library: libMatrix
#include "TDecompBase.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.ps)

class TDecompBase : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:
    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

virtual const TMatrixDBase& GetDecompMatrix() const Int_t Hager(Double_t& est, Int_t iter = 5) void ResetStatus() public:
virtual ~TDecompBase() static TClass* Class() virtual Double_t Condition() virtual Bool_t Decompose() virtual void Det(Double_t& d1, Double_t& d2) static void DiagProd(const TVectorD& diag, Double_t tol, Double_t& d1, Double_t& d2) Int_t GetColLwb() const Double_t GetCondition() const Double_t GetDet1() const Double_t GetDet2() const virtual Int_t GetNcols() const virtual Int_t GetNrows() const Int_t GetRowLwb() const Double_t GetTol() const virtual void Invert(TMatrixD& inv) virtual TMatrixD Invert() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t MultiSolve(TMatrixD& B) virtual Bool_t MultiSolve(TMatrixDSym& B) TDecompBase& operator=(const TDecompBase& source) virtual void Print(Option_t* opt) const Double_t SetTol(Double_t tol) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual Bool_t Solve(TVectorD& b) virtual TVectorD Solve(const TVectorD& b, Bool_t& ok) virtual Bool_t Solve(TMatrixDColumn& b) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Bool_t TransSolve(TVectorD& b) virtual TVectorD TransSolve(const TVectorD& b, Bool_t& ok) virtual Bool_t TransSolve(TMatrixDColumn& b)

Data Members

Double_t fTol sqrt(epsilon); epsilon is smallest number number so that 1+epsilon > 1 Double_t fDet1 determinant mantissa Double_t fDet2 determinant exponent for powers of 2 Double_t fCondition matrix condition number Int_t fRowLwb Row lower bound of decomposed matrix Int_t fColLwb Column lower bound of decomposed matrix public:
static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kInit static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kPatternSet static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kValuesSet static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kMatrixSet static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kDecomposed static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kDetermined static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kCondition static const TDecompBase::EMatrixDecompStat kSingular static const enum TDecompBase:: kWorkMax

Class Description

 Decomposition Base class                                              
 This class forms the base for all the decompositions methods in the   
 linear algebra package .                                              
 It or its derived classes have installed the methods to solve         
 equations,invert matrices and calculate determinants while monitoring 
 the accuracy.                                                         
 When the constructor is called with a "const" matrix, the original    
 matrix "survives" (of course) . Some classes (LU) have also a non-    
 "const" constructor available . Here the original matrix is adopted   
 by the decomposition class (See Use in TMatrixDBase) to store the     
 decomposed matrix, thereby avoiding new memory allocation.            
 The decomposition (which is called by the constructor) fails when the 
 matrix is singular  or not positive-definite in case of Cholesky      
 This can be checked before applying the decomposition by checking the 
 matrix through GetDecompMatrix()                                      
 Each derived class has always the following methods available:        
 Condition() :                                                         
   In an iterative scheme the condition number for matrix inversion is 
   calculated . This number is of interest for estimating the accuracy 
   of x in the equation Ax=b                                           
   For example:                                                        
     A is a (10x10) Hilbert matrix which looks deceivingly innocent    
     and simple, A(i,j) = 1/(i+j+1)                                    
     b(i) = Sum_j A(i,j), so a sum of a row in A                       
     the solution is x(i) = 1. i=0,.,9                                 
     TMatrixD m....; TVectorD b.....                                   
     TDecompLU lu(m); lu.SetTol(1.0e-12); lu.Solve(b); b.Print()       
   Looking at the condition number, this is in line with expected the  
   accuracy . The condition number is 3.957e+12 . As a simple rule of  
   thumb, a condition number of 1.0e+n means that you lose up to n     
   digits of accuracy in a solution . Since doubles are stored with 15 
   digits, we can expect the accuracy to be as small as 3 digits .     
 Det(Double_t &d1,Double_t &d2)                                        
   The determinant is d1*TMath::Power(2.,d2)                           
   Expressing the determinant this way makes under/over-flow very      
   unlikely .                                                          
   Here the actually decomposition is performed . One can change the   
   matrix A after the decomposition constructor has been called        
   without effecting the decomposition result                          
 Solve(TVectorD &b)                                                    
  Solve A x = b . x is supplied through the argument and replaced with 
  the solution .                                                       
 TransSolve(TVectorD &b)                                               
  Solve A^T x = b . x is supplied through the argument and replaced    
  with the solution .                                                  
 MultiSolve(TMatrixD    &B)                                            
 MultiSolve(TMatrixDSym &B)                                            
  Solve A X = B . where X and are now matrices . X is supplied through 
  the argument and replaced with the solution .                        
 Invert(TMatrixD &inv)                                                 
  This is of course just a call to MultiSolve with as input argument   
  the unit matrix . Note that for a matrix a(m,n) with m > n  a        
  pseudo-inverse is calculated .                                       
 Tolerances and Scaling                                                
 The tolerance parameter (which is a member of this base class) plays  
 a crucial role in all operations of the decomposition classes . It    
 gives the user a powerful tool to monitor and steer the operations    
 Its default value is sqrt(epsilon) where 1+epsilon = 1                
 If you do not want to be bothered by the following considerations,    
 like in most other linear algebra packages, just set the tolerance    
 with SetTol to an arbitrary small number .                            
 The tolerance number is used by each decomposition method to decide   
 whether the matrix is near singular, except of course SVD which can   
 handle singular matrices .                                            
 For each decomposition this will be checked in a different way; in LU 
 the matrix is considered singular when, at some point in the          
 decomposition, a diagonal element < fTol . Therefore, we had to set in
 the example above of the (10x10) Hilbert, which is near singular, the 
 tolerance on 10e-12 . (The fact that we have to set the tolerance <   
 sqrt(epsilon) is a clear indication that we are losing precision .)   
 If the matrix is flagged as being singular, operations with the       
 decomposition will fail and will return matrices/vectors that are     
 invalid .                                                             
 The observant reader will notice that by scaling the complete matrix  
 by some small number the decomposition will detect a singular matrix .
 In this case the user will have to reduce the tolerance number by this
 factor . (For CPU time saving we decided not to make this an automatic
 procedure) .                                                          
 Code for this could look as follows:                                  
 const TMatrixD ab = Abs(a);                                           
 const Int_t imax = TMath::LocMax(ab.GetNoElements(),                  
 const Double_t max_abs = ab.GetMatrixArray()[imax];                   
 const Double_t scale = TMath::Min(max_abs,1.);                        
 For usage examples see $ROOTSYS/test/stressLinear.cxx                 

Int_t Hager(Double_t &est,Int_t iter)

void DiagProd(const TVectorD &diag,Double_t tol,Double_t &d1,Double_t &d2)

Double_t Condition()

Bool_t MultiSolve(TMatrixD &B)
 Solve set of equations with RHS in columns of B

Bool_t MultiSolve(TMatrixDSym &B)
 Solve set of equations with RHS in columns of B

void Invert(TMatrixD &inv)
 For a matrix A(m,n), its inverse A_inv is defined as A * A_inv = A_inv * A = unit
 The user should always supply a matrix of size (m x m) !
 If m > n , only the (n x m) part of the returned (pseudo inverse) matrix
 should be used .

TMatrixD Invert()
 For a matrix A(m,n), its inverse A_inv is defined as A * A_inv = A_inv * A = unit
 (n x m) Ainv is returned .

void Det(Double_t &d1,Double_t &d2)

void Print(Option_t * /*opt*/) const

Inline Functions

                       void ~TDecompBase()
                       void ResetStatus()
        const TMatrixDBase& GetDecompMatrix() const
                   Double_t GetTol() const
                   Double_t GetDet1() const
                   Double_t GetDet2() const
                   Double_t GetCondition() const
                      Int_t GetNrows() const
                      Int_t GetNcols() const
                      Int_t GetRowLwb() const
                      Int_t GetColLwb() const
                   Double_t SetTol(Double_t tol)
                     Bool_t Decompose()
                     Bool_t Solve(TVectorD& b)
                   TVectorD Solve(const TVectorD& b, Bool_t& ok)
                     Bool_t Solve(TMatrixDColumn& b)
                     Bool_t TransSolve(TVectorD& b)
                   TVectorD TransSolve(const TVectorD& b, Bool_t& ok)
                     Bool_t TransSolve(TMatrixDColumn& b)
               TDecompBase& operator=(const TDecompBase& source)
                    TClass* Class()
                    TClass* IsA() const
                       void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                       void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                       void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Last update: root/matrix:$Name: $:$Id: TDecompBase.cxx,v 1.14 2004/06/13 14:53:15 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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