12#ifndef ROOT_TUnixSystem
13#define ROOT_TUnixSystem
146 int Link(
const char *
const char *
168 const char *
const char *
209 int SendBuf(
int sock,
const void *buffer,
int length)
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t mask
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h length
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t UChar_t len
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char mode
Options for binging the sockets created.
@ kInaddrAny
Any address for socket binding.
void(* SigHandler_t)(ESignals)
This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying Operating System.
Basic time type with millisecond precision.
Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events.
void AddTimer(TTimer *ti) override
Add timer to list of system timers.
int RecvRaw(int sock, void *buffer, int length, int flag) override
Receive exactly length bytes into buffer.
int OpenConnection(const char *server, int port, int tcpwindowsize=-1, const char *protocol="tcp") override
Open a connection to a service on a server.
int GetMemInfo(MemInfo_t *info) const override
Returns ram and swap memory usage info into the MemInfo_t structure.
Bool_t IsPathLocal(const char *path) override
Returns TRUE if the url in 'path' points to the local file system.
int Symlink(const char *from, const char *to) override
Create a symlink from file1 to file2.
const char * HomeDirectory(const char *userName=nullptr) override
Return the user's home directory.
Int_t GetGid(const char *group=nullptr) override
Returns the group's id. If group = 0, returns current user's group.
static int UnixUdpConnect(const char *hostname, int port)
Creates a UDP socket connection Is called via the TSocket constructor.
int CopyFile(const char *from, const char *to, Bool_t overwrite=kFALSE) override
Copy a file.
TTimer * RemoveTimer(TTimer *ti) override
Remove timer from list of system timers.
int AnnounceUnixService(int port, int backlog) override
Announce unix domain service on path "kServerPath/<port>".
static int UnixTcpConnect(const char *hostname, int port, int tcpwindowsize)
Open a TCP/IP connection to server and connect to a service (i.e.
Int_t SetFPEMask(Int_t mask=kDefaultMask) override
Set which conditions trigger a floating point exception.
static const char * UnixGetdirentry(void *dir)
Returns the next directory entry.
void Setenv(const char *name, const char *value) override
Set environment variable.
int ConnectService(const char *server, int port, int tcpwindowsize, const char *protocol="tcp")
Connect to service servicename on server servername.
Bool_t ChangeDirectory(const char *path) override
Change directory. Returns kTRUE in case of success, kFALSE otherwise.
static int UnixTcpService(int port, Bool_t reuse, int backlog, int tcpwindowsize, ESocketBindOption socketBindOption)
Open a socket, bind to it and start listening for TCP/IP connections on the port.
static const char * UnixHomedirectory(const char *user=nullptr)
Returns the user's home directory.
char * GetServiceByPort(int port) override
Get name of internet service.
Bool_t CheckSignals(Bool_t sync)
Check if some signals were raised and call their Notify() member.
static int UnixMakedir(const char *name)
Make a Unix file system directory.
static void UnixSigAlarmInterruptsSyscalls(Bool_t set)
When the argument is true the SIGALRM signal handler is set so that interrupted syscalls will not be ...
Int_t GetFPEMask() override
Return the bitmap of conditions that trigger a floating point exception.
static int UnixUnixConnect(int port)
Connect to a Unix domain socket.
int GetSysInfo(SysInfo_t *info) const override
Returns static system info, like OS type, CPU type, number of CPUs RAM size, etc into the SysInfo_t s...
void Exit(int code, Bool_t mode=kTRUE) override
Exit the application.
void AddDynamicPath(const char *lib) override
Add a new directory to the dynamic path.
void SetDynamicPath(const char *lib) override
Set the dynamic path to a new value.
int ClosePipe(FILE *pipe) override
Close the pipe.
std::string GetHomeDirectory(const char *userName=nullptr) const override
Return the user's home directory.
Int_t Select(TList *active, Long_t timeout) override
Select on file descriptors.
void Unsetenv(const char *name) override
Unset environment variable.
virtual ~TUnixSystem()
Reset to original state.
void Abort(int code=0) override
Abort the application.
void Syslog(ELogLevel level, const char *mess) override
Send mess to syslog daemon.
int AnnounceTcpService(int port, Bool_t reuse, int backlog, int tcpwindowsize=-1, ESocketBindOption socketBindOption=ESocketBindOption::kInaddrAny) override
Announce TCP/IP service.
UserGroup_t * GetGroupInfo(Int_t gid) override
Returns all group info in the UserGroup_t structure.
Int_t GetUid(const char *user=nullptr) override
Returns the user's id. If user = 0, returns current user's id.
Bool_t ExpandPathName(TString &patbuf) override
Expand a pathname getting rid of special shell characters like ~.
void Openlog(const char *name, Int_t options, ELogFacility facility) override
Open connection to system log daemon.
int AcceptConnection(int sock) override
Accept a connection.
TTime Now() override
Get current time in milliseconds since 0:00 Jan 1 1995.
static void UnixResetSignal(ESignals sig)
Restore old signal handler for specified signal.
int GetServiceByName(const char *service) override
Get port # of internet service.
const char * FindFile(const char *search, TString &file, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists) override
Find location of file "wfil" in a search path.
void SigAlarmInterruptsSyscalls(Bool_t set) override
When the argument is true the SIGALRM signal handler is set so that interrupted syscalls will not be ...
int Utime(const char *file, Long_t modtime, Long_t actime) override
Set a files modification and access times.
const char * GetLinkedLibraries() override
Get list of shared libraries loaded at the start of the executable.
const char * GetError() override
Return system error string.
std::string GetWorkingDirectory() const override
Return working directory.
Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists) override
Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode.
FILE * TempFileName(TString &base, const char *dir=nullptr, const char *suffix=nullptr) override
Create a secure temporary file by appending a unique 6 letter string to base.
void DispatchOneEvent(Bool_t pendingOnly=kFALSE) override
Dispatch a single event.
int Chmod(const char *file, UInt_t mode) override
Set the file permission bits. Returns -1 in case or error, 0 otherwise.
const char * PrependPathName(const char *dir, TString &name) override
Concatenate a directory and a file name.
Bool_t DispatchTimers(Bool_t mode)
Handle and dispatch timers.
void IgnoreSignal(ESignals sig, Bool_t ignore=kTRUE) override
If ignore is true ignore the specified signal, else restore previous behaviour.
void ListSymbols(const char *module, const char *re="") override
List symbols in a shared library.
int Load(const char *module, const char *entry="", Bool_t system=kFALSE) override
Load a shared library.
void StackTrace() override
Print a stack trace.
TInetAddress GetHostByName(const char *server) override
Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of host.
int SendBuf(int sock, const void *buffer, int length) override
Send a buffer headed by a length indicator.
const char * HostName() override
Return the system's host name.
void CheckChilds()
Check if children have finished.
int RecvBuf(int sock, void *buffer, int length) override
Receive a buffer headed by a length indicator.
static int UnixUnixService(int port, int backlog)
Open a socket, bind to it and start listening for Unix domain connections to it.
UserGroup_t * GetUserInfo(Int_t uid) override
Returns all user info in the UserGroup_t structure.
void SetDisplay() override
Set DISPLAY environment variable based on utmp entry. Only for UNIX.
TFileHandler * RemoveFileHandler(TFileHandler *fh) override
Remove a file handler from the list of file handlers.
static const char * UnixSigname(ESignals sig)
Return the signal name associated with a signal.
static Long64_t UnixNow()
Get current time in milliseconds since 0:00 Jan 1 1995.
static int UnixFSstat(const char *path, Long_t *id, Long_t *bsize, Long_t *blocks, Long_t *bfree)
Get info about a file system: id, bsize, bfree, blocks.
void ResetSignals() override
Reset signals handlers to previous behaviour.
TInetAddress GetSockName(int sock) override
Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of host and port #.
int Link(const char *from, const char *to) override
Create a link from file1 to file2.
int GetProcInfo(ProcInfo_t *info) const override
Returns cpu and memory used by this process into the ProcInfo_t structure.
int SetSockOpt(int sock, int option, int val) override
Set socket option.
static int UnixSetitimer(Long_t ms)
Set interval timer to time-out in ms milliseconds.
static int UnixSend(int sock, const void *buf, int len, int flag)
Send exactly length bytes from buffer.
TInetAddress GetPeerName(int sock) override
Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of remote host and port #.
static void UnixIgnoreSignal(ESignals sig, Bool_t ignore)
If ignore is true ignore the specified signal, else restore previous behaviour.
void DispatchSignals(ESignals sig)
Handle and dispatch signals.
void AddFileHandler(TFileHandler *fh) override
Add a file handler to the list of system file handlers.
int AnnounceUdpService(int port, int backlog, ESocketBindOption socketBindOption=ESocketBindOption::kInaddrAny) override
Announce UDP service.
Int_t GetCryptoRandom(void *buf, Int_t len) override
Return cryptographic random number Fill provided buffer with random values Returns number of bytes wr...
void * OpenDirectory(const char *name) override
Open a Unix file system directory. Returns 0 if directory does not exist.
int Rename(const char *from, const char *to) override
Rename a file. Returns 0 when successful, -1 in case of failure.
const char * Getenv(const char *name) override
Get environment variable.
int GetPathInfo(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf) override
Get info about a file.
Int_t GetEffectiveGid() override
Returns the effective group id.
static int UnixSelect(Int_t nfds, TFdSet *readready, TFdSet *writeready, Long_t timeout)
Wait for events on the file descriptors specified in the readready and writeready masks or for timeou...
int GetPid() override
Get process id.
Int_t Exec(const char *shellcmd) override
Execute a command.
void ResetTimer(TTimer *ti) override
Reset a-sync timer.
TSignalHandler * RemoveSignalHandler(TSignalHandler *sh) override
Remove a signal handler from list of signal handlers.
static void UnixSignal(ESignals sig, SigHandler_t h)
Set a signal handler for a signal.
void CloseConnection(int sock, Bool_t force=kFALSE) override
Close socket.
Bool_t CheckDescriptors()
Check if there is activity on some file descriptors and call their Notify() member.
Bool_t Init() override
Initialize Unix system interface.
void Unload(const char *module) override
Unload a shared library.
int Umask(Int_t mask) override
Set the process file creation mode mask.
static int UnixFilestat(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf)
Get info about a file.
static int UnixRecv(int sock, void *buf, int len, int flag)
Receive exactly length bytes into buffer.
Int_t GetEffectiveUid() override
Returns the effective user id.
void FillWithCwd(char *cwd) const
Fill buffer with current working directory.
static int UnixWaitchild()
Wait till child is finished.
int Unlink(const char *name) override
Unlink, i.e.
void ListLibraries(const char *regexp="") override
List all loaded shared libraries.
void Closelog() override
Close connection to system log daemon.
Int_t RedirectOutput(const char *name, const char *mode="a", RedirectHandle_t *h=nullptr) override
Redirect standard output (stdout, stderr) to the specified file.
void Sleep(UInt_t milliSec) override
Sleep milliSec milliseconds.
void ResetSignal(ESignals sig, Bool_t reset=kTRUE) override
If reset is true reset the signal handler for the specified signal to the default handler,...
const char * TempDirectory() const override
Return a user configured or systemwide directory to create temporary files in.
Func_t DynFindSymbol(const char *module, const char *entry) override
dynamic linking of module
const char * GetDynamicPath() override
Return the dynamic path (used to find shared libraries).
FILE * OpenPipe(const char *shellcmd, const char *mode) override
Open a pipe.
void FreeDirectory(void *dirp) override
Close a Unix file system directory.
static void UnixResetSignals()
Restore old signal handlers.
int GetCpuInfo(CpuInfo_t *info, Int_t sampleTime=1000) const override
Returns cpu load average and load info into the CpuInfo_t structure.
void AddSignalHandler(TSignalHandler *sh) override
Add a signal handler to list of system signal handlers.
static void * UnixOpendir(const char *name)
Open a directory.
int SendRaw(int sock, const void *buffer, int length, int flag) override
Send exactly length bytes from buffer.
const char * WorkingDirectory() override
Return working directory.
int GetSockOpt(int sock, int option, int *val) override
Get socket option.
const char * FindDynamicLibrary(TString &lib, Bool_t quiet=kFALSE) override
Returns the path of a shared library (searches for library in the shared library search path).
void SetProgname(const char *name) override
Set the application name (from command line, argv[0]) and copy it in gProgName.
const char * GetDirEntry(void *dirp) override
Get next Unix file system directory entry. Returns 0 if no more entries.
int MakeDirectory(const char *name) override
Make a Unix file system directory.
static int UnixUdpService(int port, int backlog, ESocketBindOption socketBindOption)
Open a socket, bind to it and start listening for UDP connections on the port.
int GetFsInfo(const char *path, Long_t *id, Long_t *bsize, Long_t *blocks, Long_t *bfree) override
Get info about a file system: id, bsize, bfree, blocks.