// @(#)root/tree:$Id: TTree.cxx 21717 2008-01-15 17:08:00Z brun $ // Author: Rene Brun 12/01/96 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTree // // // // a TTree object has a header with a name and a title. // It consists of a list of independent branches (TBranch). Each branch // has its own definition and list of buffers. Branch buffers may be // automatically written to disk or kept in memory until the Tree attribute // fMaxVirtualSize is reached. // Variables of one branch are written to the same buffer. // A branch buffer is automatically compressed if the file compression // attribute is set (default). // // Branches may be written to different files (see TBranch::SetFile). // // The ROOT user can decide to make one single branch and serialize one // object into one single I/O buffer or to make several branches. // Making one single branch and one single buffer can be the right choice // when one wants to process only a subset of all entries in the tree. // (you know for example the list of entry numbers you want to process). // Making several branches is particularly interesting in the data analysis // phase, when one wants to histogram some attributes of an object (entry) // without reading all the attributes. // // ==> TTree *tree = new TTree(name, title) // Creates a Tree with name and title. // // Various kinds of branches can be added to a tree: // A - simple structures or list of variables. (may be for C or Fortran structures) // B - any object (inheriting from TObject). (we expect this option be the most frequent) // C - a ClonesArray. (a specialized object for collections of same class objects) // // ==> Case A // ====== // TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,address, leaflist, bufsize) // * address is the address of the first item of a structure // * leaflist is the concatenation of all the variable names and types // separated by a colon character : // The variable name and the variable type are separated by a slash (/). // The variable type may be 0,1 or 2 characters. If no type is given, // the type of the variable is assumed to be the same as the previous // variable. If the first variable does not have a type, it is assumed // of type F by default. The list of currently supported types is given below: // - C : a character string terminated by the 0 character // - B : an 8 bit signed integer (Char_t) // - b : an 8 bit unsigned integer (UChar_t) // - S : a 16 bit signed integer (Short_t) // - s : a 16 bit unsigned integer (UShort_t) // - I : a 32 bit signed integer (Int_t) // - i : a 32 bit unsigned integer (UInt_t) // - F : a 32 bit floating point (Float_t) // - D : a 64 bit floating point (Double_t) // - L : a 64 bit signed integer (Long64_t) // - l : a 64 bit unsigned integer (ULong64_t) // - O : a boolean (Bool_t) // // ==> Case B // ====== // TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,className,object, bufsize, splitlevel) // object is the address of a pointer to an existing object (derived from TObject). // if splitlevel=0, the object is serialized in the branch buffer. // if splitlevel=1 (default), this branch will automatically be split // into subbranches, with one subbranch for each data member or object // of the object itself. In case the object member is a TClonesArray, // the mechanism described in case C is applied to this array. // if splitlevel=2 ,this branch will automatically be split // into subbranches, with one subbranch for each data member or object // of the object itself. In case the object member is a TClonesArray, // it is processed as a TObject*, only one branch. // // ==> Case C // ====== // TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,clonesarray, bufsize, splitlevel) // clonesarray is the address of a pointer to a TClonesArray. // The TClonesArray is a direct access list of objects of the same class. // For example, if the TClonesArray is an array of TTrack objects, // this function will create one subbranch for each data member of // the object TTrack. // // // ==> branch->SetAddress(Void *address) // In case of dynamic structures changing with each entry for example, one must // redefine the branch address before filling the branch again. // This is done via the TBranch::SetAddress member function. // // ==> tree->Fill() // loops on all defined branches and for each branch invokes the Fill function. // // See also the class TNtuple (a simple Tree with branches of floats) // // Adding a Branch to an Existing Tree // =================================== // You may want to add a branch to an existing tree. For example, // if one variable in the tree was computed with a certain algorithm, // you may want to try another algorithm and compare the results. // One solution is to add a new branch, fill it, and save the tree. // The code below adds a simple branch to an existing tree. // Note the kOverwrite option in the Write method, it overwrites the // existing tree. If it is not specified, two copies of the tree headers // are saved. // // void tree3AddBranch(){ // TFile f("tree3.root","update"); // // Float_t new_v; // TTree *t3 = (TTree*)f->Get("t3"); // TBranch *newBranch = t3->Branch("new_v",&new_v,"new_v/F"); // // //read the number of entries in the t3 // Long64_t nentries = t3->GetEntries(); // // for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; i++){ // new_v= gRandom->Gaus(0,1); // newBranch->Fill(); // } // // save only the new version of the tree // t3->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); // } // Adding a branch is often not possible because the tree is in a read-only // file and you do not have permission to save the modified tree with the // new branch. Even if you do have the permission, you risk loosing the // original tree with an unsuccessful attempt to save the modification. // Since trees are usually large, adding a branch could extend it over the // 2GB limit. In this case, the attempt to write the tree fails, and the // original data is erased. // In addition, adding a branch to a tree enlarges the tree and increases // the amount of memory needed to read an entry, and therefore decreases // the performance. // For these reasons, ROOT offers the concept of friends for trees (and chains). // We encourage you to use TTree::AddFriend rather than adding a branch manually. // //Begin_Html /* <img src="gif/tree_layout.gif"> */ //End_Html // ============================================================================= //______________________________________________________________________________ //*-*-*-*-*-*-*A simple example with histograms and a tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* =========================================== // // This program creates : // - a one dimensional histogram // - a two dimensional histogram // - a profile histogram // - a tree // // These objects are filled with some random numbers and saved on a file. // //-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // // #include "TFile.h" // #include "TH1.h" // #include "TH2.h" // #include "TProfile.h" // #include "TRandom.h" // #include "TTree.h" // // // //______________________________________________________________________________ // main(int argc, char **argv) // { // // Create a new ROOT binary machine independent file. // // Note that this file may contain any kind of ROOT objects, histograms,trees // // pictures, graphics objects, detector geometries, tracks, events, etc.. // // This file is now becoming the current directory. // TFile hfile("htree.root","RECREATE","Demo ROOT file with histograms & trees"); // // // Create some histograms and a profile histogram // TH1F *hpx = new TH1F("hpx","This is the px distribution",100,-4,4); // TH2F *hpxpy = new TH2F("hpxpy","py ps px",40,-4,4,40,-4,4); // TProfile *hprof = new TProfile("hprof","Profile of pz versus px",100,-4,4,0,20); // // // Define some simple structures // typedef struct {Float_t x,y,z;} POINT; // typedef struct { // Int_t ntrack,nseg,nvertex; // UInt_t flag; // Float_t temperature; // } EVENTN; // static POINT point; // static EVENTN eventn; // // // Create a ROOT Tree // TTree *tree = new TTree("T","An example of ROOT tree with a few branches"); // tree->Branch("point",&point,"x:y:z"); // tree->Branch("eventn",&eventn,"ntrack/I:nseg:nvertex:flag/i:temperature/F"); // tree->Branch("hpx","TH1F",&hpx,128000,0); // // Float_t px,py,pz; // static Float_t p[3]; // // //--------------------Here we start a loop on 1000 events // for ( Int_t i=0; i<1000; i++) { // gRandom->Rannor(px,py); // pz = px*px + py*py; // Float_t random = gRandom->::Rndm(1); // // // Fill histograms // hpx->Fill(px); // hpxpy->Fill(px,py,1); // hprof->Fill(px,pz,1); // // // Fill structures // p[0] = px; // p[1] = py; // p[2] = pz; // point.x = 10*(random-1);; // point.y = 5*random; // point.z = 20*random; // eventn.ntrack = Int_t(100*random); // eventn.nseg = Int_t(2*eventn.ntrack); // eventn.nvertex = 1; // eventn.flag = Int_t(random+0.5); // eventn.temperature = 20+random; // // // Fill the tree. For each event, save the 2 structures and 3 objects // // In this simple example, the objects hpx, hprof and hpxpy are slightly // // different from event to event. We expect a big compression factor! // tree->Fill(); // } // //--------------End of the loop // // tree->Print(); // // // Save all objects in this file // hfile.Write(); // // // Close the file. Note that this is automatically done when you leave // // the application. // hfile.Close(); // // return 0; // } // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RConfig.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "Api.h" #include "TArrayC.h" #include "TBufferFile.h" #include "TBaseClass.h" #include "TBasket.h" #include "TBranchClones.h" #include "TBranchElement.h" #include "TBranchObject.h" #include "TBranchRef.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TClassEdit.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TCut.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TEntryList.h" #include "TEventList.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TFriendElement.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TLeafB.h" #include "TLeafC.h" #include "TLeafD.h" #include "TLeafElement.h" #include "TLeafF.h" #include "TLeafI.h" #include "TLeafL.h" #include "TLeafObject.h" #include "TLeafS.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TRealData.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TStreamerElement.h" #include "TStreamerInfo.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TTreeCloner.h" #include "TTreeCache.h" #include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h" #include "TEmulatedCollectionProxy.h" #include "TVirtualFitter.h" #include "TVirtualIndex.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include <cstddef> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> Int_t TTree::fgBranchStyle = 1; // Use new TBranch style with TBranchElement. Long64_t TTree::fgMaxTreeSize = 1900000000; TTree* gTree; ClassImp(TTree) // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //______________________________________________________________________________ // Helper class to prevent infinite recursion in the usage of TTree Friends. //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TFriendLock::TFriendLock(TTree* tree, UInt_t methodbit) : fTree(tree) { // -- Record in tree that it has been used while recursively looks through the friends. // We could also add some code to acquire an actual // lock to prevent multi-thread issues if (fTree) { fMethodBit = methodbit; fPrevious = fTree->fFriendLockStatus & fMethodBit; fTree->fFriendLockStatus |= fMethodBit; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TFriendLock::TFriendLock(const TFriendLock& tfl) : fTree(tfl.fTree), fMethodBit(tfl.fMethodBit), fPrevious(tfl.fPrevious) { //copy constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TFriendLock& TTree::TFriendLock::operator=(const TTree::TFriendLock& tfl) { //assignement operator if(this!=&tfl) { fTree=tfl.fTree; fMethodBit=tfl.fMethodBit; fPrevious=tfl.fPrevious; } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TFriendLock::~TFriendLock() { // -- Restore the state of tree the same as before we set the lock. if (fTree) { if (!fPrevious) { fTree->fFriendLockStatus &= ~(fMethodBit & kBitMask); } } } // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TTree() : TNamed() , TAttLine() , TAttFill() , TAttMarker() , fEntries(0) , fTotBytes(0) , fZipBytes(0) , fSavedBytes(0) , fWeight(1) , fTimerInterval(0) , fScanField(25) , fUpdate(0) , fMaxEntries(0) , fMaxEntryLoop(0) , fMaxVirtualSize(0) , fAutoSave(100000000) , fEstimate(1000000) , fCacheSize(10000000) , fChainOffset(0) , fReadEntry(-1) , fTotalBuffers(0) , fPacketSize(100) , fNfill(0) , fDebug(0) , fDebugMin(0) , fDebugMax(9999999) , fMakeClass(0) , fFileNumber(0) , fNotify(0) , fDirectory(0) , fBranches() , fLeaves() , fAliases(0) , fEventList(0) , fEntryList(0) , fIndexValues() , fIndex() , fTreeIndex(0) , fFriends(0) , fUserInfo(0) , fPlayer(0) , fClones(0) , fBranchRef(0) , fFriendLockStatus(0) { // -- Default and i/o tree constructor. // // Note: We do *not* insert ourself into the current directory. // fMaxEntries = 1000000000; fMaxEntries *= 1000; fMaxEntryLoop = 1000000000; fMaxEntryLoop *= 1000; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::TTree(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */) : TNamed(name, title) , TAttLine() , TAttFill() , TAttMarker() , fEntries(0) , fTotBytes(0) , fZipBytes(0) , fSavedBytes(0) , fWeight(1) , fTimerInterval(0) , fScanField(25) , fUpdate(0) , fMaxEntries(0) , fMaxEntryLoop(0) , fMaxVirtualSize(0) , fAutoSave(100000000) , fEstimate(1000000) , fCacheSize(10000000) , fChainOffset(0) , fReadEntry(-1) , fTotalBuffers(0) , fPacketSize(100) , fNfill(0) , fDebug(0) , fDebugMin(0) , fDebugMax(9999999) , fMakeClass(0) , fFileNumber(0) , fNotify(0) , fDirectory(0) , fBranches() , fLeaves() , fAliases(0) , fEventList(0) , fEntryList(0) , fIndexValues() , fIndex() , fTreeIndex(0) , fFriends(0) , fUserInfo(0) , fPlayer(0) , fClones(0) , fBranchRef(0) , fFriendLockStatus(0) { // -- Normal tree constructor. // // The tree is created in the current directory. // Use the various functions Branch below to add branches to this tree. // // If the first character of title is a "/", the function assumes a folder name. // In this case, it creates automatically branches following the folder hierarchy. // splitlevel may be used in this case to control the split level. // TAttLine state. SetLineColor(gStyle->GetHistLineColor()); SetLineStyle(gStyle->GetHistLineStyle()); SetLineWidth(gStyle->GetHistLineWidth()); // TAttFill state. SetFillColor(gStyle->GetHistFillColor()); SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetHistFillStyle()); // TAttMarkerState. SetMarkerColor(gStyle->GetMarkerColor()); SetMarkerStyle(gStyle->GetMarkerStyle()); SetMarkerSize(gStyle->GetMarkerSize()); fMaxEntries = 1000000000; fMaxEntries *= 1000; fMaxEntryLoop = 1000000000; fMaxEntryLoop *= 1000; // Insert ourself into the current directory. // FIXME: This is very annoying behaviour, we should // be able to choose to not do this like we // can with a histogram. gDirectory->Append(this); fDirectory = gDirectory; // We become the current tree. gTree = this; // if title starts with "/" and is a valid folder name, a superbranch // is created. // FIXME: Why? if (strlen(title) > 2) { if (title[0] == '/') { Branch(title+1,32000,splitlevel); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree::~TTree() { // -- Destructor. if (fDirectory) { // -- We are in a directory, which may possibly be a file. if (fDirectory->GetList()) { // -- Remove us from the directory listing. fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); } //delete the file cache if it points to this Tree TFile *file = fDirectory->GetFile(); if (file) { TFileCacheRead *pf = file->GetCacheRead(); if (pf && pf->InheritsFrom(TTreeCache::Class())) { TTreeCache *tpf = (TTreeCache*)pf; if (tpf->GetOwner() == this) { delete tpf; tpf = 0; file->SetCacheRead(0); } } } } // We don't own the leaves in fLeaves, the branches do. fLeaves.Clear(); // I'm ready to destroy any objects allocated by // SetAddress() by my branches. If I have clones, // tell them to zero their pointers to this shared // memory. if (fClones && fClones->GetEntries()) { // -- I have clones. // I am about to delete the objects created by // SetAddress() which we are sharing, so tell // the clones to release their pointers to them. for (TObjLink* lnk = fClones->FirstLink(); lnk; lnk = lnk->Next()) { TTree* clone = (TTree*) lnk->GetObject(); // clone->ResetBranchAddresses(); // Reset only the branch we have set the address of. CopyAddresses(clone,kTRUE); } } // Get rid of our branches, note that this will also release // any memory allocated by TBranchElement::SetAddress(). fBranches.Delete(); // FIXME: We must consider what to do with the reset of these if we are a clone. delete fPlayer; fPlayer = 0; if (fFriends) { fFriends->Delete(); delete fFriends; fFriends = 0; } if (fAliases) { fAliases->Delete(); delete fAliases; fAliases = 0; } if (fUserInfo) { fUserInfo->Delete(); delete fUserInfo; fUserInfo = 0; } if (fClones) { // Clone trees should no longer be removed from fClones when they are deleted. gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Remove(fClones); // Note: fClones does not own its content. delete fClones; fClones = 0; if (fEntryList){ if (fEntryList->TestBit(kCanDelete)){ delete fEntryList; fEntryList=0; } } } delete fTreeIndex; fTreeIndex = 0; delete fBranchRef; fBranchRef = 0; // Must be done after the destruction of friends. // Note: We do *not* own our directory. fDirectory = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::AddClone(TTree* clone) { // -- Add a cloned tree to our list of trees to be notified whenever we change our branch addresses or when we are deleted. if (!fClones) { fClones = new TList(); fClones->SetOwner(false); // So that the clones are automatically removed from the list when // they are deleted. gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Add(fClones); } if (!fClones->FindObject(clone)) { fClones->Add(clone); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFriendElement* TTree::AddFriend(const char* treename, const char* filename) { // -- Add a TFriendElement to the list of friends. // // This function: // -opens a file if filename is specified // -reads a Tree with name treename from the file (current directory) // -adds the Tree to the list of friends // see other AddFriend functions // // A TFriendElement TF describes a TTree object TF in a file. // When a TFriendElement TF is added to the the list of friends of an // existing TTree T, any variable from TF can be referenced in a query // to T. // // A tree keeps a list of friends. In the context of a tree (or a chain), // friendship means unrestricted access to the friends data. In this way // it is much like adding another branch to the tree without taking the risk // of damaging it. To add a friend to the list, you can use the TTree::AddFriend // method. The tree in the diagram below has two friends (friend_tree1 and // friend_tree2) and now has access to the variables a,b,c,i,j,k,l and m. // //Begin_Html /* <img src="gif/tree_friend1.gif"> */ //End_Html // // The AddFriend method has two parameters, the first is the tree name and the // second is the name of the ROOT file where the friend tree is saved. // AddFriend automatically opens the friend file. If no file name is given, // the tree called ft1 is assumed to be in the same file as the original tree. // // tree.AddFriend("ft1","friendfile1.root"); // If the friend tree has the same name as the original tree, you can give it // an alias sin the context of the friendship: // // tree.AddFriend("tree1 = tree","friendfile1.root"); // Once the tree has friends, we can use TTree::Draw as if the friend's // variables were in the original tree. To specify which tree to use in // the Draw method, use the syntax: // // <treeName>.<branchname>.<varname> // If the variablename is enough to uniquely identify the variable, you can // leave out the tree and/or branch name. // For example, these commands generate a 3-d scatter plot of variable "var" // in the TTree tree versus variable v1 in TTree ft1 versus variable v2 in // TTree ft2. // // tree.AddFriend("ft1","friendfile1.root"); // tree.AddFriend("ft2","friendfile2.root"); // tree.Draw("var:ft1.v1:ft2.v2"); // //Begin_Html /* <img src="gif/tree_friend2.gif"> */ //End_Html // // The picture illustrates the access of the tree and its friends with a // Draw command. // When AddFriend is called, the ROOT file is automatically opened and the // friend tree (ft1) is read into memory. The new friend (ft1) is added to // the list of friends of tree. // The number of entries in the friend must be equal or greater to the number // of entries of the original tree. If the friend tree has fewer entries a // warning is given and the missing entries are not included in the histogram. // To retrieve the list of friends from a tree use TTree::GetListOfFriends. // When the tree is written to file (TTree::Write), the friends list is saved // with it. And when the tree is retrieved, the trees on the friends list are // also retrieved and the friendship restored. // When a tree is deleted, the elements of the friend list are also deleted. // It is possible to declare a friend tree that has the same internal // structure (same branches and leaves) as the original tree, and compare the // same values by specifying the tree. // // tree.Draw("var:ft1.var:ft2.var") //if (kAddFriend & fFriendLockStatus) if (!fFriends) { fFriends = new TList(); } TFriendElement* fe = new TFriendElement(this, treename, filename); R__ASSERT(fe); // this assert is for historical reasons. Don't remove it unless you understand all the consequences. fFriends->Add(fe); TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { if (!t->GetTreeIndex() && (t->GetEntries() < fEntries)) { Warning("AddFriend", "FriendElement %s in file %s has less entries %g than its parent Tree: %g", treename, filename, t->GetEntries(), fEntries); } } else { Warning("AddFriend", "Cannot add FriendElement %s in file %s", treename, filename); } return fe; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFriendElement* TTree::AddFriend(const char* treename, TFile* file) { // -- Add a TFriendElement to the list of friends. // // The TFile is managed by the user (e.g. the user must delete the file). // For complete description see AddFriend(const char *, const char *). // This function: // -reads a Tree with name treename from the file // -adds the Tree to the list of friends if (!fFriends) { fFriends = new TList(); } TFriendElement *fe = new TFriendElement(this, treename, file); R__ASSERT(fe); fFriends->Add(fe); TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { if (!t->GetTreeIndex() && (t->GetEntries() < fEntries)) { Warning("AddFriend", "FriendElement %s in file %s has less entries %g than its parent tree: %g", treename, file->GetName(), t->GetEntries(), fEntries); } } else { Warning("AddFriend", "unknown tree '%s' in file '%s'", treename, file->GetName()); } return fe; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFriendElement* TTree::AddFriend(TTree* tree, const char* alias, Bool_t warn) { // -- Add a TFriendElement to the list of friends. // // The TTree is managed by the user (e.g., the user must delete the file). // For a complete description see AddFriend(const char *, const char *). if (!tree) { return 0; } if (!fFriends) { fFriends = new TList(); } TFriendElement* fe = new TFriendElement(this, tree, alias); R__ASSERT(fe); // this assert is for historical reasons. Don't remove it unless you understand all the consequences. fFriends->Add(fe); TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (warn && (t->GetEntries() < fEntries)) { Warning("AddFriend", "FriendElement '%s' in file '%s' has less entries %g than its parent tree: %g", tree->GetName(), fe->GetFile() ? fe->GetFile()->GetName() : "(memory resident)", t->GetEntries(), fEntries); } return fe; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::AutoSave(Option_t* option) { // -- AutoSave tree header every fAutoSave bytes. // // When large Trees are produced, it is safe to activate the AutoSave // procedure. Some branches may have buffers holding many entries. // AutoSave is automatically called by TTree::Fill when the number of bytes // generated since the previous AutoSave is greater than fAutoSave bytes. // This function may also be invoked by the user, for example every // N entries. // Each AutoSave generates a new key on the file. // Once the key with the tree header has been written, the previous cycle // (if any) is deleted. // // Note that calling TTree::AutoSave too frequently (or similarly calling // TTree::SetAutoSave with a small value) is an expensive operation. // You should make tests for your own application to find a compromize // between speed and the quantity of information you may loose in case of // a job crash. // // In case your program crashes before closing the file holding this tree, // the file will be automatically recovered when you will connect the file // in UPDATE mode. // The Tree will be recovered at the status corresponding to the last AutoSave. // // if option contains "SaveSelf", gDirectory->SaveSelf() is called. // This allows another process to analyze the Tree while the Tree is being filled. // // By default the previous header is deleted after having written the new header. // if option contains "Overwrite", the previous Tree header is deleted // before written the new header. This option is slightly faster, but // the default option is safer in case of a problem (disk quota exceeded) // when writing the new header. // // The function returns the number of bytes written to the file. // if the number of bytes is null, an error has occured while writing // the header to the file. // // How to write a Tree in one process and view it from another process // =================================================================== // The following two scripts illustrate how to do this. // The script treew.C is executed by process1, treer.C by process2 // // ----- script treew.C // void treew() { // TFile f("test.root","recreate"); // TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","Demo","px:py:pz:random:i"); // Float_t px, py, pz; // for ( Int_t i=0; i<10000000; i++) { // gRandom->Rannor(px,py); // pz = px*px + py*py; // Float_t random = gRandom->Rndm(1); // ntuple->Fill(px,py,pz,random,i); // if (i%1000 == 1) ntuple->AutoSave("SaveSelf"); // } // } // // ----- script treer.C // void treer() { // TFile f("test.root"); // TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)f.Get("ntuple"); // TCanvas c1; // Int_t first = 0; // while(1) { // if (first == 0) ntuple->Draw("px>>hpx", "","",10000000,first); // else ntuple->Draw("px>>+hpx","","",10000000,first); // first = (Int_t)ntuple->GetEntries(); // c1.Update(); // gSystem->Sleep(1000); //sleep 1 second // ntuple->Refresh(); // } // } if (!fDirectory || fDirectory == gROOT || !fDirectory->IsWritable()) return 0; if (gDebug > 0) { printf("AutoSave Tree:%s after %lld bytes written\n",GetName(),fTotBytes); } TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); fSavedBytes = fTotBytes; TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory; fDirectory->cd(); TKey *key = (TKey*)fDirectory->GetListOfKeys()->FindObject(GetName()); Long64_t nbytes; if (opt.Contains("overwrite")) { nbytes = Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); } else { nbytes = Write(); //nbytes will be 0 if Write failed (disk space exceeded) if (nbytes && key) { key->Delete(); delete key; } } // save StreamerInfo TFile *file = fDirectory->GetFile(); if (file) file->WriteStreamerInfo(); if (opt.Contains("saveself")) fDirectory->SaveSelf(); dirsav->cd(); return nbytes; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::BranchImp(const char* branchname, const char* classname, TClass* ptrClass, void* addobj, Int_t bufsize, Int_t splitlevel) { // -- Same as TTree::Branch() with added check that addobj matches className. // // See TTree::Branch() for other details. // if (!ptrClass) { TClass* claim = TClass::GetClass(classname); if (claim && claim->GetCollectionProxy() && dynamic_cast<TEmulatedCollectionProxy*>(claim->GetCollectionProxy())) { Error("Branch", "The class requested (%s) for the branch \"%s\" refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. " "Please generate the dictionary for this class (%s)", claim->GetName(), branchname, claim->GetName()); return 0; } return Branch(branchname, classname, (void*) addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); } TClass* claim = TClass::GetClass(classname); TClass* actualClass = 0; void** addr = (void**) addobj; if (addr) { actualClass = ptrClass->GetActualClass(*addr); } if (ptrClass && claim) { if (!(claim->InheritsFrom(ptrClass) || ptrClass->InheritsFrom(claim))) { // Note we currently do not warn in case of splicing or over-expectation). if (claim->IsLoaded() && ptrClass->IsLoaded() && strcmp( claim->GetTypeInfo()->name(), ptrClass->GetTypeInfo()->name() ) == 0) { // The type is the same according to the C++ type_info, we must be in the case of // a template of Double32_t. This is actually a correct case. } else { Error("Branch", "The class requested (%s) for \"%s\" is different from the type of the pointer passed (%s)", claim->GetName(), branchname, ptrClass->GetName()); } } else if (actualClass && (claim != actualClass) && !actualClass->InheritsFrom(claim)) { if (claim->IsLoaded() && actualClass->IsLoaded() && strcmp( claim->GetTypeInfo()->name(), actualClass->GetTypeInfo()->name() ) == 0) { // The type is the same according to the C++ type_info, we must be in the case of // a template of Double32_t. This is actually a correct case. } else { Error("Branch", "The actual class (%s) of the object provided for the definition of the branch \"%s\" does not inherit from %s", actualClass->GetName(), branchname, claim->GetName()); } } } if (claim->GetCollectionProxy() && dynamic_cast<TEmulatedCollectionProxy*>(claim->GetCollectionProxy())) { Error("Branch", "The class requested (%s) for the branch \"%s\" refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. " "Please generate the dictionary for this class (%s)", claim->GetName(), branchname, claim->GetName()); return 0; } return Branch(branchname, classname, (void*) addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::BranchImp(const char* branchname, TClass* ptrClass, void* addobj, Int_t bufsize, Int_t splitlevel) { // -- Same as TTree::Branch but automatic detection of the class name. // See TTree::Branch for other details. if (!ptrClass) { Error("Branch", "The pointer specified for %s is not of a class known to ROOT", branchname); return 0; } TClass* actualClass = 0; void** addr = (void**) addobj; if (addr && *addr) { actualClass = ptrClass->GetActualClass(*addr); if (!actualClass) { Warning("Branch", "The actual TClass corresponding to the object provided for the definition of the branch \"%s\" is missing.\n\tThe object will be truncated down to its %s part", branchname, ptrClass->GetName()); actualClass = ptrClass; } else if ((ptrClass != actualClass) && !actualClass->InheritsFrom(ptrClass)) { Error("Branch", "The actual class (%s) of the object provided for the definition of the branch \"%s\" does not inherit from %s", actualClass->GetName(), branchname, ptrClass->GetName()); return 0; } } else { actualClass = ptrClass; } if (actualClass && actualClass->GetCollectionProxy() && dynamic_cast<TEmulatedCollectionProxy*>(actualClass->GetCollectionProxy())) { Error("Branch", "The class requested (%s) for the branch \"%s\" refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. " "Please generate the dictionary for this class (%s)", actualClass->GetName(), branchname, actualClass->GetName()); return 0; } return Branch(branchname, actualClass->GetName(), (void*) addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::Branch(TList* li, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */ , Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */) { // -- Deprecated function. Use next function instead. return Branch((TCollection*) li, bufsize, splitlevel); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::Branch(TCollection* li, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */, Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */, const char* name /* = "" */) { // -- Create one branch for each element in the collection. // // Each entry in the collection becomes a top level branch if the // corresponding class is not a collection. If it is a collection, the entry // in the collection becomes in turn top level branches, etc. // The splitlevel is decreased by 1 everytime a new collection is found. // For example if list is a TObjArray* // - if splitlevel = 1, one top level branch is created for each element // of the TObjArray. // - if splitlevel = 2, one top level branch is created for each array element. // if, in turn, one of the array elements is a TCollection, one top level // branch will be created for each element of this collection. // // In case a collection element is a TClonesArray, the special Tree constructor // for TClonesArray is called. // The collection itself cannot be a TClonesArray. // // The function returns the total number of branches created. // // If name is given, all branch names will be prefixed with name_. // // IMPORTANT NOTE1: This function should not be called with splitlevel < 1. // // IMPORTANT NOTE2: The branches created by this function will have names // corresponding to the collection or object names. It is important // to give names to collections to avoid misleading branch names or // identical branch names. By default collections have a name equal to // the corresponding class name, eg the default name for a TList is "TList". // // Example--------------------------------------------------------------: /* { TTree T("T","test list"); TList *l = new TList(); TObjArray *a1 = new TObjArray(); a1->SetName("a1"); l->Add(a1); TH1F *ha1a = new TH1F("ha1a","ha1",100,0,1); TH1F *ha1b = new TH1F("ha1b","ha1",100,0,1); a1->Add(ha1a); a1->Add(ha1b); TObjArray *b1 = new TObjArray(); b1->SetName("b1"); l->Add(b1); TH1F *hb1a = new TH1F("hb1a","hb1",100,0,1); TH1F *hb1b = new TH1F("hb1b","hb1",100,0,1); b1->Add(hb1a); b1->Add(hb1b); TObjArray *a2 = new TObjArray(); a2->SetName("a2"); l->Add(a2); TH1S *ha2a = new TH1S("ha2a","ha2",100,0,1); TH1S *ha2b = new TH1S("ha2b","ha2",100,0,1); a2->Add(ha2a); a2->Add(ha2b); T.Branch(l,16000,2); T.Print(); } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!li) { return 0; } TObject* obj = 0; Int_t nbranches = GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries(); if (li->InheritsFrom(TClonesArray::Class())) { Error("Branch", "Cannot call this constructor for a TClonesArray"); return 0; } Int_t nch = strlen(name); TString branchname; TIter next(li); while ((obj = next())) { if ((splitlevel > 1) && obj->InheritsFrom(TCollection::Class()) && !obj->InheritsFrom(TClonesArray::Class())) { TCollection* col = (TCollection*) obj; if (nch) { branchname.Form("%s_%s_", name, col->GetName()); } else { branchname.Form("%s_", col->GetName()); } Branch(col, bufsize, splitlevel - 1, branchname); } else { if (nch && (name[nch-1] == '_')) { branchname.Form("%s%s", name, obj->GetName()); } else { if (nch) { branchname.Form("%s_%s", name, obj->GetName()); } else { branchname.Form("%s", obj->GetName()); } } if (splitlevel > 99) { branchname += "."; } Bronch(branchname, obj->ClassName(), li->GetObjectRef(obj), bufsize, splitlevel - 1); } } return GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries() - nbranches; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::Branch(const char* foldername, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */, Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */) { // -- Create one branch for each element in the folder. // Returns the total number of branches created. TObject* ob = gROOT->FindObjectAny(foldername); if (!ob) { return 0; } if (ob->IsA() != TFolder::Class()) { return 0; } Int_t nbranches = GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries(); TFolder* folder = (TFolder*) ob; TIter next(folder->GetListOfFolders()); TObject* obj = 0; char* curname = new char[1000]; char occur[20]; while ((obj = next())) { sprintf(curname, "%s/%s", foldername, obj->GetName()); if (obj->IsA() == TFolder::Class()) { Branch(curname, bufsize, splitlevel - 1); } else { void* add = (void*) folder->GetListOfFolders()->GetObjectRef(obj); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { if (curname[i] == 0) { break; } if (curname[i] == '/') { curname[i] = '.'; } } Int_t noccur = folder->Occurence(obj); if (noccur > 0) { sprintf(occur, "_%d", noccur); strcat(curname, occur); } TBranchElement* br = (TBranchElement*) Bronch(curname, obj->ClassName(), add, bufsize, splitlevel - 1); br->SetBranchFolder(); } } delete[] curname; return GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries() - nbranches; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::Branch(const char* name, void* address, const char* leaflist, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */) { // -- Create a new TTree Branch. // // This Branch constructor is provided to support non-objects in // a Tree. The variables described in leaflist may be simple variables // or structures. // See the two following constructors for writing objects in a Tree. // // By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree. // use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file // // * address is the address of the first item of a structure // or the address of a pointer to an object (see example). // * leaflist is the concatenation of all the variable names and types // separated by a colon character : // The variable name and the variable type are separated by a slash (/). // The variable type may be 0,1 or 2 characters. If no type is given, // the type of the variable is assumed to be the same as the previous // variable. If the first variable does not have a type, it is assumed // of type F by default. The list of currently supported types is given below: // - C : a character string terminated by the 0 character // - B : an 8 bit signed integer (Char_t) // - b : an 8 bit unsigned integer (UChar_t) // - S : a 16 bit signed integer (Short_t) // - s : a 16 bit unsigned integer (UShort_t) // - I : a 32 bit signed integer (Int_t) // - i : a 32 bit unsigned integer (UInt_t) // - F : a 32 bit floating point (Float_t) // - D : a 64 bit floating point (Double_t) // - L : a 64 bit signed integer (Long64_t) // - l : a 64 bit unsigned integer (ULong64_t) // - O : a boolean (Bool_t) // // By default, a variable will be copied to the buffer with the number of // bytes specified in the type descriptor character. However, if the type // consists of 2 characters, the second character is an integer that // specifies the number of bytes to be used when copying the variable // to the output buffer. Example: // X ; variable X, type Float_t // Y/I : variable Y, type Int_t // Y/I2 ; variable Y, type Int_t converted to a 16 bits integer // // // * bufsize is the buffer size in bytes for this branch // The default value is 32000 bytes and should be ok for most cases. // You can specify a larger value (eg 256000) if your Tree is not split // and each entry is large (Megabytes) // A small value for bufsize is optimum if you intend to access // the entries in the Tree randomly and your Tree is in split mode. gTree = this; TBranch* branch = new TBranch(this, name, address, leaflist, bufsize); if (branch->IsZombie()) { delete branch; branch = 0; return 0; } fBranches.Add(branch); return branch; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::Branch(const char* name, const char* classname, void* addobj, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */, Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */) { // create a new branch with the object of class classname at address addobj. // // WARNING: // Starting with Root version 3.01, the Branch function uses the new style // branches (TBranchElement). To get the old behaviour, you can: // - call BranchOld or // - call TTree::SetBranchStyle(0) // // Note that with the new style, classname does not need to derive from TObject. // It must derived from TObject if the branch style has been set to 0 (old) // // Use splitlevel < 0 instead of splitlevel=0 when the class // has a custom Streamer // // Note: if the split level is set to the default (99), TTree::Branch will // not issue a warning if the class can not be split. if (fgBranchStyle == 1) { return Bronch(name, classname, addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); } else { if (splitlevel < 0) { splitlevel = 0; } return BranchOld(name, classname, addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::BranchOld(const char* name, const char* classname, void* addobj, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */, Int_t splitlevel /* = 1 */) { // -- Create a new TTree BranchObject. // // Build a TBranchObject for an object of class classname. // addobj is the address of a pointer to an object of class classname. // IMPORTANT: classname must derive from TObject. // The class dictionary must be available (ClassDef in class header). // // This option requires access to the library where the corresponding class // is defined. Accessing one single data member in the object implies // reading the full object. // See the next Branch constructor for a more efficient storage // in case the entry consists of arrays of identical objects. // // By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree. // use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file // // IMPORTANT NOTE about branch names // In case two or more master branches contain subbranches with // identical names, one must add a "." (dot) character at the end // of the master branch name. This will force the name of the subbranch // to be master.subbranch instead of simply subbranch. // This situation happens when the top level object (say event) // has two or more members referencing the same class. // For example, if a Tree has two branches B1 and B2 corresponding // to objects of the same class MyClass, one can do: // tree.Branch("B1.","MyClass",&b1,8000,1); // tree.Branch("B2.","MyClass",&b2,8000,1); // if MyClass has 3 members a,b,c, the two instructions above will generate // subbranches called B1.a, B1.b ,B1.c, B2.a, B2.b, B2.c // // bufsize is the buffer size in bytes for this branch // The default value is 32000 bytes and should be ok for most cases. // You can specify a larger value (eg 256000) if your Tree is not split // and each entry is large (Megabytes) // A small value for bufsize is optimum if you intend to access // the entries in the Tree randomly and your Tree is in split mode. gTree = this; TClass* cl = TClass::GetClass(classname); if (!cl) { Error("BranchOld", "Cannot find class: '%s'", classname); return 0; } TBranch* branch = new TBranchObject(this, name, classname, addobj, bufsize, splitlevel); fBranches.Add(branch); if (!splitlevel) { return branch; } // We are going to fully split the class now. TObjArray* blist = branch->GetListOfBranches(); const char* rdname = 0; const char* dname = 0; TString branchname; char** apointer = (char**) addobj; TObject* obj = (TObject*) *apointer; Bool_t delobj = kFALSE; if (!obj) { obj = (TObject*) cl->New(); delobj = kTRUE; } // Build the StreamerInfo if first time for the class. BuildStreamerInfo(cl, obj); // Loop on all public data members of the class and its base classes. Int_t lenName = strlen(name); Int_t isDot = 0; if (name[lenName-1] == '.') { isDot = 1; } TBranch* branch1 = 0; TRealData* rd = 0; TRealData* rdi = 0; TIter nexti(cl->GetListOfRealData()); TIter next(cl->GetListOfRealData()); // Note: This loop results in a full split because the // real data list includes all data members of // data members. while ((rd = (TRealData*) next())) { // -- Loop over all data members creating branches for each one. TDataMember* dm = rd->GetDataMember(); if (!dm->IsPersistent()) { // -- Do not process members with an "!" as the first character in the comment field. continue; } if (rd->IsObject()) { // -- We skip data members of class type. // But we do build their real data, their // streamer info, and write their streamer // info to the current directory's file. // Oh yes, and we also do this for all of // their base classes. TClass* clm = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetFullTypeName()); if (clm) { BuildStreamerInfo(clm, (char*) obj + rd->GetThisOffset()); } continue; } rdname = rd->GetName(); dname = dm->GetName(); if (cl->CanIgnoreTObjectStreamer()) { // -- Skip the TObject base class data members. // FIXME: This prevents a user from ever // using these names himself! if (!strcmp(dname, "fBits")) { continue; } if (!strcmp(dname, "fUniqueID")) { continue; } } TDataType* dtype = dm->GetDataType(); Int_t code = 0; if (dtype) { code = dm->GetDataType()->GetType(); } // Encode branch name. Use real data member name branchname = rdname; if (isDot) { if (dm->IsaPointer()) { // FIXME: This is wrong! The asterisk is not usually in the front! branchname.Form("%s%s", name, &rdname[1]); } else { branchname.Form("%s%s", name, &rdname[0]); } } // FIXME: Change this to a string stream. TString leaflist; Int_t offset = rd->GetThisOffset(); char* pointer = ((char*) obj) + offset; if (dm->IsaPointer()) { // -- We have a pointer to an object or a pointer to an array of basic types. TClass* clobj = 0; if (!dm->IsBasic()) { clobj = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName()); } if (clobj && clobj->InheritsFrom("TClonesArray")) { // -- We have a pointer to a clones array. char* cpointer = (char*) pointer; char** ppointer = (char**) cpointer; TClonesArray* li = (TClonesArray*) *ppointer; if (splitlevel != 2) { if (isDot) { branch1 = new TBranchClones(branch,branchname, pointer, bufsize); } else { // FIXME: This is wrong! The asterisk is not usually in the front! branch1 = new TBranchClones(branch,&branchname.Data()[1], pointer, bufsize); } blist->Add(branch1); } else { if (isDot) { branch1 = new TBranchObject(branch, branchname, li->ClassName(), pointer, bufsize); } else { // FIXME: This is wrong! The asterisk is not usually in the front! branch1 = new TBranchObject(branch, &branchname.Data()[1], li->ClassName(), pointer, bufsize); } blist->Add(branch1); } } else if (clobj) { // -- We have a pointer to an object. // // It must be a TObject object. if (!clobj->InheritsFrom(TObject::Class())) { continue; } branch1 = new TBranchObject(branch, dname, clobj->GetName(), pointer, bufsize, 0); if (isDot) { branch1->SetName(branchname); } else { // FIXME: This is wrong! The asterisk is not usually in the front! // -- Do not use the first character (*). branch1->SetName(&branchname.Data()[1]); } blist->Add(branch1); } else { // -- We have a pointer to an array of basic types. // // Check the comments in the text of the code for an index specification. const char* index = dm->GetArrayIndex(); if (strlen(index) != 0) { // -- We are a pointer to a varying length array of basic types. //check that index is a valid data member name //if member is part of an object (eg fA and index=fN) //index must be changed from fN to fA.fN TString aindex (rd->GetName()); Ssiz_t rdot = aindex.Last('.'); if (rdot>=0) { aindex.Remove(rdot+1); aindex.Append(index); } nexti.Reset(); while ((rdi = (TRealData*) nexti())) { if (!strcmp(rdi->GetName(), index)) { break; } if (!strcmp(rdi->GetName(), aindex)) { index = rdi->GetName(); break; } } if (code == 1) { // Note that we differentiate between strings and // char array by the fact that there is NO specified // size for a string (see next if (code == 1) leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "B"); } else if (code == 11) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "b"); } else if (code == 18) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "O"); } else if (code == 2) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "S"); } else if (code == 12) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "s"); } else if (code == 3) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "I"); } else if (code == 13) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "i"); } else if (code == 5) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "F"); } else if ((code == 8) || (code == 9)) { leaflist.Form("%s[%s]/%s", &rdname[0], index, "D"); } else { Error("BranchOld", "Cannot create branch for rdname: %s code: %d", branchname.Data(), code); leaflist = ""; } } else { // -- We are possibly a character string. if (code == 1) { // -- We are a character string. leaflist.Form("%s/%s", dname, "C"); } else { // -- Invalid array specification. // FIXME: We need an error message here. continue; } } // There are '*' in both the branchname and leaflist, remove them. TString bname( branchname ); bname.ReplaceAll("*",""); leaflist.ReplaceAll("*",""); // Add the branch to the tree and indicate that the address // is that of a pointer to be dereferenced before using. branch1 = new TBranch(branch, bname, *((void**) pointer), leaflist, bufsize); TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) branch1->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); leaf->SetBit(TLeaf::kIndirectAddress); leaf->SetAddress((void**) pointer); blist->Add(branch1); } } else if (dm->IsBasic()) { // -- We have a basic type. if (code == 1) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "B"); } else if (code == 11) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "b"); } else if (code == 18) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "O"); } else if (code == 2) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "S"); } else if (code == 12) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "s"); } else if (code == 3) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "I"); } else if (code == 13) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "i"); } else if (code == 5) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "F"); } else if (code == 8) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "D"); } else if (code == 9) { leaflist.Form("%s/%s", rdname, "D"); } else { Error("BranchOld", "Cannot create branch for rdname: %s code: %d", branchname.Data(), code); leaflist = ""; } branch1 = new TBranch(branch, branchname, pointer, leaflist, bufsize); branch1->SetTitle(rdname); blist->Add(branch1); } else { // -- We have a class type. // Note: This cannot happen due to the rd->IsObject() test above. // FIXME: Put an error message here just in case. } if (branch1) { branch1->SetOffset(offset); } else { Warning("BranchOld", "Cannot process member: '%s'", rdname); } } if (delobj) { delete obj; obj = 0; } return branch; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::BranchRef() { // -- Build the optional branch supporting the TRefTable. // This branch will keep all the information to find the branches // containing referenced objects. // // At each Tree::Fill, the branch numbers containing the // referenced objects are saved to the TBranchRef basket. // When the Tree header is saved (via TTree::Write), the branch // is saved keeping the information with the pointers to the branches // having referenced objects. if (!fBranchRef) { fBranchRef = new TBranchRef(this); } return fBranchRef; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::Bronch(const char* name, const char* classname, void* add, Int_t bufsize /* = 32000 */, Int_t splitlevel /* = 99 */) { // -- Create a new TTree BranchElement. // // WARNING about this new function // =============================== // This function is designed to replace the function TTree::Branch above. // This function is far more powerful than the Branch function. // It supports the full C++, including STL and has the same behaviour // in split or non-split mode. classname does not have to derive from TObject. // The function is based on the new TStreamerInfo. // // Build a TBranchElement for an object of class classname. // addobj is the address of a pointer to an object of class classname. // The class dictionary must be available (ClassDef in class header). // // This option requires access to the library where the corresponding class // is defined. Accessing one single data member in the object implies // reading the full object. // // By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree. // use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file // // IMPORTANT NOTE about branch names // In case two or more master branches contain subbranches with // identical names, one must add a "." (dot) character at the end // of the master branch name. This will force the name of the subbranch // to be master.subbranch instead of simply subbranch. // This situation happens when the top level object (say event) // has two or more members referencing the same class. // For example, if a Tree has two branches B1 and B2 corresponding // to objects of the same class MyClass, one can do: // tree.Branch("B1.","MyClass",&b1,8000,1); // tree.Branch("B2.","MyClass",&b2,8000,1); // if MyClass has 3 members a,b,c, the two instructions above will generate // subbranches called B1.a, B1.b ,B1.c, B2.a, B2.b, B2.c // // bufsize is the buffer size in bytes for this branch // The default value is 32000 bytes and should be ok for most cases. // You can specify a larger value (eg 256000) if your Tree is not split // and each entry is large (Megabytes) // A small value for bufsize is optimum if you intend to access // the entries in the Tree randomly and your Tree is in split mode. // // Use splitlevel < 0 instead of splitlevel=0 when the class // has a custom Streamer // // Note: if the split level is set to the default (99), TTree::Branch will // not issue a warning if the class can not be split. gTree = this; TClass* cl = TClass::GetClass(classname); if (!cl) { Error("Bronch", "Cannot find class:%s", classname); return 0; } //if splitlevel <= 0 and class has a custom Streamer, we must create //a TBranchObject. We cannot assume that TClass::ReadBuffer is consistent //with the custom Streamer. The penalty is that one cannot process //this Tree without the class library containing the class. //The following convention is used for the RootFlag // #pragma link C++ class TExMap; rootflag = 0 // #pragma link C++ class TList-; rootflag = 1 // #pragma link C++ class TArray!; rootflag = 2 // #pragma link C++ class TArrayC-!; rootflag = 3 // #pragma link C++ class TBits+; rootflag = 4 // #pragma link C++ class Txxxx+!; rootflag = 6 char** ppointer = (char**) add; if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) { TClonesArray* clones = (TClonesArray*) *ppointer; if (!clones) { Error("Bronch", "Pointer to TClonesArray is null"); return 0; } if (!clones->GetClass()) { Error("Bronch", "TClonesArray with no class defined in branch: %s", name); return 0; } G__ClassInfo* classinfo = clones->GetClass()->GetClassInfo(); if (!classinfo) { Error("Bronch", "TClonesArray with no dictionary defined in branch: %s", name); return 0; } if (splitlevel > 0) { if (classinfo->RootFlag() & 1) Warning("Bronch", "Using split mode on a class: %s with a custom Streamer", clones->GetClass()->GetName()); } else { if (classinfo->RootFlag() & 1) clones->BypassStreamer(kFALSE); TBranchObject *branch = new TBranchObject(this,name,classname,add,bufsize,0); fBranches.Add(branch); return branch; } } if (cl->GetCollectionProxy()) { TVirtualCollectionProxy* collProxy = cl->GetCollectionProxy(); //if (!collProxy) { // Error("Bronch", "%s is missing its CollectionProxy (for branch %s)", classname, name); //} TClass* inklass = collProxy->GetValueClass(); if (!inklass && (collProxy->GetType() == 0)) { Error("Bronch", "%s with no class defined in branch: %s", classname, name); return 0; } if ((splitlevel > 0) && inklass && (inklass->GetCollectionProxy() == 0)) { Int_t stl = -TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(cl->GetName(), 0); if ((stl != TClassEdit::kMap) && (stl != TClassEdit::kMultiMap)) { G__ClassInfo* classinfo = inklass->GetClassInfo(); if (!classinfo) { Error("Bronch", "Container with no dictionary defined in branch: %s", name); return 0; } if (classinfo->RootFlag() & 1) { Warning("Bronch", "Using split mode on a class: %s with a custom Streamer", inklass->GetName()); } } } TBranchElement* branch = new TBranchElement(this, name, collProxy, bufsize, splitlevel); fBranches.Add(branch); branch->SetAddress(add); return branch; } Bool_t hasCustomStreamer = kFALSE; if (!cl->GetClassInfo() && !cl->GetCollectionProxy()) { Error("Bronch", "Cannot find dictionary for class: %s", classname); return 0; } if (!cl->GetCollectionProxy() && (cl->GetClassInfo()->RootFlag() & 1)) { // Not an STL container and the linkdef file had a "-" after the class name. hasCustomStreamer = kTRUE; } if (splitlevel < 0 || ((splitlevel == 0) && hasCustomStreamer && cl->InheritsFrom(TObject::Class()))) { TBranchObject* branch = new TBranchObject(this, name, classname, add, bufsize, 0); fBranches.Add(branch); return branch; } if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) { // -- Special case of TClonesArray. // No dummy object is created. // The streamer info is not rebuilt unoptimized. // No dummy top-level branch is created. // No splitting is attempted. TBranchElement* branch = new TBranchElement(this, name, (TClonesArray*) *ppointer, bufsize, splitlevel); fBranches.Add(branch); branch->SetAddress(add); return branch; } // // If we are not given an object to use as an i/o buffer // then create a temporary one which we will delete just // before returning. // Bool_t delobj = kFALSE; if (!(*ppointer)) { *ppointer = (char*) cl->New(); delobj = kTRUE; } // // Avoid splitting unsplittable classes. // if ((splitlevel > 0) && !cl->CanSplit()) { splitlevel = 0; if (splitlevel != 99) { Warning("Bronch", "%s cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0", cl->GetName()); } } // // Make sure the streamer info is built and fetch it. // // If we are splitting, then make sure the streamer info // is built unoptimized (data members are not combined). // Bool_t optim = TStreamerInfo::CanOptimize(); if (splitlevel > 0) { TStreamerInfo::Optimize(kFALSE); } TStreamerInfo* sinfo = BuildStreamerInfo(cl, *ppointer); TStreamerInfo::Optimize(optim); // // Do we have a final dot in our name? // // Note: The branch constructor which takes a folder as input // creates top-level branch names with dots in them to // indicate the folder heirarchy. char* dot = (char*) strchr(name, '.'); Int_t nch = strlen(name); Bool_t dotlast = kFALSE; if (nch && (name[nch-1] == '.')) { dotlast = kTRUE; } // // Create a dummy top level branch object. // Int_t id = -1; if (splitlevel > 0) { id = -2; } TBranchElement* branch = new TBranchElement(this, name, sinfo, id, *ppointer, bufsize, splitlevel); fBranches.Add(branch); // // Do splitting, if requested. // if (splitlevel > 0) { // Loop on all public data members of the class and its base classes and create branches for each one. TObjArray* blist = branch->GetListOfBranches(); TIter next(sinfo->GetElements()); TStreamerElement* element = 0; TString bname; for (id = 0; (element = (TStreamerElement*) next()); ++id) { char* pointer = (char*) (*ppointer + element->GetOffset()); // FIXME: This is not good enough, an STL container can be // a base, and the test will fail. // See TBranchElement::InitializeOffsets() for the // correct test. Bool_t isBase = (element->IsA() == TStreamerBase::Class()); if (isBase) { TClass* clbase = element->GetClassPointer(); if ((clbase == TObject::Class()) && cl->CanIgnoreTObjectStreamer()) { // Note: TStreamerInfo::Compile() leaves this element // out of the compiled info, although it does // exists in the non-compiled info. We must // account for the fact that this element is // missing in the compiled streamer info by // making sure that we do not consume an id // number for it. // FIXME: The test that TStreamerInfo::Compile() uses // is element->GetType() < 0, so that is what // we should do as well. --id; continue; } } if (dot) { if (dotlast) { bname.Form("%s%s", name, element->GetFullName()); } else { // FIXME: We are in the case where we have a top-level // branch name that was created by the branch // constructor which takes a folder as input. // The internal dots in the name are in place of // of the original slashes and represent the // folder heirarchy. if (isBase) { // FIXME: This is very strange, this is the only case where // we create a branch for a base class that does // not have the base class name in the branch name. // FIXME: This is also quite bad since classes with two // or more base classes end up with sub-branches // that have the same name. bname = name; } else { bname.Form("%s.%s", name, element->GetFullName()); } } } else { // Note: For a base class element, this results in the branchname // being the name of the base class. bname.Form("%s", element->GetFullName()); } TBranchElement* bre = new TBranchElement(branch, bname, sinfo, id, pointer, bufsize, splitlevel - 1); bre->SetParentClass(cl); blist->Add(bre); } } // // Setup our offsets into the user's i/o buffer. // branch->SetAddress(add); if (delobj) { cl->Destructor(*ppointer); *ppointer = 0; } return branch; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // -- Browse content of the TTree. fBranches.Browse(b); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::BuildIndex(const char* majorname, const char* minorname /* = "0" */) { // -- Build a Tree Index (default is TTreeIndex). // See a description of the parameters and functionality in // TTreeIndex::TTreeIndex(). // // The return value is the number of entries in the Index (< 0 indicates failure). // // A TTreeIndex object pointed by fTreeIndex is created. // This object will be automatically deleted by the TTree destructor. // See also comments in TTree::SetTreeIndex(). fTreeIndex = GetPlayer()->BuildIndex(this, majorname, minorname); if (fTreeIndex->IsZombie()) { delete fTreeIndex; fTreeIndex = 0; return 0; } return fTreeIndex->GetN(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TStreamerInfo* TTree::BuildStreamerInfo(TClass* cl, void* pointer /* = 0 */) { // -- Build StreamerInfo for class cl. // pointer is an optional argument that may contain a pointer to an object of cl. if (!cl) { return 0; } cl->BuildRealData(pointer); TStreamerInfo* sinfo = (TStreamerInfo*)cl->GetStreamerInfo(cl->GetClassVersion()); if (fDirectory) { sinfo->ForceWriteInfo(fDirectory->GetFile()); } // Create StreamerInfo for all base classes. TBaseClass* base = 0; TIter nextb(cl->GetListOfBases()); while((base = (TBaseClass*) nextb())) { if (base->IsSTLContainer()) { continue; } TClass* clm = TClass::GetClass(base->GetName()); BuildStreamerInfo(clm); } return sinfo; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFile* TTree::ChangeFile(TFile* file) { // -- Called by TTree::Fill() when file has reached its maximum fgMaxTreeSize. // Create a new file. If the original file is named "myfile.root", // subsequent files are named "myfile_1.root", "myfile_2.root", etc. // // Returns a pointer to the new file. // // Currently, the automatic change of file is restricted // to the case where the tree is in the top level directory. // The file should not contain sub-directories. // // Before switching to a new file, the tree header is written // to the current file, then the current file is closed. // // To process the multiple files created by ChangeFile, one must use // a TChain. // // The new file name has a suffix "_N" where N is equal to fFileNumber+1. // By default a Root session starts with fFileNumber=0. One can set // fFileNumber to a different value via TTree::SetFileNumber. // In case a file named "_N" already exists, the function will try // a file named "__N", then "___N", etc. // // fgMaxTreeSize can be set via the static function TTree::SetMaxTreeSize. // The default value of fgMaxTreeSize is 1.9 Gigabytes. // // If the current file contains other objects like TH1 and TTree, // these objects are automatically moved to the new file. // // IMPORTANT NOTE: // Be careful when writing the final Tree header to the file! // Don't do: // TFile *file = new TFile("myfile.root","recreate"); // TTree *T = new TTree("T","title"); // T->Fill(); //loop // file->Write(); // file->Close(); // but do the following: // TFile *file = new TFile("myfile.root","recreate"); // TTree *T = new TTree("T","title"); // T->Fill(); //loop // file = T->GetCurrentFile(); //to get the pointer to the current file // file->Write(); // file->Close(); file->cd(); Write(); Reset(); char* fname = new char[2000]; ++fFileNumber; char uscore[10]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { uscore[i] = 0; } Int_t nus = 0; // Try to find a suitable file name that does not already exist. while (nus < 10) { uscore[nus] = '_'; fname[0] = 0; strcpy(fname, file->GetName()); if (fFileNumber > 1) { char* cunder = strrchr(fname, '_'); if (cunder) { sprintf(cunder, "%s%d", uscore, fFileNumber); strcat(fname, strrchr(file->GetName(), '.')); } else { char fcount[10]; sprintf(fcount, "%s%d", uscore, fFileNumber); strcat(fname, fcount); } } else { char* cdot = strrchr(fname, '.'); if (cdot) { sprintf(cdot, "%s%d", uscore, fFileNumber); strcat(fname, strrchr(file->GetName(), '.')); } else { char fcount[10]; sprintf(fcount, "%s%d", uscore, fFileNumber); strcat(fname, fcount); } } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname)) { break; } ++nus; Warning("ChangeFile", "file %s already exist, trying with %d underscores", fname, nus+1); } Int_t compress = file->GetCompressionLevel(); TFile* newfile = TFile::Open(fname, "recreate", "chain files", compress); Printf("Fill: Switching to new file: %s", fname); // The current directory may contain histograms and trees. // These objects must be moved to the new file. TBranch* branch = 0; TObject* obj = 0; while ((obj = file->GetList()->First())) { file->GetList()->Remove(obj); // Histogram: just change the directory. if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) { gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("((%s*)0x%lx)->SetDirectory((TDirectory*)0x%lx);", obj->ClassName(), (Long_t) obj, (Long_t) newfile)); continue; } // Tree: must save all trees in the old file, reset them. if (obj->InheritsFrom("TTree")) { TTree* t = (TTree*) obj; if (t != this) { t->AutoSave(); t->Reset(); t->fFileNumber = fFileNumber; } t->SetDirectory(newfile); TIter nextb(t->GetListOfBranches()); while ((branch = (TBranch*)nextb())) { branch->SetFile(newfile); } if (t->GetBranchRef()) { t->GetBranchRef()->SetFile(newfile); } continue; } // Not a TH1 or a TTree, move object to new file. newfile->GetList()->Add(obj); file->GetList()->Remove(obj); } delete file; file = 0; delete[] fname; fname = 0; return newfile; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTree::CheckBranchAddressType(TBranch* branch, TClass* ptrClass, EDataType datatype, Bool_t isptr) { // -- Check whether or not the address described by the last 3 parameters matches the content of the branch. // Let's determine what we need! TClass* expectedClass = 0; EDataType expectedType = kOther_t; if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchObject::Class())) { TLeafObject* lobj = (TLeafObject*) branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); expectedClass = lobj->GetClass(); } else if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchElement::Class())) { TBranchElement* branchEl = (TBranchElement*) branch; Int_t type = branchEl->GetStreamerType(); if ((type == -1) || (branchEl->GetID() == -1)) { expectedClass = branchEl->GetInfo()->GetClass(); } else { // Case of an object data member. Here we allow for the // variable name to be ommitted. Eg, for Event.root with split // level 1 or above Draw("GetXaxis") is the same as Draw("fH.GetXaxis()") TStreamerElement* element = (TStreamerElement*) branchEl->GetInfo()->GetElems()[branchEl->GetID()]; if (element) { expectedClass = element->GetClassPointer(); } if (!expectedClass) { TDataType* data = gROOT->GetType(element->GetTypeNameBasic()); if (!data) { Error("CheckBranchAddress", "Did not find the type number for %s", element->GetTypeNameBasic()); } else { expectedType = (EDataType) data->GetType(); } } } if (ptrClass && (branch->GetMother() == branch)) { // Top Level branch if (!isptr) { Error("SetBranchAddress", "The address for \"%s\" should be the address of a pointer!", branch->GetName()); } } } else { TLeaf* l = (TLeaf*) branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); if (l) { expectedType = (EDataType) gROOT->GetType(l->GetTypeName())->GetType(); } } if (expectedType == kFloat16_t) { expectedType = kFloat_t; } if (expectedType == kDouble32_t) { expectedType = kDouble_t; } if (datatype == kFloat16_t) { datatype = kFloat_t; } if (datatype == kDouble32_t) { datatype = kDouble_t; } if (expectedClass && ptrClass && !expectedClass->InheritsFrom(ptrClass)) { Error("SetBranchAddress", "The pointer type give (%s) does not correspond to the class needed (%s) by the branch: %s", ptrClass->GetName(), expectedClass->GetName(), branch->GetName()); return kFALSE; } else if ((expectedType != kOther_t) && (datatype != kOther_t) && (expectedType != kNoType_t) && (datatype != kNoType_t) && (expectedType != datatype)) { if (datatype != kChar_t) { // For backward compatibility we assume that (char*) was just a cast and/or a generic address Error("SetBranchAddress", "The pointer type given \"%s\" (%d) does not correspond to the type needed \"%s\" (%d) by the branch: %s", TDataType::GetTypeName(datatype), datatype, TDataType::GetTypeName(expectedType), expectedType, branch->GetName()); return kFALSE; } } if (expectedClass && expectedClass->GetCollectionProxy() && dynamic_cast<TEmulatedCollectionProxy*>(expectedClass->GetCollectionProxy())) { Error("SetBranchAddress", "The class requested (%s) for the branch \"%s\" refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. " "Please generate the dictionary for this class (%s)", expectedClass->GetName(), branch->GetName(), expectedClass->GetName()); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree* TTree::CloneTree(Long64_t nentries /* = -1 */, Option_t* option /* = "" */) { // -- Create a clone of this tree and copy nentries. // // By default copy all entries. // Note that only active branches are copied. // The compression level of the cloned tree is set to the destination file's // compression level. // // IMPORTANT: The cloned tree stays connected with this tree until this tree // is deleted. In particular, any changes in branch addresses // in this tree are forwarded to the clone trees, unless a branch // in a clone tree has had its address changed, in which case // that change stays in effect. When this tree is deleted, all the // addresses of the cloned tree are reset to their default values. // // If 'option' contains the word 'fast' and nentries is -1 and no branch // is disabled, the clone will be done without unzipping or unstreaming // the baskets (i.e., a direct copy of the raw bytes on disk). // // When 'fast' is specified, 'option' can also contains a // sorting order for the baskets in the output file. // // There is currently 3 supported sorting order: // SortBasketsByOffset (the default) // SortBasketsByBranch // SortBasketsByEntry // // When using SortBasketsByOffset the baskets are written in // the output file in the same order as in the original file // (i.e. the basket are sorted on their offset in the original // file; Usually this also means that the baskets are sorted // on the index/number of the _last_ entry they contain) // // When using SortBasketsByBranch all the baskets of each // individual branches are stored contiguously. This tends to // optimize reading speed when reading a small number (1->5) of // branches, since all their baskets will be clustered together // instead of being spread across the file. However it might // decrease the performance when reading more branches (or the full // entry). // // When using SortBasketsByEntry the baskets with the lowest // starting entry are written first. (i.e. the baskets are // sorted on the index/number of the first entry they contain). // This means that on the file the baskets will be in the order // in which they will be needed when reading the whole tree // sequentially. // // For examples of CloneTree, see tutorials: // // -- copytree // // A macro to copy a subset of a TTree to a new TTree. // // The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event // with: Event 1000 1 1 1 // // -- copytree2 // // A macro to copy a subset of a TTree to a new TTree. // // One branch of the new Tree is written to a separate file. // // The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event // with: Event 1000 1 1 1 // // Options Bool_t fastClone = kFALSE; TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("fast")) { fastClone = kTRUE; } // If we are a chain, switch to the first tree. if ((fEntries > 0) && (LoadTree(0) < 0)) { // FIXME: We need an error message here. return 0; } // Note: For a tree we get the this pointer, for // a chain we get the chain's current tree. TTree* thistree = GetTree(); // Note: For a chain, the returned clone will be // a clone of the chain's first tree. TTree* newtree = (TTree*) thistree->Clone(); if (!newtree) { return 0; } // The clone should not delete any objects allocated by SetAddress(). TObjArray* branches = newtree->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb = branches->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { TBranch* br = (TBranch*) branches->UncheckedAt(i); if (br->InheritsFrom("TBranchElement")) { ((TBranchElement*) br)->ResetDeleteObject(); } } // Add the new tree to the list of clones so that // we can later inform it of changes to branch addresses. thistree->AddClone(newtree); newtree->Reset(); TDirectory* ndir = newtree->GetDirectory(); TFile* nfile = 0; if (ndir) { nfile = ndir->GetFile(); } Int_t newcomp = -1; if (nfile) { newcomp = nfile->GetCompressionLevel(); } // // Delete non-active branches from the clone. // // Note: If we are a chain, this does nothing // since chains have no leaves. TObjArray* leaves = newtree->GetListOfLeaves(); Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t lndx = 0; lndx < nleaves; ++lndx) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) leaves->UncheckedAt(lndx); if (!leaf) { continue; } TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); if (branch && (newcomp > -1)) { branch->SetCompressionLevel(newcomp); } if (!branch || !branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { continue; } TObjArray* branches = newtree->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb = branches->GetEntriesFast(); for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { TBranch* br = (TBranch*) branches->UncheckedAt(i); if (br == branch) { branches->RemoveAt(i); delete br; br = 0; branches->Compress(); break; } TObjArray* lb = br->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb1 = lb->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nb1; ++j) { TBranch* b1 = (TBranch*) lb->UncheckedAt(j); if (!b1) { continue; } if (b1 == branch) { lb->RemoveAt(j); delete b1; b1 = 0; lb->Compress(); break; } TObjArray* lb1 = b1->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb2 = lb1->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t k = 0; k < nb2; ++k) { TBranch* b2 = (TBranch*) lb1->UncheckedAt(k); if (!b2) { continue; } if (b2 == branch) { lb1->RemoveAt(k); delete b2; b2 = 0; lb1->Compress(); break; } } } } } leaves->Compress(); // Copy MakeClass status. newtree->SetMakeClass(fMakeClass); // Copy branch addresses. CopyAddresses(newtree); // // Copy entries if requested. // if (fastClone && (nentries < 0)) { // -- Quickly copy the basket without decompression and streaming. nentries = GetEntriesFast(); for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; i += this->GetTree()->GetEntries()) { if (LoadTree(i) < 0) { break; } if (newtree->fDirectory) { TFile* file = newtree->fDirectory->GetFile(); if (file && (file->GetEND() > fgMaxTreeSize)) { if (newtree->fDirectory == (TDirectory*) file) { newtree->ChangeFile(file); } } } TTreeCloner t(GetTree(), newtree, option); if (t.IsValid()) { newtree->SetEntries(newtree->GetEntries() + GetTree()->GetEntries()); t.Exec(); } else { if (!i) { Error("CloneTree", "Tree has not been cloned\n"); delete newtree; newtree = 0; return 0; } else { if (GetCurrentFile()) { Warning("CloneTree", "Skipped file %s\n", GetCurrentFile()->GetName()); } else { Warning("Merge", "Skipped file number %d\n", GetTreeNumber()); } } } } } else { // -- Maybe copy some entries. if (nentries < 0) { nentries = fEntries; } if (nentries > fEntries) { nentries = fEntries; } for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; ++i) { // -- Loop over specified entries and copy. // If we are a chain, we must switch input files as necessary. Long64_t localEntry = LoadTree(i); if (localEntry < 0) { // FIXME: We need an error message here. break; } GetEntry(i); newtree->Fill(); } } return newtree; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::CopyAddresses(TTree* tree, Bool_t undo) { // -- Set branch addresses of passed tree equal to ours. // -- If undo is true, reset the branch address instead of copying them. // This insures 'separation' of a cloned tree from its original // Copy branch addresses starting from branches. TObjArray* branches = GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nbranches = branches->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nbranches; ++i) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) branches->UncheckedAt(i); if (branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { continue; } if (undo) { TBranch* br = tree->GetBranch(branch->GetName()); tree->ResetBranchAddress(br); } else { char* addr = branch->GetAddress(); if (!addr) { // Note: This may cause an object to be allocated. branch->SetAddress(0); addr = branch->GetAddress(); } // FIXME: The GetBranch() function is braindead and may // not find the branch! TBranch* br = tree->GetBranch(branch->GetName()); if (br) { br->SetAddress(addr); // The copy does not own any object allocated by SetAddress(). if (br->InheritsFrom("TBranchElement")) { ((TBranchElement*) br)->ResetDeleteObject(); } } else { Warning("CopyAddresses", "Could not find branch named '%s' in tree named '%s'", branch->GetName(), tree->GetName()); } } } // Copy branch addresses starting from leaves. TObjArray* tleaves = tree->GetListOfLeaves(); Int_t ntleaves = tleaves->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntleaves; ++i) { TLeaf* tleaf = (TLeaf*) tleaves->UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* tbranch = tleaf->GetBranch(); TBranch* branch = GetBranch(tbranch->GetName()); if (!branch) { continue; } TLeaf* leaf = branch->GetLeaf(tleaf->GetName()); if (!leaf) { continue; } if (branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { continue; } if (undo) { // Now we know wether the address has been transfered tree->ResetBranchAddress(tbranch); } else { if (!branch->GetAddress() && !leaf->GetValuePointer()) { // We should attempts to set the address of the branch. // something like: //(TBranchElement*)branch->GetMother()->SetAddress(0) //plus a few more subtilities (see TBranchElement::GetEntry). //but for now we go the simpliest route: // // Note: This may result in the allocation of an object. branch->GetEntry(0); } if (branch->GetAddress()) { tree->SetBranchAddress(branch->GetName(), (void*) branch->GetAddress()); TBranch* br = tree->GetBranch(branch->GetName()); if (br) { // The copy does not own any object allocated by SetAddress(). // FIXME: We do too much here, br may not be a top-level branch. if (br->InheritsFrom("TBranchElement")) { ((TBranchElement*) br)->ResetDeleteObject(); } } else { Warning("CopyAddresses", "Could not find branch named '%s' in tree named '%s'", branch->GetName(), tree->GetName()); } } else { tleaf->SetAddress(leaf->GetValuePointer()); } } } if (undo && ( tree->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TNtuple") || tree->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TNtupleD") ) ) { tree->ResetBranchAddresses(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::CopyEntries(TTree* tree, Long64_t nentries /* = -1 */) { // -- Copy nentries from given tree to this tree. // // By default copy all entries. // // Returns number of bytes copied to this tree. // if (!tree) { return 0; } Long64_t nbytes = 0; Long64_t treeEntries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); if (nentries < 0) { nentries = treeEntries; } if (nentries > treeEntries) { nentries = treeEntries; } for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nentries; ++i) { if (tree->LoadTree(i) < 0) { break; } tree->GetEntry(i); nbytes += Fill(); } return nbytes; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree* TTree::CopyTree(const char* selection, Option_t* option /* = 0 */, Long64_t nentries /* = 1000000000 */, Long64_t firstentry /* = 0 */) { // -- Copy a tree with selection. // // IMPORTANT: // // The returned copied tree stays connected with the original tree // until the original tree is deleted. In particular, any changes // to the branch addresses in the original tree are also made to // the copied tree. Any changes made to the branch addresses of the // copied tree are overridden anytime the original tree changes its // branch addresses. When the original tree is deleted, all the // branch addresses of the copied tree are set to zero. // // For examples of CopyTree, see the tutorials: // // -- copytree // // Example macro to copy a subset of a tree to a new tree. // // The input file was generated by running the program in // $ROOTSYS/test/Event in this way: // // ./Event 1000 1 1 1 // // -- copytree2 // // Example macro to copy a subset of a tree to a new tree. // // One branch of the new tree is written to a separate file. // // The input file was generated by running the program in // $ROOTSYS/test/Event in this way: // // ./Event 1000 1 1 1 // // -- copytree3 // // Example macro to copy a subset of a tree to a new tree. // // Only selected entries are copied to the new tree. // NOTE that only the active branches are copied. // GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->CopyTree(selection, option, nentries, firstentry); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBasket* TTree::CreateBasket(TBranch* branch) { // -- Create a basket for this tree and given branch. if (!branch) { return 0; } return new TBasket(branch->GetName(), GetName(), branch); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Delete(Option_t* option /* = "" */) { // -- Delete this tree from memory or/and disk. // // if option == "all" delete Tree object from memory AND from disk // all baskets on disk are deleted. All keys with same name // are deleted. // if option =="" only Tree object in memory is deleted. TFile *file = GetCurrentFile(); // delete all baskets and header from file if (file && !strcmp(option,"all")) { if (!file->IsWritable()) { Error("Delete","File : %s is not writable, cannot delete Tree:%s", file->GetName(),GetName()); return; } //find key and import Tree header in memory TKey *key = fDirectory->GetKey(GetName()); if (!key) return; TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory; file->cd(); //get list of leaves and loop on all the branches baskets TIter next(GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf *leaf; char header[16]; Int_t ntot = 0; Int_t nbask = 0; Int_t nbytes,objlen,keylen; while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)next())) { TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch(); Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetMaxBaskets(); for (Int_t i=0;i<nbaskets;i++) { Long64_t pos = branch->GetBasketSeek(i); if (!pos) continue; TFile *branchFile = branch->GetFile(); if (!branchFile) continue; branchFile->GetRecordHeader(header,pos,16,nbytes,objlen,keylen); if (nbytes <= 0) continue; branchFile->MakeFree(pos,pos+nbytes-1); ntot += nbytes; nbask++; } } // delete Tree header key and all keys with the same name // A Tree may have been saved many times. Previous cycles are invalid. while (key) { ntot += key->GetNbytes(); key->Delete(); delete key; key = fDirectory->GetKey(GetName()); } if (dirsav) dirsav->cd(); if (gDebug) printf(" Deleting Tree: %s: %d baskets deleted. Total space freed = %d bytes\n",GetName(),nbask,ntot); } if (fDirectory) fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); fDirectory = 0; // Delete object from CINT symbol table so it can not be used anymore. gInterpreter->DeleteGlobal(this); delete this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Draw(const char* varexp, const TCut& selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // Draw expression varexp for specified entries. // Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events in case of success. // // This function accepts TCut objects as arguments. // Useful to use the string operator + // example: // ntuple.Draw("x",cut1+cut2+cut3); // return TTree::Draw(varexp, selection.GetTitle(), option, nentries, firstentry); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Draw(const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // Draw expression varexp for specified entries. // Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events in case of success. // // varexp is an expression of the general form // - "e1" produces a 1-d histogram (TH1F) of expression "e1" // - "e1:e2" produces an unbinned 2-d scatter-plot (TGraph) of "e1" versus "e2" // - "e1:e2:e3" produces an unbinned 3-d scatter-plot (TPolyMarker3D) of "e1" // versus "e2" versus "e3" // - "e1:e2:e3:e4" produces an unbinned 3-d scatter-plot (TPolyMarker3D) of "e1" // versus "e2" versus "e3" and "e4" mapped on the color number. // (to create histograms in the 2, 3, and 4 dimesional case, see section "Saving // the result of Draw to an histogram") // // Example: // varexp = x simplest case: draw a 1-Dim distribution of column named x // = sqrt(x) : draw distribution of sqrt(x) // = x*y/z // = y:sqrt(x) 2-Dim distribution of y versus sqrt(x) // = px:py:pz:2.5*E produces a 3-d scatter-plot of px vs py ps pz // and the color number of each marker will be 2.5*E. // If the color number is negative it is set to 0. // If the color number is greater than the current number of colors // it is set to the highest color number. // The default number of colors is 50. // see TStyle::SetPalette for setting a new color palette. // // Note that the variables e1, e2 or e3 may contain a selection. // example, if e1= x*(y<0), the value histogrammed will be x if y<0 // and will be 0 otherwise. // // The expressions can use all the operations and build-in functions // supported by TFormula (See TFormula::Analyze), including free // standing function taking numerical arguments (TMath::Bessel). // In addition, you can call member functions taking numerical // arguments. For example: // - "TMath::BreitWigner(fPx,3,2)" // - "event.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().GetXmax()" // - "event.GetTrack(fMax).GetPx() // // selection is an expression with a combination of the columns. // In a selection all the C++ operators are authorized. // The value corresponding to the selection expression is used as a weight // to fill the histogram. // If the expression includes only boolean operations, the result // is 0 or 1. If the result is 0, the histogram is not filled. // In general, the expression may be of the form: // value*(boolean expression) // if boolean expression is true, the histogram is filled with // a weight = value. // Examples: // selection1 = "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2" // selection2 = "(x+y)*(sqrt(z)>3.2)" // selection1 returns a weigth = 0 or 1 // selection2 returns a weight = x+y if sqrt(z)>3.2 // returns a weight = 0 otherwise. // // option is the drawing option. // - See TH1::Draw for the list of all drawing options. // - If option COL is specified when varexp has three fields: // tree.Draw("e1:e2:e3","","col"); // a 2D scatter is produced with e1 vs e2, and e3 is mapped on the color // table. // - If option contains the string "goff", no graphics is generated. // // nentries is the number of entries to process (default is all) // first is the first entry to process (default is 0) // // This function returns the number of selected entries. It returns -1 // if an error occurs. // // Drawing expressions using arrays and array elements // =================================================== // Let assumes, a leaf fMatrix, on the branch fEvent, which is a 3 by 3 array, // or a TClonesArray. // In a TTree::Draw expression you can now access fMatrix using the following // syntaxes: // // String passed What is used for each entry of the tree // // "fMatrix" the 9 elements of fMatrix // "fMatrix[][]" the 9 elements of fMatrix // "fMatrix[2][2]" only the elements fMatrix[2][2] // "fMatrix[1]" the 3 elements fMatrix[1][0], fMatrix[1][1] and fMatrix[1][2] // "fMatrix[1][]" the 3 elements fMatrix[1][0], fMatrix[1][1] and fMatrix[1][2] // "fMatrix[][0]" the 3 elements fMatrix[0][0], fMatrix[1][0] and fMatrix[2][0] // // "fEvent.fMatrix...." same as "fMatrix..." (unless there is more than one leaf named fMatrix!). // // In summary, if a specific index is not specified for a dimension, TTree::Draw // will loop through all the indices along this dimension. Leaving off the // last (right most) dimension of specifying then with the two characters '[]' // is equivalent. For variable size arrays (and TClonesArray) the range // of the first dimension is recalculated for each entry of the tree. // // TTree::Draw also now properly handling operations involving 2 or more arrays. // // Let assume a second matrix fResults[5][2], here are a sample of some // of the possible combinations, the number of elements they produce and // the loop used: // // expression element(s) Loop // // "fMatrix[2][1] - fResults[5][2]" one no loop // "fMatrix[2][] - fResults[5][2]" three on 2nd dim fMatrix // "fMatrix[2][] - fResults[5][]" two on both 2nd dimensions // "fMatrix[][2] - fResults[][1]" three on both 1st dimensions // "fMatrix[][2] - fResults[][]" six on both 1st and 2nd dimensions of // fResults // "fMatrix[][2] - fResults[3][]" two on 1st dim of fMatrix and 2nd of // fResults (at the same time) // "fMatrix[][] - fResults[][]" six on 1st dim then on 2nd dim // // // In summary, TTree::Draw loops through all un-specified dimensions. To // figure out the range of each loop, we match each unspecified dimension // from left to right (ignoring ALL dimensions for which an index has been // specified), in the equivalent loop matched dimensions use the same index // and are restricted to the smallest range (of only the matched dimensions). // When involving variable arrays, the range can of course be different // for each entry of the tree. // // So the loop equivalent to "fMatrix[][2] - fResults[3][]" is: // // for (Int_t i0; i < min(3,2); i++) { // use the value of (fMatrix[i0][2] - fMatrix[3][i0]) // } // // So the loop equivalent to "fMatrix[][2] - fResults[][]" is: // // for (Int_t i0; i < min(3,5); i++) { // for (Int_t i1; i1 < 2; i1++) { // use the value of (fMatrix[i0][2] - fMatrix[i0][i1]) // } // } // // So the loop equivalent to "fMatrix[][] - fResults[][]" is: // // for (Int_t i0; i < min(3,5); i++) { // for (Int_t i1; i1 < min(3,2); i1++) { // use the value of (fMatrix[i0][i1] - fMatrix[i0][i1]) // } // } // // Retrieving the result of Draw // ============================= // // By default the temporary histogram created is called "htemp", but only in // the one dimensional Draw("e1") it contains the TTree's data points. For // a two dimensional Draw, the data is filled into a TGraph which is named // "Graph". They can be retrieved by calling // TH1F *htemp = (TH1F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp"); // 1D // TGraph *graph = (TGraph*)gPad->GetPrimitive("Graph"); // 2D // // For a three and four dimensional Draw the TPloyMarker3D is unnamed, and // cannot be retrieved. // // gPad always contains a TH1 derived object called "htemp" which allows to // access the axes: // TGraph *graph = (TGraph*)gPad->GetPrimitive("Graph"); // 2D // TH2F *htemp = (TH2F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp"); // empty, but has axes // TAxis *xaxis = htemp->GetXaxis(); // // Saving the result of Draw to an histogram // ========================================= // // If varexp0 contains >>hnew (following the variable(s) name(s), // the new histogram created is called hnew and it is kept in the current // directory (and also the current pad). This works for all dimensions. // Example: // tree.Draw("sqrt(x)>>hsqrt","y>0") // will draw sqrt(x) and save the histogram as "hsqrt" in the current // directory. To retrieve it do: // TH1F *hsqrt = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("hsqrt"); // // The binning information is taken from the environment variables // // Hist.Binning.?D.? // // In addition, the name of the histogram can be followed by up to 9 // numbers between '(' and ')', where the numbers describe the // following: // // 1 - bins in x-direction // 2 - lower limit in x-direction // 3 - upper limit in x-direction // 4-6 same for y-direction // 7-9 same for z-direction // // When a new binning is used the new value will become the default. // Values can be skipped. // Example: // tree.Draw("sqrt(x)>>hsqrt(500,10,20)") // // plot sqrt(x) between 10 and 20 using 500 bins // tree.Draw("sqrt(x):sin(y)>>hsqrt(100,10,60,50,.1,.5)") // // plot sqrt(x) against sin(y) // // 100 bins in x-direction; lower limit on x-axis is 10; upper limit is 60 // // 50 bins in y-direction; lower limit on y-axis is .1; upper limit is .5 // // By default, the specified histogram is reset. // To continue to append data to an existing histogram, use "+" in front // of the histogram name. // A '+' in front of the histogram name is ignored, when the name is followed by // binning information as described in the previous paragraph. // tree.Draw("sqrt(x)>>+hsqrt","y>0") // will not reset hsqrt, but will continue filling. // This works for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D histograms. // // Accessing collection objects // ============================ // // TTree::Draw default's handling of collections is to assume that any // request on a collection pertain to it content. For example, if fTracks // is a collection of Track objects, the following: // tree->Draw("event.fTracks.fPx"); // will plot the value of fPx for each Track objects inside the collection. // Also // tree->Draw("event.fTracks.size()"); // would plot the result of the member function Track::size() for each // Track object inside the collection. // To access information about the collection itself, TTree::Draw support // the '@' notation. If a variable which points to a collection is prefixed // or postfixed with '@', the next part of the expression will pertain to // the collection object. For example: // tree->Draw("event.@fTracks.size()"); // will plot the size of the collection refered to by fTracks (i.e the number // of Track objects). // // Drawing 'objects' // ================= // // When a class has a member function named AsDouble or AsString, requesting // to directly draw the object will imply a call to one of the 2 functions. // If both AsDouble and AsString are present, AsDouble will be used. // AsString can return either a char*, a std::string or a TString.s // For example, the following // tree->Draw("event.myTTimeStamp"); // will draw the same histogram as // tree->Draw("event.myTTimeStamp.AsDouble()"); // In addition, when the object is a type TString or std::string, TTree::Draw // will call respectively TString::Data and std::string::c_str() // // If the object is a TBits, the histogram will contain the index of the bit // that are turned on. // // Retrieving information about the tree itself. // ============================================ // // You can refer to the tree (or chain) containing the data by using the // string 'This'. // You can then could any TTree methods. For example: // tree->Draw("This->GetReadEntry()"); // will display the local entry numbers be read. // tree->Draw("This->GetUserInfo()->At(0)->GetName()"); // will display the name of the first 'user info' object. // // Special functions and variables // =============================== // // Entry$: A TTree::Draw formula can use the special variable Entry$ // to access the entry number being read. For example to draw every // other entry use: // tree.Draw("myvar","Entry$%2==0"); // // Entry$ : return the current entry number (== TTree::GetReadEntry()) // LocalEntry$ : return the current entry number in the current tree of a chain (== GetTree()->GetReadEntry()) // Entries$ : return the total number of entries (== TTree::GetEntries()) // Length$ : return the total number of element of this formula for this // entry (==TTreeFormula::GetNdata()) // Iteration$: return the current iteration over this formula for this // entry (i.e. varies from 0 to Length$). // // Length$(formula): return the total number of element of the formula given as a // parameter. // Sum$(formula): return the sum of the value of the elements of the formula given // as a parameter. For eaxmple the mean for all the elements in // one entry can be calculated with: // Sum$(formula)/Length$(formula) // // Alt$(primary,alternate) : return the value of "primary" if it is available // for the current iteration otherwise return the value of "alternate". // For example, with arr1[3] and arr2[2] // tree->Draw("arr1+Alt$(arr2,0)"); // will draw arr1[0]+arr2[0] ; arr1[1]+arr2[1] and arr1[2]+0 // Or with a variable size array arr3 // tree->Draw("Alt$(arr3[0],0)+Alt$(arr3[1],0)+Alt$(arr3[2],0)"); // will draw the sum arr3 for the index 0 to min(2,actual_size_of_arr3-1) // As a comparison // tree->Draw("arr3[0]+arr3[1]+arr3[2]"); // will draw the sum arr3 for the index 0 to 2 only if the // actual_size_of_arr3 is greater or equal to 3. // Note that the array in 'primary' is flatened/linearilized thus using // Alt$ with multi-dimensional arrays of different dimensions in unlikely // to yield the expected results. To visualize a bit more what elements // would be matched by TTree::Draw, TTree::Scan can be used: // tree->Scan("arr1:Alt$(arr2,0)"); // will print on one line the value of arr1 and (arr2,0) that will be // matched by // tree->Draw("arr1-Alt$(arr2,0)"); // // Drawing a user function accessing the TTree data directly // ========================================================= // // If the formula contains a file name, TTree::MakeProxy will be used // to load and execute this file. In particular it will draw the // result of a function with the same name as the file. The function // will be executed in a context where the name of the branches can // be used as a C++ variable. // // For example draw px using the file hsimple.root (generated by the // hsimple.C tutorial), we need a file named hsimple.cxx: // // double hsimple() { // return px; // } // // MakeProxy can then be used indirectly via the TTree::Draw interface // as follow: // new TFile("hsimple.root") // ntuple->Draw("hsimple.cxx"); // // A more complete example is available in the tutorials directory: // h1analysisProxy.cxx , h1analysProxy.h and h1analysisProxyCut.C // which reimplement the selector found in h1analysis.C // // The main features of this facility are: // // * on-demand loading of branches // * ability to use the 'branchname' as if it was a data member // * protection against array out-of-bound // * ability to use the branch data as object (when the user code is available) // // See TTree::MakeProxy for more details. // // Making a Profile histogram // ========================== // In case of a 2-Dim expression, one can generate a TProfile histogram // instead of a TH2F histogram by specyfying option=prof or option=profs. // The option=prof is automatically selected in case of y:x>>pf // where pf is an existing TProfile histogram. // // Making a parallel coordinates plot. // =========================== // In case of a 2-Dim or more expression with the option=para, one can generate // a parallel coordinates plot. With that option, the number of dimensions is // arbitrary. Giving more than 4 variables without the option=para or // option=candle or option=goff will produce an error. // // Making a candle sticks chart. // =========================== // In case of a 2-Dim or more expression with the option=candle, one can generate // a candle sticks chart. With that option, the number of dimensions is // arbitrary. Giving more than 4 variables without the option=para or // option=candle or option=goff will produce an error. // // Saving the result of Draw to a TEventList or a TEntryList // ========================================================= // TTree::Draw can be used to fill a TEventList object (list of entry numbers) // instead of histogramming one variable. // If varexp0 has the form >>elist , a TEventList object named "elist" // is created in the current directory. elist will contain the list // of entry numbers satisfying the current selection. // If option "entrylist" is used, a TEntryList object is created // Example: // tree.Draw(">>yplus","y>0") // will create a TEventList object named "yplus" in the current directory. // In an interactive session, one can type (after TTree::Draw) // yplus.Print("all") // to print the list of entry numbers in the list. // tree.Draw(">>yplus", "y>0", "entrylist") // will create a TEntryList object names "yplus" in the current directory // // By default, the specified entry list is reset. // To continue to append data to an existing list, use "+" in front // of the list name; // tree.Draw(">>+yplus","y>0") // will not reset yplus, but will enter the selected entries at the end // of the existing list. // // Using a TEventList or a TEntryList as Input // =========================== // Once a TEventList or a TEntryList object has been generated, it can be used as input // for TTree::Draw. Use TTree::SetEventList or TTree::SetEntryList to set the // current event list // Example1: // TEventList *elist = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("yplus"); // tree->SetEventList(elist); // tree->Draw("py"); // Example2: // TEntryList *elist = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("yplus"); // tree->SetEntryList(elist); // tree->Draw("py"); // If a TEventList object is used as input, a new TEntryList object is created // inside the SetEventList function. In case of a TChain, all tree headers are loaded // for this transformation. This new object is owned by the chain and is deleted // with it, unless the user extracts it by calling GetEntryList() function. // See also comments to SetEventList() function of TTree and TChain. // // If arrays are used in the selection critera, the entry entered in the // list are all the entries that have at least one element of the array that // satisfy the selection. // Example: // tree.Draw(">>pyplus","fTracks.fPy>0"); // tree->SetEventList(pyplus); // tree->Draw("fTracks.fPy"); // will draw the fPy of ALL tracks in event with at least one track with // a positive fPy. // // To select only the elements that did match the original selection // use TEventList::SetReapplyCut or TEntryList::SetReapplyCut. // Example: // tree.Draw(">>pyplus","fTracks.fPy>0"); // pyplus->SetReapplyCut(kTRUE); // tree->SetEventList(pyplus); // tree->Draw("fTracks.fPy"); // will draw the fPy of only the tracks that have a positive fPy. // // Note: Use tree->SetEventList(0) if you do not want use the list as input. // // How to obtain more info from TTree::Draw // ======================================== // // Once TTree::Draw has been called, it is possible to access useful // information still stored in the TTree object via the following functions: // -GetSelectedRows() // return the number of entries accepted by the // //selection expression. In case where no selection // //was specified, returns the number of entries processed. // -GetV1() //returns a pointer to the double array of V1 // -GetV2() //returns a pointer to the double array of V2 // -GetV3() //returns a pointer to the double array of V3 // -GetW() //returns a pointer to the double array of Weights // //where weight equal the result of the selection expression. // where V1,V2,V3 correspond to the expressions in // TTree::Draw("V1:V2:V3",selection); // // Example: // Root > ntuple->Draw("py:px","pz>4"); // Root > TGraph *gr = new TGraph(ntuple->GetSelectedRows(), // ntuple->GetV2(), ntuple->GetV1()); // Root > gr->Draw("ap"); //draw graph in current pad // creates a TGraph object with a number of points corresponding to the // number of entries selected by the expression "pz>4", the x points of the graph // being the px values of the Tree and the y points the py values. // // Important note: By default TTree::Draw creates the arrays obtained // with GetV1, GetV2, GetV3, GetW with a length corresponding to the // parameter fEstimate. By default fEstimate=10000 and can be modified // via TTree::SetEstimate. A possible recipee is to do // tree->SetEstimate(tree->GetEntries()); // You must call SetEstimate if the expected number of selected rows // is greater than 10000. // // You can use the option "goff" to turn off the graphics output // of TTree::Draw in the above example. // // Automatic interface to TTree::Draw via the TTreeViewer // ====================================================== // // A complete graphical interface to this function is implemented // in the class TTreeViewer. // To start the TTreeViewer, three possibilities: // - select TTree context menu item "StartViewer" // - type the command "TTreeViewer TV(treeName)" // - execute statement "tree->StartViewer();" // GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) return fPlayer->DrawSelect(varexp,selection,option,nentries,firstentry); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::DropBaskets() { // -- Remove some baskets from memory. TBranch* branch = 0; Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); branch->DropBaskets("all"); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::DropBuffers(Int_t) { // -- Drop branch buffers to accomodate nbytes below MaxVirtualsize. // Be careful not to remove current read/write buffers. Int_t ndrop = 0; Int_t nleaves = fLeaves.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nleaves; ++i) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) leaf->GetBranch(); Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetListOfBaskets()->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbaskets - 1; ++j) { if ((j == branch->GetReadBasket()) || (j == branch->GetWriteBasket())) { continue; } TBasket* basket = branch->GetBasket(j); ndrop += basket->DropBuffers(); if (fTotalBuffers < fMaxVirtualSize) { return; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::Fill() { // -- Fill all branches. // // This function loops on all the branches of this tree. For // each branch, it copies to the branch buffer (basket) the current // values of the leaves data types. If a leaf is a simple data type, // a simple conversion to a machine independent format has to be done. // // The function returns the number of bytes committed to the // individual branches. // // If a write error occurs, the number of bytes returned is -1. // // If no data are written, because, e.g., the branch is disabled, // the number of bytes returned is 0. // Int_t nbytes = 0; Int_t nerror = 0; Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); if (nb == 1) { // -- Case of one single super branch. Automatically update // all the branch addresses if a new object was created. TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(0); branch->UpdateAddress(); } if (fBranchRef) { fBranchRef->Clear(); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { // -- Loop over all branches, filling and accumulating bytes written and error counts. TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); if (branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { continue; } Int_t nwrite = branch->Fill(); if (nwrite < 0) { Error("Fill", "Failed filling branch:%s.%s, nbytes=%d", GetName(), branch->GetName(), nwrite); if (nerror < 2) { printf(" This error is symptomatic of a Tree created as a memory-resident Tree\n"); printf(" Instead of doing:\n"); printf(" TTree *T = new TTree(...)\n"); printf(" TFile *f = new TFile(...)\n"); printf(" you should do:\n"); printf(" TFile *f = new TFile(...)\n"); printf(" TTree *T = new TTree(...)\n"); } ++nerror; } else { nbytes += nwrite; } } if (fBranchRef) { fBranchRef->Fill(); } ++fEntries; if (fEntries > fMaxEntries) { KeepCircular(); } if ((fTotBytes - fSavedBytes) > fAutoSave) { AutoSave(); } // Check that output file is still below the maximum size. // If above, close the current file and continue on a new file. // Currently, the automatic change of file is restricted // to the case where the tree is in the top level directory. if (!fDirectory) { return nbytes; } TFile* file = fDirectory->GetFile(); if (file && (file->GetEND() > fgMaxTreeSize)) { if (fDirectory == (TDirectory*) file) { ChangeFile(file); } } if (nerror) { return -1; } return nbytes; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::FindBranch(const char* branchname) { // -- FIXME: Describe this function. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kFindBranch & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } TIter next(GetListOfBranches()); // This will allow the branchname to be preceded by // the name of this tree. char* subbranch = (char*) strstr(branchname, GetName()); if (subbranch != branchname) { subbranch = 0; } if (subbranch) { subbranch += strlen(GetName()); if (*subbranch != '.') { subbranch = 0; } else { ++subbranch; } } TBranch* branch = 0; while ((branch = (TBranch*) next())) { std::string name(branch->GetName()); std::size_t dim = name.find_first_of("["); if (dim != std::string::npos) { name.erase(dim); } if (branchname == name) { return branch; } if (subbranch && (subbranch == name)) { return branch; } } next.Reset(); branch = 0; while ((branch = (TBranch*) next())) { TBranch* nestedbranch = branch->FindBranch(branchname); if (nestedbranch) { return nestedbranch; } } // Search in list of friends. if (!fFriends) { return 0; } TFriendLock lock(this, kFindBranch); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (!t) { continue; } // If the alias is present replace it with the real name. char* subbranch = (char*) strstr(branchname, fe->GetName()); if (subbranch != branchname) { subbranch = 0; } if (subbranch) { subbranch += strlen(fe->GetName()); if (*subbranch != '.') { subbranch = 0; } else { ++subbranch; } } std::ostringstream name; if (subbranch) { name << t->GetName() << "." << subbranch; } else { name << branchname; } branch = t->FindBranch(name.str().c_str()); if (branch) { return branch; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TLeaf* TTree::FindLeaf(const char* searchname) { // -- FIXME: Describe this function. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let's return. if (kFindLeaf & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } // This will allow the branchname to be preceded by // the name of this tree. char* subsearchname = (char*) strstr(searchname, GetName()); if (subsearchname != searchname) { subsearchname = 0; } if (subsearchname) { subsearchname += strlen(GetName()); if (*subsearchname != '.') { subsearchname = 0; } else { ++subsearchname; if (subsearchname[0]==0) { subsearchname = 0; } } } TString leafname; TString leaftitle; TString longname; TString longtitle; // For leaves we allow for one level up to be prefixed to the name. TIter next(GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf* leaf = 0; while ((leaf = (TLeaf*) next())) { leafname = leaf->GetName(); Ssiz_t dim = leafname.First('['); if (dim >= 0) leafname.Remove(dim); if (leafname == searchname) { return leaf; } if (subsearchname && leafname == subsearchname) { return leaf; } // The TLeafElement contains the branch name // in its name, let's use the title. leaftitle = leaf->GetTitle(); dim = leaftitle.First('['); if (dim >= 0) leaftitle.Remove(dim); if (leaftitle == searchname) { return leaf; } if (subsearchname && leaftitle == subsearchname) { return leaf; } TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); if (branch) { longname.Form("%s.%s",branch->GetName(),leafname.Data()); Ssiz_t dim = longname.First('['); if (dim>=0) longname.Remove(dim); if (longname == searchname) { return leaf; } if (subsearchname && longname == subsearchname) { return leaf; } longtitle.Form("%s.%s",branch->GetName(),leaftitle.Data()); dim = longtitle.First('['); if (dim>=0) longtitle.Remove(dim); if (longtitle == searchname) { return leaf; } if (subsearchname && longtitle == subsearchname) { return leaf; } // The following is for the case where the branch is only // a sub-branch. Since we do not see it through // TTree::GetListOfBranches, we need to see it indirectly. // This is the less sturdy part of this search ... it may // need refining ... if (strstr(searchname, ".") && !strcmp(searchname, branch->GetName())) { return leaf; } if (subsearchname && strstr(subsearchname, ".") && !strcmp(subsearchname, branch->GetName())) { return leaf; } } } // Search in list of friends. if (!fFriends) { return 0; } TFriendLock lock(this, kFindLeaf); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (!t) { continue; } // If the alias is present replace it with the real name. char* subsearchname = (char*) strstr(searchname, fe->GetName()); if (subsearchname != searchname) { subsearchname = 0; } if (subsearchname) { subsearchname += strlen(fe->GetName()); if (*subsearchname != '.') { subsearchname = 0; } else { ++subsearchname; } } if (subsearchname) { leafname.Form("%s.%s",t->GetName(),subsearchname); } else { leafname = searchname; } leaf = t->FindLeaf(leafname); if (leaf) { return leaf; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::Fit(const char* funcname, const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Option_t* goption, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Fit a projected item(s) from a tree. // // funcname is a TF1 function. // // See TTree::Draw() for explanations of the other parameters. // // By default the temporary histogram created is called htemp. // If varexp contains >>hnew , the new histogram created is called hnew // and it is kept in the current directory. // // The function returns the number of selected entries. // // Example: // tree.Fit(pol4,sqrt(x)>>hsqrt,y>0) // will fit sqrt(x) and save the histogram as "hsqrt" in the current // directory. // // See also TTree::UnbinnedFit // // Return status // ============= // The function returns the status of the histogram fit (see TH1::Fit) // If no entries were selected, the function returns -1; // (ie fitResult is null is the fit is OK) GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Fit(funcname, varexp, selection, option, goption, nentries, firstentry); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TTree::GetAlias(const char* aliasName) const { // -- Returns the expanded value of the alias. Search in the friends if any. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let's return. if (kGetAlias & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } if (fAliases) { TObject* alias = fAliases->FindObject(aliasName); if (alias) { return alias->GetTitle(); } } if (!fFriends) { return 0; } TFriendLock lock(const_cast<TTree*>(this), kGetAlias); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { const char* alias = t->GetAlias(aliasName); if (alias) { return alias; } const char* subAliasName = strstr(aliasName, fe->GetName()); if (subAliasName && (subAliasName[strlen(fe->GetName())] == '.')) { alias = t->GetAlias(aliasName + strlen(fe->GetName()) + 1); if (alias) { return alias; } } } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TBranch* TTree::GetBranch(const char* name) { // -- Return pointer to the branch with the given name in this tree or its friends. if (name == 0) return 0; // We already have been visited while recursively // looking through the friends tree, let's return. if (kGetBranch & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } // Search using branches. Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); if (!strcmp(branch->GetName(), name)) { return branch; } TObjArray* lb = branch->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb1 = lb->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nb1; j++) { TBranch* b1 = (TBranch*) lb->UncheckedAt(j); if (!strcmp(b1->GetName(), name)) { return b1; } TObjArray* lb1 = b1->GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nb2 = lb1->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t k = 0; k < nb2; k++) { TBranch* b2 = (TBranch*) lb1->UncheckedAt(k); if (!strcmp(b2->GetName(), name)) { return b2; } } } } // Search using leaves. TObjArray* leaves = GetListOfLeaves(); Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nleaves; i++) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) leaves->UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); if (!strcmp(branch->GetName(), name)) { return branch; } } if (!fFriends) { return 0; } // Search in list of friends. TFriendLock lock(this, kGetBranch); TIter next(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) next())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { TBranch* branch = t->GetBranch(name); if (branch) { return branch; } } } // Second pass in the list of friends when // the branch name is prefixed by the tree name. next.Reset(); while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) next())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (!t) { continue; } char* subname = (char*) strstr(name, fe->GetName()); if (subname != name) { continue; } Int_t l = strlen(fe->GetName()); subname += l; if (*subname != '.') { continue; } subname++; TBranch* branch = t->GetBranch(subname); if (branch) { return branch; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTree::GetBranchStatus(const char* branchname) const { // -- Return status of branch with name branchname. // 0 if branch is not activated // 1 if branch is activated TBranch* br = const_cast<TTree*>(this)->GetBranch(branchname); if (br) { return br->TestBit(kDoNotProcess) == 0; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::GetBranchStyle() { // -- Static function returning the current branch style. // style = 0 old Branch // style = 1 new Bronch return fgBranchStyle; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFile* TTree::GetCurrentFile() const { // -- Return pointer to the current file. if (!fDirectory) { return 0; } return fDirectory->GetFile(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetEntries(const char *selection) { // Return the number of entries matching the selection. // Return -1 in case of errors. // // If the selection uses any arrays or containers, we return the number // of entries where at least one element match the selection. // GetEntries is implemented using the selector class TSelectorEntries, // which can be used directly (see code in TTreePlayer::GetEntries) for // additional option. // If SetEventList was used on the TTree or TChain, only that subset // of entries will be considered. GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->GetEntries(selection); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetEntriesFriend() const { // -- Return number of entries of this tree if not zero, otherwise return the number of entries in the first friend tree. if (fEntries) return fEntries; if (!fFriends) return 0; TFriendElement *fr = (TFriendElement*)fFriends->At(0); if (!fr) return 0; TTree *t = fr->GetTree(); if (t==0) return 0; return t->GetEntriesFriend(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall) { // -- Read all branches of entry and return total number of bytes read. // // getall = 0 : get only active branches // getall = 1 : get all branches // // The function returns the number of bytes read from the input buffer. // If entry does not exist the function returns 0. // If an I/O error occurs, the function returns -1. // // If the Tree has friends, also read the friends entry // // To activate/deactivate one or more branches, use TBranch::SetBranchStatus // For example, if you have a Tree with several hundred branches, and you // are interested only by branches named "u" and "v", do // mytree.SetBranchStatus("*",0); //disable all branches // mytree.SetBranchStatus("a",1); // mytree.SetBranchStatus("b",1); // when calling mytree.GetEntry(i); only branches "a" and "b" will be read. // // WARNING!! // If your Tree has been created in split mode with a parent branch "parent", // mytree.SetBranchStatus("parent",1); // will not activate the sub-branches of "parent". You should do: // mytree.SetBranchStatus("parent*",1); // // An alternative is to call directly // brancha.GetEntry(i) // branchb.GetEntry(i); // // IMPORTANT NOTE // ============== // By default, GetEntry reuses the space allocated by the previous object // for each branch. You can force the previous object to be automatically // deleted if you call mybranch.SetAutoDelete(kTRUE) (default is kFALSE). // Example: // Consider the example in $ROOTSYS/test/Event.h // The top level branch in the tree T is declared with: // Event *event = 0; //event must be null or point to a valid object // //it must be initialized // T.SetBranchAddress("event",&event); // When reading the Tree, one can choose one of these 3 options: // // OPTION 1 // -------- // // for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { // T.GetEntry(i); // // the object event has been filled at this point // } // The default (recommended). At the first entry an object of the // class Event will be created and pointed by event. // At the following entries, event will be overwritten by the new data. // All internal members that are TObject* are automatically deleted. // It is important that these members be in a valid state when GetEntry // is called. Pointers must be correctly initialized. // However these internal members will not be deleted if the characters "->" // are specified as the first characters in the comment field of the data // member declaration. // If "->" is specified, the pointer member is read via pointer->Streamer(buf). // In this case, it is assumed that the pointer is never null (case // of pointer TClonesArray *fTracks in the Event example). // If "->" is not specified, the pointer member is read via buf >> pointer. // In this case the pointer may be null. Note that the option with "->" // is faster to read or write and it also consumes less space in the file. // // OPTION 2 // -------- // The option AutoDelete is set // TBranch *branch = T.GetBranch("event"); // branch->SetAddress(&event); // branch->SetAutoDelete(kTRUE); // for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { // T.GetEntry(i); // // the object event has been filled at this point // } // In this case, at each iteration, the object event is deleted by GetEntry // and a new instance of Event is created and filled. // // OPTION 3 // -------- // Same as option 1, but you delete yourself the event. // for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { // delete event; // event = 0; // EXTREMELY IMPORTANT // T.GetEntry(i); // // the object event has been filled at this point // } // // It is strongly recommended to use the default option 1. It has the // additional advantage that functions like TTree::Draw (internally // calling TTree::GetEntry) will be functional even when the classes in the // file are not available. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kGetEntry & fFriendLockStatus) return 0; if (entry < 0 || entry >= fEntries) return 0; Int_t i; Int_t nbytes = 0; fReadEntry = entry; TBranch *branch; Int_t nbranches = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nb=0; for (i=0;i<nbranches;i++) { branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); nb = branch->GetEntry(entry, getall); if (nb < 0) return nb; nbytes += nb; } // GetEntry in list of friends if (!fFriends) return nbytes; TFriendLock lock(this,kGetEntry); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement *fe; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)nextf())) { TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { if ( t->LoadTreeFriend(entry,this) >= 0 ) { nb = t->GetEntry(t->GetReadEntry(),getall); } else nb = 0; if (nb < 0) return nb; nbytes += nb; } } return nbytes; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TEntryList* TTree::GetEntryList() { //Returns the entry list, set to this tree // //The returned object is not owned by the tree, even if the entry list was created //by the SetEventList() function (see also comments of SetEventList()) if (!fEntryList) return 0; //check, if the entry list is owned by the tree. //This lack of "constness" is caused by the SetEventList() function //creating an entry list. if (fEntryList->TestBit(kCanDelete) == kTRUE){ fEntryList->SetBit(kCanDelete, kFALSE); } return fEntryList; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetEntryNumber(Long64_t entry) const { // -- Return entry number corresponding to entry. // // if no TEntryList set returns entry // else returns the entry number corresponding to the list index=entry if (!fEntryList) { return entry; } return fEntryList->GetEntry(entry); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetEntryNumberWithBestIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor) const { // -- Return entry number corresponding to major and minor number. // Note that this function returns only the entry number, not the data // To read the data corresponding to an entry number, use TTree::GetEntryWithIndex // the BuildIndex function has created a table of Long64_t* of sorted values // corresponding to val = major<<31 + minor; // The function performs binary search in this sorted table. // If it finds a pair that maches val, it returns directly the // index in the table. // If an entry corresponding to major and minor is not found, the function // returns the index of the major,minor pair immediatly lower than the // requested value, ie it will return -1 if the pair is lower than // the first entry in the index. // // See also GetEntryNumberWithIndex if (!fTreeIndex) { return -1; } return fTreeIndex->GetEntryNumberWithBestIndex(major, minor); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetEntryNumberWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor) const { // -- Return entry number corresponding to major and minor number. // Note that this function returns only the entry number, not the data // To read the data corresponding to an entry number, use TTree::GetEntryWithIndex // the BuildIndex function has created a table of Long64_t* of sorted values // corresponding to val = major<<31 + minor; // The function performs binary search in this sorted table. // If it finds a pair that maches val, it returns directly the // index in the table, otherwise it returns -1. // // See also GetEntryNumberWithBestIndex if (!fTreeIndex) { return -1; } return fTreeIndex->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major, minor); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::GetEntryWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor) { // -- Read entry corresponding to major and minor number. // // The function returns the total number of bytes read. // If the Tree has friend trees, the corresponding entry with // the index values (major,minor) is read. Note that the master Tree // and its friend may have different entry serial numbers corresponding // to (major,minor). // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let's return. if (kGetEntryWithIndex & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } Long64_t serial = GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major, minor); if (serial < 0) { return -1; } Int_t i; Int_t nbytes = 0; fReadEntry = serial; TBranch *branch; Int_t nbranches = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nb; for (i = 0; i < nbranches; ++i) { branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); nb = branch->GetEntry(serial); if (nb < 0) return nb; nbytes += nb; } // GetEntry in list of friends if (!fFriends) return nbytes; TFriendLock lock(this,kGetEntryWithIndex); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { serial = t->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major,minor); if (serial <0) return -nbytes; nb = t->GetEntry(serial); if (nb < 0) return nb; nbytes += nb; } } return nbytes; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree* TTree::GetFriend(const char *friendname) const { // Return a pointer to the TTree friend whose name or alias is 'friendname. // We already have been visited while recursively // looking through the friends tree, let's return. if (kGetFriend & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } if (!fFriends) { return 0; } TFriendLock lock(const_cast<TTree*>(this), kGetFriend); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { if (strcmp(friendname,fe->GetName())==0 || strcmp(friendname,fe->GetTreeName())==0) { return fe->GetTree(); } } // After looking at the first level, // let's see if it is a friend of friends. nextf.Reset(); fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree *res = fe->GetTree()->GetFriend(friendname); if (res) { return res; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TTree::GetFriendAlias(TTree* tree) const { // -- If the the 'tree' is a friend, this method returns its alias name. // // This alias is an alternate name for the tree. // // It can be used in conjunction with a branch or leaf name in a TTreeFormula, // to specify in which particular tree the branch or leaf can be found if // the friend trees have branches or leaves with the same name as the master // tree. // // It can also be used in conjunction with an alias created using // TTree::SetAlias in a TTreeFormula, e.g.: // // maintree->Draw("treealias.fPx - treealias.myAlias"); // // where fPx is a branch of the friend tree aliased as 'treealias' and 'myAlias' // was created using TTree::SetAlias on the friend tree. // // However, note that 'treealias.myAlias' will be expanded literally, // without remembering that it comes from the aliased friend and thus // the branch name might not be disambiguated properly, which means // that you may not be able to take advantage of this feature. // if ((tree == this) || (tree == GetTree())) { return 0; } // We already have been visited while recursively // looking through the friends tree, let's return. if (kGetFriendAlias & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } if (!fFriends) { return 0; } TFriendLock lock(const_cast<TTree*>(this), kGetFriendAlias); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree* t = fe->GetTree(); if (t == tree) { return fe->GetName(); } if (t->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TChain")) { if (t->GetTree() == tree) { return fe->GetName(); } } } // After looking at the first level, // let's see if it is a friend of friends. nextf.Reset(); fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { const char* res = fe->GetTree()->GetFriendAlias(tree); if (res) { return res; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TIterator* TTree::GetIteratorOnAllLeaves(Bool_t dir) { // -- Creates a new iterator that will go through all the leaves on the tree itself and its friend. return new TTreeFriendLeafIter(this, dir); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TLeaf* TTree::GetLeaf(const char* aname) { // -- Return pointer to the 1st Leaf named name in any Branch of this Tree or any branch in the list of friend trees. // // aname may be of the form branchname/leafname if (aname == 0) return 0; // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kGetLeaf & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } char* slash = (char*) strchr(aname, '/'); char* name = 0; UInt_t nbch = 0; if (slash) { name = slash + 1; nbch = slash - aname; } else { name = (char*) aname; } TLeaf *leaf = 0; TIter nextl(GetListOfLeaves()); while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)nextl())) { if (strcmp(leaf->GetName(),name)) continue; if (slash) { const char* brname = leaf->GetBranch()->GetName(); if (strncmp(brname,aname,nbch)) continue; // The start of the branch name is indentical to the content // of 'aname' before the first '/'. // Let's make sure that it is not longer (we are trying // to avoid having jet2/value match the branch jet23 if ((strlen(brname) > nbch) && (brname[nbch] != '.') && (brname[nbch] != '[')) { continue; } } return leaf; } if (!fFriends) return 0; TFriendLock lock(this,kGetLeaf); TIter next(fFriends); TFriendElement *fe; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)next())) { TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t) { leaf = t->GetLeaf(aname); if (leaf) return leaf; } } //second pass in the list of friends when the leaf name //is prefixed by the tree name TString strippedArg; next.Reset(); while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)next())) { TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t==0) continue; char *subname = (char*)strstr(name,fe->GetName()); if (subname != name) continue; Int_t l = strlen(fe->GetName()); subname += l; if (*subname != '.') continue; subname++; if (slash) { strippedArg = aname; strippedArg.Remove(nbch+1); } else { strippedArg = ""; } strippedArg += subname; leaf = t->GetLeaf(strippedArg); if (leaf) return leaf; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TTree::GetMaximum(const char* columname) { // -- Return maximum of column with name columname. TLeaf* leaf = this->GetLeaf(columname); if (!leaf) { return 0; } TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); Double_t cmax = -FLT_MAX; for (Long64_t i = 0; i < fEntries; ++i) { branch->GetEntry(i); for (Int_t j = 0; j < leaf->GetLen(); ++j) { Double_t val = leaf->GetValue(j); if (val > cmax) { cmax = val; } } } return cmax; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::GetMaxTreeSize() { // -- Static function which returns the tree file size limit. return fgMaxTreeSize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TTree::GetMinimum(const char* columname) { // -- Return minimum of column with name columname. TLeaf* leaf = this->GetLeaf(columname); if (!leaf) { return 0; } TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); Double_t cmin = FLT_MAX; for (Long64_t i = 0; i < fEntries; ++i) { branch->GetEntry(i); for (Int_t j = 0;j < leaf->GetLen(); ++j) { Double_t val = leaf->GetValue(j); if (val < cmin) { cmin = val; } } } return cmin; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TTree::GetNameByIndex(TString& varexp, Int_t* index, Int_t colindex) const { // -- Return name corresponding to colindex in varexp. // // varexp is a string of names separated by : // index is an array with pointers to the start of name[i] in varexp // Int_t i1,n; static TString column; if (colindex<0 ) return ""; i1 = index[colindex] + 1; n = index[colindex+1] - i1; column = varexp(i1,n); // return (const char*)Form((const char*)column); return column.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TVirtualTreePlayer* TTree::GetPlayer() { // -- Load the TTreePlayer (if not already done). if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer; } fPlayer = TVirtualTreePlayer::TreePlayer(this); return fPlayer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TList* TTree::GetUserInfo() { // -- Return a pointer to the list containing user objects associated to this tree. // // The list is automatically created if it does not exist. // // WARNING: By default the TTree destructor will delete all objects added // to this list. If you do not want these objects to be deleted, // call: // // mytree->GetUserInfo()->Clear(); // // before deleting the tree. if (!fUserInfo) { fUserInfo = new TList(); } return fUserInfo; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::KeepCircular() { // -- Keep a maximum of fMaxEntries in memory. Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t maxEntries = fMaxEntries - (fMaxEntries / 10); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); branch->KeepCircular(maxEntries); } fEntries = maxEntries; fReadEntry = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::LoadBaskets(Long64_t maxmemory) { // -- Read in memory all baskets from all branches up to the limit of maxmemory bytes. // // If maxmemory is non null and positive SetMaxVirtualSize is called // with this value. Default for maxmemory is 2000000000 (2 Gigabytes). // The function returns the total number of baskets read into memory // if negative an error occured while loading the branches. // This method may be called to force branch baskets in memory // when random access to branch entries is required. // If random access to only a few branches is required, you should // call directly TBranch::LoadBaskets. if (maxmemory > 0) SetMaxVirtualSize(maxmemory); TIter next(GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf *leaf; Int_t nimported = 0; while ((leaf=(TLeaf*)next())) { nimported += leaf->GetBranch()->LoadBaskets();//break; } return nimported; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::LoadTree(Long64_t entry) { // -- Set current entry. // // Returns -2 if entry does not exist (just as TChain::LoadTree()). // // Note: This function is overloaded in TChain. // // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kLoadTree & fFriendLockStatus) { return 0; } if (fNotify) { if (fReadEntry < 0) { fNotify->Notify(); } } fReadEntry = entry; Bool_t friendHasEntry = kFALSE; if (fFriends) { // -- Set current entry in friends as well. // // An alternative would move this code to each of the // functions calling LoadTree (and to overload a few more). Bool_t needUpdate = kFALSE; { // -- This scope is need to insure the lock is released at the right time TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendLock lock(this, kLoadTree); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { if (fe->TestBit(TFriendElement::kFromChain)) { // This friend element was added by the chain that owns this // tree, the chain will deal with loading the correct entry. continue; } TTree* friendTree = fe->GetTree(); if (friendTree->IsA() == TTree::Class()) { // -- Friend is actually a tree. if (friendTree->LoadTreeFriend(entry, this) >= 0) { friendHasEntry = kTRUE; } } else { // -- Friend is actually a chain. // FIXME: This logic should be in the TChain override. Int_t oldNumber = friendTree->GetTreeNumber(); if (friendTree->LoadTreeFriend(entry, this) >= 0) { friendHasEntry = kTRUE; } Int_t newNumber = friendTree->GetTreeNumber(); if (oldNumber != newNumber) { // We can not just compare the tree pointers because they could be reused. // So we compare the tree number instead. needUpdate = kTRUE; } } } // for each friend } if (needUpdate) { //update list of leaves in all TTreeFormula of the TTreePlayer (if any) if (fPlayer) { fPlayer->UpdateFormulaLeaves(); } //Notify user if requested if (fNotify) { fNotify->Notify(); } } } if ((fReadEntry >= fEntries) && !friendHasEntry) { return -2; } return fReadEntry; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::LoadTreeFriend(Long64_t entry, TTree* masterTree) { // -- Load entry on behalf of our master tree, we may use an index. // // Called by LoadTree() when the masterTree looks for the entry // number in a friend tree (us) corresponding to the passed entry // number in the masterTree. // // If we have no index, our entry number and the masterTree entry // number are the same. // // If we *do* have an index, we must find the (major, minor) value pair // in masterTree to locate our corresponding entry. // if (!fTreeIndex) { return LoadTree(entry); } return LoadTree(fTreeIndex->GetEntryNumberFriend(masterTree)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::MakeClass(const char* classname, Option_t* option) { // -- Generate a skeleton analysis class for this tree. // // The following files are produced: classname.h and classname.C. // If classname is 0, classname will be called "nameoftree". // // The generated code in classname.h includes the following: // - Identification of the original tree and the input file name. // - Definition of an analysis class (data members and member functions). // - The following member functions: // - constructor (by default opening the tree file), // - GetEntry(Long64_t entry), // - Init(TTree* tree) to initialize a new TTree, // - Show(Long64_t entry) to read and dump entry. // // The generated code in classname.C includes only the main // analysis function Loop. // // To use this function: // - Open your tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");) // - T->MakeClass("MyClass"); // where T is the name of the TTree in file myfile.root, // and MyClass.h, MyClass.C the name of the files created by this function. // In a ROOT session, you can do: // root > .L MyClass.C // root > MyClass* t = new MyClass; // root > t->GetEntry(12); // Fill data members of t with entry number 12. // root > t->Show(); // Show values of entry 12. // root > t->Show(16); // Read and show values of entry 16. // root > t->Loop(); // Loop on all entries. // // NOTE: Do not use the code generated for a single TTree which is part // of a TChain to process that entire TChain. The maximum dimensions // calculated for arrays on the basis of a single TTree from the TChain // might be (will be!) too small when processing all of the TTrees in // the TChain. You must use myChain.MakeClass() to generate the code, // not myTree.MakeClass(...). // GetPlayer(); if (!fPlayer) { return 0; } return fPlayer->MakeClass(classname, option); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::MakeCode(const char* filename) { // -- Generate a skeleton function for this tree. // // The function code is written on filename. // If filename is 0, filename will be called nameoftree.C // // The generated code includes the following: // - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name, // - Opening the Tree file, // - Declaration of Tree variables, // - Setting of branches addresses, // - A skeleton for the entry loop. // // To use this function: // - Open your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");) // - T->MakeCode("MyAnalysis.C"); // where T is the name of the TTree in file myfile.root // and MyAnalysis.C the name of the file created by this function. // // NOTE: Since the implementation of this function, a new and better // function TTree::MakeClass() has been developed. Warning("MakeCode", "MakeCode is obsolete. Use MakeClass or MakeSelector instead"); GetPlayer(); if (!fPlayer) return 0; return fPlayer->MakeCode(filename); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::MakeIndex(TString& varexp, Int_t* index) { // -- Build index array for names in varexp. Int_t ivar = 1; index[0] = -1; for (Int_t i = 0; i < varexp.Length(); ++i) { if (varexp[i] == ':') { index[ivar] = i; ++ivar; } } index[ivar] = varexp.Length(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::MakeProxy(const char* proxyClassname, const char* macrofilename, const char* cutfilename, const char* option, Int_t maxUnrolling) { // -- Generate a skeleton analysis class for this Tree using TBranchProxy. // // TBranchProxy is the base of a class hierarchy implementing an // indirect access to the content of the branches of a TTree. // // "proxyClassname" is expected to be of the form: // [path/]fileprefix // The skeleton will then be generated in the file: // fileprefix.h // located in the current directory or in 'path/' if it is specified. // The class generated will be named 'fileprefix' // // "macrofilename" and optionally "cutfilename" are expected to point // to source files which will be included by the generated skeleton. // Method of the same name as the file(minus the extension and path) // will be called by the generated skeleton's Process method as follow: // [if (cutfilename())] htemp->Fill(macrofilename()); // // "option" can be used select some of the optional features during // the code generation. The possible options are: // nohist : indicates that the generated ProcessFill should not // fill the histogram. // // 'maxUnrolling' controls how deep in the class hierachy does the // system 'unroll' classes that are not split. Unrolling a class // allows direct access to its data members (this emulates the behavior // of TTreeFormula). // // The main features of this skeleton are: // // * on-demand loading of branches // * ability to use the 'branchname' as if it was a data member // * protection against array out-of-bounds errors // * ability to use the branch data as an object (when the user code is available) // // For example with Event.root, if // Double_t somePx = fTracks.fPx[2]; // is executed by one of the method of the skeleton, // somePx will updated with the current value of fPx of the 3rd track. // // Both macrofilename and the optional cutfilename are expected to be // the name of source files which contain at least a free standing // function with the signature: // x_t macrofilename(); // i.e function with the same name as the file // and // y_t cutfilename(); // i.e function with the same name as the file // // x_t and y_t needs to be types that can convert respectively to a double // and a bool (because the skeleton uses: // if (cutfilename()) htemp->Fill(macrofilename()); // // These two functions are run in a context such that the branch names are // available as local variables of the correct (read-only) type. // // Note that if you use the same 'variable' twice, it is more efficient // to 'cache' the value. For example // Int_t n = fEventNumber; // Read fEventNumber // if (n<10 || n>10) { ... } // is more efficient than // if (fEventNumber<10 || fEventNumber>10) // // Also, optionally, the generated selector will also call methods named // macrofilename_methodname in each of 6 main selector methods if the method // macrofilename_methodname exist (Where macrofilename is stripped of its // extension). // // Concretely, with the script named h1analysisProxy.C, // // The method calls the method (if it exist) // Begin -> h1analysisProxy_Begin // SlaveBegin -> h1analysisProxy_SlaveBegin // Notify -> h1analysisProxy_Notify // Process -> h1analysisProxy_Process // SlaveTerminate -> h1analysisProxy_SlaveTerminate // Terminate -> h1analysisProxy_Terminate // // If a file name macrofilename.h (or .hh, .hpp, .hxx, .hPP, .hXX) exist // it is included before the declaration of the proxy class. This can // be used in particular to insure that the include files needed by // the macro file are properly loaded. // // The default histogram is accessible via the variable named 'htemp'. // // If the library of the classes describing the data in the branch is // loaded, the skeleton will add the needed #include statements and // give the ability to access the object stored in the branches. // // To draw px using the file hsimple.root (generated by the // hsimple.C tutorial), we need a file named hsimple.cxx: // // double hsimple() { // return px; // } // // MakeProxy can then be used indirectly via the TTree::Draw interface // as follow: // new TFile("hsimple.root") // ntuple->Draw("hsimple.cxx"); // // A more complete example is available in the tutorials directory: // h1analysisProxy.cxx , h1analysProxy.h and h1analysisProxyCut.C // which reimplement the selector found in h1analysis.C GetPlayer(); if (!fPlayer) return 0; return fPlayer->MakeProxy(proxyClassname,macrofilename,cutfilename,option,maxUnrolling); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::MakeSelector(const char* selector) { // -- Generate skeleton selector class for this tree. // // The following files are produced: selector.h and selector.C. // If selector is 0, the selector will be called "nameoftree". // // The generated code in selector.h includes the following: // - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name // - Definition of selector class (data and functions) // - The following class functions: // - constructor and destructor // - void Begin(TTree *tree) // - void Init(TTree *tree) // - Bool_t Notify() // - Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry) // - void Terminate // // The class selector derives from TSelector. // The generated code in selector.C includes empty functions defined above: // // To use this function: // - connect your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");) // - T->MakeSelector("myselect"); // where T is the name of the Tree in file myfile.root // and myselect.h, myselect.C the name of the files created by this function. // In a ROOT session, you can do: // root > T->Process("myselect.C") return MakeClass(selector, "selector"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTree::MemoryFull(Int_t nbytes) { // -- Check if adding nbytes to memory we are still below MaxVirtualsize. if ((fTotalBuffers + nbytes) < fMaxVirtualSize) { return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTree* TTree::MergeTrees(TList* li, Option_t* /* option */) { // -- Static function merging the trees in the TList into a new tree. // // Trees in the list can be memory or disk-resident trees. // The new tree is created in the current directory (memory if gROOT). // if (!li) return 0; TIter next(li); TTree *newtree = 0; TObject *obj; while ((obj=next())) { if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) continue; TTree *tree = (TTree*)obj; Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); if (nentries == 0) continue; if (!newtree) { newtree = (TTree*)tree->CloneTree(); // Once the cloning is done, separate the trees, // to avoid as many side-effects as possible tree->GetListOfClones()->Remove(newtree); tree->ResetBranchAddresses(); newtree->ResetBranchAddresses(); continue; } newtree->CopyAddresses(tree); for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { tree->GetEntry(i); newtree->Fill(); } tree->ResetBranchAddresses(); // Disconnect from new tree. if (newtree->GetTreeIndex()) { newtree->GetTreeIndex()->Append(tree->GetTreeIndex(),kTRUE); } } if (newtree->GetTreeIndex()) { newtree->GetTreeIndex()->Append(0,kFALSE); // Force the sorting } return newtree; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Merge(TCollection* li, Option_t* /* option */) { // -- Merge the trees in the TList into this tree. // // Returns the total number of entries in the merged tree. // if (!li) return 0; TIter next(li); TTree *tree; while ((tree = (TTree*)next())) { if (tree==this) continue; if (!tree->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) { Error("Add","Attempt to add object of class: %s to a %s", tree->ClassName(), ClassName()); return -1; } Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); if (nentries == 0) continue; CopyAddresses(tree); for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries ; i++) { tree->GetEntry(i); Fill(); } if (GetTreeIndex()) { GetTreeIndex()->Append(tree->GetTreeIndex(),kTRUE); } tree->ResetBranchAddresses(); } if (GetTreeIndex()) { GetTreeIndex()->Append(0,kFALSE); // Force the sorting } return GetEntries(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTree::Notify() { // -- Function called when loading a new class library. TIter next(GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf* leaf = 0; while ((leaf = (TLeaf*) next())) { leaf->Notify(); leaf->GetBranch()->Notify(); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPrincipal* TTree::Principal(const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Interface to the Principal Components Analysis class. // // Create an instance of TPrincipal // Fill it with the selected variables // if option "n" is specified, the TPrincipal object is filled with // normalized variables. // If option "p" is specified, compute the principal components // If option "p" and "d" print results of analysis // If option "p" and "h" generate standard histograms // If option "p" and "c" generate code of conversion functions // return a pointer to the TPrincipal object. It is the user responsability // to delete this object. // The option default value is "np" // // see TTree::Draw for explanation of the other parameters. // // The created object is named "principal" and a reference to it // is added to the list of specials Root objects. // you can retrieve a pointer to the created object via: // TPrincipal *principal = // (TPrincipal*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("principal"); // GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Principal(varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Print(Option_t* option) const { // -- Print a summary of the tree contents. // // If option contains "all" friend trees are also printed. // If option contains "toponly" only the top level branches are printed. // // Wildcarding can be used to print only a subset of the branches, e.g., // T.Print("Elec*") will print all branches with name starting with "Elec". // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let's return. if (kPrint & fFriendLockStatus) { return; } Int_t s = 0; Int_t skey = 0; if (fDirectory) { TKey* key = fDirectory->GetKey(GetName()); if (key) { skey = key->GetKeylen(); s = key->GetNbytes(); } } Long64_t total = skey; if (fZipBytes > 0) { total += fTotBytes; } TBufferFile b(TBuffer::kWrite, 10000); TTree::Class()->WriteBuffer(b, (TTree*) this); total += b.Length(); Long64_t file = fZipBytes + s; Float_t cx = 1; if (fZipBytes) { cx = (fTotBytes + 0.00001) / fZipBytes; } Printf("******************************************************************************"); Printf("*Tree :%-10s: %-54s *", GetName(), GetTitle()); Printf("*Entries : %8lld : Total = %15lld bytes File Size = %10lld *", fEntries, total, file); Printf("* : : Tree compression factor = %6.2f *", cx); Printf("******************************************************************************"); Int_t nl = const_cast<TTree*>(this)->GetListOfLeaves()->GetEntries(); Int_t l; TBranch* br = 0; TLeaf* leaf = 0; if (strstr(option, "toponly")) { Long64_t *count = new Long64_t[nl]; Int_t keep =0; for (l=0;l<nl;l++) { leaf = (TLeaf *)const_cast<TTree*>(this)->GetListOfLeaves()->At(l); br = leaf->GetBranch(); if (strchr(br->GetName(),'.')) { count[l] = -1; count[keep] += br->GetZipBytes(); } else { keep = l; count[keep] = br->GetZipBytes(); } } for (l=0;l<nl;l++) { if (count[l] < 0) continue; leaf = (TLeaf *)const_cast<TTree*>(this)->GetListOfLeaves()->At(l); br = leaf->GetBranch(); printf("branch: %-20s %9lld\n",br->GetName(),count[l]); } delete [] count; } else { TString reg = "*"; if (strlen(option) && strchr(option,'*')) reg = option; TRegexp re(reg,kTRUE); TIter next(const_cast<TTree*>(this)->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch::ResetCount(); while ((br= (TBranch*)next())) { TString s = br->GetName(); s.ReplaceAll("/","_"); if (s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue; br->Print(option); } } //print TRefTable (if one) if (fBranchRef) fBranchRef->Print(option); //print friends if option "all" if (!fFriends || !strstr(option,"all")) return; TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendLock lock(const_cast<TTree*>(this),kPrint); TFriendElement *fr; while ((fr = (TFriendElement*)nextf())) { TTree * t = fr->GetTree(); if (t) t->Print(option); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Process(const char* filename, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // Process this tree executing the code in filename. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. // // The code in filename is loaded (interpreted or compiled , see below) // filename must contain a valid class implementation derived from TSelector. // where TSelector has the following member functions: // // void TSelector::Begin(). This function is called before looping on the // events in the Tree. The user can create his histograms in this function. // // Bool_t TSelector::ProcessCut(Long64_t entry). This function is called // before processing entry. It is the user's responsability to read // the corresponding entry in memory (may be just a partial read). // The function returns kTRUE if the entry must be processed, // kFALSE otherwise. // void TSelector::ProcessFill(Long64_t entry). This function is called for // all selected events. User fills histograms in this function. // void TSelector::Terminate(). This function is called at the end of // the loop on all events. // void TTreeProcess::Begin(). This function is called before looping on the // events in the Tree. The user can create his histograms in this function. // // if filename is of the form file.C, the file will be interpreted. // if filename is of the form file.C++, the file file.C will be compiled // and dynamically loaded. // if filename is of the form file.C+, the file file.C will be compiled // and dynamically loaded. At next call, if file.C is older than file.o // and file.so, the file.C is not compiled, only file.so is loaded. // // The function returns the number of processed entries. It returns -1 // in case of an error. // // NOTE1 // It may be more interesting to invoke directly the other Process function // accepting a TSelector* as argument.eg // MySelector *selector = (MySelector*)TSelector::GetSelector(filename); // selector->CallSomeFunction(..); // mytree.Process(selector,..); // // NOTE2 // One should not call this function twice with the same selector file // in the same script. If this is required, proceed as indicated in NOTE1, // by getting a pointer to the corresponding TSelector,eg // workaround 1 // ------------ //void stubs1() { // TSelector *selector = TSelector::GetSelector("h1test.C"); // TFile *f1 = new TFile("stubs_nood_le1.root"); // TTree *h1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("h1"); // h1->Process(selector); // TFile *f2 = new TFile("stubs_nood_le1_coarse.root"); // TTree *h2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("h1"); // h2->Process(selector); //} // or use ACLIC to compile the selector // workaround 2 // ------------ //void stubs2() { // TFile *f1 = new TFile("stubs_nood_le1.root"); // TTree *h1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("h1"); // h1->Process("h1test.C+"); // TFile *f2 = new TFile("stubs_nood_le1_coarse.root"); // TTree *h2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("h1"); // h2->Process("h1test.C+"); //} GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Process(filename, option, nentries, firstentry); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Process(TSelector* selector, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // Process this tree executing the code in selector. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. // // The TSelector class has the following member functions: // // void TSelector::Begin(). This function is called before looping on the // events in the Tree. The user can create his histograms in this function. // // Bool_t TSelector::ProcessCut(Long64_t entry). This function is called // before processing entry. It is the user's responsability to read // the corresponding entry in memory (may be just a partial read). // The function returns kTRUE if the entry must be processed, // kFALSE otherwise. // void TSelector::ProcessFill(Long64_t entry). This function is called for // all selected events. User fills histograms in this function. // void TSelector::Terminate(). This function is called at the end of // the loop on all events. // void TTreeProcess::Begin(). This function is called before looping on the // events in the Tree. The user can create his histograms in this function. GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Process(selector, option, nentries, firstentry); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Project(const char* hname, const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Make a projection of a tree using selections. // // Depending on the value of varexp (described in Draw) a 1-D, 2-D, etc., // projection of the tree will be filled in histogram hname. // Note that the dimension of hname must match with the dimension of varexp. // Int_t nch = strlen(hname) + strlen(varexp); char* var = new char[nch+5]; sprintf(var, "%s>>%s", varexp, hname); nch = strlen(option) + 10; char* opt = new char[nch]; if (option) { sprintf(opt, "%sgoff", option); } else { strcpy(opt, "goff"); } Long64_t nsel = Draw(var, selection, opt, nentries, firstentry); delete[] var; var = 0; delete[] opt; opt = 0; return nsel; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLResult* TTree::Query(const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Loop over entries and return a TSQLResult object containing entries following selection. GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Query(varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::ReadFile(const char* filename, const char* branchDescriptor) { // -- Create or simply read branches from filename. // // if branchDescriptor = "" (default), it is assumed that the Tree descriptor // is given in the first line of the file with a syntax like // A/D:Table[2]/F:Ntracks/I:astring/C // otherwise branchDescriptor must be specified with the above syntax. // -If the type of the first variable is not specified, it is assumed to be "/F" // -if the type of any other variable is not specified, the type of the previous // variable is assumed. eg // x:y:z (all variables are assumed of type "F" // x/D:y:z (all variables are of type "D" // x:y/D:z (x is type "F", y and z of type "D" // -If the type is a string of characters. This will read // subsequent characters until a whitespace is found (whitespace // characters are considered to be blank, newline and tab). // // Lines in the input file starting with "#" are ignored. // This function will read and ignore any whitespace characters // (this includes blank spaces and the newline and tab characters). // // A TBranch object is created for each variable in the expression. // The total number of rows read from the file is returned. gTree = this; std::ifstream in; in.open(filename); if (!in.good()) { Error("ReadFile","Cannot open file: %s",filename); return 0; } TBranch *branch; char *bdname = new char[1000]; char *bd = new char[10000]; Int_t nch = 0; if (branchDescriptor) nch = strlen(branchDescriptor); // branch Descriptor is null, read its definition from the first line in the file if (!nch) { in >> bd; if (!in.good()) { Error("ReadFile","Error reading file: %s",filename); return 0; } in.ignore(8192,'\n'); nch = strlen(bd); } else { strcpy(bd,branchDescriptor); } //parse the branch descriptor and create a branch for each element //separated by ":" void *address = &bd[9000]; char *bdcur = bd; TString desc="", olddesc="F"; while (bdcur) { char *colon = strchr(bdcur,':'); if (colon) *colon = 0; strcpy(bdname,bdcur); char *slash = strchr(bdname,'/'); if (slash) { *slash = 0; desc = bdcur; olddesc = slash+1; } else { desc = Form("%s/%s",bdname,olddesc.Data()); } branch = new TBranch(this,bdname,address,desc.Data(),32000); if (branch->IsZombie()) { delete branch; Warning("ReadFile","Illegal branch definition: %s",bdcur); } else { fBranches.Add(branch); branch->SetAddress(0); } if (!colon)break; bdcur = colon+1; } //loop on all lines in the file Int_t nbranches = fBranches.GetEntries(); Int_t status = 1; Long64_t nlines = 0; while(status > 0) { while (isspace(in.peek())) { in.get(); } if ( in.peek() != '#' ) { //loop on branches and read the branch values into their buffer for (Int_t i=0;i<nbranches;i++) { branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.At(i); TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); leaf->ReadValue(in); status = in.good(); if (status <= 0) break; } if (status <= 0) break; //we are now ready to fill the tree Fill(); nlines++; } in.ignore(8192,'\n'); } delete [] bdname; delete [] bd; return nlines; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Refresh() { // -- Refresh contents of this tree and its branches from the current status on disk. // // One can call this function in case the tree file is being // updated by another process. if (!fDirectory->GetFile()) { return; } fDirectory->ReadKeys(); fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); TTree* tree = (TTree*) fDirectory->Get(GetName()); if (!tree) { return; } //copy info from tree header into this Tree fEntries = tree->fEntries; fTotBytes = tree->fTotBytes; fZipBytes = tree->fZipBytes; fSavedBytes = tree->fSavedBytes; fTotalBuffers = tree->fTotalBuffers; //loop on all branches and update them Int_t nleaves = fLeaves.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nleaves; i++) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) leaf->GetBranch(); branch->Refresh(tree->GetBranch(branch->GetName())); } fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(tree); fDirectory->GetList()->Add(this); delete tree; tree = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::RemoveFriend(TTree* oldFriend) { // -- Remove a friend from the list of friends. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kRemoveFriend & fFriendLockStatus) { return; } if (!fFriends) { return; } TFriendLock lock(this, kRemoveFriend); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement* fe = 0; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*) nextf())) { TTree* friend_t = fe->GetTree(); if (friend_t == oldFriend) { fFriends->Remove(fe); delete fe; fe = 0; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Reset(Option_t* option) { // -- Reset baskets, buffers and entries count in all branches and leaves. fNotify = 0; fEntries = 0; fTotBytes = 0; fZipBytes = 0; fSavedBytes = 0; fTotalBuffers = 0; fChainOffset = 0; fReadEntry = -1; Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); branch->Reset(option); } if (fBranchRef) { fBranchRef->Reset(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::ResetBranchAddress(TBranch *br) { // -- Tell the branch to drop their current objects and allocate new ones // or to return to the default address (TNtuple and TNtupleD) if (br && br->GetTree()) { br->ResetAddress(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::ResetBranchAddresses() { // -- Tell all of our branches to drop their current objects and allocate new ones. TObjArray* branches = GetListOfBranches(); Int_t nbranches = branches->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nbranches; ++i) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) branches->UncheckedAt(i); branch->ResetAddress(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::Scan(const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Loop over tree entries and print entries passing selection. // // If varexp is 0 (or "") then print only first 8 columns. // If varexp = "*" print all columns. // Otherwise a columns selection can be made using "var1:var2:var3". // See TTreePlayer::Scan for more information // GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->Scan(varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TTree::SetAlias(const char* aliasName, const char* aliasFormula) { // -- Set a tree variable alias. // // Set an alias for an expression/formula based on the tree 'variables'. // // The content of 'aliasName' can be used in TTreeFormula (i.e. TTree::Draw, // TTree::Scan, TTreeViewer) and will be evaluated as the content of // 'aliasFormula'. // If the content of 'aliasFormula' only contains symbol names, periods and // array index specification (for example event.fTracks[3]), then // the content of 'aliasName' can be used as the start of symbol. // // If the alias 'aliasName' already existed, it is replaced by the new // value. // // When being used, the alias can be preceded by an eventual 'Friend Alias' // (see TTree::GetFriendAlias) // // Return true if it was added properly. // // For example: // tree->SetAlias("x1","(tdc1[1]-tdc1[0])/49"); // tree->SetAlias("y1","(tdc1[3]-tdc1[2])/47"); // tree->SetAlias("x2","(tdc2[1]-tdc2[0])/49"); // tree->SetAlias("y2","(tdc2[3]-tdc2[2])/47"); // tree->Draw("y2-y1:x2-x1"); // // tree->SetAlias("theGoodTrack","event.fTracks[3]"); // tree->Draw("theGoodTrack.fPx"); // same as "event.fTracks[3].fPx" if (!aliasName || !aliasFormula) { return kFALSE; } if (!strlen(aliasName) || !strlen(aliasFormula)) { return kFALSE; } if (!fAliases) { fAliases = new TList; } else { TNamed* oldHolder = (TNamed*) fAliases->FindObject(aliasName); if (oldHolder) { oldHolder->SetTitle(aliasFormula); return kTRUE; } } TNamed* holder = new TNamed(aliasName, aliasFormula); fAliases->Add(holder); return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBasketSize(const char* bname, Int_t buffsize) { // -- Set a branch's basket size. // // bname is the name of a branch. // if bname="*", apply to all branches. // if bname="xxx*", apply to all branches with name starting with xxx // see TRegexp for wildcarding options // buffsize = branc basket size // Int_t nleaves = fLeaves.GetEntriesFast(); TRegexp re(bname, kTRUE); Int_t nb = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nleaves; i++) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) leaf->GetBranch(); TString s = branch->GetName(); if (strcmp(bname, branch->GetName()) && (s.Index(re) == kNPOS)) { continue; } nb++; branch->SetBasketSize(buffsize); } if (!nb) { Error("SetBasketSize", "unknown branch -> '%s'", bname); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBranchAddress(const char* bname, void* addr, TBranch** ptr) { // -- Change branch address, dealing with clone trees properly. TBranch* branch = GetBranch(bname); if (!branch) { Error("SetBranchAddress", "unknown branch -> %s", bname); return; } if (ptr) { *ptr = branch; } if (fClones) { void* oldAddr = branch->GetAddress(); TIter next(fClones); TTree* clone = 0; while ((clone = (TTree*) next())) { TBranch* cloneBr = clone->GetBranch(bname); if (cloneBr && (cloneBr->GetAddress() == oldAddr)) { cloneBr->SetAddress(addr); } } } branch->SetAddress(addr); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBranchAddress(const char* bname, void* add, TClass* ptrClass, EDataType datatype, Bool_t isptr) { // -- Verify the validity of the type of add before calling SetBranchAddress. SetBranchAddress(bname, add, 0, ptrClass, datatype, isptr); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBranchAddress(const char* bname, void* add, TBranch** ptr, TClass* ptrClass, EDataType datatype, Bool_t isptr) { // -- Verify the validity of the type of add before calling SetBranchAddress. TBranch* branch = GetBranch(bname); if (!branch) { Error("SetBranchAddress", "unknown branch -> %s", bname); return; } if (ptr) { *ptr = branch; } CheckBranchAddressType(branch, ptrClass, datatype, isptr); SetBranchAddress(bname, add); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBranchStatus(const char* bname, Bool_t status, UInt_t* found) { // -- Set branch status to Process or DoNotProcess. // // When reading a Tree, by default, all branches are read. // One can speed up considerably the analysis phase by activating // only the branches that hold variables involved in a query. // // bname is the name of a branch. // if bname="*", apply to all branches. // if bname="xxx*", apply to all branches with name starting with xxx // see TRegexp for wildcarding options // status = 1 branch will be processed // = 0 branch will not be processed // Example: // Assume a tree T with sub-branches a,b,c,d,e,f,g,etc.. // when doing T.GetEntry(i) all branches are read for entry i. // to read only the branches c and e, one can do // T.SetBranchStatus("*",0); //disable all branches // T.SetBranchStatus("c",1); // T.setBranchStatus("e",1); // T.GetEntry(i); // // WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! // SetBranchStatus is matching the branch based on regular expression match // of the branch 'name' and not on the branch hierarchy! // In order to be able to selectively enable a top level object that is 'split' // you need to make sure the name of the top level branch is prefixed to the // sub-branches' name(by adding a dot ('.') at the end of the Branch creation // and use the corresponding regular expression. // // I.e If your Tree has been created in split mode with a parent branch "parent." // (note the trailing dot). // T.SetBranchStatus("parent",1); // will not activate the sub-branches of "parent". You should do: // T.SetBranchStatus("parent*",1); // // Without the trailing dot in the branch creation you have no choice but to // call SetBranchStatus explicitly for each of the sub branches. // // // An alternative to this function is to read directly and only // the interesting branches. Example: // TBranch *brc = T.GetBranch("c"); // TBranch *bre = T.GetBranch("e"); // brc->GetEntry(i); // bre->GetEntry(i); // // If found is not 0, the number of branch(es) found matching the regular // expression is returned in *found AND the error message 'unknown branch' // is suppressed. // We already have been visited while recursively looking // through the friends tree, let return if (kSetBranchStatus & fFriendLockStatus) { return; } TBranch *branch, *bcount, *bson; TLeaf *leaf, *leafcount; Int_t i,j; Int_t nleaves = fLeaves.GetEntriesFast(); TRegexp re(bname,kTRUE); Int_t nb = 0; // first pass, loop on all branches // for leafcount branches activate/deactivate in function of status for (i=0;i<nleaves;i++) { leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i); branch = (TBranch*)leaf->GetBranch(); TString s = branch->GetName(); if (strcmp(bname,"*")) { //Regexp gives wrong result for [] in name TString longname; longname.Form("%s.%s",GetName(),branch->GetName()); if (strcmp(bname,branch->GetName()) && longname != bname && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue; } nb++; if (status) branch->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess); else branch->SetBit(kDoNotProcess); leafcount = leaf->GetLeafCount(); if (leafcount) { bcount = leafcount->GetBranch(); if (status) bcount->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess); else bcount->SetBit(kDoNotProcess); } } if (nb==0 && strchr(bname,'*')==0) { branch = GetBranch(bname); if (branch) { if (status) branch->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess); else branch->SetBit(kDoNotProcess); ++nb; } } //search in list of friends UInt_t foundInFriend = 0; if (fFriends) { TFriendLock lock(this,kSetBranchStatus); TIter nextf(fFriends); TFriendElement *fe; TString name; while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)nextf())) { TTree *t = fe->GetTree(); if (t==0) continue; // If the alias is present replace it with the real name. char *subbranch = (char*)strstr(bname,fe->GetName()); if (subbranch!=bname) subbranch = 0; if (subbranch) { subbranch += strlen(fe->GetName()); if ( *subbranch != '.' ) subbranch = 0; else subbranch ++; } if (subbranch) { name.Form("%s.%s",t->GetName(),subbranch); } else { name = bname; } t->SetBranchStatus(name,status, &foundInFriend); } } if (!nb && !foundInFriend) { if (found==0) Error("SetBranchStatus", "unknown branch -> %s", bname); return; } if (found) *found = nb + foundInFriend; // second pass, loop again on all branches // activate leafcount branches for active branches only for (i = 0; i < nleaves; i++) { leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i); branch = (TBranch*)leaf->GetBranch(); if (!branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { leafcount = leaf->GetLeafCount(); if (leafcount) { bcount = leafcount->GetBranch(); bcount->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess); } } else { //Int_t nbranches = branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nbranches = branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries(); for (j=0;j<nbranches;j++) { bson = (TBranch*)branch->GetListOfBranches()->UncheckedAt(j); if (!bson) continue; if (!bson->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { if (bson->GetNleaves() <= 0) continue; branch->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess); break; } } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetBranchStyle(Int_t style) { // -- Set the current branch style. (static function) // // style = 0 old Branch // style = 1 new Bronch fgBranchStyle = style; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetCacheSize(Long64_t cacheSize) { // -- Set maximum size of the file cache (default is 10000000, i.e., 10 MB). // if cachesize <= 0 the existing cache (if any) is deleted // WARNING: Currently only ONE TTree object can be 'cached' per TFile object. // This call disable the cache for the other TTree objects read from the same // TFile object as this TTree (The SetCacheSize called __last__ wins). // To cache multiple TTree objects in the same ROOT file, you must create // one TFile object per TTree object. TFile* file = GetCurrentFile(); if (!file) { fCacheSize = cacheSize; return; } TFileCacheRead* pf = file->GetCacheRead(); if (pf) { if (cacheSize == fCacheSize) { return; } delete pf; pf = 0; if (cacheSize <= 0) { file->SetCacheRead(0); fCacheSize=0; return; } } fCacheSize = cacheSize; if (cacheSize <= 0) { return; } new TTreeCache(this, cacheSize); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetCircular(Long64_t maxEntries) { // -- Enable/Disable circularity for this tree. // // if maxEntries > 0 a maximum of maxEntries is kept in one buffer/basket // per branch in memory. // Note that when this function is called (maxEntries>0) the Tree // must be empty or having only one basket per branch. // if maxEntries <= 0 the tree circularity is disabled. // // NOTE 1: // Circular Trees are interesting in online real time environments // to store the results of the last maxEntries events. // NOTE 2: // Calling SetCircular with maxEntries <= 0 is necessary before // merging circular Trees that have been saved on files. // NOTE 3: // SetCircular with maxEntries <= 0 is automatically called // by TChain::Merge // NOTE 4: // A circular Tree can still be saved in a file. When read back, // it is still a circular Tree and can be filled again. if (maxEntries <= 0) { // -- Disable circularity. fMaxEntries = 1000000000; fMaxEntries *= 1000; ResetBit(kCircular); //in case the Tree was originally created in gROOT, the branch //compression level was set to -1. If the Tree is now associated to //a file, reset the compression level to the file compression level if (fDirectory) { TFile* bfile = fDirectory->GetFile(); Int_t compress = 1; if (bfile) { compress = bfile->GetCompressionLevel(); } Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*) fBranches.UncheckedAt(i); branch->SetCompressionLevel(compress); } } } else { // -- Enable circularity. fMaxEntries = maxEntries; SetBit(kCircular); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetDebug(Int_t level, Long64_t min, Long64_t max) { // -- Set the debug level and the debug range. // // For entries in the debug range, the functions TBranchElement::Fill // and TBranchElement::GetEntry will print the number of bytes filled // or read for each branch. fDebug = level; fDebugMin = min; fDebugMax = max; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetDirectory(TDirectory* dir) { // -- Change the tree's directory. // // Remove reference to this tree from current directory and // add reference to new directory dir. The dir parameter can // be 0 in which case the tree does not belong to any directory. // if (fDirectory == dir) { return; } if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); } fDirectory = dir; if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Add(this); } TFile* file = 0; if (fDirectory) { file = fDirectory->GetFile(); } TBranch* b = 0; TIter next(GetListOfBranches()); while((b = (TBranch*) next())) { b->SetFile(file); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TTree::SetEntries(Long64_t n) { // -- Change number of entries in the tree. // // If n >= 0, set number of entries in the tree = n. // // If n < 0, set number of entries in the tree to match the // number of entries in each branch. (default for n is -1) // // This function should be called only when one fills each branch // independently via TBranch::Fill without calling TTree::Fill. // Calling TTree::SetEntries() make sense only if the number of entries // in each branch is identical, a warning is issued otherwise. // The function returns the number of entries. // // case 1 : force number of entries to n if (n >= 0) { fEntries = n; return n; } // case 2; compute the number of entries from the number of entries in the branches TBranch* b = 0; Long64_t nMin = 99999999; Long64_t nMax = 0; TIter next(GetListOfBranches()); while((b = (TBranch*) next())){ Long64_t n = b->GetEntries(); if (n < nMin) { nMin = n; } if (n > nMax) { nMax = n; } } if (nMin != nMax) { Warning("SetEntries", "Tree branches have different numbers of entries, with %lld maximum.", nMax); } fEntries = nMax; return fEntries; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetEntryList(TEntryList *enlist, Option_t * /*opt*/) { //Set an EntryList if (fEntryList) { //check if the previous entry list is owned by the tree if (fEntryList->TestBit(kCanDelete)){ delete fEntryList; } } fEventList = 0; if (!enlist) { fEntryList = 0; return; } fEntryList = enlist; fEntryList->SetTree(this); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetEventList(TEventList *evlist) { //This function transfroms the given TEventList into a TEntryList //The new TEntryList is owned by the TTree and gets deleted when the tree //is deleted. This TEntryList can be returned by GetEntryList() function, and after //GetEntryList() function is called, the TEntryList is not owned by the tree //any more. fEventList = evlist; if (fEntryList){ if (fEntryList->TestBit(kCanDelete)) delete fEntryList; } if (!evlist) { fEntryList = 0; fEventList = 0; return; } fEventList = evlist; char enlistname[100]; sprintf(enlistname, "%s_%s", evlist->GetName(), "entrylist"); fEntryList = new TEntryList(enlistname, evlist->GetTitle()); Int_t nsel = evlist->GetN(); fEntryList->SetTree(this); Long64_t entry; for (Int_t i=0; i<nsel; i++){ entry = evlist->GetEntry(i); fEntryList->Enter(entry); } fEntryList->SetReapplyCut(evlist->GetReapplyCut()); fEntryList->SetBit(kCanDelete, kTRUE); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetEstimate(Long64_t n) { // -- Set number of entries to estimate variable limits. if (n <= 0) { n = 10000; } fEstimate = n; GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { fPlayer->SetEstimate(n); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetFileNumber(Int_t number) { // -- Set fFileNumber to number. // fFileNumber is used by TTree::Fill to set the file name // for a new file to be created when the current file exceeds fgTreeMaxSize. // (see TTree::ChangeFile) // if fFileNumber=10, the new file name will have a suffix "_11", // ie, fFileNumber is incremented before setting the file name if (fFileNumber < 0) { Warning("SetFileNumber", "file number must be positive. Set to 0"); fFileNumber = 0; return; } fFileNumber = number; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(Long64_t maxsize) { // -- Set the maximum size of a Tree file -- (static function). // // In TTree::Fill, when the file has a size > fgMaxTreeSize, // the function closes the current file and starts writing into // a new file with a name of the style "file_1.root" if the original // requested file name was "file.root". // fgMaxTreeSize = maxsize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetName(const char* name) { // -- Change the name of this tree. if (gPad) { gPad->Modified(); } // Trees are named objects in a THashList. // We must update the hashlist if we change the name. if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); } fName = name; if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetObject(const char* name, const char* title) { // -- Change the name and title of this tree. if (gPad) { gPad->Modified(); } // Trees are named objects in a THashList. // We must update the hashlist if we change the name if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this); } fName = name; fTitle = title; if (fDirectory) { fDirectory->GetList()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetTreeIndex(TVirtualIndex* index) { // -- The current TreeIndex is replaced by the new index. // Note that this function does not delete the previous index. // This gives the possibility to play with more than one index, e.g., // TVirtualIndex* oldIndex = tree.GetTreeIndex(); // tree.SetTreeIndex(newIndex); // tree.Draw(); // tree.SetTreeIndex(oldIndex); // tree.Draw(); etc fTreeIndex = index; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::SetWeight(Double_t w, Option_t*) { // -- Set tree weight. // // The weight is used by TTree::Draw to automatically weight each // selected entry in the resulting histogram. // // For example the equivalent of: // // T.Draw("x", "w") // // is: // // T.SetWeight(w); // T.Draw("x"); // // This function is redefined by TChain::SetWeight. In case of a // TChain, an option "global" may be specified to set the same weight // for all trees in the TChain instead of the default behaviour // using the weights of each tree in the chain (see TChain::SetWeight). fWeight = w; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Show(Long64_t entry, Int_t lenmax) { // -- Print values of all active leaves for entry. // // if entry==-1, print current entry (default) // if a leaf is an array, a maximum of lenmax elements is printed. // if (entry != -1) { GetEntry(entry); } printf("======> EVENT:%lld\n", fReadEntry); TObjArray* leaves = GetListOfLeaves(); Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t ltype; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nleaves; i++) { TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) leaves->UncheckedAt(i); TBranch* branch = leaf->GetBranch(); if (branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) { continue; } Int_t len = leaf->GetLen(); if (len <= 0) { continue; } len = TMath::Min(len, lenmax); if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafElement::Class()) { leaf->PrintValue(lenmax); continue; } if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast() > 0) { continue; } ltype = 10; if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafF::Class()) { ltype = 5; } if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafD::Class()) { ltype = 5; } if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafC::Class()) { len = 1; ltype = 5; }; printf(" %-15s = ", leaf->GetName()); for (Int_t l = 0; l < len; l++) { leaf->PrintValue(l); if (l == (len - 1)) { printf("\n"); continue; } printf(", "); if ((l % ltype) == 0) { printf("\n "); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::StartViewer() { // -- Start the TTreeViewer on this tree. // // ww is the width of the canvas in pixels // wh is the height of the canvas in pixels GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { fPlayer->StartViewer(600, 400); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::Streamer(TBuffer& b) { // -- Stream a class object. if (b.IsReading()) { UInt_t R__s, R__c; gTree = this; Version_t R__v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v > 4) { fDirectory = gDirectory; b.ReadClassBuffer(TTree::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c); if (fTreeIndex) { fTreeIndex->SetTree(this); } if (fIndex.fN) { Warning("Streamer", "Old style index in this tree is deleted. Rebuild the index via TTree::BuildIndex"); fIndex.Set(0); fIndexValues.Set(0); } if (fEstimate <= 10000) { fEstimate = 1000000; } fSavedBytes = fTotBytes; gDirectory->Append(this); return; } //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution Stat_t djunk; Int_t ijunk; TNamed::Streamer(b); TAttLine::Streamer(b); TAttFill::Streamer(b); TAttMarker::Streamer(b); b >> fScanField; b >> ijunk; fMaxEntryLoop = (Long64_t)ijunk; b >> ijunk; fMaxVirtualSize = (Long64_t)ijunk; b >> djunk; fEntries = (Long64_t)djunk; b >> djunk; fTotBytes = (Long64_t)djunk; b >> djunk; fZipBytes = (Long64_t)djunk; b >> ijunk; fAutoSave = (Long64_t)ijunk; b >> ijunk; fEstimate = (Long64_t)ijunk; if (fEstimate <= 10000) fEstimate = 1000000; fBranches.Streamer(b); fLeaves.Streamer(b); fSavedBytes = fTotBytes; fDirectory = gDirectory; gDirectory->Append(this); if (R__v > 1) fIndexValues.Streamer(b); if (R__v > 2) fIndex.Streamer(b); if (R__v > 3) { TList OldInfoList; OldInfoList.Streamer(b); OldInfoList.Delete(); } b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TTree::IsA()); //====end of old versions } else { if (fBranchRef) { fBranchRef->Clear(); } b.WriteClassBuffer(TTree::Class(), this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TTree::UnbinnedFit(const char* funcname, const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // -- Unbinned fit of one or more variable(s) from a tree. // // funcname is a TF1 function. // // See TTree::Draw for explanations of the other parameters. // // Fit the variable varexp using the function funcname using the // selection cuts given by selection. // // The list of fit options is given in parameter option. // option = "Q" Quiet mode (minimum printing) // = "V" Verbose mode (default is between Q and V) // = "E" Perform better Errors estimation using Minos technique // = "M" More. Improve fit results // // You can specify boundary limits for some or all parameters via // func->SetParLimits(p_number, parmin, parmax); // if parmin>=parmax, the parameter is fixed // Note that you are not forced to fix the limits for all parameters. // For example, if you fit a function with 6 parameters, you can do: // func->SetParameters(0,3.1,1.e-6,0.1,-8,100); // func->SetParLimits(4,-10,-4); // func->SetParLimits(5, 1,1); // With this setup, parameters 0->3 can vary freely // Parameter 4 has boundaries [-10,-4] with initial value -8 // Parameter 5 is fixed to 100. // // For the fit to be meaningful, the function must be self-normalized. // // i.e. It must have the same integral regardless of the parameter // settings. Otherwise the fit will effectively just maximize the // area. // // It is mandatory to have a normalization variable // which is fixed for the fit. e.g. // // TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "gaus(0)/sqrt(2*3.14159)/[2]", 0, 5); // f1->SetParameters(1, 3.1, 0.01); // f1->SetParLimits(0, 1, 1); // fix the normalization parameter to 1 // data->UnbinnedFit("f1", "jpsimass", "jpsipt>3.0"); // // // // 1, 2 and 3 Dimensional fits are supported. // See also TTree::Fit // // Return status // ============= // The function return the status of the fit in the following form // fitResult = migradResult + 10*minosResult + 100*hesseResult + 1000*improveResult // The fitResult is 0 is the fit is OK. // The fitResult is negative in case of an error not connected with the fit. // The number of entries used in the fit can be obtained via // mytree.GetSelectedRows(); // If the number of selected entries is null the function returns -1 GetPlayer(); if (fPlayer) { return fPlayer->UnbinnedFit(funcname, varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTree::UseCurrentStyle() { // -- Replace current attributes by current style. if (gStyle->IsReading()) { SetFillColor(gStyle->GetHistFillColor()); SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetHistFillStyle()); SetLineColor(gStyle->GetHistLineColor()); SetLineStyle(gStyle->GetHistLineStyle()); SetLineWidth(gStyle->GetHistLineWidth()); SetMarkerColor(gStyle->GetMarkerColor()); SetMarkerStyle(gStyle->GetMarkerStyle()); SetMarkerSize(gStyle->GetMarkerSize()); } else { gStyle->SetHistFillColor(GetFillColor()); gStyle->SetHistFillStyle(GetFillStyle()); gStyle->SetHistLineColor(GetLineColor()); gStyle->SetHistLineStyle(GetLineStyle()); gStyle->SetHistLineWidth(GetLineWidth()); gStyle->SetMarkerColor(GetMarkerColor()); gStyle->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle()); gStyle->SetMarkerSize(GetMarkerSize()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTreeFriendLeafIter // // // // Iterator on all the leaves in a TTree and its friend // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TTreeFriendLeafIter) //______________________________________________________________________________ TTreeFriendLeafIter::TTreeFriendLeafIter(const TTree* tree, Bool_t dir) : fTree(const_cast<TTree*>(tree)) , fLeafIter(0) , fTreeIter(0) , fDirection(dir) { // Create a new iterator. By default the iteration direction // is kIterForward. To go backward use kIterBackward. } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTreeFriendLeafIter::TTreeFriendLeafIter(const TTreeFriendLeafIter& iter) : TIterator(iter) { // Copy constructor fTree = iter.fTree; fDirection = iter.fDirection; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TIterator& TTreeFriendLeafIter::operator=(const TIterator& rhs) { // Overridden assignment operator. if (this != &rhs && rhs.IsA() == TTreeFriendLeafIter::Class()) { const TTreeFriendLeafIter &rhs1 = (const TTreeFriendLeafIter &)rhs; fDirection = rhs1.fDirection; } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTreeFriendLeafIter& TTreeFriendLeafIter::operator=(const TTreeFriendLeafIter& rhs) { // Overridden assignment operator. if (this != &rhs) { fDirection = rhs.fDirection; } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject* TTreeFriendLeafIter::Next() { // Go the next friend element if (!fTree) return 0; TObject * next; TTree * nextTree; if (!fLeafIter) { TObjArray *list = fTree->GetListOfLeaves(); if (!list) return 0; // Can happen with an empty chain. fLeafIter = list->MakeIterator(fDirection); } next = fLeafIter->Next(); if (!next) { if (!fTreeIter) { TCollection * list = fTree->GetListOfFriends(); if (!list) return next; fTreeIter = list->MakeIterator(fDirection); } TFriendElement * nextFriend = (TFriendElement*) fTreeIter->Next(); ///nextTree = (TTree*)fTreeIter->Next(); if (nextFriend) { nextTree = const_cast<TTree*>(nextFriend->GetTree()); if (!nextTree) return Next(); SafeDelete(fLeafIter); fLeafIter = nextTree->GetListOfLeaves()->MakeIterator(fDirection); next = fLeafIter->Next(); } } return next; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Option_t* TTreeFriendLeafIter::GetOption() const { // Returns the object option stored in the list. if (fLeafIter) return fLeafIter->GetOption(); return ""; }