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mathmoreIntegration.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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Example on the usage of the adaptive 1D integration algorithm of MathMore it calculates the numerically cumulative integral of a distribution (like in this case the BreitWigner) to execute the macro type it (you need to compile with AClic)

This tutorial requires having libMathMore built with ROOT.

To build mathmore you need to have a version of GSL >= 1.8 installed in your system The ROOT configure will automatically find GSL if the script gsl-config (from GSL) is in your PATH,. otherwise you need to configure root with the options –gsl-incdir and –gsl-libdir.

Drawing cumulatives of BreitWigner in interval [ -2 , 2 ]
Test integration performances in interval [ -2 , 2 ]
Time using ROOT::Math::Integrator : 0.082068
Number of function calls = 69
Time using TF1::Integral : 0.303842
Number of function calls = 91
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
/*#include "TLabel.h"*/
#include "Math/Functor.h"
#include "Math/IFunction.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "TStopwatch.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include <limits>
//!calculates exact integral of Breit Wigner distribution
//!and compares with existing methods
int nc = 0;
double exactIntegral( double a, double b) {
return (TMath::ATan(2*b)- TMath::ATan(2*a))/ TMath::Pi();
double func( double x){
// TF1 requires the function to have the ( )( double *, double *) signature
double func2(const double *x, const double * = nullptr){
return TMath::BreitWigner(x[0]);
void testIntegPerf(double x1, double x2, int n = 100000){
std::cout << "\n\n***************************************************************\n";
std::cout << "Test integration performances in interval [ " << x1 << " , " << x2 << " ]\n\n";
double dx = (x2-x1)/double(n);
//ROOT::Math::Functor1D<ROOT::Math::IGenFunction> f1(& TMath::BreitWigner);
double s1 = 0.0;
nc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
double x = x1 + dx*i;
s1+= ig.Integral(x1,x);
std::cout << "Time using ROOT::Math::Integrator :\t" << timer.RealTime() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of function calls = " << nc/n << std::endl;
int pr = std::cout.precision(18); std::cout << s1 << std::endl; std::cout.precision(pr);
//TF1 *fBW = new TF1("fBW","TMath::BreitWigner(x)",x1, x2); // this is faster but cannot measure number of function calls
TF1 *fBW = new TF1("fBW",func2,x1, x2,0);
nc = 0;
double s2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
double x = x1 + dx*i;
s2+= fBW->Integral(x1,x );
std::cout << "Time using TF1::Integral :\t\t\t" << timer.RealTime() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of function calls = " << nc/n << std::endl;
pr = std::cout.precision(18); std::cout << s1 << std::endl; std::cout.precision(pr);
void DrawCumulative(double x1, double x2, int n = 100){
std::cout << "\n\n***************************************************************\n";
std::cout << "Drawing cumulatives of BreitWigner in interval [ " << x1 << " , " << x2 << " ]\n\n";
double dx = (x2-x1)/double(n);
TH1D *cum0 = new TH1D("cum0", "", n, x1, x2); //exact cumulative
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
double x = x1 + dx*i;
cum0->SetBinContent(i, exactIntegral(x1, x));
// alternative method using ROOT::Math::Functor class
TH1D *cum1 = new TH1D("cum1", "", n, x1, x2);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
double x = x1 + dx*i;
cum1->SetBinContent(i, ig.Integral(x1,x));
TF1 *fBW = new TF1("fBW","TMath::BreitWigner(x, 0, 1)",x1, x2);
TH1D *cum2 = new TH1D("cum2", "", n, x1, x2);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
double x = x1 + dx*i;
cum2->SetBinContent(i, fBW->Integral(x1,x));
TH1D *cum10 = new TH1D("cum10", "", n, x1, x2); //difference between 1 and exact
TH1D *cum20 = new TH1D("cum23", "", n, x1, x2); //difference between 2 and exact
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
double delta = cum1->GetBinContent(i) - cum0->GetBinContent(i);
double delta2 = cum2->GetBinContent(i) - cum0->GetBinContent(i);
//std::cout << " diff for " << x << " is " << delta << " " << cum1->GetBinContent(i) << std::endl;
cum10->SetBinContent(i, delta );
cum10->SetBinError(i, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * cum1->GetBinContent(i) );
cum20->SetBinContent(i, delta2 );
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Integration example",20,10,800,500);
cum0->SetTitle("BreitWigner - the cumulative");
TLegend * l = new TLegend(0.11, 0.8, 0.7 ,0.89);
l->AddEntry(cum10, "GSL integration - analytical ");
l->AddEntry(cum20, "TF1::Integral - analytical ");
std::cout << "\n***************************************************************\n";
void mathmoreIntegration(double a = -2, double b = 2)
#define b(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:100
#define a(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:99
#define s1(x)
Definition RSha256.hxx:91
@ kRed
Definition Rtypes.h:66
@ kBlack
Definition Rtypes.h:65
@ kBlue
Definition Rtypes.h:66
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Functor1D class for one-dimensional functions.
Definition Functor.h:95
User Class for performing numerical integration of a function in one dimension.
Definition Integrator.h:98
Template class to wrap any C++ callable object which takes one argument i.e.
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
1-Dim function class
Definition TF1.h:233
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Definition TH1.h:670
This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries.
Definition TLegend.h:23
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Default Draw method for all objects.
Definition TObject.cxx:280
Stopwatch class.
Definition TStopwatch.h:28
to be used for general functions without singularities
return c1
Definition legend1.C:41
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
const Int_t n
Definition legend1.C:16
TF1 * f1
Definition legend1.C:11
Double_t ATan(Double_t)
Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of x, expressed in radians.
Definition TMath.h:640
Double_t BreitWigner(Double_t x, Double_t mean=0, Double_t gamma=1)
Calculates a Breit Wigner function with mean and gamma.
Definition TMath.cxx:442
constexpr Double_t Pi()
Definition TMath.h:37
TLine l
Definition textangle.C:4
M. Slawinska, L. Moneta

Definition in file mathmoreIntegration.C.