12#ifndef ROOT_TStructViewerGUI
13#define ROOT_TStructViewerGUI
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void pixel
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y1
This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash.
Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames.
Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable.
This class handles GUI labels.
Defines top level windows that interact with the system Window Manager.
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.
ROOT GUI Window base class.
Media are used to store properties related to tracking and which are useful only when using geometry ...
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
TGLabel * fTotalSizeLabel
void SetNodePtr(TStructNode *val)
Sets top node pointer and updates view.
TGLabel * fAllMembersCountLabel
void ResetButtonSlot()
Resets camera.
TGTextEntry * fPointerTextEntry
~TStructViewerGUI() override
void DrawNode(TStructNode *node)
Creates and draws TGeoVolume from given "node".
void Scale(TStructNode *parent)
Recursive method to scaling all modes on scene.
void RedoButtonSlot()
Activated when user click Redo button. Repeat last Undo action.
TStructNodeProperty * FindNodeProperty(TStructNode *node)
Returns pointer to property associated with node "node".
void ColorSelectedSlot(Pixel_t pixel)
Slot for default color selsect.
TGTextButton * fRedoButton
void BoxHeightValueSetSlot(Long_t h)
Emmited when user changes height of boxes.
TGNumberEntry * fBoxHeightEntry
TStructNode * fSelectedObject
TGRadioButton * fScaleByMembersButton
TStructNode * GetNodePtr() const
Returns top node pointer.
void CheckMaxObjects(TStructNode *parent)
Check if all of nodes can be displayed on scene. Hides redendant nodes.
TGLabel * fMembersCountLabel
void UpdateLabels(TStructNode *node)
Refresh information in labels when user put mouse over object.
void UpdateButtonSlot()
Update button slot. Updates scene.
void MouseOverSlot(TGLPhysicalShape *shape)
MouseOver slot.
Bool_t GetLinksVisibility() const
Returns true if links are visible, otherwise return false.
void DrawLink(TStructNode *parent)
Recursive method to draw links.
void SetLinksVisibility(Bool_t val)
Sets links visibility to "visible".
TGNumberEntry * fLevelDistanceEntry
void AutoRefreshButtonSlot(Bool_t on)
Activated when user chage condition.
TGCheckButton * fAutoRefesh
void DoubleClickedSlot()
Activated when user double click on objects on 3D scene.
void UnCheckMaxObjects()
Shows hidden nodes.
TGTextButton * fUndoButton
TStructNodeProperty * GetDefaultColor()
Return default color for nodes.
void DrawVolumes(TStructNode *visObj)
Recursive method to draw GeoVolumes.
void LevelDistValueSetSlot(Long_t dist)
Emmited when user changes distance between levels.
TGRadioButton * fScaleBySizeButton
Int_t GetColor(TStructNode *node)
Returns color form fColors for given "node".
TGLEmbeddedViewer * fGLViewer
TStructNodeEditor * fEditor
static TGeoMedium * fgMedium
void ScaleByChangedSlot()
Activated when user press radio button.
TStructViewerGUI(TStructViewer *parent, TStructNode *nodePtr, TList *colors, const TGWindow *p=nullptr, UInt_t w=800, UInt_t h=600)
Constructs window with "w" as width, "h" as height and given parent "p".
ClassDefOverride(TStructViewerGUI, 0)
TGTextEntry * fPointerTypeTextEntry
void CloseWindow() override
Delete window.
void UndoButtonSlot()
UndoButton Slot. Activated when user press Undo button. Restore last top node pointer.
void GLWidgetProcessedEventSlot(Event_t *event)
Handle events. Sets fMouseX and fMouseY when user move a mouse over viewer and hides ToolTip.
void ShowLinksToggled(Bool_t on)
Changes links visibility and refresh view.
void SetPointerButtonSlot()
Sets pointer given in fPointerTestEntry to the main pointer.
void Divide(TList *list, Float_t x1, Float_t x2, Float_t y1, Float_t y2)
Divides rectangle where the outlining box is placed.
TGCheckButton * fShowLinksCheckButton
void CalculatePosistion(TStructNode *parent)
Recursive method to calculating nodes posistion in 3D space.
void Update(Bool_t resetCamera=false)
Updates view. Clear all the nodes, call draw function and update scene. Doesn't reset camera.