Re: Simple question about Text/Latex

Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 19:10:17 MEST

  Hello Georges,

   In plain TeX or Latex in order to get a superscript or subscript
   in front of character you have to add {}. For example try $\rm {}_3^7Li$
   in Latex. Below is my ROOT macro which test this feature.

   Best regards,

   Michal Lijowski

  gROOT -> Reset();
  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 400, 300);
  TLatex *tl = new TLatex();
  tl -> SetTextFont(62); 
  tl -> SetTextSize(0.2);
  tl -> SetTextAlign(22);
  tl -> DrawLatex(0.2, 0.5, "{}_{3}^{7}Li");

  TText *tt = new TText();
  tt -> SetTextFont(62); 
  tt -> SetTextSize(0.2);
  tt -> SetTextAlign(22);
  tt -> DrawText(0.7, 0.5, "^7!&?3!Li");

  c1 -> Update();
  c1 -> SaveAs("");

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