12#ifndef ROOT_XrdProofdManager
13#define ROOT_XrdProofdManager
33#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucString.hh"
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
int DoDirectiveRootd(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'rootd' directive xpd.rootd deny|allow [rootsys:<tag>] [path:abs-path/] [mode:ro|rw] [auth:no...
int GetWorkers(XrdOucString &workers, XrdProofdProofServ *, const char *)
Get a list of workers from the available resource broker.
XrdProofdPriorityMgr * PriorityMgr() const
const char * PoolURL() const
XrdProofSched * ProofSched() const
XrdProofdPriorityMgr * fPriorityMgr
const char * SockPathDir() const
XrdProofdAdmin * Admin() const
int DoDirectiveRole(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'role' directive.
const char * DataDirUrlOpts() const
int DoDirectiveDataSetSrc(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'datasetsrc' directive.
XrdROOTMgr * ROOTMgr() const
XrdProofdProofServMgr * fSessionMgr
std::list< XrdProofdDSInfo * > * DataSetSrcs()
XrdOucString fStageReqRepo
int DoDirective(XrdProofdDirective *d, char *val, XrdOucStream *cfg, bool rcf)
Update the priorities of the active sessions.
XrdOucString fSockPathDir
const char * DataDirOpts() const
XrdProofdNetMgr * NetMgr() const
int Process(XrdProofdProtocol *p)
Process manager request.
XrdProofSched * LoadScheduler()
Load PROOF scheduler.
virtual ~XrdProofdManager()
XrdProofGroupMgr * GroupsMgr() const
XrdOucString fDataDirUrlOpts
XrdProtocol * Xrootd() const
int DoDirectiveMaxOldLogs(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'maxoldlogs' directive.
XrdScheduler * Sched() const
int DoDirectiveDataSetReqRepo(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
int DoDirectiveAllowedGroups(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'allowedgroups' directive.
const char * DataSetExp() const
int DoDirectiveMultiUser(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'multiuser' directive.
XrdProofdClientMgr * ClientMgr() const
XrdProofGroupMgr * fGroupsMgr
const char * LocalROOT() const
XrdOucString fEffectiveUser
const char * Host() const
int DoDirectiveFilterLibPaths(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'filterlibpaths' directive xpd.filterlibpaths 1|0 [path1,path2 path3 path4 ....
int DoDirectivePort(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'xrd.protocol' directive to find the port.
const char * StageReqRepo() const
const char * BareLibPath() const
XrdOucHash< int > fAllowedGroups
const char * Image() const
XrdProofdNetMgr * fNetMgr
int DoDirectiveDataDir(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'datadir' directive.
void CheckLogFileOwnership()
Make sure that the log file belongs to the original effective user.
XrdSysPlugin * fXrootdPlugin
const char * DataDir() const
int DoDirectiveRootdAllow(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'rootdallow' directive xpd.rootdallow host1,host2 host3 Host names may contain the wild card ...
XrdOucHash< int > fAllowedUsers
bool CheckMaster(const char *m)
Check if master 'm' is allowed to connect to this host.
void RegisterDirectives()
Register directives for configuration.
const char * NameSpace() const
XrdOucHash< XrdOucString > fLibPathsToRemove
XrdProtocol * LoadXrootd(char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi, XrdSysError *edest)
Load the Xrootd protocol, if required.
XrdProofdManager(char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi, XrdSysError *edest)
XrdOucString fBareLibPath
const char * TMPdir() const
int DoDirectiveGroupfile(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'groupfile' directive.
const char * EffectiveUser() const
int DoDirectiveTrace(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Scan the config file for tracing settings.
std::list< XrdProofdDSInfo * > fDataSetSrcs
int DoDirectiveAllowedUsers(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'allowedusers' directive.
std::list< XrdOucString * > fMastersAllowed
const char * WorkDir() const
int CheckUser(const char *usr, const char *grp, XrdProofUI &ui, XrdOucString &e, bool &su)
Check if the user is allowed to use the system Return 0 if OK, -1 if not.
XrdOucString fDataDirOpts
XrdProofdProofServMgr * SessionMgr() const
bool ValidateLocalDataSetSrc(XrdOucString &url, bool &local)
Validate local dataset src at URL (check the URL and make the relevant directories).
const char * AdminPath() const
int Config(bool rcf=0)
Run configuration and parse the entered config directives.
XrdProofSched * fProofSched
XrdOucString fXrootdLibPath
int DoDirectiveXrootd(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'xrootd' directive xpd.xrootd [path/]libXrdXrootd.so.
XrdProofdClientMgr * fClientMgr
int DoDirectiveAllow(char *, XrdOucStream *, bool)
Process 'allow' directive.
int ResolveKeywords(XrdOucString &s, XrdProofdClient *pcl)
Resolve special keywords in 's' for client 'pcl'.
XrdProofdProofServMgr * fSessionMgr
XrdProofdClientMgr * fClientMgr
XrdProofSched * fProofSched