() & (filter))) { \
if (gInitialNames.find(nm) == gInitialNames.end()) \
cppnames.insert(nm); \
int type
Definition TGX11.cxx:121
static std::set< std::string > gInitialNames

Definition at line 991 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ClassRefs_t

typedef std::vector<TClassRef> ClassRefs_t

Definition at line 56 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ GlobalVars_t

typedef std::vector<TGlobal*> GlobalVars_t

Definition at line 110 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ Name2ClassRefIndex_t

typedef std::map<std::string, ClassRefs_t::size_type> Name2ClassRefIndex_t

Definition at line 61 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ Parameter

Definition at line 48 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ CallT()

template<typename T >
static T CallT ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method,
Cppyy::TCppObject_t  self,
size_t  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 813 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cond_add()

static void cond_add ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
const std::string &  ns_scope,
std::set< std::string > &  cppnames,
const char *  name,
bool  nofilter = false 

Definition at line 1002 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ copy_args()

static bool copy_args ( Parameter args,
size_t  nargs,
void **  vargs 

Definition at line 735 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppstring_to_cstring()

static char * cppstring_to_cstring ( const std::string &  cppstr)

Definition at line 344 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_actual_class()

cppyy_type_t cppyy_actual_class ( cppyy_type_t  klass,
cppyy_object_t  obj 

Definition at line 2138 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_add_smartptr_type()

void cppyy_add_smartptr_type ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2401 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_allocate()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_allocate ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2152 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_allocate_function_args()

void * cppyy_allocate_function_args ( int  nargs)

Definition at line 2301 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_base_name()

char * cppyy_base_name ( cppyy_type_t  type,
int  base_index 

Definition at line 2385 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_base_offset()

ptrdiff_t cppyy_base_offset ( cppyy_type_t  derived,
cppyy_type_t  base,
cppyy_object_t  address,
int  direction 

Definition at line 2407 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_b()

unsigned char cppyy_call_b ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2193 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_c()

char cppyy_call_c ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2200 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_d()

double cppyy_call_d ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2242 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_f()

float cppyy_call_f ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2235 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_h()

short cppyy_call_h ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2207 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_i()

int cppyy_call_i ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2214 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_l()

long cppyy_call_l ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2221 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_ld()

long double cppyy_call_ld ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2249 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_ll()

long long cppyy_call_ll ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2228 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_nld()

double cppyy_call_nld ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2256 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_o()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_call_o ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args,
cppyy_type_t  result_type 

Definition at line 2287 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_r()

void * cppyy_call_r ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2260 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_s()

char * cppyy_call_s ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args,
size_t *  lsz 

Definition at line 2267 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_v()

void cppyy_call_v ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2187 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_charp2stdstring()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_charp2stdstring ( const char *  str,
size_t  sz 

Definition at line 2620 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_compile()

int cppyy_compile ( const char *  code)

Definition at line 2120 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_construct()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_construct ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2160 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_constructor()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_constructor ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_type_t  klass,
int  nargs,
void args 

Definition at line 2275 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_index()

int cppyy_datamember_index ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2555 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_name()

char * cppyy_datamember_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2543 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_offset()

intptr_t cppyy_datamember_offset ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2551 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_type()

char * cppyy_datamember_type ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2547 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_deallocate()

void cppyy_deallocate ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2156 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_deallocate_function_args()

void cppyy_deallocate_function_args ( void args)

Definition at line 2306 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_destruct()

void cppyy_destruct ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2164 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_destructor()

void cppyy_destructor ( cppyy_type_t  klass,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2283 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_double2longdouble()

void cppyy_double2longdouble ( double  d,
void p 

Definition at line 2637 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_exists_method_template()

int cppyy_exists_method_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2499 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_final_name()

char * cppyy_final_name ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2365 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_free()

void cppyy_free ( void ptr)

Definition at line 2616 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_address()

cppyy_funcaddr_t cppyy_function_address ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2295 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_arg_sizeof()

size_t cppyy_function_arg_sizeof ( )

Definition at line 2310 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset()

size_t cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset ( )

Definition at line 2314 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_all_cpp_names()

const char ** cppyy_get_all_cpp_names ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
size_t *  count 

Definition at line 2336 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_dimension_size()

int cppyy_get_dimension_size ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata,
int  dimension 

Definition at line 2582 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_global_operator()

cppyy_index_t cppyy_get_global_operator ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_scope_t  lc,
cppyy_scope_t  rc,
const char *  op 

Definition at line 2511 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_method()

cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idx 

Definition at line 2430 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_method_template()

cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name,
const char *  proto 

Definition at line 2507 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_num_templated_methods()

int cppyy_get_num_templated_methods ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2487 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_scope()

cppyy_scope_t cppyy_get_scope ( const char *  scope_name)

Definition at line 2134 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_templated_method_name()

char * cppyy_get_templated_method_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  imeth 

Definition at line 2491 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_using_namespaces()

cppyy_scope_t * cppyy_get_using_namespaces ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2351 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy()

int cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2377 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_has_virtual_destructor()

int cppyy_has_virtual_destructor ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2373 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_abstract()

int cppyy_is_abstract ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2328 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_const_data()

int cppyy_is_const_data ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata 

Definition at line 2574 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_const_method()

int cppyy_is_const_method ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2483 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_constructor()

int cppyy_is_constructor ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2525 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_destructor()

int cppyy_is_destructor ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2529 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_enum()

int cppyy_is_enum ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2332 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_enum_data()

int cppyy_is_enum_data ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata 

Definition at line 2578 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_namespace()

int cppyy_is_namespace ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2320 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_protecteddata()

int cppyy_is_protecteddata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2566 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_protectedmethod()

int cppyy_is_protectedmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2521 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_publicdata()

int cppyy_is_publicdata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2562 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_publicmethod()

int cppyy_is_publicmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2517 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_smartptr()

int cppyy_is_smartptr ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2393 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_staticdata()

int cppyy_is_staticdata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2570 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_staticmethod()

int cppyy_is_staticmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2533 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_subtype()

int cppyy_is_subtype ( cppyy_type_t  derived,
cppyy_type_t  base 

Definition at line 2389 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_template()

int cppyy_is_template ( const char *  template_name)

Definition at line 2324 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_templated_constructor()

int cppyy_is_templated_constructor ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  imeth 

Definition at line 2495 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_load_dictionary()

RPY_EXTERN void * cppyy_load_dictionary ( const char *  lib_name)

Definition at line 2589 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_longdouble2double()

double cppyy_longdouble2double ( void p)

Definition at line 2633 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_default()

char * cppyy_method_arg_default ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2466 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_name()

char * cppyy_method_arg_name ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2458 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_type()

char * cppyy_method_arg_type ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2462 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_full_name()

char * cppyy_method_full_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2438 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_indices_from_name()

cppyy_index_t * cppyy_method_indices_from_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2417 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_is_template()

int cppyy_method_is_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idx 

Definition at line 2503 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_mangled_name()

char * cppyy_method_mangled_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2442 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_name()

char * cppyy_method_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2434 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_num_args()

int cppyy_method_num_args ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2450 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_prototype()

char * cppyy_method_prototype ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs 

Definition at line 2478 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_req_args()

int cppyy_method_req_args ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2454 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_result_type()

char * cppyy_method_result_type ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2446 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_signature()

char * cppyy_method_signature ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs 

Definition at line 2470 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_signature_max()

char * cppyy_method_signature_max ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs,
int  maxargs 

Definition at line 2474 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_bases()

int cppyy_num_bases ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2381 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_datamembers()

int cppyy_num_datamembers ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2539 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_methods()

int cppyy_num_methods ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2413 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_resolve_enum()

char * cppyy_resolve_enum ( const char *  enum_type)

Definition at line 2130 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_resolve_name()

char * cppyy_resolve_name ( const char *  cppitem_name)

Definition at line 2126 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_scoped_final_name()

char * cppyy_scoped_final_name ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2369 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_size_of_klass()

size_t cppyy_size_of_klass ( cppyy_type_t  klass)

Definition at line 2142 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_size_of_type()

size_t cppyy_size_of_type ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2146 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_smartptr_info()

int cppyy_smartptr_info ( const char *  name,
cppyy_type_t raw,
cppyy_method_t deref 

Definition at line 2397 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_stdstring2charp()

const char * cppyy_stdstring2charp ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
size_t *  lsz 

Definition at line 2624 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_stdstring2stdstring()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_stdstring2stdstring ( cppyy_object_t  ptr)

Definition at line 2629 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_strtoll()

long long cppyy_strtoll ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 2605 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_strtoull()

unsigned long long cppyy_strtoull ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 2610 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_vectorbool_getitem()

int cppyy_vectorbool_getitem ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
int  idx 

Definition at line 2641 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_vectorbool_setitem()

void cppyy_vectorbool_setitem ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
int  idx,
int  value 

Definition at line 2645 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_classrefs()

static ClassRefs_t g_classrefs ( )

◆ GetCallFunc()

static TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t GetCallFunc ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method)

Definition at line 701 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ GetDataMemberByIndex()

static TDataMember * GetDataMemberByIndex ( TClassRef  cr,
int  idata 

Definition at line 1829 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ is_missclassified_stl()

static bool is_missclassified_stl ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 364 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ m2f()

static TFunction * m2f ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method)

Definition at line 334 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ match_name()

static bool match_name ( const std::string &  tname,
const std::string  fname 

Definition at line 352 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ new_CallWrapper() [1/2]

static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper ( CallWrapper::DeclId_t  fid,
const std::string &  n 

Definition at line 103 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ new_CallWrapper() [2/2]

static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper ( TFunction f)

Definition at line 96 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ outer_no_template()

static std::string outer_no_template ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 979 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ outer_with_template()

static std::string outer_with_template ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 953 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ release_args()

static void release_args ( Parameter args,
size_t  nargs 

Definition at line 757 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ type_from_handle()

static TClassRef & type_from_handle ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope)

Definition at line 327 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ type_remap()

static std::string type_remap ( const std::string &  n1,
const std::string &  n2 

Definition at line 1718 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ WrapperCall()

static bool WrapperCall ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method,
size_t  nargs,
void args_,
void self,
void result 

Definition at line 764 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ g_builtins

std::set<std::string> g_builtins
Initial value:
{"bool", "char", "signed char", "unsigned char", "wchar_t", "short", "unsigned short",
"int", "unsigned int", "long", "unsigned long", "long long", "unsigned long long",
"float", "double", "long double", "void",
"allocator", "array", "basic_string", "complex", "initializer_list", "less", "list",
"map", "pair", "set", "vector"}

Definition at line 121 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_globalvars

GlobalVars_t g_globalvars

Definition at line 111 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_name2classrefidx

Name2ClassRefIndex_t g_name2classrefidx

Definition at line 62 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gEnableFastPath

bool gEnableFastPath = true

Definition at line 138 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gInitialNames

std::set<std::string> gInitialNames

Definition at line 134 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const ClassRefs_t::size_type GLOBAL_HANDLE = 1

Definition at line 58 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gMethodTemplates

std::map<TDictionary::DeclId_t, CallWrapper*> gMethodTemplates

Definition at line 1633 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gRootSOs

std::set<std::string> gRootSOs

Definition at line 135 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gSmartPtrTypes

std::set<std::string> gSmartPtrTypes
Initial value:
{"auto_ptr", "std::auto_ptr", "shared_ptr", "std::shared_ptr",
"unique_ptr", "std::unique_ptr", "weak_ptr", "std::weak_ptr"}

Definition at line 129 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gSTLNames

std::set<std::string> gSTLNames

Definition at line 113 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gWrapperHolder

std::vector<CallWrapper*> gWrapperHolder

Definition at line 95 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ resolved_enum_types

std::map<std::string, std::string> resolved_enum_types

Definition at line 443 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ sHasOperatorDelete

std::map<Cppyy::TCppType_t, bool> sHasOperatorDelete

Definition at line 679 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const int SMALL_ARGS_N = 8

Definition at line 53 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const ClassRefs_t::size_type STD_HANDLE = GLOBAL_HANDLE + 1

Definition at line 59 of file clingwrapper.cxx.