ROOT  6.06/09
Reference Guide
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TProofMgr Class Reference

Definition at line 53 of file TProofMgr.h.

Public Types

enum  EServType { kProofd = 0, kXProofd = 1, kProofLite = 2 }
- Public Types inherited from TObject
enum  EStatusBits {
  kCanDelete = BIT(0), kMustCleanup = BIT(3), kObjInCanvas = BIT(3), kIsReferenced = BIT(4),
  kHasUUID = BIT(5), kCannotPick = BIT(6), kNoContextMenu = BIT(8), kInvalidObject = BIT(13)
enum  { kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000, kNotDeleted = 0x02000000, kZombie = 0x04000000, kBitMask = 0x00ffffff }
enum  { kSingleKey = BIT(0), kOverwrite = BIT(1), kWriteDelete = BIT(2) }

Public Member Functions

 TProofMgr (const char *url, Int_t loglevel=-1, const char *alias="")
 Create a PROOF manager for the standard (old) environment. More...
virtual ~TProofMgr ()
 Destroy a TProofMgr instance. More...
virtual Bool_t IsLite () const
virtual Bool_t IsProofd () const
virtual Bool_t IsValid () const
virtual void SetInvalid ()
void Close ()
virtual TProofAttachSession (Int_t, Bool_t=kFALSE)
 Dummy version provided for completeness. More...
virtual TProofAttachSession (TProofDesc *, Bool_t=kFALSE)
 Dummy version provided for completeness. More...
virtual TProofCreateSession (const char *=0, const char *=0, Int_t=-1)
 Create a new remote session (master and associated workers). More...
virtual void DetachSession (Int_t, Option_t *="")
 Detach session with 'id' from its proofserv. More...
virtual void DetachSession (TProof *, Option_t *="")
 Detach session 'p' from its proofserv. More...
virtual void DiscardSession (TProof *p)
 Discard TProofDesc of session 'p' from the internal list. More...
virtual const char * GetMssUrl (Bool_t=kFALSE)
virtual TProofDescGetProofDesc (Int_t id)
 Get TProofDesc instance corresponding to 'id'. More...
virtual TProofDescGetProofDesc (TProof *p)
 Get TProofDesc instance corresponding to TProof object 'p'. More...
virtual Int_t GetRemoteProtocol () const
virtual TProofLogGetSessionLogs (Int_t=0, const char *=0, const char *="-v \"| SvcMsg\"", Bool_t=kFALSE)
virtual const char * GetUrl ()
virtual Bool_t MatchUrl (const char *url)
 Checks if 'url' refers to the same 'user:port' entity as the URL in memory. More...
virtual TListQuerySessions (Option_t *opt="S")
 Get list of sessions accessible to this manager. More...
virtual TObjStringReadBuffer (const char *, Long64_t, Int_t)
virtual TObjStringReadBuffer (const char *, const char *)
virtual Int_t Reset (Bool_t hard=kFALSE, const char *usr=0)
 Send a cleanup request for the sessions associated with the current user. More...
virtual void ShowWorkers ()
 Show available workers. More...
virtual Int_t SendMsgToUsers (const char *, const char *=0)
 Send a message to connected users. More...
virtual void SetAlias (const char *alias="")
virtual void SetMssUrl (const char *mss)
virtual Int_t SetROOTVersion (const char *)
virtual void ShowROOTVersions ()
virtual void ShutdownSession (Int_t id)
virtual void ShutdownSession (TProof *p)
virtual Int_t Cp (const char *, const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual void Find (const char *="~/", const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual void Grep (const char *, const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual void Ls (const char *="~/", const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual void More (const char *, const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual Int_t Rm (const char *, const char *=0, const char *=0)
 Run 'rm' on 'what'. Locally it is just a call to TSystem::Unlink . More...
virtual void Tail (const char *, const char *=0, const char *=0)
virtual Int_t Md5sum (const char *, TString &, const char *=0)
virtual Int_t Stat (const char *, FileStat_t &, const char *=0)
virtual Int_t GetFile (const char *, const char *, const char *=0)
virtual Int_t PutFile (const char *, const char *, const char *=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TNamed
 TNamed ()
 TNamed (const char *name, const char *title)
 TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title)
 TNamed (const TNamed &named)
TNamedoperator= (const TNamed &rhs)
 TNamed assignment operator. More...
virtual ~TNamed ()
virtual void Clear (Option_t *option="")
 Set name and title to empty strings (""). More...
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname="") const
 Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. More...
virtual Int_t Compare (const TObject *obj) const
 Compare two TNamed objects. More...
virtual void Copy (TObject &named) const
 Copy this to obj. More...
virtual void FillBuffer (char *&buffer)
 Encode TNamed into output buffer. More...
virtual const char * GetName () const
 Returns name of object. More...
virtual const char * GetTitle () const
 Returns title of object. More...
virtual ULong_t Hash () const
 Return hash value for this object. More...
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
 Change (i.e. More...
virtual void SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title)
 Change (i.e. set) all the TNamed parameters (name and title). More...
virtual void SetTitle (const char *title="")
 Change (i.e. set) the title of the TNamed. More...
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
 List TNamed name and title. More...
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
 Print TNamed name and title. More...
virtual Int_t Sizeof () const
 Return size of the TNamed part of the TObject. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 TObject ()
 TObject (const TObject &object)
 TObject copy ctor. More...
TObjectoperator= (const TObject &rhs)
 TObject assignment operator. More...
virtual ~TObject ()
 TObject destructor. More...
virtual void AppendPad (Option_t *option="")
 Append graphics object to current pad. More...
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
 Browse object. May be overridden for another default action. More...
virtual const char * ClassName () const
 Returns name of class to which the object belongs. More...
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option="")
 Delete this object. More...
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. More...
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
 Default Draw method for all objects. More...
virtual void DrawClass () const
 Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. More...
virtual TObjectDrawClone (Option_t *option="") const
 Draw a clone of this object in the current pad. More...
virtual void Dump () const
 Dump contents of object on stdout. More...
virtual void Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. More...
virtual void Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. More...
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const char *name) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const TObject *obj) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual Option_tGetDrawOption () const
 Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. More...
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID () const
 Return the unique object id. More...
virtual const char * GetIconName () const
 Returns mime type name of object. More...
virtual Option_tGetOption () const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
 Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). More...
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
 Execute action in response of a timer timing out. More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. More...
virtual void Inspect () const
 Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. More...
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
 Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). More...
virtual Bool_t IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const
 Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). More...
Bool_t IsOnHeap () const
Bool_t IsZombie () const
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
 This method must be overridden to handle object notification. More...
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. More...
virtual void Pop ()
 Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. More...
virtual Int_t Read (const char *name)
 Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. More...
virtual void RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj)
 Recursively remove this object from a list. More...
virtual void SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const
 Save this object in the file specified by filename. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". More...
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="")
 Set drawing option for object. More...
virtual void SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid)
 Set the unique object id. More...
virtual void UseCurrentStyle ()
 Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
voidoperator new (size_t sz)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz)
voidoperator new (size_t sz, void *vp)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp)
void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Operator delete. More...
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Operator delete []. More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
 Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f)
void ResetBit (UInt_t f)
Bool_t TestBit (UInt_t f) const
Int_t TestBits (UInt_t f) const
void InvertBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue info message. More...
virtual void Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue warning message. More...
virtual void Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue error message. More...
virtual void SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue system error message. More...
virtual void Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue fatal error message. More...
void AbstractMethod (const char *method) const
 Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. More...
void MayNotUse (const char *method) const
 Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). More...
void Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const
 Use this method to declare a method obsolete. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static TListGetListOfManagers ()
 Extract pointers to PROOF managers from TROOT::fProofs. More...
static void SetTXProofMgrHook (TProofMgr_t pmh)
 Set hook to TXProofMgr ctor. More...
static TProofMgrCreate (const char *url, Int_t loglevel=-1, const char *alias=0, Bool_t xpd=kTRUE)
 Static method returning the appropriate TProofMgr object using the plugin manager. More...
static Int_t Ping (const char *url, Bool_t checkxrd=kFALSE)
 Non-blocking check for a PROOF (or Xrootd, if checkxrd) service at 'url' Return 0 if a XProofd (or Xrootd, if checkxrd) daemon is listening at 'url' -1 if nothing is listening on the port (connection cannot be open) 1 if something is listening but not XProofd (or not Xrootd, if checkxrd) More...
static TFileCollectionUploadFiles (TList *src, const char *mss, const char *dest=0)
 Upload files provided via the list 'src' (as TFileInfo or TObjString) to 'mss'. More...
static TFileCollectionUploadFiles (const char *txtfile, const char *mss, const char *dest=0)
 Upload to 'mss' the files listed in the text file 'srcfiles' or contained in the directory 'srcfiles'. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
static Long_t GetDtorOnly ()
 Return destructor only flag. More...
static void SetDtorOnly (void *obj)
 Set destructor only flag. More...
static Bool_t GetObjectStat ()
 Get status of object stat flag. More...
static void SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat)
 Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. More...

Protected Member Functions

 TProofMgr ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
void MakeZombie ()
virtual void DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
 Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). More...

Protected Attributes

TString fMssUrl
Int_t fRemoteProtocol
EServType fServType
TUrl fUrl
- Protected Attributes inherited from TNamed
TString fName
TString fTitle

Static Protected Attributes

static TList fgListOfManagers

Private Member Functions

 TProofMgr (const TProofMgr &)
TProofMgroperator= (const TProofMgr &)

Static Private Member Functions

static TProofMgr_t GetXProofMgrHook ()
 Get the constructor hook fro TXProofMgr. More...
static void ReplaceSubdirs (const char *fn, TString &fdst, TList &dirph)
 Parse file name extracting the directory subcomponents in dirs, stored as TObjStrings. More...

Static Private Attributes

static TProofMgr_t fgTXProofMgrHook

#include <TProofMgr.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for TProofMgr:
+ Collaboration diagram for TProofMgr:

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 56 of file TProofMgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TProofMgr::TProofMgr ( const TProofMgr )
TProofMgr::TProofMgr ( )

Definition at line 78 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by Create().

TProofMgr::TProofMgr ( const char *  url,
Int_t  loglevel = -1,
const char *  alias = "" 

Create a PROOF manager for the standard (old) environment.

Definition at line 63 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

TProofMgr::~TProofMgr ( )

Destroy a TProofMgr instance.

Definition at line 110 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

TProof * TProofMgr::AttachSession ( Int_t  id,
Bool_t  gui = kFALSE 

Dummy version provided for completeness.

Just returns a pointer to existing session 'id' (as shown by TProof::QuerySessions) or 0 if 'id' is not valid. The boolena 'gui' should be kTRUE when invoked from the GUI.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 124 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TXProofMgr::AttachSession(), TSessionServerFrame::OnBtnConnectClicked(), and TProof::Open().

TProof * TProofMgr::AttachSession ( TProofDesc d,
Bool_t  = kFALSE 

Dummy version provided for completeness.

Just returns a pointer to existing session 'id' (as shown by TProof::QuerySessions) or 0 if 'id' is not valid.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 139 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

void TProofMgr::Close ( )

Definition at line 89 of file TProofMgr.h.

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::Cp ( const char *  ,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 122 of file TProofMgr.h.

TProofMgr * TProofMgr::Create ( const char *  uin,
Int_t  loglevel = -1,
const char *  alias = 0,
Bool_t  xpd = kTRUE 

Static method returning the appropriate TProofMgr object using the plugin manager.

Definition at line 499 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TProof::Mgr(), TSessionServerFrame::OnBtnConnectClicked(), and TProof::Open().

TProof * TProofMgr::CreateSession ( const char *  cfg = 0,
const char *  cfgdir = 0,
Int_t  loglevel = -1 

Create a new remote session (master and associated workers).

Reimplemented in TProofMgrLite.

Definition at line 387 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TSessionServerFrame::OnBtnConnectClicked(), and TProof::Open().

void TProofMgr::DetachSession ( Int_t  id,
Option_t opt = "" 

Detach session with 'id' from its proofserv.

The 'id' is the number shown by QuerySessions. The correspondent TProof object is deleted. If id == 0 all the known sessions are detached. Option opt="S" or "s" forces session shutdown.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 160 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by ShutdownSession().

void TProofMgr::DetachSession ( TProof p,
Option_t opt = "" 

Detach session 'p' from its proofserv.

The instance 'p' is invalidated and should be deleted by the caller

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 204 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

void TProofMgr::DiscardSession ( TProof p)

Discard TProofDesc of session 'p' from the internal list.

Definition at line 367 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TProof::MarkBad(), and TProof::~TProof().

virtual void TProofMgr::Find ( const char *  = "~/",
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 123 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::ShowData().

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::GetFile ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 132 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::DownloadPackage().

TList * TProofMgr::GetListOfManagers ( )

Extract pointers to PROOF managers from TROOT::fProofs.

Definition at line 460 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by Create().

virtual const char* TProofMgr::GetMssUrl ( Bool_t  = kFALSE)

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 97 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::GetDataPoolUrl().

TProofDesc * TProofMgr::GetProofDesc ( Int_t  id)

Get TProofDesc instance corresponding to 'id'.

Definition at line 325 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by AttachSession(), TProof::cd(), TXProofMgr::DetachSession(), DetachSession(), and TProof::Open().

TProofDesc * TProofMgr::GetProofDesc ( TProof p)

Get TProofDesc instance corresponding to TProof object 'p'.

Definition at line 346 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::GetRemoteProtocol ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TXSlave::Init().

virtual TProofLog* TProofMgr::GetSessionLogs ( Int_t  = 0,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = "-v \"| SvcMsg\"",
Bool_t  = kFALSE 
virtual const char* TProofMgr::GetUrl ( )
TProofMgr_t TProofMgr::GetXProofMgrHook ( )

Get the constructor hook fro TXProofMgr.

We do this without the plugin manager because it blocks the CINT mutex breaking the parallel startup.

Definition at line 596 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by Create().

virtual void TProofMgr::Grep ( const char *  ,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 124 of file TProofMgr.h.

virtual Bool_t TProofMgr::IsLite ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::Open().

virtual Bool_t TProofMgr::IsProofd ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by Create(), CreateSession(), and TProof::Open().

virtual Bool_t TProofMgr::IsValid ( ) const
virtual void TProofMgr::Ls ( const char *  = "~/",
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 125 of file TProofMgr.h.

Bool_t TProofMgr::MatchUrl ( const char *  url)

Checks if 'url' refers to the same 'user:port' entity as the URL in memory.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 431 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by Create(), and QuerySessions().

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::Md5sum ( const char *  ,
TString ,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 129 of file TProofMgr.h.

virtual void TProofMgr::More ( const char *  ,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 126 of file TProofMgr.h.

TProofMgr& TProofMgr::operator= ( const TProofMgr )
Int_t TProofMgr::Ping ( const char *  url,
Bool_t  checkxrd = kFALSE 

Non-blocking check for a PROOF (or Xrootd, if checkxrd) service at 'url' Return 0 if a XProofd (or Xrootd, if checkxrd) daemon is listening at 'url' -1 if nothing is listening on the port (connection cannot be open) 1 if something is listening but not XProofd (or not Xrootd, if checkxrd)

Definition at line 631 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::PutFile ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 133 of file TProofMgr.h.

TList * TProofMgr::QuerySessions ( Option_t opt = "S")

Get list of sessions accessible to this manager.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 229 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TProof::Detach(), GetProofDesc(), TSessionServerFrame::OnBtnConnectClicked(), TProof::Open(), TSessionViewer::UpdateListOfProofs(), and TSessionViewer::UpdateListOfSessions().

virtual TObjString* TProofMgr::ReadBuffer ( const char *  ,
Long64_t  ,

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr, and TProofMgrLite.

Definition at line 107 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProofLogElem::Retrieve().

virtual TObjString* TProofMgr::ReadBuffer ( const char *  ,
const char *   

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr, and TProofMgrLite.

Definition at line 109 of file TProofMgr.h.

void TProofMgr::ReplaceSubdirs ( const char *  fn,
TString fdst,
TList dirph 

Parse file name extracting the directory subcomponents in dirs, stored as TObjStrings.

Definition at line 745 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by UploadFiles().

Int_t TProofMgr::Reset ( Bool_t  hard = kFALSE,
const char *  usr = 0 

Send a cleanup request for the sessions associated with the current user.

Not supported.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 307 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TProof::Reset(), and TSessionViewer::ResetSession().

Int_t TProofMgr::Rm ( const char *  what,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Run 'rm' on 'what'. Locally it is just a call to TSystem::Unlink .

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 1066 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by TProof::ClearData(), TProof::DisablePackage(), and TProof::DisablePackages().

Int_t TProofMgr::SendMsgToUsers ( const char *  ,
const char *  = 0 

Send a message to connected users.

Only superusers can do this. The first argument specifies the message or the file from where to take the message. The second argument specifies the user to which to send the message: if empty or null the message is send to all the connected users. return 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 295 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

virtual void TProofMgr::SetAlias ( const char *  alias = "")

Definition at line 114 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProofMgr().

virtual void TProofMgr::SetInvalid ( )

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 88 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by Close().

virtual void TProofMgr::SetMssUrl ( const char *  mss)

Definition at line 115 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::SetDataPoolUrl().

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::SetROOTVersion ( const char *  )

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 116 of file TProofMgr.h.

void TProofMgr::SetTXProofMgrHook ( TProofMgr_t  pmh)

Set hook to TXProofMgr ctor.

Definition at line 619 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

virtual void TProofMgr::ShowROOTVersions ( )

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 117 of file TProofMgr.h.

void TProofMgr::ShowWorkers ( )

Show available workers.

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 317 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

virtual void TProofMgr::ShutdownSession ( Int_t  id)

Definition at line 118 of file TProofMgr.h.

virtual void TProofMgr::ShutdownSession ( TProof p)

Definition at line 119 of file TProofMgr.h.

virtual Int_t TProofMgr::Stat ( const char *  ,
FileStat_t ,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 130 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TProof::DownloadPackage().

virtual void TProofMgr::Tail ( const char *  ,
const char *  = 0,
const char *  = 0 

Reimplemented in TXProofMgr.

Definition at line 128 of file TProofMgr.h.

TFileCollection * TProofMgr::UploadFiles ( TList src,
const char *  mss,
const char *  dest = 0 

Upload files provided via the list 'src' (as TFileInfo or TObjString) to 'mss'.

The path under 'mss' is determined by 'dest'; the following place-holders can be used in 'dest': <d0>, <d1>, <d2>, ... referring to the n-th sub-component of the src path <bn> basename in the source path <bs> basename sans extension <ex> Extension <sn> serial number of file in the list <s0> as <sn> but zero padded <fn> the full file path <us>, <gr> the local user and group names. <pg> the users PROOF group <pa> immediate parent directory <gp> next-to immediate parent directory So, for example, if the source filename for the 99-th file is protosrc://host//d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/myfile then with dest = '/pool/user/<d3>/<d4>/<d5>/<s>/<bn>' and mss = 'protodst://hostdst//nm/ the corresponding destination path is protodst://hostdst//nm/pool/user/d3/d4/d5/99/myfile

If 'dest' is empty, <fn> is used.

Returns a TFileCollection with the destination files created; this TFileCollection is, for example, ready to be registered as dataset.

Definition at line 802 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Referenced by UploadFiles().

TFileCollection * TProofMgr::UploadFiles ( const char *  srcfiles,
const char *  mss,
const char *  dest = 0 

Upload to 'mss' the files listed in the text file 'srcfiles' or contained in the directory 'srcfiles'.

In the case 'srcfiles' is a text file, the files must be specified one per line, with line beginning by '#' ignored (i.e. considered comments). The path under 'mss' is defined by 'dest'; the following place-holders can be used in 'dest': <d0>, <d1>, <d2>, ... referring to the n-th sub-component of the src path <bn> basename in the source path <sn> serial number of file in the list <fn> the full file path <us>, <gr> the local user and group names. So, for example, if the source filename for the 99-th file is protosrc://host//d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/myfile then with dest = '/pool/user/<d3>/<d4>/<d5>/<s>/<bn>' and mss = 'protodst://hostdst//nm/ the corresponding destination path is protodst://hostdst//nm/pool/user/d3/d4/d5/99/myfile

If 'dest' is empty, <fn> is used.

Returns a TFileCollection with the destination files created; this TFileCollection is, for example, ready to be registered as dataset.

Definition at line 987 of file TProofMgr.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

TList TProofMgr::fgListOfManagers

Definition at line 76 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by Create(), GetListOfManagers(), and ~TProofMgr().

TProofMgr_t TProofMgr::fgTXProofMgrHook

Definition at line 62 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by GetXProofMgrHook(), and SetTXProofMgrHook().

TSignalHandler* TProofMgr::fIntHandler

Definition at line 74 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TXProofMgr::Cp(), TXProofMgr::Exec(), TXProofMgr::Init(), and ~TProofMgr().

TString TProofMgr::fMssUrl

Definition at line 68 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TXProofMgr::GetMssUrl().

Int_t TProofMgr::fRemoteProtocol

Definition at line 69 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by GetRemoteProtocol(), and TXProofMgr::Init().

EServType TProofMgr::fServType

Definition at line 70 of file TProofMgr.h.

Referenced by TXProofMgr::Init(), TProofMgr(), and TXProofMgr::TXProofMgr().

TList* TProofMgr::fSessions
TUrl TProofMgr::fUrl

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