// @(#)root/tmva $Id: MethodCFMlpANN.cxx,v 1.3 2006/05/23 19:35:06 brun Exp $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate Data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN                                                  *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation (see header for description)                               *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Xavier Prudent  <prudent@lapp.in2p3.fr>  - LAPP, France                   *
 *      Helge Voss      <Helge.Voss@cern.ch>     - MPI-KP Heidelberg, Germany     *
 *      Kai Voss        <Kai.Voss@cern.ch>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland,                                                        *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada,                                                   *
 *      MPI-KP Heidelberg, Germany,                                               *
 *      LAPP, Annecy, France                                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://mva.sourceforge.net/license.txt)                                       *
 *                                                                                *

// Begin_Html
  Interface to Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network 

  The CFMlpANN belong to the class of Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP), which are 
  feed-forward networks according to the following propagation schema:<br>
  <img vspace=10 src="gif/tmva_mlp.gif" align="bottom" alt="Schema for artificial neural network"> 
  The input layer contains as many neurons as input variables used in the MVA.
  The output layer contains two neurons for the signal and background
  event classes. In between the input and output layers are a variable number
  of <i>k</i> hidden layers with arbitrary numbers of neurons. (While the 
  structure of the input and output layers is determined by the problem, the 
  hidden layers can be configured by the user through the option string
  of the method booking.) <br>

  As indicated in the sketch, all neuron inputs to a layer are linear 
  combinations of the neuron output of the previous layer. The transfer
  from input to output within a neuron is performed by means of an "activation
  function". In general, the activation function of a neuron can be 
  zero (deactivated), one (linear), or non-linear. The above example uses
  a sigmoid activation function. The transfer function of the output layer
  is usually linear. As a consequence: an ANN without hidden layer should 
  give identical discrimination power as a linear discriminant analysis (Fisher).
  In case of one hidden layer, the ANN computes a linear combination of 
  sigmoid.  <br>

  The learning method used by the CFMlpANN is only stochastic.
// End_Html

#include "TMatrix.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <string>
#include "TMVA/MethodCFMlpANN.h"
#include "TMVA/MethodCFMlpANN_def.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"


// initialization of global variable
   namespace TMVA {
      Int_t MethodCFMlpANN_nsel = 0;

TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN* TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::fgThis = 0;

TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::MethodCFMlpANN( TString jobName, vector<TString>* theVariables,
                                      TTree* theTree, TString theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir  )
   : TMVA::MethodBase( jobName, theVariables, theTree, theOption, theTargetDir  )
   // standard constructor
   // option string: "n_training_cycles:n_hidden_layers"
   // default is:  n_training_cycles = 5000, n_layers = 4
   // * note that the number of hidden layers in the NN is:
   //   n_hidden_layers = n_layers - 2
   // * since there is one input and one output layer. The number of
   //   nodes (neurons) is predefined to be:
   //   n_nodes[i] = nvars + 1 - i (where i=1..n_layers)
   //   with nvars being the number of variables used in the NN.
   // Hence, the default case is: n_neurons(layer 1 (input)) : nvars
   //                             n_neurons(layer 2 (hidden)): nvars-1
   //                             n_neurons(layer 3 (hidden)): nvars-1
   //                             n_neurons(layer 4 (out))   : 2
   // This artificial neural network usually needs a relatively large
   // number of cycles to converge (8000 and more). Overtraining can
   // be efficienctly tested by comparing the signal and background
   // output of the NN for the events that were used for training and
   // an independent data sample (with equal properties). If the separation
   // performance is significantly better for the training sample, the
   // NN interprets statistical effects, and is hence overtrained. In
   // this case, the number of cycles should be reduced, or the size
   // of the training sample increased.

   if (fOptions.Sizeof()<2) {
      fOptions = "3000:N-1:N-2";
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": problems with options; using default: "
           << fOptions << endl;


   // parse the option string
   vector<Int_t>* nodes = ParseOptionString( fOptions, fNvar, new vector<Int_t> );

   // sanity check: exactly two numbers in string
   if (nodes->size() < 1) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: wrong number of arguments"
           << " in options string: " << fOptions
           << " | required format is: n_cycles:n_layers" << endl;
   fNcycles = (*nodes)[0];

   // total number of layers in ANN:
   // add 2 (input and output) layers to hidden layers
   fNlayers = 2 + (nodes->size() - 1);
   fNodes   = new Int_t[fNlayers]; // number of nodes per layer (all layers)

   fNodes[0]           = fNvar; // input layer
   fNodes[fNlayers-1] = 2;      // output layer
   for (Int_t i=1; i<fNlayers-1; i++) fNodes[i] = ((*nodes)[i] < 2) ? 2 : (*nodes)[i];

   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": use " << fNcycles << " training cycles" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": use configuration (nodes per layer): in:";
   for (Int_t i=0; i<fNlayers; i++) cout << fNodes[i] << ":";
   cout << "out" << endl;

   // note that one variable is type
   if (0 != fTrainingTree) {

      // trainingTree should only contain those variables that are used in the MVA
      if (fTrainingTree->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries() - 1 != fNvar) {
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: mismatch in number of variables"
              << " --> exit(1)" << endl;

      fNevt  = fTrainingTree->GetEntries();

      // Data LUT
      fData  = new TMatrix( fNevt, fNvar );
      fClass = new vector<Int_t>( fNevt );

      // count number of signal and background events
      fNsig = 0;
      fNbgd = 0;
      for (Int_t ievt = 0; ievt < fNevt; ievt++)
         if ((Int_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTrainingTree, ievt, "type" ) == 1)

      // numbers of events should match
      if (fNsig + fNbgd != fNevt) {
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: mismatch in number of events"
              << " --> exit(1)" << endl;

      // ---- fill LUTs

      Int_t isig = 0, ibgd = 0, ivar;
      for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<fNevt; ievt++) {

         // identify signal and background events
         if ((Int_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTrainingTree, ievt, "type" ) == 1) {
            (*fClass)[ievt] = 1;
         else {
            (*fClass)[ievt] = 2;

         // use normalized input Data
         for (ivar=0; ivar<fNvar; ivar++) {
            Double_t x = TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTrainingTree, ievt, (*fInputVars)[ivar] );
            (*fData)( ievt, ivar ) = __N__( x, GetXminNorm( ivar ), GetXmaxNorm( ivar ) );

      if (Verbose())
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: "
              << isig << " signal and " << ibgd << " background"
              << " events in trainingTree" << endl;
   else {
      fNevt = 0;
      fNsig = 0;
      fNbgd = 0;

   delete nodes;

TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::MethodCFMlpANN( vector<TString> *theVariables,
                                      TString theWeightFile,
                                      TDirectory* theTargetDir )
   : TMVA::MethodBase( theVariables, theWeightFile, theTargetDir )
   // construction from weight file

void TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::InitCFMlpANN( void )
   // default initialisation called by all constructors
   fMethodName = "CFMlpANN";
   fMethod     = TMVA::Types::CFMlpANN;
   fTestvar    = fTestvarPrefix+GetMethodName();

   // initialize all pointers
   fNodes    = 0;
   fNeuronNN = 0;
   fWNN      = 0;
   fWwNN     = 0;
   fYNN      = 0;
   fTempNN   = 0;
   fXmaxNN   = 0;
   fXminNN   = 0;
   fgThis    = this;

   fNevt     = 0;
   fNsig     = 0;
   fNbgd     = 0;

   // initialize dimensions
   TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_nsel = 0;

TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::~MethodCFMlpANN( void )
   // destructor
   delete fData;
   delete fClass;
   delete fNodes;

   delete [] fNeuronNN;
   delete [] fWNN;
   delete [] fWwNN;
   delete [] fYNN;
   delete [] fTempNN;

   delete [] fXmaxNN;
   delete [] fXminNN;

void TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::Train( void )
   // calls CFMlpANN training

   // default sanity checks
   if (!CheckSanity()) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::Train sanity check failed" << endl;

   Double_t* dumDat  = 0;
   Int_t* ntrain  = new Int_t(fNevt);
   Int_t* ntest   = new Int_t(0);
   Int_t* nvar    = new Int_t(fNvar);
   Int_t* nlayers = new Int_t(fNlayers);
   Int_t* nodes   = new Int_t[*nlayers];
   for (Int_t i=0; i<*nlayers; i++) nodes[i] = fNodes[i]; // full copy of class member
   Int_t* ncycles = new Int_t(fNcycles);

   // please check
#ifndef R__WIN32
   Train_nn( dumDat, dumDat, ntrain, ntest, nvar, nlayers, nodes, ncycles );
   printf("Sorry Train_nn is not yet implemented on Windows\n");
   delete nodes;
   delete ntrain;
   delete ntest;
   delete nvar;
   //  delete [] nodes; --> problem, should one solve :-)
   delete ncycles;
   delete nlayers;

Double_t TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::GetMvaValue( TMVA::Event *e )
   // returns CFMlpANN output (normalised within [0,1])
   Double_t myMVA = 0;
   Bool_t isOK = kTRUE;
   vector<Double_t>* inputVec = new vector<Double_t>( fNvar );

   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<fNvar; ivar++)
      (*inputVec)[ivar] = __N__( e->GetData(ivar), GetXminNorm( ivar ), GetXmaxNorm( ivar ) );

   myMVA = EvalANN( inputVec, isOK );
   if (!isOK) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Problem in ::EvalANN (!isOK) for event " << e
           << " ==> exit(1)"
           << endl;
   delete inputVec;
   return myMVA;

Double_t TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::EvalANN( vector<Double_t>* inVar, Bool_t& isOK )
   // evaluates NN value as function of input variables
   Double_t* xeev = new Double_t[fNvar];

   // hardcopy
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<fNvar; ivar++) xeev[ivar] = (*inVar)[ivar];

   // ---- now apply the weights: get NN output
   isOK = kTRUE;
   for (Int_t jvar=0; jvar<fNvar; jvar++) {

      if (fXmaxNN[jvar] < xeev[jvar]    ) xeev[jvar] = fXmaxNN[jvar];
      if (fXminNN[jvar] > xeev[jvar]    ) xeev[jvar] = fXminNN[jvar];
      if (fXmaxNN[jvar] == fXminNN[jvar]) {
         isOK = kFALSE;
         xeev[jvar] = 0;
      else {
         xeev[jvar] = xeev[jvar] - ((fXmaxNN[jvar] + fXminNN[jvar])/2);
         xeev[jvar] = xeev[jvar] / ((fXmaxNN[jvar] - fXminNN[jvar])/2);

   NN_ava( xeev );

   delete [] xeev;

   // return NN output, note: fYNN[..][0] = -fYNN[..][1]
   // transform to confine it within [0,1] (originally in [-1,1])
   return 0.5*(1.0 + fYNN[fLayermNN-1][0]);

void  TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::NN_ava( Double_t* xeev )
   // auxiliary functions
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<fNeuronNN[0]; ivar++) fYNN[0][ivar] = xeev[ivar];

   for (Int_t layer=0; layer<fLayermNN-1; layer++) {
      for (Int_t j=0; j<fNeuronNN[layer+1]; j++) {

         Double_t x( 0 );
         for (Int_t k=0; k<fNeuronNN[layer]; k++)
            x = x + fYNN[layer][k]*fWNN[layer+1][j][k];

         x = x + fWwNN[layer+1][j];
         fYNN[layer+1][j] = NN_fonc( layer+1, x );

Double_t TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::NN_fonc( Int_t i, Double_t u ) const
   // activation function
   Double_t f(0);

   if      (u/fTempNN[i] >  170) f = +1;
   else if (u/fTempNN[i] < -170) f = -1;
   else {
      Double_t yy = exp(-u/fTempNN[i]);
      f  = (1 - yy)/(1 + yy);

   return f;

void TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::WriteWeightsToFile( void )
   // write coefficients to file
   // not used; weights are saved in TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils

void TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromFile( void )
   // read weights and NN architecture from file
   TString fname = GetWeightFileName();
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": reading weight file: " << fname << endl;

   Bool_t isOK = kTRUE;

   // open file
   ifstream* fin = new ifstream( fname );

   if (!fin->good( )) { // file not found --> Error
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::ReadWeightsFromFile: "
           << "unable to open input file: " << fname << endl;
      isOK = kFALSE;
   else {

      // read variable names and min/max
      // NOTE: the latter values are mandatory for the normalisation
      // in the reader application !!!
      TString var;
      Double_t xmin, xmax;
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<fNvar; ivar++) {
         *fin >> var >> xmin >> xmax;

         // sanity check
         if (var != (*fInputVars)[ivar]) {
            cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error while reading weight file; "
                 << "unknown variable: " << var << " at position: " << ivar << ". "
                 << "Expected variable: " << (*fInputVars)[ivar] << " ==> abort" << endl;

         // set min/max
         this->SetXminNorm( ivar, xmin );
         this->SetXmaxNorm( ivar, xmax );

      // read number of variables and classes
      Int_t nva(0), lclass(0);
      *fin >> nva >> lclass;

      if (fNvar != nva) { // wrong file
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::ReadWeightsFromFile: "
              << "mismatch in number of variables" << endl;
      else {

         // number of output classes must be 2
         if (lclass != 2) { // wrong file
            cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::ReadWeightsFromFile: "
                 << "mismatch in number of classes" << endl;
         else {

            // check that we are not at the end of the file
            if (fin->eof( )) {
               cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::ReadWeightsFromFile: "
                    << "EOF while reading input file: " << fname << endl;
            else {

               fXmaxNN = new Double_t[fNvar];
               fXminNN = new Double_t[fNvar];

               // read extrema of input variables
               for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<fNvar; ivar++)
                  *fin >> fXmaxNN[ivar] >> fXminNN[ivar];

               // read number of layers (sum of: input + output + hidden)
               *fin >> fLayermNN;

               fNeuronNN = new Int_t     [fLayermNN];
               fWNN      = new Double_t**[fLayermNN];
               fWwNN     = new Double_t* [fLayermNN];
               fYNN      = new Double_t* [fLayermNN];
               fTempNN   = new Double_t  [fLayermNN];

               Int_t layer(0);
               for (layer=0; layer<fLayermNN; layer++) {

                  // read number of neurons for each layer
                  *fin >> fNeuronNN[layer];

                  Int_t neuN = fNeuronNN[layer];

                  fWNN [layer] = new Double_t*[neuN];
                  fWwNN[layer] = new Double_t [neuN];
                  fYNN [layer] = new Double_t [neuN];
                  if (layer > 0)
                     for (Int_t neu=0; neu<neuN; neu++)
                        fWNN[layer][neu] = new Double_t[fNeuronNN[layer-1]];

               // to read dummy lines
               const Int_t nchar( 100 );
               char* dumchar = new char[nchar];

               // read weights
               for (layer=0; layer<fLayermNN-1; layer++) {

                  Int_t nq = fNeuronNN[layer+1]/10;
                  Int_t nr = fNeuronNN[layer+1] - nq*10;

                  Int_t kk(0);
                  if (nr==0) kk = nq;
                  else       kk = nq+1;

                  for (Int_t k=0; k<kk; k++) {
                     Int_t jmin = 10*(k+1) - 10;
                     Int_t jmax = 10*(k+1) - 1;
                     if (fNeuronNN[layer+1]-1<jmax) jmax = fNeuronNN[layer+1]-1;
                     for (Int_t j=jmin; j<=jmax; j++) *fin >> fWwNN[layer+1][j];
                     for (Int_t i=0; i<fNeuronNN[layer]; i++)
                        for (Int_t l=jmin; l<=jmax; l++) *fin >> fWNN[layer+1][l][i];

                     // skip two empty lines
                     fin->getline( dumchar, nchar );
               for (layer=0; layer<fLayermNN; layer++) {

                  // skip 2 empty lines
                  fin->getline( dumchar, nchar );
                  fin->getline( dumchar, nchar );

                  *fin >> fTempNN[layer];

      // close input file
      fin->close( );

   delete fin;

   // sanity check
   if (fNvar != fNeuronNN[0]) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error in ::ReadWeightsFromFile: mismatch in zeroth layer:"
           << fNvar << " " << fNeuronNN[0] << " ==> exit(1)" << endl;

   if (!isOK) exit(1); // be brutal

Int_t TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::DataInterface( Double_t* /*tout2*/, Double_t*  /*tin2*/,
                                           Int_t* /* icode*/, Int_t*  /*flag*/,
                                           Int_t*  /*nalire*/, Int_t* nvar,
                                           Double_t* xpg, Int_t* iclass, Int_t* ikend )
   // data interface function

   // icode and ikend are dummies needed to match f2c mlpl3 functions
   *ikend = 0;

   // retrieve pointer to current object (CFMlpANN must be a singleton class!)
   TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN* opt = TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::This();

   // sanity checks
   if (0 == xpg) {
      cout << "*** ERROR in MethodCFMlpANN_DataInterface zero pointer xpg ==> exit(1)"
           << endl;
   if (*nvar != opt->GetNvar()) {
      cout << "*** ERROR in MethodCFMlpANN_DataInterface mismatch in num of variables: "
           << *nvar << " " << opt->GetNvar()
           << " ==> exit(1)"
           << endl;

   // fill variables
   *iclass = (int)opt->GetClass( TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_nsel );
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<opt->GetNvar(); ivar++)
      xpg[ivar] = (double)opt->GetData( TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_nsel, ivar );


   return 0;

void TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::WriteNNWeightsToFile( Int_t nva, Int_t lclass,
                                                 Double_t* xmaxNN, Double_t* xminNN,
                                                 Int_t layermNN, Int_t* neuronNN,
                                                 Double_t* wNN, Double_t* wwNN, Double_t* tempNN )
   // file interface function

#define w_ref(a_1,a_2,a_3) wNN [((a_3)*max_nNodes_ + (a_2))*max_nLayers_ + a_1 - 187]
#define ww_ref(a_1,a_2)    wwNN[(a_2)*max_nLayers_ + a_1 - 7]

   // retrieve pointer to current object (CFMlpANN must be a singleton class!)
   TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN* opt = TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::This();

   TString fname      = opt->GetWeightFileName();
   TString className  = "TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN";
   cout << "--- " << className << ": creating weight file: " << fname << endl;

   Bool_t isOK = kTRUE;

   // open file
   ofstream* fout = new ofstream( fname );

   if (!fout->good( )) { // file not found --> Error
      cout << "--- " << className << ": Error in ::WriteNNWeightsToFile: "
           << "unable to open input file: " << fname << endl;
      isOK = kFALSE;
   else {

      // write variable names and min/max
      // NOTE: the latter values are mandatory for the normalisation
      // in the reader application !!!
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<opt->GetNvar(); ivar++) {
         TString var = (*opt->GetInputVars())[ivar];
         *fout << var << "  " << opt->GetXminNorm( var ) << "  " << opt->GetXmaxNorm( var ) << endl;

      // write number of variables and classes
      *fout << nva << "    " << lclass << endl;

      // number of output classes must be 2
      if (lclass != 2) { // wrong file
         cout << "--- " << className << ": Error in ::WriteNNWeightsToFile: "
              << "mismatch in number of classes" << endl;
      else {

         // check that we are not at the end of the file
         if (fout->eof( )) {
            cout << "--- " << className << ": Error in ::WriteNNWeightsToFile: "
                 << "EOF while writing output file: " << fname << endl;
         else {

            // write extrema of input variables
            for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nva; ivar++)
               *fout << xmaxNN[ivar] << "   " << xminNN[ivar] << endl;

            // write number of layers (sum of: input + output + hidden)
            *fout << layermNN << endl;;

            Int_t layer(0);
            for (layer=0; layer<layermNN; layer++) {
               // write number of neurons for each layer
               *fout << neuronNN[layer] << "     ";
            *fout << endl;

            // write weights
            for (layer=1; layer<=layermNN-1; layer++) {

               Int_t nq = neuronNN[layer]/10;
               Int_t nr = neuronNN[layer] - nq*10;

               Int_t kk(0);
               if (nr==0) kk = nq;
               else       kk = nq+1;

               for (Int_t k=1; k<=kk; k++) {
                  Int_t jmin = 10*k - 9;
                  Int_t jmax = 10*k;
                  Int_t i, j;
                  if (neuronNN[layer]<jmax) jmax = neuronNN[layer];
                  for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; j++) *fout << ww_ref(layer + 1, j) << "   ";
                  *fout << endl;
                  for (i=1; i<=neuronNN[layer-1]; i++) {
                     for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; j++) *fout << w_ref(layer + 1, j, i) << "   ";
                     *fout << endl;

                  // skip two empty lines
                  *fout << endl << endl;
            for (layer=0; layer<layermNN; layer++) {

               // skip 2 empty lines
               *fout << endl << endl;
               *fout << tempNN[layer] << endl;

      // close input file

   delete fout;

   if (!isOK) exit(1); // be brutal

void  TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::WriteHistosToFile( void )
   // write special monitoring histograms to file - not implemented for CFMlpANN
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": write " << GetName()
        << " special histos to file: " << fBaseDir->GetPath() << endl;

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