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clingwrapper.cxx File Reference
#include "capi.h"
#include "cpp_cppyy.h"
#include "callcontext.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassRef.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TCollection.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TEnum.h"
#include "TEnumConstant.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TException.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TFunctionTemplate.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TListOfDataMembers.h"
#include "TListOfEnums.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
#include <new>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
Include dependency graph for clingwrapper.cxx:


#define CPPYY_IMP_CALL(typecode, rtype)
#define FILL_COLL(type, filter)


typedef std::vector< TClassRefClassRefs_t
typedef std::vector< TGlobal * > GlobalVars_t
typedef std::map< std::string, ClassRefs_t::size_type > Name2ClassRefIndex_t
typedef CPyCppyy::Parameter Parameter


template<typename T >
static T CallT (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, Cppyy::TCppObject_t self, size_t nargs, void *args)
static void cond_add (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, const std::string &ns_scope, std::set< std::string > &cppnames, const char *name, bool nofilter=false)
static bool copy_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs, void **vargs)
static char * cppstring_to_cstring (const std::string &cppstr)
cppyy_type_t cppyy_actual_class (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t obj)
void cppyy_add_smartptr_type (const char *type_name)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_allocate (cppyy_type_t type)
void * cppyy_allocate_function_args (int nargs)
char * cppyy_base_name (cppyy_type_t type, int base_index)
ptrdiff_t cppyy_base_offset (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base, cppyy_object_t address, int direction)
unsigned char cppyy_call_b (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
char cppyy_call_c (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
double cppyy_call_d (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
float cppyy_call_f (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
short cppyy_call_h (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
int cppyy_call_i (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long cppyy_call_l (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long double cppyy_call_ld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
long long cppyy_call_ll (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
double cppyy_call_nld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_call_o (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, cppyy_type_t result_type)
void * cppyy_call_r (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
char * cppyy_call_s (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, size_t *lsz)
void cppyy_call_v (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_charp2stdstring (const char *str, size_t sz)
int cppyy_compile (const char *code)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_construct (cppyy_type_t type)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_constructor (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_type_t klass, int nargs, void *args)
int cppyy_datamember_index (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
char * cppyy_datamember_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
intptr_t cppyy_datamember_offset (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
char * cppyy_datamember_type (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index)
void cppyy_deallocate (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_deallocate_function_args (void *args)
void cppyy_destruct (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_destructor (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t self)
void cppyy_double2longdouble (double d, void *p)
int cppyy_exists_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
char * cppyy_final_name (cppyy_type_t type)
void cppyy_free (void *ptr)
cppyy_funcaddr_t cppyy_function_address (cppyy_method_t method)
size_t cppyy_function_arg_sizeof ()
size_t cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset ()
const char ** cppyy_get_all_cpp_names (cppyy_scope_t scope, size_t *count)
int cppyy_get_dimension_size (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata, int dimension)
cppyy_index_t cppyy_get_global_operator (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_scope_t lc, cppyy_scope_t rc, const char *op)
cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx)
cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name, const char *proto)
int cppyy_get_num_templated_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope)
cppyy_scope_t cppyy_get_scope (const char *scope_name)
char * cppyy_get_templated_method_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth)
cppyy_scope_tcppyy_get_using_namespaces (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_has_virtual_destructor (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_abstract (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_const_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata)
int cppyy_is_const_method (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_constructor (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_destructor (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_enum (const char *type_name)
int cppyy_is_enum_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata)
int cppyy_is_namespace (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_is_protecteddata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_protectedmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_publicdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_publicmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_smartptr (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_is_staticdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index)
int cppyy_is_staticmethod (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_is_subtype (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base)
int cppyy_is_template (const char *template_name)
int cppyy_is_templated_constructor (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth)
void * cppyy_load_dictionary (const char *lib_name)
double cppyy_longdouble2double (void *p)
char * cppyy_method_arg_default (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_arg_name (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_arg_type (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index)
char * cppyy_method_full_name (cppyy_method_t method)
cppyy_index_tcppyy_method_indices_from_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name)
int cppyy_method_is_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx)
char * cppyy_method_mangled_name (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_name (cppyy_method_t method)
int cppyy_method_num_args (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_prototype (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs)
int cppyy_method_req_args (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_result_type (cppyy_method_t method)
char * cppyy_method_signature (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs)
char * cppyy_method_signature_max (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs, int maxargs)
int cppyy_num_bases (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_num_bases_longest_branch (cppyy_type_t type)
int cppyy_num_datamembers (cppyy_scope_t scope)
int cppyy_num_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope)
char * cppyy_resolve_enum (const char *enum_type)
char * cppyy_resolve_name (const char *cppitem_name)
char * cppyy_scoped_final_name (cppyy_type_t type)
size_t cppyy_size_of_klass (cppyy_type_t klass)
size_t cppyy_size_of_type (const char *type_name)
int cppyy_smartptr_info (const char *name, cppyy_type_t *raw, cppyy_method_t *deref)
const char * cppyy_stdstring2charp (cppyy_object_t ptr, size_t *lsz)
cppyy_object_t cppyy_stdstring2stdstring (cppyy_object_t ptr)
long long cppyy_strtoll (const char *str)
unsigned long long cppyy_strtoull (const char *str)
int cppyy_vectorbool_getitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx)
void cppyy_vectorbool_setitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx, int value)
static ClassRefs_t g_classrefs (1)
static TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t GetCallFunc (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method)
static TDataMemberGetDataMemberByIndex (TClassRef cr, int idata)
Cppyy::TCppIndex_t GetLongestInheritancePath (TClass *klass)
 Retrieve number of base classes in the longest branch of the inheritance tree of the input class.
static bool is_missclassified_stl (const std::string &name)
static TFunctionm2f (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method)
static bool match_name (const std::string &tname, const std::string fname)
static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper (CallWrapper::DeclId_t fid, const std::string &n)
static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper (TFunction *f)
static std::string outer_no_template (const std::string &name)
static std::string outer_with_template (const std::string &name)
static void release_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs)
static TClassReftype_from_handle (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope)
static std::string type_remap (const std::string &n1, const std::string &n2)
static bool WrapperCall (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, size_t nargs, void *args_, void *self, void *result)


static std::set< std::string > g_builtins
static GlobalVars_t g_globalvars
static Name2ClassRefIndex_t g_name2classrefidx
static bool gEnableFastPath = true
static std::set< std::string > gInitialNames
static const ClassRefs_t::size_type GLOBAL_HANDLE = 1
static std::map< TDictionary::DeclId_t, CallWrapper * > gMethodTemplates
static std::set< std::string > gRootSOs
static std::set< std::string > gSmartPtrTypes
static std::set< std::string > gSTLNames
static std::vector< CallWrapper * > gWrapperHolder
static std::map< std::string, std::string > resolved_enum_types
static std::map< Cppyy::TCppType_t, boolsHasOperatorDelete
const int SMALL_ARGS_N = 8
static const ClassRefs_t::size_type STD_HANDLE = GLOBAL_HANDLE + 1

Macro Definition Documentation


catch (std::exception& e) { \
cppyy_exctype_t* etype = (cppyy_exctype_t*)((Parameter*)args+nargs); \
*etype = (cppyy_exctype_t)2; \
*((char**)(etype+1)) = cppstring_to_cstring(e.what()); \
} \
catch (...) { \
cppyy_exctype_t* etype = (cppyy_exctype_t*)((Parameter*)args+nargs); \
*etype = (cppyy_exctype_t)1; \
*((char**)(etype+1)) = \
cppstring_to_cstring("unhandled, unknown C++ exception"); \
#define e(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:103
unsigned long cppyy_exctype_t
Definition capi.h:20
static char * cppstring_to_cstring(const std::string &cppstr)

Definition at line 2248 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


#define CPPYY_IMP_CALL (   typecode,
rtype Cppyy::Call##typecode(TCppMethod_t method, TCppObject_t self, size_t nargs, void* args)\
{ \
return CallT<rtype>(method, self, nargs, args); \

Definition at line 817 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


#define FILL_COLL (   type,
{ \
TIter itr{coll}; \
type* obj = nullptr; \
while ((obj = (type*)itr.Next())) { \
const char* nm = obj->GetName(); \
if (nm && nm[0] != '_' && !(obj->Property() & (filter))) { \
if (gInitialNames.find(nm) == gInitialNames.end()) \
cppnames.insert(nm); \
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t type
static std::set< std::string > gInitialNames

Definition at line 988 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ClassRefs_t

typedef std::vector<TClassRef> ClassRefs_t

Definition at line 56 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ GlobalVars_t

typedef std::vector<TGlobal*> GlobalVars_t

Definition at line 110 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ Name2ClassRefIndex_t

typedef std::map<std::string, ClassRefs_t::size_type> Name2ClassRefIndex_t

Definition at line 61 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ Parameter

Definition at line 48 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ CallT()

template<typename T >
static T CallT ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method,
Cppyy::TCppObject_t  self,
size_t  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 809 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cond_add()

static void cond_add ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
const std::string &  ns_scope,
std::set< std::string > &  cppnames,
const char *  name,
bool  nofilter = false 

Definition at line 999 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ copy_args()

static bool copy_args ( Parameter args,
size_t  nargs,
void **  vargs 

Definition at line 731 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppstring_to_cstring()

static char * cppstring_to_cstring ( const std::string &  cppstr)

Definition at line 340 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_actual_class()

cppyy_type_t cppyy_actual_class ( cppyy_type_t  klass,
cppyy_object_t  obj 

Definition at line 2212 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_add_smartptr_type()

void cppyy_add_smartptr_type ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2479 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_allocate()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_allocate ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2226 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_allocate_function_args()

void * cppyy_allocate_function_args ( int  nargs)

Definition at line 2375 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_base_name()

char * cppyy_base_name ( cppyy_type_t  type,
int  base_index 

Definition at line 2463 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_base_offset()

ptrdiff_t cppyy_base_offset ( cppyy_type_t  derived,
cppyy_type_t  base,
cppyy_object_t  address,
int  direction 

Definition at line 2485 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_b()

unsigned char cppyy_call_b ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2267 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_c()

char cppyy_call_c ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2274 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_d()

double cppyy_call_d ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2316 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_f()

float cppyy_call_f ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2309 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_h()

short cppyy_call_h ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2281 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_i()

int cppyy_call_i ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2288 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_l()

long cppyy_call_l ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2295 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_ld()

long double cppyy_call_ld ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2323 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_ll()

long long cppyy_call_ll ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2302 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_nld()

double cppyy_call_nld ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2330 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_o()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_call_o ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args,
cppyy_type_t  result_type 

Definition at line 2361 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_r()

void * cppyy_call_r ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2334 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_s()

char * cppyy_call_s ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args,
size_t *  lsz 

Definition at line 2341 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_call_v()

void cppyy_call_v ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_object_t  self,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2261 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_charp2stdstring()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_charp2stdstring ( const char *  str,
size_t  sz 

Definition at line 2698 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_compile()

int cppyy_compile ( const char *  code)

Definition at line 2194 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_construct()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_construct ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2234 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_constructor()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_constructor ( cppyy_method_t  method,
cppyy_type_t  klass,
int  nargs,
void *  args 

Definition at line 2349 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_index()

int cppyy_datamember_index ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2633 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_name()

char * cppyy_datamember_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2621 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_offset()

intptr_t cppyy_datamember_offset ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2629 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_datamember_type()

char * cppyy_datamember_type ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
int  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2625 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_deallocate()

void cppyy_deallocate ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2230 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_deallocate_function_args()

void cppyy_deallocate_function_args ( void *  args)

Definition at line 2380 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_destruct()

void cppyy_destruct ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2238 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_destructor()

void cppyy_destructor ( cppyy_type_t  klass,
cppyy_object_t  self 

Definition at line 2357 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_double2longdouble()

void cppyy_double2longdouble ( double  d,
void *  p 

Definition at line 2715 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_exists_method_template()

int cppyy_exists_method_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2577 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_final_name()

char * cppyy_final_name ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2439 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_free()

void cppyy_free ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 2694 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_address()

cppyy_funcaddr_t cppyy_function_address ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2369 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_arg_sizeof()

size_t cppyy_function_arg_sizeof ( )

Definition at line 2384 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset()

size_t cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset ( )

Definition at line 2388 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_all_cpp_names()

const char ** cppyy_get_all_cpp_names ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
size_t *  count 

Definition at line 2410 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_dimension_size()

int cppyy_get_dimension_size ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata,
int  dimension 

Definition at line 2660 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_global_operator()

cppyy_index_t cppyy_get_global_operator ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_scope_t  lc,
cppyy_scope_t  rc,
const char *  op 

Definition at line 2589 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_method()

cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idx 

Definition at line 2508 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_method_template()

cppyy_method_t cppyy_get_method_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name,
const char *  proto 

Definition at line 2585 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_num_templated_methods()

int cppyy_get_num_templated_methods ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2565 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_scope()

cppyy_scope_t cppyy_get_scope ( const char *  scope_name)

Definition at line 2208 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_templated_method_name()

char * cppyy_get_templated_method_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  imeth 

Definition at line 2569 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_get_using_namespaces()

cppyy_scope_t * cppyy_get_using_namespaces ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2425 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy()

int cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2451 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_has_virtual_destructor()

int cppyy_has_virtual_destructor ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2447 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_abstract()

int cppyy_is_abstract ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2402 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_const_data()

int cppyy_is_const_data ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata 

Definition at line 2652 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_const_method()

int cppyy_is_const_method ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2561 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_constructor()

int cppyy_is_constructor ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2603 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_destructor()

int cppyy_is_destructor ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2607 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_enum()

int cppyy_is_enum ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2406 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_enum_data()

int cppyy_is_enum_data ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idata 

Definition at line 2656 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_namespace()

int cppyy_is_namespace ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2394 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_protecteddata()

int cppyy_is_protecteddata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2644 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_protectedmethod()

int cppyy_is_protectedmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2599 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_publicdata()

int cppyy_is_publicdata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2640 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_publicmethod()

int cppyy_is_publicmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2595 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_smartptr()

int cppyy_is_smartptr ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2471 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_staticdata()

int cppyy_is_staticdata ( cppyy_type_t  type,
cppyy_index_t  datamember_index 

Definition at line 2648 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_staticmethod()

int cppyy_is_staticmethod ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2611 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_subtype()

int cppyy_is_subtype ( cppyy_type_t  derived,
cppyy_type_t  base 

Definition at line 2467 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_template()

int cppyy_is_template ( const char *  template_name)

Definition at line 2398 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_is_templated_constructor()

int cppyy_is_templated_constructor ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  imeth 

Definition at line 2573 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_load_dictionary()

void * cppyy_load_dictionary ( const char *  lib_name)

Definition at line 2667 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_longdouble2double()

double cppyy_longdouble2double ( void *  p)

Definition at line 2711 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_default()

char * cppyy_method_arg_default ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2544 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_name()

char * cppyy_method_arg_name ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2536 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_arg_type()

char * cppyy_method_arg_type ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  arg_index 

Definition at line 2540 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_full_name()

char * cppyy_method_full_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2516 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_indices_from_name()

cppyy_index_t * cppyy_method_indices_from_name ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 2495 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_is_template()

int cppyy_method_is_template ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_index_t  idx 

Definition at line 2581 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_mangled_name()

char * cppyy_method_mangled_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2520 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_name()

char * cppyy_method_name ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2512 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_num_args()

int cppyy_method_num_args ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2528 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_prototype()

char * cppyy_method_prototype ( cppyy_scope_t  scope,
cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs 

Definition at line 2556 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_req_args()

int cppyy_method_req_args ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2532 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_result_type()

char * cppyy_method_result_type ( cppyy_method_t  method)

Definition at line 2524 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_signature()

char * cppyy_method_signature ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs 

Definition at line 2548 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_method_signature_max()

char * cppyy_method_signature_max ( cppyy_method_t  method,
int  show_formalargs,
int  maxargs 

Definition at line 2552 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_bases()

int cppyy_num_bases ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2455 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_bases_longest_branch()

int cppyy_num_bases_longest_branch ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2459 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_datamembers()

int cppyy_num_datamembers ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2617 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_num_methods()

int cppyy_num_methods ( cppyy_scope_t  scope)

Definition at line 2491 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_resolve_enum()

char * cppyy_resolve_enum ( const char *  enum_type)

Definition at line 2204 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_resolve_name()

char * cppyy_resolve_name ( const char *  cppitem_name)

Definition at line 2200 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_scoped_final_name()

char * cppyy_scoped_final_name ( cppyy_type_t  type)

Definition at line 2443 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_size_of_klass()

size_t cppyy_size_of_klass ( cppyy_type_t  klass)

Definition at line 2216 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_size_of_type()

size_t cppyy_size_of_type ( const char *  type_name)

Definition at line 2220 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_smartptr_info()

int cppyy_smartptr_info ( const char *  name,
cppyy_type_t raw,
cppyy_method_t deref 

Definition at line 2475 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_stdstring2charp()

const char * cppyy_stdstring2charp ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
size_t *  lsz 

Definition at line 2702 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_stdstring2stdstring()

cppyy_object_t cppyy_stdstring2stdstring ( cppyy_object_t  ptr)

Definition at line 2707 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_strtoll()

long long cppyy_strtoll ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 2683 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_strtoull()

unsigned long long cppyy_strtoull ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 2688 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_vectorbool_getitem()

int cppyy_vectorbool_getitem ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
int  idx 

Definition at line 2719 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ cppyy_vectorbool_setitem()

void cppyy_vectorbool_setitem ( cppyy_object_t  ptr,
int  idx,
int  value 

Definition at line 2723 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_classrefs()

static ClassRefs_t g_classrefs ( )

◆ GetCallFunc()

static TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t GetCallFunc ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method)

Definition at line 697 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ GetDataMemberByIndex()

static TDataMember * GetDataMemberByIndex ( TClassRef  cr,
int  idata 

Definition at line 1903 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ GetLongestInheritancePath()

Cppyy::TCppIndex_t GetLongestInheritancePath ( TClass klass)

Retrieve number of base classes in the longest branch of the inheritance tree of the input class.

[in]klassThe class to start the retrieval process from.

This is a helper function for Cppyy::GetNumBasesLongestBranch. Given an inheritance tree, the function assigns weight 1 to each class that has at least one base. Starting from the input class, the function is called recursively on all the bases. For each base the return value is one (the weight of the base itself) plus the maximum value retrieved for their bases in turn. For example, given the following inheritance tree:

class A {}; class B: public A {};
class X {}; class Y: public X {}; class Z: public Y {};
class C: public B, Z {};
constexpr Double_t C()
Velocity of light in .
Definition TMath.h:114

calling this function on an instance of C will return 3, the steps required to go from C to X.

Definition at line 1239 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ is_missclassified_stl()

static bool is_missclassified_stl ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 360 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ m2f()

static TFunction * m2f ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method)

Definition at line 330 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ match_name()

static bool match_name ( const std::string &  tname,
const std::string  fname 

Definition at line 348 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ new_CallWrapper() [1/2]

static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper ( CallWrapper::DeclId_t  fid,
const std::string &  n 

Definition at line 103 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ new_CallWrapper() [2/2]

static CallWrapper * new_CallWrapper ( TFunction f)

Definition at line 96 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ outer_no_template()

static std::string outer_no_template ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 976 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ outer_with_template()

static std::string outer_with_template ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 950 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ release_args()

static void release_args ( Parameter args,
size_t  nargs 

Definition at line 753 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ type_from_handle()

static TClassRef & type_from_handle ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope)

Definition at line 323 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ type_remap()

static std::string type_remap ( const std::string &  n1,
const std::string &  n2 

Definition at line 1792 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ WrapperCall()

static bool WrapperCall ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  method,
size_t  nargs,
void *  args_,
void *  self,
void *  result 

Definition at line 760 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ g_builtins

std::set<std::string> g_builtins
Initial value:
{"bool", "char", "signed char", "unsigned char", "wchar_t", "short", "unsigned short",
"int", "unsigned int", "long", "unsigned long", "long long", "unsigned long long",
"float", "double", "long double", "void",
"allocator", "array", "basic_string", "complex", "initializer_list", "less", "list",
"map", "pair", "set", "vector"}

Definition at line 121 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_globalvars

GlobalVars_t g_globalvars

Definition at line 111 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ g_name2classrefidx

Name2ClassRefIndex_t g_name2classrefidx

Definition at line 62 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gEnableFastPath

bool gEnableFastPath = true

Definition at line 138 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gInitialNames

std::set<std::string> gInitialNames

Definition at line 134 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const ClassRefs_t::size_type GLOBAL_HANDLE = 1

Definition at line 58 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gMethodTemplates

std::map<TDictionary::DeclId_t, CallWrapper*> gMethodTemplates

Definition at line 1707 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gRootSOs

std::set<std::string> gRootSOs

Definition at line 135 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gSmartPtrTypes

std::set<std::string> gSmartPtrTypes
Initial value:
{"auto_ptr", "std::auto_ptr", "shared_ptr", "std::shared_ptr",
"unique_ptr", "std::unique_ptr", "weak_ptr", "std::weak_ptr"}

Definition at line 129 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gSTLNames

std::set<std::string> gSTLNames

Definition at line 113 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ gWrapperHolder

std::vector<CallWrapper*> gWrapperHolder

Definition at line 95 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ resolved_enum_types

std::map<std::string, std::string> resolved_enum_types

Definition at line 439 of file clingwrapper.cxx.

◆ sHasOperatorDelete

std::map<Cppyy::TCppType_t, bool> sHasOperatorDelete

Definition at line 675 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const int SMALL_ARGS_N = 8

Definition at line 53 of file clingwrapper.cxx.


const ClassRefs_t::size_type STD_HANDLE = GLOBAL_HANDLE + 1

Definition at line 59 of file clingwrapper.cxx.