#ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotPainter
#define ROOT_TGLPlotPainter
#include <vector>
#ifndef ROOT_TVirtualGL
#include "TVirtualGL.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotBox
#include "TGLPlotBox.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TPoint
#include "TPoint.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLUtil
#include "TGLUtil.h"
class TGLPlotCoordinates;
class TGLOrthoCamera;
class TString;
class TColor;
class TAxis;
class TH1;
class TGLBoxCut {
Double_t fXLength;
Double_t fYLength;
Double_t fZLength;
TGLVertex3 fCenter;
Rgl::Range_t fXRange;
Rgl::Range_t fYRange;
Rgl::Range_t fZRange;
const TGLPlotBox * const fPlotBox;
Bool_t fActive;
Double_t fFactor;
TPoint fMousePos;
TGLBoxCut(const TGLPlotBox *plotBox);
virtual ~TGLBoxCut();
void TurnOnOff();
Bool_t IsActive()const{return fActive;}
void SetFactor(Double_t f){fFactor = f;}
void DrawBox(Bool_t selectionPass, Int_t selected)const;
void StartMovement(Int_t px, Int_t py);
void MoveBox(Int_t px, Int_t py, Int_t axisID);
Bool_t IsInCut(Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)const;
void AdjustBox();
ClassDef(TGLBoxCut, 0)
class TGLPlotPainter : public TVirtualGLPainter {
Int_t fGLContext;
const TColor *fPadColor;
TH1 *fHist;
TAxis *fXAxis;
TAxis *fYAxis;
TAxis *fZAxis;
TGLPlotCoordinates *fCoord;
TGLOrthoCamera *fCamera;
TGLSelectionBuffer fSelection;
Bool_t fUpdateSelection;
Bool_t fSelectionPass;
Int_t fSelectedPart;
TPoint fMousePosition;
mutable Double_t fXOZSectionPos;
mutable Double_t fYOZSectionPos;
mutable Double_t fXOYSectionPos;
TGLPlotBox fBackBox;
TGLBoxCut fBoxCut;
std::vector<Double_t> fZLevels;
Bool_t fHighColor;
enum ESelectionBase{
kHighColorSelectionBase = 7,
kTrueColorSelectionBase = 10
ESelectionBase fSelectionBase;
TGLPlotPainter(TH1 *hist, TGLOrthoCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, Int_t context,
Bool_t xoySelectable, Bool_t xozSelectable, Bool_t yozSelectable);
virtual void Paint();
virtual Bool_t PlotSelected(Int_t px, Int_t py);
virtual Bool_t InitGeometry() = 0;
virtual void StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py) = 0;
virtual void AddOption(const TString &stringOption) = 0;
virtual void ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) = 0;
void SetGLContext(Int_t context);
void SetPadColor(const TColor *color);
virtual void SetFrameColor(const TColor *frameColor);
void InvalidateSelection();
enum ECutAxisID {
kXAxis = 7,
kYAxis = 8,
kZAxis = 9
Bool_t CutAxisSelected()const{return fSelectedPart <= kZAxis && fSelectedPart >= kXAxis;}
Int_t GetGLContext()const;
const TColor *GetPadColor()const;
Bool_t MakeGLContextCurrent()const;
void MoveSection(Int_t px, Int_t py);
void DrawSections()const;
virtual void DrawSectionXOZ()const = 0;
virtual void DrawSectionYOZ()const = 0;
virtual void DrawSectionXOY()const = 0;
virtual void InitGL()const = 0;
virtual void ClearBuffers()const = 0;
virtual void DrawPlot()const = 0;
void PrintPlot()const;
ClassDef(TGLPlotPainter, 0)
class TGLPlotCoordinates {
EGLCoordType fCoordType;
Rgl::BinRange_t fXBins;
Rgl::BinRange_t fYBins;
Rgl::BinRange_t fZBins;
Double_t fXScale;
Double_t fYScale;
Double_t fZScale;
Rgl::Range_t fXRange;
Rgl::Range_t fYRange;
Rgl::Range_t fZRange;
Rgl::Range_t fXRangeScaled;
Rgl::Range_t fYRangeScaled;
Rgl::Range_t fZRangeScaled;
Bool_t fXLog;
Bool_t fYLog;
Bool_t fZLog;
Bool_t fModified;
Double_t fFactor;
virtual ~TGLPlotCoordinates();
void SetCoordType(EGLCoordType type);
EGLCoordType GetCoordType()const;
void SetXLog(Bool_t xLog);
Bool_t GetXLog()const;
void SetYLog(Bool_t yLog);
Bool_t GetYLog()const;
void SetZLog(Bool_t zLog);
Bool_t GetZLog()const;
void ResetModified();
Bool_t Modified()const;
Bool_t SetRanges(const TH1 *hist, Bool_t errors = kFALSE, Bool_t zBins = kFALSE);
Int_t GetNXBins()const;
Int_t GetNYBins()const;
Int_t GetNZBins()const;
const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetXBins()const;
const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetYBins()const;
const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetZBins()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetXRange()const;
Double_t GetXLength()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetYRange()const;
Double_t GetYLength()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetZRange()const;
Double_t GetZLength()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetXRangeScaled()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetYRangeScaled()const;
const Rgl::Range_t &GetZRangeScaled()const;
Double_t GetXScale()const{return fXScale;}
Double_t GetYScale()const{return fYScale;}
Double_t GetZScale()const{return fZScale;}
Int_t GetFirstXBin()const{return fXBins.first;}
Int_t GetLastXBin()const{return fXBins.second;}
Int_t GetFirstYBin()const{return fYBins.first;}
Int_t GetLastYBin()const{return fYBins.second;}
Int_t GetFirstZBin()const{return fZBins.first;}
Int_t GetLastZBin()const{return fZBins.second;}
Double_t GetFactor()const;
Bool_t SetRangesCartesian(const TH1 *hist, Bool_t errors, Bool_t zBins);
Bool_t SetRangesPolar(const TH1 *hist);
Bool_t SetRangesCylindrical(const TH1 *hist);
Bool_t SetRangesSpherical(const TH1 *hist);
TGLPlotCoordinates(const TGLPlotCoordinates &);
TGLPlotCoordinates &operator = (const TGLPlotCoordinates &);
ClassDef(TGLPlotCoordinates, 0)
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