This macro fits the source spectrum using the AWMI algorithm from the "TSpectrumFit" class ("TSpectrum" class is used to find peaks).
created -9.88 9.97356 1
created -9.64 99.7356 10
created -9.4 49.8678 5
created -9.16 99.7356 10
created -8.92 9.97356 1
created -8.68 59.8413 6
created -8.44 39.8942 4
created -8.2 19.9471 2
created -7.96 79.7885 8
created -7.72 49.8678 5
created -7.48 99.7356 10
created -7.24 49.8678 5
created -7 49.8678 5
created -6.76 69.8149 7
created -6.52 99.7356 10
created -6.28 99.7356 10
created -6.04 49.8678 5
created -5.8 9.97356 1
created -5.56 69.8149 7
created -5.32 79.7885 8
created -5.08 69.8149 7
created -4.84 19.9471 2
created -4.6 19.9471 2
created -4.36 89.762 9
created -4.12 29.9207 3
created -3.88 99.7356 10
created -3.64 69.8149 7
created -3.4 89.762 9
created -3.16 69.8149 7
created -2.92 99.7356 10
created -2.68 19.9471 2
created -2.44 39.8942 4
created -2.2 49.8678 5
created -1.96 19.9471 2
created -1.72 19.9471 2
created -1.48 39.8942 4
created -1.24 29.9207 3
created -1 79.7885 8
created -0.76 49.8678 5
created -0.52 99.7356 10
created -0.28 79.7885 8
created -0.04 19.9471 2
created 0.2 89.762 9
created 0.44 49.8678 5
created 0.68 19.9471 2
created 0.92 89.762 9
created 1.16 69.8149 7
created 1.4 59.8413 6
created 1.64 9.97356 1
created 1.88 59.8413 6
created 2.12 19.9471 2
created 2.36 19.9471 2
created 2.6 29.9207 3
created 2.84 19.9471 2
created 3.08 9.97356 1
created 3.32 39.8942 4
created 3.56 49.8678 5
created 3.8 89.762 9
created 4.04 29.9207 3
created 4.28 79.7885 8
created 4.52 79.7885 8
created 4.76 39.8942 4
created 5 29.9207 3
created 5.24 59.8413 6
created 5.48 49.8678 5
created 5.72 69.8149 7
created 5.96 79.7885 8
created 6.2 49.8678 5
created 6.44 29.9207 3
created 6.68 79.7885 8
created 6.92 69.8149 7
created 7.16 89.762 9
created 7.4 29.9207 3
created 7.64 19.9471 2
created 7.88 49.8678 5
created 8.12 29.9207 3
created 8.36 39.8942 4
created 8.6 9.97356 1
created 8.84 9.97356 1
created 9.08 39.8942 4
created 9.32 49.8678 5
created 9.56 9.97356 1
created 9.8 9.97356 1
the total number of created peaks = 83 with sigma = 0.04
the total number of found peaks = 83 with sigma = 0.0400021 (+-7.42016e-06)
fit chi^2 = 2.59904e-06
found -6.52 (+-8.47418e-05) 99.7349 (+-0.20792) 10.0004 (+-0.000722346)
found -6.28 (+-8.46494e-05) 99.7344 (+-0.207892) 10.0004 (+-0.00072225)
found -2.92 (+-8.43348e-05) 99.7328 (+-0.207799) 10.0002 (+-0.000721928)
found -9.64 (+-8.41284e-05) 99.7319 (+-0.207741) 10.0002 (+-0.000721727)
found -9.16 (+-8.41283e-05) 99.732 (+-0.207741) 10.0002 (+-0.000721727)
found -7.48 (+-8.44464e-05) 99.7331 (+-0.207829) 10.0003 (+-0.000722031)
found -3.88 (+-8.44173e-05) 99.7331 (+-0.207822) 10.0003 (+-0.000722007)
found -0.519999 (+-8.45779e-05) 99.7339 (+-0.207869) 10.0003 (+-0.000722171)
found -3.4 (+-8.92741e-05) 89.7611 (+-0.197235) 9.00037 (+-0.000685226)
found 7.16 (+-8.9041e-05) 89.76 (+-0.197173) 9.00026 (+-0.000685009)
found -4.36 (+-8.87203e-05) 89.7587 (+-0.197088) 9.00013 (+-0.000684715)
found 0.200001 (+-8.88509e-05) 89.7592 (+-0.197122) 9.00018 (+-0.000684835)
found 0.920001 (+-8.89509e-05) 89.7597 (+-0.19715) 9.00024 (+-0.000684931)
found 3.8 (+-8.89407e-05) 89.7595 (+-0.197145) 9.00021 (+-0.000684913)
found -5.32 (+-9.47715e-05) 79.788 (+-0.185976) 8.00037 (+-0.000646109)
found -0.280002 (+-9.45493e-05) 79.7875 (+-0.185926) 8.00032 (+-0.000645937)
found 4.52 (+-9.46409e-05) 79.7875 (+-0.185944) 8.00032 (+-0.000646)
found 5.96 (+-9.46592e-05) 79.7875 (+-0.185948) 8.00032 (+-0.000646012)
found -7.96 (+-9.43026e-05) 79.7862 (+-0.185863) 8.00018 (+-0.000645719)
found -1 (+-9.44017e-05) 79.7865 (+-0.185886) 8.00021 (+-0.000645796)
found 4.28 (+-9.45617e-05) 79.7873 (+-0.185926) 8.00029 (+-0.000645936)
found 6.68 (+-9.45132e-05) 79.787 (+-0.185913) 8.00027 (+-0.000645893)
found -5.08 (+-0.000101073) 69.8139 (+-0.173916) 7.00026 (+-0.000604211)
found -3.64 (+-0.000101682) 69.8163 (+-0.174047) 7.0005 (+-0.000604667)
found -3.16 (+-0.000101682) 69.8163 (+-0.174047) 7.0005 (+-0.000604667)
found 1.16 (+-0.000101466) 69.8153 (+-0.173998) 7.0004 (+-0.000604498)
found 6.92 (+-0.000101582) 69.8158 (+-0.174024) 7.00045 (+-0.000604588)
found -6.76 (+-0.000101448) 69.8153 (+-0.173995) 7.0004 (+-0.000604486)
found -5.56 (+-0.000100914) 69.8137 (+-0.173886) 7.00024 (+-0.000604108)
found 5.72 (+-0.000101348) 69.8147 (+-0.173972) 7.00035 (+-0.000604407)
found 1.4 (+-0.000109043) 59.8404 (+-0.160994) 6.00021 (+-0.00055932)
found 5.24 (+-0.000109206) 59.8404 (+-0.161018) 6.00021 (+-0.000559402)
found -8.68 (+-0.000108814) 59.8396 (+-0.16095) 6.00013 (+-0.000559168)
found 1.88 (+-0.000108591) 59.839 (+-0.16091) 6.00008 (+-0.000559029)
found -9.4 (+-0.000120773) 49.8705 (+-0.147173) 5.00053 (+-0.000511302)
found -7.24 (+-0.000120385) 49.8692 (+-0.147109) 5.0004 (+-0.000511082)
found -6.04 (+-0.000119802) 49.8682 (+-0.147024) 5.0003 (+-0.000510786)
found 0.439997 (+-0.000119949) 49.8682 (+-0.147042) 5.00029 (+-0.000510849)
found -7.72 (+-0.000120636) 49.87 (+-0.14715) 5.00048 (+-0.000511222)
found -7 (+-0.000120174) 49.8684 (+-0.147074) 5.00032 (+-0.000510959)
found -2.2 (+-0.000119533) 49.8668 (+-0.146974) 5.00016 (+-0.000510612)
found -0.759999 (+-0.000120636) 49.87 (+-0.14715) 5.00048 (+-0.000511222)
found 3.56 (+-0.000120217) 49.8687 (+-0.147082) 5.00035 (+-0.000510988)
found 5.48 (+-0.000120265) 49.8687 (+-0.147089) 5.00035 (+-0.00051101)
found 6.2 (+-0.000120028) 49.8682 (+-0.147052) 5.00029 (+-0.000510884)
found 9.32 (+-0.000119323) 49.8665 (+-0.146945) 5.00013 (+-0.000510511)
found 7.88 (+-0.000119415) 49.8665 (+-0.146956) 5.00013 (+-0.000510549)
found -8.44 (+-0.000134077) 39.8943 (+-0.131513) 4.00021 (+-0.000456897)
found 4.76 (+-0.000134449) 39.8951 (+-0.13156) 4.00029 (+-0.000457062)
found 8.36 (+-0.000133447) 39.8932 (+-0.131435) 4.00011 (+-0.000456628)
found -2.44 (+-0.000133966) 39.894 (+-0.131498) 4.00019 (+-0.000456847)
found -1.48 (+-0.000133699) 39.8935 (+-0.131464) 4.00013 (+-0.000456727)
found 3.32 (+-0.000133713) 39.8938 (+-0.13147) 4.00016 (+-0.000456747)
found 9.08 (+-0.000133713) 39.8937 (+-0.13147) 4.00016 (+-0.000456747)
found -4.12 (+-0.000156745) 29.9242 (+-0.114084) 3.00051 (+-0.000396347)
found 4.04 (+-0.000156531) 29.9237 (+-0.114062) 3.00045 (+-0.00039627)
found 7.4 (+-0.000155541) 29.9221 (+-0.113966) 3.0003 (+-0.000395936)
found 6.44 (+-0.000156022) 29.9226 (+-0.114011) 3.00035 (+-0.000396091)
found 8.12 (+-0.000155462) 29.9215 (+-0.113954) 3.00024 (+-0.000395895)
found -1.24 (+-0.000155857) 29.9223 (+-0.113994) 3.00032 (+-0.000396035)
found 2.6 (+-0.000154462) 29.9202 (+-0.113858) 3.00011 (+-0.000395562)
found 5 (+-0.000155607) 29.9218 (+-0.113969) 3.00027 (+-0.000395946)
found -2.68001 (+-0.000192045) 19.9498 (+-0.0931564) 2.00038 (+-0.00032364)
found -0.0399991 (+-0.000192711) 19.9506 (+-0.0932013) 2.00045 (+-0.000323796)
found -4.84 (+-0.000190967) 19.9485 (+-0.0930833) 2.00024 (+-0.000323386)
found -1.96 (+-0.000190579) 19.948 (+-0.0930562) 2.00019 (+-0.000323292)
found 0.680004 (+-0.000192144) 19.9498 (+-0.0931622) 2.00038 (+-0.00032366)
found 2.12 (+-0.000190785) 19.9482 (+-0.0930704) 2.00021 (+-0.000323342)
found -8.2 (+-0.000191753) 19.9493 (+-0.0931352) 2.00032 (+-0.000323567)
found -4.59999 (+-0.000191284) 19.949 (+-0.0931061) 2.0003 (+-0.000323466)
found -1.72 (+-0.000190346) 19.9477 (+-0.0930402) 2.00016 (+-0.000323237)
found 2.36 (+-0.000190073) 19.9474 (+-0.0930219) 2.00013 (+-0.000323173)
found 2.84 (+-0.000189613) 19.9472 (+-0.0929937) 2.00011 (+-0.000323075)
found 7.64 (+-0.000190917) 19.9482 (+-0.0930779) 2.00021 (+-0.000323367)
found -8.92001 (+-0.000274974) 9.97731 (+-0.0659936) 1.00043 (+-0.000229272)
found 1.64 (+-0.000273878) 9.97624 (+-0.0659518) 1.00032 (+-0.000229127)
found -5.8 (+-0.000273832) 9.97625 (+-0.0659504) 1.00032 (+-0.000229122)
found 8.59999 (+-0.000270302) 9.97439 (+-0.0658282) 1.00013 (+-0.000228698)
found 9.55999 (+-0.000270712) 9.97465 (+-0.0658432) 1.00016 (+-0.00022875)
found 3.08 (+-0.000271179) 9.97465 (+-0.0658566) 1.00016 (+-0.000228796)
found 8.84001 (+-0.000270302) 9.97439 (+-0.0658282) 1.00014 (+-0.000228698)
found 9.8 (+-0.000265727) 9.97358 (+-0.0656931) 1.00005 (+-0.000228228)
found -9.87998 (+-0.000271377) 9.97576 (+-0.0658702) 1.00027 (+-0.000228843)
#include <iostream>
TH1F *FitAwmi_Create_Spectrum(
void) {
delete gROOT->FindObject(
std::cout << "created "
<< area << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total number of created peaks = " << npeaks
" with sigma = " <<
sigma << std::endl;
void FitAwmi(void) {
TH1F *
h = FitAwmi_Create_Spectrum();
if (!cFit) cFit =
new TCanvas(
"cFit", 10, 10, 1000, 700);
for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) source[i] =
h->GetBinContent(i + 1);
for(i = 0; i < nfound; i++) FixAmp[i] = FixPos[i] =
for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++) {
bin = 1 +
Int_t(Pos[i] + 0.5);
Amp[i] =
delete gROOT->FindObject(
TH1F *
d =
new TH1F(*
for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
d->SetBinContent(i + 1, source[i]);
sigma *= dx; sigmaErr *= dx;
std::cout << "the total number of found peaks = " << nfound
" with sigma = " <<
sigma <<
" (+-" << sigmaErr <<
<< std::endl;
std::cout <<
"fit chi^2 = " << pfit->
GetChi() << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++) {
bin = 1 +
Int_t(Positions[i] + 0.5);
Pos[i] =
Amp[i] =
Positions[i] =
x1 + Positions[i] * dx;
PositionsErrors[i] *= dx;
Areas[i] *= dx;
AreasErrors[i] *= dx;
std::cout << "found "
<< Positions[i] << " (+-" << PositionsErrors[i] << ") "
<< Amplitudes[i] << " (+-" << AmplitudesErrors[i] << ") "
<< Areas[i] << " (+-" << AreasErrors[i] << ")"
<< std::endl;
if (pm) {
delete pm;
delete pfit;
delete [] Amp;
delete [] FixAmp;
delete [] FixPos;
delete [] source;
static const double x1[5]
R__EXTERN TRandom * gRandom
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t mcolor=1)
Set the marker color.
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set the marker size.
void Clear(Option_t *option="")
Remove all primitives from the canvas.
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
A PolyMarker is defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space.
virtual void SetSeed(ULong_t seed=0)
Set the random generator seed.
virtual Double_t Uniform(Double_t x1=1)
Returns a uniform deviate on the interval (0, x1).
Advanced 1-dimensional spectra fitting functions.
void SetPeakParameters(Double_t sigma, Bool_t fixSigma, const Double_t *positionInit, const Bool_t *fixPosition, const Double_t *ampInit, const Bool_t *fixAmp)
This function sets the following fitting parameters of peaks:
Double_t * GetAmplitudesErrors() const
void FitAwmi(Double_t *source)
This function fits the source spectrum.
Double_t * GetAreasErrors() const
void GetSigma(Double_t &sigma, Double_t &sigmaErr)
This function gets the sigma parameter and its error.
Double_t * GetAreas() const
Double_t * GetAmplitudes() const
void SetFitParameters(Int_t xmin, Int_t xmax, Int_t numberIterations, Double_t alpha, Int_t statisticType, Int_t alphaOptim, Int_t power, Int_t fitTaylor)
This function sets the following fitting parameters:
Double_t * GetPositionsErrors() const
Double_t * GetPositions() const
Advanced Spectra Processing.
static constexpr double s
constexpr Double_t Sqrt2()
Double_t Sqrt(Double_t x)
constexpr Double_t TwoPi()
#define dest(otri, vertexptr)