Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/sessionviewer:$Id$
2 // Author: Marek Biskup, Jakub Madejczyk, Bertrand Bellenot 10/08/2005
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 // //
14 // TSessionViewer //
15 // //
16 // Widget used to manage PROOF or local sessions, PROOF connections, //
17 // queries construction and results handling. //
18 // //
19 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 #ifndef ROOT_TSessionViewer
22 #define ROOT_TSessionViewer
24 #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
25 #include "TGFrame.h"
26 #endif
28 #ifndef ROOT_TString
29 #include "TString.h"
30 #endif
32 #ifndef ROOT_TGTextEntry
33 #include "TGTextEntry.h"
34 #endif
36 #ifndef ROOT_TGNumberEntry
37 #include "TGNumberEntry.h"
38 #endif
40 #ifndef ROOT_TGTab
41 #include "TGTab.h"
42 #endif
44 #ifndef ROOT_TGListView
45 #include "TGListView.h"
46 #endif
48 #ifndef ROOT_TTime
49 #include "TTime.h"
50 #endif
52 #include <stdio.h>
53 #include <time.h>
55 class TList;
56 class TChain;
57 class TDSet;
58 class TGNumberEntry;
59 class TGTextEntry;
60 class TGTextButton;
61 class TGCheckButton;
62 class TGTextBuffer;
63 class TGTableLayout;
64 class TGIcon;
65 class TGLabel;
66 class TGHProgressBar;
67 class TGPopupMenu;
68 class TGLVContainer;
69 class TGListView;
70 class TGLVEntry;
71 class TGCanvas;
72 class TGListTree;
73 class TGListTreeItem;
74 class TGStatusBar;
75 class TGPicture;
76 class TGMenuBar;
77 class TGPopupMenu;
78 class TGToolBar;
79 class TGTextView;
80 class TGTab;
82 class TGListBox;
83 class TCanvas;
84 class TEnv;
85 struct UserGroup_t;
87 class TProofMgr;
88 class TProof;
89 class TSessionViewer;
90 class TSessionLogView;
91 class TQueryResult;
92 class TContextMenu;
94 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 // //
96 // TSessionViewer - A GUI for ROOT / PROOF Sessions //
97 // //
98 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
101 // TQueryDescription class : Description of queries
102 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 class TQueryDescription : public TObject {
106 public:
116  };
118  ESessionQueryStatus fStatus; // query status
119  TString fReference; // query reference string (unique identifier)
120  TString fQueryName; // query name
121  TString fSelectorString; // selector name
122  TString fTDSetString; // dataset name
123  TString fOptions; // query processing options
124  TString fEventList; // event list
125  Int_t fNbFiles; // number of files to process
126  Long64_t fNoEntries; // number of events/entries to process
127  Long64_t fFirstEntry; // first event/entry to process
128  TTime fStartTime; // start time of the query
129  TTime fEndTime; // end time of the query
130  TObject *fChain; // dataset on which to process selector
131  TQueryResult *fResult; // query result received back
133  const char *GetName() const { return fQueryName; }
135  ClassDef(TQueryDescription, 1) // Query description
136 };
143 };
145 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 // TSessionDescription class : Description of Session
147 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149 class TSessionDescription : public TObject {
151 public:
152  TString fTag; // session unique identifier
153  TString fName; // session name
154  TString fAddress; // server address
155  Int_t fPort; // communication port
156  TString fConfigFile; // configuration file name
157  Int_t fLogLevel; // log (debug) level
158  TString fUserName; // user name (on server)
159  Bool_t fConnected; // kTRUE if connected
160  Bool_t fAttached; // kTRUE if attached
161  Bool_t fLocal; // kTRUE if session is local
162  Bool_t fSync; // kTRUE if in sync mode
163  Bool_t fAutoEnable; // enable packages at session startup time
164  TList *fQueries; // list of queries in this session
165  TList *fPackages; // list of packages
166  TQueryDescription *fActQuery; // current (actual) query
167  TProof *fProof; // pointer on TProof used by this session
168  TProofMgr *fProofMgr; // Proof sessions manager
169  Int_t fNbHistos; // number of feedback histos
171  const char *GetName() const { return fName; }
173  ClassDef(TSessionDescription, 1) // Session description
174 };
176 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177 // TPackageDescription class : Description of Package
178 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
180 class TPackageDescription : public TObject {
182 public:
183  TString fName; // package name
184  TString fPathName; // full path name of package
185  Int_t fId; // package id
186  Bool_t fUploaded; // package has been uploaded
187  Bool_t fEnabled; // package has been enabled
189  const char *GetName() const { return fName; }
191  ClassDef(TPackageDescription, 1) // Package description
192 };
194 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 // //
196 // TSessionServerFrame //
197 // A composite Frame used in the right part of the Session Viewer GUI //
198 // for any information relative to server side : address, port, user... //
199 // //
200 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204 private:
205  TGCompositeFrame *fFrmNewServer; // main group frame
206  TGTextEntry *fTxtName; // connection name text entry
207  TGTextEntry *fTxtAddress; // server address text entry
208  TGNumberEntry *fNumPort; // port number selector
209  TGNumberEntry *fLogLevel; // log (debug) level selector
210  TGTextEntry *fTxtConfig; // configuration file text entry
211  TGTextEntry *fTxtUsrName; // user name text entry
212  TGCheckButton *fSync; // sync / async flag selector
213  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on the main viewer
214  TGTextButton *fBtnAdd; // "Add" button
215  TGTextButton *fBtnConnect; // "Connect" button
217 public:
219  virtual ~TSessionServerFrame();
221  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
223  const char *GetName() const { return fTxtName->GetText(); }
224  const char *GetAddress() const { return fTxtAddress->GetText(); }
225  Int_t GetPortNumber() const { return fNumPort->GetIntNumber(); }
226  Int_t GetLogLevel() const { return fLogLevel->GetIntNumber(); }
227  const char *GetConfigText() const { return fTxtConfig->GetText(); }
228  const char *GetUserName() const { return fTxtUsrName->GetText(); }
229  Bool_t IsSync() const { return (Bool_t)(fSync->GetState() == kButtonDown); }
232  on == kTRUE ? ShowFrame(fBtnAdd) : HideFrame(fBtnAdd); }
234  on == kTRUE ? ShowFrame(fBtnConnect) : HideFrame(fBtnConnect); }
235  void SetName(const char *str) { fTxtName->SetText(str); }
236  void SetAddress(const char *str) { fTxtAddress->SetText(str); }
237  void SetPortNumber(Int_t port) { fNumPort->SetIntNumber(port); }
238  void SetLogLevel(Int_t log) { fLogLevel->SetIntNumber(log); }
239  void SetConfigText(const char *str) { fTxtConfig->SetText(str); }
240  void SetUserName(const char *str) { fTxtUsrName->SetText(str); }
241  void SetSync(Bool_t sync) {
242  fSync->SetState(sync ? kButtonDown : kButtonUp); }
244  void SettingsChanged();
246  void OnBtnConnectClicked();
247  void OnBtnNewServerClicked();
248  void OnBtnDeleteClicked();
249  void OnBtnAddClicked();
250  void OnConfigFileClicked();
251  void Update(TSessionDescription* desc);
252  virtual Bool_t HandleExpose(Event_t *event);
253  virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2);
255  ClassDef(TSessionServerFrame, 0) // Server frame
256 };
259 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
260 // //
261 // TSessionFrame //
262 // A composite Frame used in the right part of the Session Viewer GUI //
263 // for any information, settings or controls relative to the current //
264 // session. //
265 // //
266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
270 private:
272  TGTab *fTab; // main tab frame
273  TGCompositeFrame *fFA, *fFB, *fFC;
274  TGCompositeFrame *fFD, *fFE; // five tabs element
275  TGTextEntry *fCommandTxt; // Command line text entry
276  TGTextBuffer *fCommandBuf; // Command line text buffer
277  TGTextView *fInfoTextView; // summary on current query
278  TGCheckButton *fClearCheck; // clear text view after each command
279  TGTextButton *fBtnShowLog; // show log button
280  TGTextButton *fBtnNewQuery; // new query button
281  TGTextButton *fBtnGetQueries; // get entries button
282  // Packages tab related items
283  TGListBox *fLBPackages; // packages listbox
284  TGTextButton *fBtnAdd; // add package button
285  TGTextButton *fBtnRemove; // remove package button
286  TGTextButton *fBtnUp; // move package up button
287  TGTextButton *fBtnDown; // move package down button
288  TGTextButton *fBtnShow; // show packages button
289  TGTextButton *fBtnShowEnabled; // show enabled packages button
290  TGCheckButton *fChkMulti; // multiple selection check
291  TGCheckButton *fChkEnable; // enable at session startup check
292  TGTextButton *fBtnUpload; // upload packages button
293  TGTextButton *fBtnEnable; // enable packages button
294  TGTextButton *fBtnClear; // clear all packages button
295  TGTextButton *fBtnDisable; // disable packages button
296  // Datasets tab related items
297  TGCanvas *fDSetView; // dataset tree view
298  TGListTree *fDataSetTree; // dataset list tree
299  TGTextButton *fBtnUploadDSet; // upload dataset button
300  TGTextButton *fBtnRemoveDSet; // remove dataset button
301  TGTextButton *fBtnVerifyDSet; // verify dataset button
302  TGTextButton *fBtnRefresh; // refresh list button
303  // Options tab related items
304  TGTextEntry *fTxtParallel; // parallel nodes text entry
305  TGNumberEntry *fLogLevel; // log level number entry
306  TGTextButton *fApplyLogLevel; // apply log level button
307  TGTextButton *fApplyParallel; // apply parallel nodes button
309  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on main viewer
310  TGLabel *fInfoLine[19]; // infos on session
312 public:
313  TSessionFrame(TGWindow* parent, Int_t w, Int_t h);
314  virtual ~TSessionFrame();
316  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
317  void CheckAutoEnPack(Bool_t checked = kTRUE) {
318  fChkEnable->SetState(checked ? kButtonDown : kButtonUp); }
319  Int_t GetLogLevel() const { return fLogLevel->GetIntNumber(); }
320  void SetLogLevel(Int_t log) { fLogLevel->SetIntNumber(log); }
321  TGTab *GetTab() const { return fTab; }
323  //Function that handle input from user:
324  void OnApplyLogLevel();
325  void OnApplyParallel();
326  void OnBtnAddClicked();
327  void OnBtnRemoveClicked();
328  void OnBtnUpClicked();
329  void OnBtnDownClicked();
330  void OnBtnShowLogClicked();
331  void OnBtnNewQueryClicked();
332  void OnBtnGetQueriesClicked();
333  void OnBtnDisconnectClicked();
334  void OnCommandLine();
335  void OnUploadPackages();
336  void OnEnablePackages();
337  void OnDisablePackages();
338  void OnClearPackages();
339  void OnMultipleSelection(Bool_t on);
340  void OnStartupEnable(Bool_t on);
341  void ProofInfos();
342  void SetLocal(Bool_t local = kTRUE);
343  void ShutdownSession();
344  void UpdatePackages();
345  void OnBtnUploadDSet();
346  void OnBtnRemoveDSet();
347  void OnBtnVerifyDSet();
348  void UpdateListOfDataSets();
350  ClassDef(TSessionFrame, 0) // Session frame
351 };
353 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
354 // New Query Dialog
355 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
359 private:
360  TGCompositeFrame *fFrmMore; // options frame
361  TGTextButton *fBtnMore; // "more >>" / "less <<" button
363  TGTextEntry *fTxtQueryName; // query name text entry
364  TGTextEntry *fTxtChain; // chain name text entry
365  TGTextEntry *fTxtSelector; // selector name text entry
366  TGTextEntry *fTxtOptions; // options text entry
367  TGNumberEntry *fNumEntries; // number of entries selector
368  TGNumberEntry *fNumFirstEntry; // first entry selector
369  TGTextEntry *fTxtParFile; // parameter file name text entry
370  TGTextEntry *fTxtEventList; // event list text entry
371  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on main viewer
372  TQueryDescription *fQuery; // query description class
373  TObject *fChain; // actual TChain
375 public:
377  virtual ~TEditQueryFrame();
378  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
379  void OnNewQueryMore();
380  void OnBrowseChain();
381  void OnBrowseSelector();
382  void OnBrowseEventList();
383  void OnBtnSave();
384  void OnElementSelected(TObject *obj);
385  void SettingsChanged();
386  void UpdateFields(TQueryDescription *desc);
388  ClassDef(TEditQueryFrame, 0) // Edit query frame
389 };
391 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
392 // //
393 // TSessionQueryFrame //
394 // A composite Frame used in the right part of the Session Viewer GUI //
395 // for any information, settings or controls relative to queries. //
396 // //
397 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
401 private:
403  enum EQueryStatus { kRunning = 0, kDone, kStopped, kAborted };
405  TGTextButton *fBtnSubmit; // submit query button
406  TGTextButton *fBtnFinalize; // finalize query button
407  TGTextButton *fBtnStop; // stop process button
408  TGTextButton *fBtnAbort; // abort process button
409  TGTextButton *fBtnShowLog; // show log button
410  TGTextButton *fBtnRetrieve; // retrieve query button
411  TGTextButton *fBtnSave; // save query button
412  TGTextView *fInfoTextView; // summary on current query
414  Bool_t fModified; // kTRUE if settings have changed
415  Int_t fFiles; // number of files processed
416  Long64_t fFirst; // first event/entry to process
417  Long64_t fEntries; // number of events/entries to process
418  Long64_t fPrevTotal; // used for progress bar
419  Long64_t fPrevProcessed; // used for progress bar
420  TGLabel *fLabInfos; // infos on current process
421  TGLabel *fLabStatus; // actual process status
422  TGLabel *fTotal; // total progress info
423  TGLabel *fRate; // rate of process in events/sec
424  EQueryStatus fStatus; // status of actual query
425  TGTab *fTab; // main tab frame
426  TGCompositeFrame *fFA, *fFB, *fFC; // three tabs element
427  TEditQueryFrame *fFD; // fourth tab element (edit query frame)
428  TGHProgressBar *frmProg; // current process progress bar
429  TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fECanvas; // node statistics embeded canvas
430  TCanvas *fStatsCanvas; // node statistics canvas
431  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on main viewer
432  TQueryDescription *fDesc; // query description
434 public:
435  TSessionQueryFrame(TGWindow* parent, Int_t w, Int_t h);
436  virtual ~TSessionQueryFrame();
438  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
440  TCanvas *GetStatsCanvas() const { return fStatsCanvas; }
441  TEditQueryFrame *GetQueryEditFrame() const { return fFD; }
442  TGTab *GetTab() const { return fTab; }
444  void Feedback(TList *objs);
445  void Modified(Bool_t mod = kTRUE);
446  void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed);
447  void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
448  Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
449  Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti, Int_t actw, Int_t tses, Float_t eses);
450  void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
451  Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
452  Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti) {
453  Progress(total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime,
454  evtrti, mbrti, -1, -1, -1.); }
455  void ProgressLocal(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed);
456  void IndicateStop(Bool_t aborted);
457  void ResetProgressDialog(const char *selec, Int_t files, Long64_t first, Long64_t entries);
459  //Function that handle input from user:
460  void OnBtnSubmit();
461  void OnBtnFinalize();
462  void OnBtnStop();
463  void OnBtnAbort();
464  void OnBtnShowLog();
465  void OnBtnRetrieve();
466  void UpdateInfos();
467  void UpdateButtons(TQueryDescription *desc);
468  void UpdateHistos(TList *objs);
470  ClassDef(TSessionQueryFrame, 0) // Query frame
471 };
473 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
474 // //
475 // TSessionOutputFrame //
476 // A composite Frame used in the right part of the Session Viewer GUI //
477 // displaying output list objects coming from query result. //
478 // //
479 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 private:
484  TGLVEntry *fEntryTmp; // used to transfer to feedback
485  TGLVContainer *fLVContainer; // output list view
486  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on the main viewer
488 public:
490  virtual ~TSessionOutputFrame();
492  void AddObject(TObject *obj);
493  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
494  TGLVContainer *GetLVContainer() { return fLVContainer; }
495  void OnElementClicked(TGLVEntry* entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y);
496  void OnElementDblClicked(TGLVEntry *entry ,Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y);
497  void RemoveAll() { fLVContainer->RemoveAll(); }
499  ClassDef(TSessionOutputFrame, 0) // Output frame
500 };
502 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
503 // //
504 // TSessionInputFrame //
505 // A composite Frame used in the right part of the Session Viewer GUI //
506 // displaying input list objects coming from query result. //
507 // //
508 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
512 private:
513  TSessionViewer *fViewer; // pointer on the main viewer
514  TGLVContainer *fLVContainer; // container for the input list view
516 public:
517  TSessionInputFrame(TGWindow* parent, Int_t w, Int_t h);
518  virtual ~TSessionInputFrame();
520  void AddObject(TObject *obj);
521  void Build(TSessionViewer *gui);
522  void RemoveAll() { fLVContainer->RemoveAll(); }
523  TGLVContainer *GetLVContainer() { return fLVContainer; }
525  ClassDef(TSessionInputFrame, 0) // Input frame
526 };
529 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
530 // //
531 // TSessionViewer //
532 // This is the main widget, mother of all the previous classes //
533 // Used to manage sessions, servers, queries... //
534 // //
535 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
537 class TSessionViewer : public TGMainFrame {
539 private:
540  time_t fStart, fElapsed; // time of connection
541  Bool_t fChangePic; // KTRUE if animation active
542  Bool_t fBusy; // KTRUE if busy i.e : connecting
546  TSessionServerFrame *fServerFrame; // right side server frame
547  TSessionFrame *fSessionFrame; // right side session frame
548  TSessionQueryFrame *fQueryFrame; // right side query frame
551  TSessionLogView *fLogWindow; // external log window
552  TSessionDescription *fActDesc; // actual session description
553  TList *fSessions; // list of sessions
554  const TGPicture *fLocal; // local session icon picture
555  const TGPicture *fProofCon; // connected server icon picture
556  const TGPicture *fProofDiscon; // disconnected server icon picture
557  const TGPicture *fQueryCon; // connected(?) query icon picture
558  const TGPicture *fQueryDiscon; // disconnected(?) query icon picture
559  const TGPicture *fBaseIcon; // base list tree icon picture
561  TGFrame *fActFrame; // actual (displayed) frame
562  TGToolBar *fToolBar; // application tool bar
563  TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; // application main menu bar
564  TGPopupMenu *fFileMenu; // file menu entry
565  TGPopupMenu *fSessionMenu; // session menu entry
566  TGPopupMenu *fQueryMenu; // query menu entry
567  TGPopupMenu *fOptionsMenu; // options menu entry
568  TGPopupMenu *fCascadeMenu; // options menu entry
569  TGPopupMenu *fHelpMenu; // help menu entry
571  TGPopupMenu *fPopupSrv; // server related popup menu
572  TGPopupMenu *fPopupQry; // query related popup menu
573  TContextMenu *fContextMenu; // input/output objects context menu
575  TGHProgressBar *fConnectProg; // connection progress bar
576  TGCanvas *fTreeView; // main right sessions/queries tree view
577  TGListTree *fSessionHierarchy; // main sessions/queries hierarchy list tree
578  TGListTreeItem *fSessionItem; // base (main) session list tree item
579  TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; // bottom status bar
580  TGPicture *fRightIconPicture; // lower bottom left icon used to show connection status
581  TGIcon *fRightIcon; // associated picture
582  TTimer *fTimer; // timer used to change icon picture
583  UserGroup_t *fUserGroup; // user connected to session
584  Bool_t fAutoSave; // kTRUE if config is to be saved on exit
585  TString fConfigFile; // configuration file name
586  TEnv *fViewerEnv; // viewer's configuration
588 public:
590  TSessionViewer(const char *title = "ROOT Session Viewer", UInt_t w = 550, UInt_t h = 320);
591  TSessionViewer(const char *title, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h);
592  virtual ~TSessionViewer();
593  virtual void Build();
594  virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t);
596  TSessionServerFrame *GetServerFrame() const { return fServerFrame; }
597  TSessionFrame *GetSessionFrame() const { return fSessionFrame; }
598  TSessionQueryFrame *GetQueryFrame() const { return fQueryFrame; }
599  TSessionOutputFrame *GetOutputFrame() const { return fOutputFrame; }
600  TSessionInputFrame *GetInputFrame() const { return fInputFrame; }
601  TSessionDescription *GetActDesc() const { return fActDesc; }
602  TList *GetSessions() const { return fSessions; }
603  TGListTree *GetSessionHierarchy() const { return fSessionHierarchy; }
604  TGListTreeItem *GetSessionItem() const { return fSessionItem; }
605  const TGPicture *GetLocalPict() const { return fLocal; }
606  const TGPicture *GetProofConPict() const { return fProofCon; }
607  const TGPicture *GetProofDisconPict() const { return fProofDiscon; }
608  const TGPicture *GetQueryConPict() const { return fQueryCon; }
609  const TGPicture *GetQueryDisconPict() const { return fQueryDiscon; }
610  const TGPicture *GetBasePict() const { return fBaseIcon; }
611  TGPopupMenu *GetPopupSrv() const { return fPopupSrv; }
612  TGPopupMenu *GetPopupQry() const { return fPopupQry; }
613  TContextMenu *GetContextMenu() const { return fContextMenu; }
614  TGStatusBar *GetStatusBar() const { return fStatusBar; }
615  TGHProgressBar *GetConnectProg() const { return fConnectProg; }
616  TGPopupMenu *GetCascadeMenu() const { return fCascadeMenu; }
617  TGPopupMenu *GetOptionsMenu() const { return fOptionsMenu; }
619  void ChangeRightLogo(const char *name);
620  void CleanupSession();
621  void CloseWindow();
622  void DisableTimer();
623  void EditQuery();
624  void EnableTimer();
626  Bool_t IsBusy() const { return fBusy; }
627  Bool_t IsAutoSave() const { return fAutoSave; }
628  void LogMessage(const char *msg, Bool_t all);
629  void MyHandleMenu(Int_t);
630  void OnCascadeMenu();
631  void OnListTreeClicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y);
632  void OnListTreeDoubleClicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn);
633  void QueryResultReady(char *query);
634  void DeleteQuery();
635  void ReadConfiguration(const char *filename = 0);
636  void ResetSession();
637  void UpdateListOfProofs();
638  void UpdateListOfSessions();
639  void UpdateListOfPackages();
640  void WriteConfiguration(const char *filename = 0);
641  void SetBusy(Bool_t busy = kTRUE) { fBusy = busy; }
642  void SetChangePic(Bool_t change) { fChangePic = change;}
643  void SetLogWindow(TSessionLogView *log) { fLogWindow = log; }
644  void ShowEnabledPackages();
645  void ShowPackages();
646  void ShowInfo(const char *txt);
647  void ShowLog(const char *queryref);
648  void ShowStatus();
649  void StartupMessage(char *msg, Bool_t stat, Int_t curr, Int_t total);
650  void StartViewer();
651  void Terminate();
653  ClassDef(TSessionViewer, 0) // Session Viewer
654 };
658 #endif
TGTextButton * fBtnRemove
TGPopupMenu * fOptionsMenu
TContextMenu * GetContextMenu() const
TGPopupMenu * GetPopupQry() const
TCanvas * GetStatsCanvas() const
void RemoveAll()
Remove all frames from composite frame.
void SetBusy(Bool_t busy=kTRUE)
TGHProgressBar * frmProg
TGListTree * fSessionHierarchy
TGVerticalFrame * fV2
TGTextEntry * fTxtAddress
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
TGListTree * GetSessionHierarchy() const
const TGPicture * GetBasePict() const
virtual void RemoveAll()
Remove all items from the container.
Definition: TGCanvas.cxx:638
TGTextEntry * fTxtParFile
const TGPicture * fLocal
TGCompositeFrame * fFrmMore
TGCanvas * fDSetView
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
const TGPicture * GetLocalPict() const
Definition: TGTab.h:66
TGPopupMenu * fHelpMenu
TGToolBar * fToolBar
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
TGCompositeFrame * fFE
void SetUserName(const char *str)
TGLVContainer * fLVContainer
TSessionQueryFrame * GetQueryFrame() const
TGLVContainer * GetLVContainer()
TGTextButton * fBtnNewQuery
This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing.
Definition: TDSet.h:153
TH1 * h
Definition: legend2.C:5
TGTextButton * fBtnClear
TSessionOutputFrame * GetOutputFrame() const
The PROOF manager interacts with the PROOF server coordinator to create or destroy a PROOF session...
Definition: TProofMgr.h:53
TGPopupMenu * fFileMenu
const char * GetUserName() const
TGTextButton * fBtnRetrieve
TGTextButton * fBtnStop
TGPopupMenu * fCascadeMenu
Bool_t IsSync() const
The TEnv class reads config files, by default named .rootrc.
Definition: TEnv.h:128
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
TContextMenu * fContextMenu
TGPopupMenu * GetOptionsMenu() const
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
TGMenuBar * fMenuBar
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
void SetPortNumber(Int_t port)
TGCheckButton * fChkMulti
TSessionServerFrame * fServerFrame
TGTextButton * fBtnAdd
Basic time type with millisecond precision.
Definition: TTime.h:29
void SetLogLevel(Int_t log)
void SetLogWindow(TSessionLogView *log)
TGTextButton * fApplyParallel
const TGPicture * fProofCon
Bool_t IsBusy() const
TGPopupMenu * fSessionMenu
TGTextEntry * fCommandTxt
TGTextButton * fBtnMore
const TGPicture * GetProofDisconPict() const
TEditQueryFrame * GetQueryEditFrame() const
TGVerticalFrame * fV1
const TGPicture * fProofDiscon
TGTab * GetTab() const
TSessionViewer * fViewer
TSessionServerFrame * GetServerFrame() const
TGTextButton * fBtnAdd
TGTextEntry * fTxtName
TGNumberEntry * fLogLevel
const char * GetAddress() const
TGListTreeItem * GetSessionItem() const
TGTextEntry * fTxtUsrName
TGTextButton * fBtnEnable
TGCompositeFrame * fFrmNewServer
Int_t GetLogLevel() const
TGTextEntry * fTxtConfig
void RemoveAll()
Remove all frames from composite frame.
TGTextButton * fBtnDisable
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
TSessionViewer * fViewer
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:254
TGCheckButton * fClearCheck
virtual Long_t GetIntNumber() const
TGTextButton * fBtnShowLog
TQueryDescription * fQuery
TGTextButton * fBtnSave
void SetLogLevel(Int_t log)
TGTextEntry * fTxtEventList
TGStatusBar * fStatusBar
const TGPicture * GetQueryConPict() const
TSessionViewer * fViewer
Definition: TGIcon.h:34
TRootEmbeddedCanvas * fECanvas
TGCompositeFrame * fFC
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer)
Execute action in response of a timer timing out.
Definition: TObject.cxx:470
TGTextButton * fApplyLogLevel
TGLVContainer * fLVContainer
TGNumberEntry * fNumEntries
TGCanvas * fTreeView
TGTextButton * fBtnUp
const TGPicture * fQueryDiscon
TGPopupMenu * fPopupQry
void SetSync(Bool_t sync)
virtual EButtonState GetState() const
Definition: TGButton.h:116
TEditQueryFrame * fFD
A container class for query results.
Definition: TQueryResult.h:44
TGTextButton * fBtnShowLog
TGTextView * fInfoTextView
TGTextButton * fBtnConnect
void SetConfigText(const char *str)
TGTextBuffer * fCommandBuf
const TGPicture * GetProofConPict() const
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:47
TSessionDescription * GetActDesc() const
void SetChangePic(Bool_t change)
TGCheckButton * fChkEnable
TSessionFrame * GetSessionFrame() const
TGTab * GetTab() const
TGNumberEntry * fNumPort
TGHProgressBar * fConnectProg
TGCheckButton * fSync
TGPicture * fRightIconPicture
Int_t GetPortNumber() const
void SetAddEnabled(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
TGListTree * fDataSetTree
TGTextButton * fBtnShow
TGHProgressBar * GetConnectProg() const
TQueryDescription * fActQuery
const TGPicture * GetQueryDisconPict() const
TSessionQueryFrame * fQueryFrame
TGFrame * fActFrame
This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus.
Definition: TContextMenu.h:44
TGTextEntry * fTxtSelector
TSessionViewer * fViewer
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
const char * GetName() const
Return unique name, used in SavePrimitive methods.
TSessionViewer * fViewer
TGTextButton * fBtnUpload
const TGPicture * fBaseIcon
Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events.
Definition: TTimer.h:57
TSessionDescription * fActDesc
virtual void SetIntNumber(Long_t val)
void SetAddress(const char *str)
TSessionFrame * fSessionFrame
void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti)
TGTextButton * fBtnShowEnabled
TSessionInputFrame * GetInputFrame() const
static unsigned int total
const char * GetText() const
Definition: TGTextEntry.h:140
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:41
TGTextEntry * fTxtOptions
TGLVContainer * GetLVContainer()
TList * GetSessions() const
TGTextButton * fBtnAbort
TQueryDescription * fDesc
void CheckAutoEnPack(Bool_t checked=kTRUE)
TGTextButton * fBtnRemoveDSet
TSessionOutputFrame * fOutputFrame
TGListBox * fLBPackages
This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.
Definition: TProof.h:346
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
const char * GetConfigText() const
TGTextButton * fBtnDown
TGNumberEntry * fNumFirstEntry
TGPopupMenu * fQueryMenu
void SetConnectEnabled(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
TGTextButton * fBtnGetQueries
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
TGPopupMenu * fPopupSrv
TSessionInputFrame * fInputFrame
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
UserGroup_t * fUserGroup
#define R__EXTERN
Definition: DllImport.h:27
TGTextButton * fBtnUploadDSet
TGListTreeItem * fSessionItem
EQueryStatus fStatus
TGHorizontalFrame * fHf
void SetName(const char *str)
R__EXTERN TSessionViewer * gSessionViewer
TGTextEntry * fTxtChain
TSessionViewer * fViewer
A chain is a collection of files containg TTree objects.
Definition: TChain.h:35
TQueryResult * fResult
TGTextButton * fBtnFinalize
TGPopupMenu * GetPopupSrv() const
TGTextView * fInfoTextView
virtual void SetState(EButtonState state, Bool_t emit=kFALSE)
Set check button state.
Definition: TGButton.cxx:1200
Definition: first.py:1
virtual void SetText(const char *text, Bool_t emit=kTRUE)
Sets text entry to text, clears the selection and moves the cursor to the end of the line...
TGTextButton * fBtnVerifyDSet
TGCompositeFrame * fFC
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
TGTextEntry * fTxtQueryName
TGStatusBar * GetStatusBar() const
TGTextButton * fBtnSubmit
ESessionQueryStatus fStatus
TGIcon * fRightIcon
Bool_t IsAutoSave() const
const TGPicture * fQueryCon
Int_t GetLogLevel() const
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
TGTextButton * fBtnRefresh
TGTextEntry * fTxtParallel
TGPopupMenu * GetCascadeMenu() const
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
double log(double)
TGNumberEntry * fLogLevel
TSessionLogView * fLogWindow