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ROOT::Experimental::REveElement Class Reference

Definition at line 44 of file REveElement.hxx.

Public Types

typedef std::list< REveAunt * > AuntList_t
enum  EChangeBits {
  kCBColorSelection = BIT(0) , kCBTransBBox = BIT(1) , kCBObjProps = BIT(2) , kCBVisibility = BIT(3) ,
  kCBElementAdded = BIT(4)
typedef std::list< REveElement * > List_t
typedef std::set< REveElement * > Set_t

Public Member Functions

 REveElement (const REveElement &e)
 Copy constructor.
 REveElement (const std::string &name="", const std::string &title="")
 Default constructor.
virtual ~REveElement ()
virtual Bool_t AcceptElement (REveElement *el)
 Check if el can be added to this element.
virtual void AddAunt (REveAunt *au)
 Add el into the list aunts.
virtual void AddElement (REveElement *el)
 Add el to the list of children.
virtual void AddStamp (UChar_t bits)
 Add (bitwise or) given stamps to fChangeBits.
virtual void Annihilate ()
 Optimized destruction without check of reference-count.
virtual void AnnihilateElements ()
 Annihilate elements.
Bool_t ApplyVizTag (const TString &tag, const TString &fallback_tag="")
 Set the VizTag, find model-element from the VizDB and copy visualization-parameters from it.
virtual void BuildRenderData ()
 Write transformation Matrix to render data.
virtual Bool_t CanEditElement () const
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainColor () const
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTrans () const
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTransparency () const
virtual void CheckReferenceCount (const std::string &from="<unknown>")
 Check external references to this and eventually auto-destruct the render-element.
virtual void ClearStamps ()
virtual void CloneChildrenRecurse (REveElement *dest, Int_t level=0) const
 Clone children and attach them to the dest element.
virtual REveElementCloneElement () const
 Clone the element via copy constructor.
virtual REveElementCloneElementRecurse (Int_t level=0) const
 Clone elements and recurse 'level' deep over children.
virtual void CopyVizParams (const REveElement *el)
 Copy visualization parameters from element el.
virtual void CopyVizParamsFromDB ()
 Copy visualization parameters from the model-element fVizModel.
void CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren ()
void CSCImplySelectAllChildren ()
void CSCTakeMotherAsMaster ()
void DecDenyDestroy ()
 Decreases the deny-destroy count of the element.
void DecImpliedSelected ()
virtual void Destroy ()
 Destroy this element.
virtual void DestroyElements ()
 Destroy all children of this element.
virtual void DestroyMainTrans ()
 Destroy the main transformation matrix, it will always be taken as identity.
virtual void DestroyOrWarn ()
 Destroy this element. Prints a warning if deny-destroy is in force.
void DisableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kFALSE, Bool_t rnr_children=kFALSE)
 Disable rendering of children and their list contents.
void EnableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kTRUE, Bool_t rnr_children=kTRUE)
 Enable rendering of children and their list contents.
virtual void ExportToCINT (const char *var_name)
 Export render-element to CINT with variable name var_name.
virtual void FillExtraSelectionData (nlohmann::json &, const std::set< int > &) const
virtual void FillImpliedSelectedSet (Set_t &impSelSet, const std::set< int > &)
 Populate set impSelSet with derived / dependant elements.
REveElementFindChild (const TString &name, const TClass *cls=nullptr)
 Find the first child with given name.
REveElementFindChild (TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=nullptr)
 Find the first child whose name matches regexp.
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, const TString &name, const TClass *cls=nullptr)
 Find all children with given name and append them to matches list.
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=nullptr)
 Find all children whose name matches regexp and append them to matches list.
REveElementFirstChild () const
 Returns the first child element or 0 if the list is empty.
UChar_t GetChangeBits () const
TClassGetChildClass () const
const char * GetCName () const
REveCompoundGetCompound ()
const char * GetCTitle () const
Int_t GetDenyDestroy () const
 Returns the number of times deny-destroy has been requested on the element.
Bool_t GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt () const
 Returns state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero.
ElementId_t GetElementId () const
virtual std::string GetHighlightTooltip (const std::set< int > &) const
int GetImpliedSelected ()
virtual Color_t GetMainColor () const
Color_tGetMainColorPtr () const
virtual Char_t GetMainTransparency () const
REveElementGetMother ()
const std::string & GetName () const
REveRenderDataGetRenderData () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrAnything () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrChildren () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrSelf () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrState () const
REveSceneGetScene ()
virtual REveElementGetSelectionMaster ()
 Returns the master element - that is:
const std::string & GetTitle () const
void * GetUserData () const
REveElementGetVizModel () const
const TStringGetVizTag () const
Bool_t HasAunts () const
Bool_t HasChild (REveElement *el)
 Check if element el is a child of this element.
Bool_t HasChildren () const
virtual Bool_t HasMainColor () const
virtual Bool_t HasMainTrans () const
bool HasMother ()
bool HasScene ()
void IncDenyDestroy ()
 Increases the deny-destroy count of the element.
void IncImpliedSelected ()
virtual void InitMainTrans (Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE)
 Initialize the main transformation to identity matrix.
TClassIsA () const
 Return class for this element.
Bool_t IsPickable () const
REveElementLastChild () const
 Returns the last child element or 0 if the list is empty.
virtual void NameTitleChanged ()
 Virtual function called when a name or title of the element has been changed.
Int_t NumAunts () const
Int_t NumChildren () const
virtual void ProjectAllChildren (Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
 If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of all children there.
virtual void ProjectChild (REveElement *el, Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
 If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of child 'el' there.
virtual void PropagateMainColorToProjecteds (Color_t color, Color_t old_color)
 Propagate color to projected elements.
virtual void PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds (Char_t t, Char_t old_t)
 Propagate transparency to projected elements.
virtual void PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds ()
 Propagate render state to the projected replicas of this element.
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToChildren (REveElement *el=nullptr)
 Propagate visualization parameters from element el (defaulting to this) to all children.
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds ()
 Propagate visualization parameters to dependent elements.
virtual REveTransPtrMainTrans (Bool_t create=kTRUE)
 Return pointer to main transformation.
void RecheckImpliedSelections ()
 Call this if it is possible that implied-selection or highlight has changed for this element or for implied-selection this element is member of and you want to maintain consistent selection state.
AuntList_tRefAunts ()
const AuntList_tRefAunts () const
List_tRefChildren ()
const List_tRefChildren () const
virtual REveTransRefMainTrans ()
 Return reference to main transformation.
virtual void RemoveAunt (REveAunt *au)
 Remove el from the list of aunts.
virtual void RemoveElement (REveElement *el)
 Remove el from the list of children.
virtual void RemoveElementLocal (REveElement *el)
 Perform additional local removal of el.
virtual void RemoveElements ()
 Remove all elements.
virtual void RemoveElementsLocal ()
 Perform additional local removal of all elements.
virtual bool RequiresExtraSelectionData () const
void ResetAllCSCBits ()
void ResetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
void SaveVizParams (std::ostream &out, const TString &tag, const TString &var)
 Save visualization parameters for this element with given tag.
void SetChildClass (TClass *c)
void SetCompound (REveCompound *c)
void SetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
void SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (Bool_t d)
 Sets the state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero.
void SetEditMainColor (Bool_t x)
void SetEditMainTransparency (Bool_t x)
void SetMainAlpha (Float_t alpha)
 Set main-transparency via float alpha variable.
virtual void SetMainColor (Color_t color)
 Set main color of the element.
void SetMainColorPixel (Pixel_t pixel)
 Convert pixel to Color_t and call SetMainColor().
void SetMainColorPtr (Color_t *colptr)
void SetMainColorRGB (Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
 Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor.
void SetMainColorRGB (UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b)
 Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor.
virtual void SetMainTransparency (Char_t t)
 Set main-transparency.
void SetName (const std::string &name)
 Set name of an element.
void SetNameTitle (const std::string &name, const std::string &title)
 Set name and title of an element.
void SetPickable (Bool_t p)
void SetPickableRecursively (Bool_t p)
 Set pickable state on the element and all its children.
virtual Bool_t SetRnrChildren (Bool_t rnr)
 Set render state of this element's children, i.e.
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelf (Bool_t rnr)
 Set render state of this element, i.e.
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelfChildren (Bool_t rnr_self, Bool_t rnr_children)
 Set state for rendering of this element and its children.
virtual Bool_t SetRnrState (Bool_t rnr)
 Set render state of this element and of its children to the same value.
void SetSelectionMaster (REveElement *el)
void SetTitle (const std::string &title)
 Set title of an element.
virtual void SetTransMatrix (const TGeoMatrix &mat)
 Set transformation matrix from TGeo's matrix.
virtual void SetTransMatrix (Double_t *carr)
 Set transformation matrix from column-major array.
void SetupDefaultColorAndTransparency (Color_t col, Bool_t can_edit_color, Bool_t can_edit_transparency)
 Set up element to use built-in main color and set flags allowing editing of main color and transparency.
void SetUserData (void *ud)
void SetVizModel (REveElement *model)
 Set visualization-parameter model element.
Bool_t SetVizModelByTag ()
 Find model element in VizDB that corresponds to previously assigned fVizTag and set fVizModel accordingly.
void SetVizTag (const TString &tag)
virtual Bool_t SingleRnrState () const
void StampColorSelection ()
void StampElementAdded ()
void StampObjProps ()
void StampObjPropsPreChk ()
void StampTransBBox ()
void StampVisibility ()
Bool_t TestCSCBits (UChar_t f) const
void VizDB_Apply (const std::string &tag)
 Set visual parameters for this object for given tag.
void VizDB_Insert (const std::string &tag, Bool_t replace=kTRUE, Bool_t update=kTRUE)
 Create a replica of element and insert it into VizDB with given tag.
void VizDB_Reapply ()
 Reset visual parameters for this object from VizDB.
void VizDB_UpdateModel (Bool_t update=kTRUE)
 Copy visual parameters from this element to viz-db model.
virtual Int_t WriteCoreJson (nlohmann::json &cj, Int_t rnr_offset)
 Write core json.
virtual void WriteVizParams (std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
 Write-out visual parameters for this object.

Protected Types

enum  ECompoundSelectionColorBits {
  kCSCBImplySelectAllChildren = BIT(0) , kCSCBTakeMotherAsMaster = BIT(1) , kCSCBApplyMainColorToAllChildren = BIT(2) , kCSCBApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren = BIT(3) ,
  kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren = BIT(4) , kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren = BIT(5)
enum  EDestruct { kNone , kStandard , kAnnihilate }

Protected Member Functions

virtual void AnnihilateRecursively ()
 Protected member function called from REveElement::Annihilate().
void assign_element_id_recurisvely ()
void assign_scene_recursively (REveScene *s)
ElementId_t get_mother_id () const
ElementId_t get_scene_id () const
virtual void PreDeleteElement ()
 Vertex / normal / triangle index information for rendering.
virtual void RemoveElementsInternal ()
 Remove all elements.

Static Protected Member Functions

static const std::string & ToString (Bool_t b)
 Convert Bool_t to string - kTRUE or kFALSE.

Protected Attributes

AuntList_t fAunts
Bool_t fCanEditMainColor {kFALSE}
Bool_t fCanEditMainTrans {kFALSE}
Bool_t fCanEditMainTransparency {kFALSE}
UChar_t fChangeBits {0}
TClassfChildClass {nullptr}
List_t fChildren
REveCompoundfCompound {nullptr}
UChar_t fCSCBits {0}
Color_t fDefaultColor {kPink}
Int_t fDenyDestroy {0}
Bool_t fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt {kTRUE}
 Deny-destroy count.
Char_t fDestructing {kNone}
Short_t fImpliedSelected {0}
Color_tfMainColorPtr {nullptr}
std::unique_ptr< REveTransfMainTrans
Char_t fMainTransparency {0}
REveElementfMother {nullptr}
std::string fName
Bool_t fPickable {false}
std::unique_ptr< REveRenderDatafRenderData
 Externally assigned and controlled user data.
Bool_t fRnrChildren {kTRUE}
Bool_t fRnrSelf {kTRUE}
REveScenefScene {nullptr}
REveElementfSelectionMaster {nullptr}
std::string fTitle
void * fUserData {nullptr}
REveElementfVizModel {nullptr}
TString fVizTag
 Element used as model from VizDB.

Private Member Functions

REveElementoperator= (const REveElement &)=delete

Private Attributes

ElementId_t fElementId {0}


class REveManager
class REveScene

#include <ROOT/REveElement.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for ROOT::Experimental::REveElement:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AuntList_t

◆ List_t

◆ Set_t

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EChangeBits


Definition at line 326 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ ECompoundSelectionColorBits


Definition at line 271 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ EDestruct


Definition at line 281 of file REveElement.hxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ REveElement() [1/2]

REveElement::REveElement ( const std::string & name = "",
const std::string & title = "" )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 50 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ REveElement() [2/2]

REveElement::REveElement ( const REveElement & e)

Copy constructor.

Does shallow copy. For deep-cloning and children-cloning, see:

Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t dest
virtual void CloneChildrenRecurse(REveElement *dest, Int_t level=0) const
Clone children and attach them to the dest element.
virtual REveElement * CloneElementRecurse(Int_t level=0) const
Clone elements and recurse 'level' deep over children.

'void* UserData' is NOT copied. If the element is projectable, its projections are NOT copied.

Not implemented for most sub-classes, let us know. Note that sub-classes of REveProjected are NOT and will NOT be copyable.

Definition at line 69 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ~REveElement()

REveElement::~REveElement ( )


Do not call this method directly, either call Destroy() or Annihilate(). See also DestroyElements() and AnnihilateElements() if you need to delete all children of an element.

Definition at line 97 of file REveElement.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptElement()

Bool_t REveElement::AcceptElement ( REveElement * el)

Check if el can be added to this element.

Here we make sure the new child is not equal to this and, if fChildClass is set, that it is inherited from it.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveSceneInfo.

Definition at line 836 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ AddAunt()

void REveElement::AddAunt ( REveAunt * au)

Add el into the list aunts.

Adding aunt is subordinate to adding a niece. This is an internal function.

Definition at line 509 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ AddElement()

void REveElement::AddElement ( REveElement * el)

Add el to the list of children.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCompound, and ROOT::Experimental::REveViewerList.

Definition at line 848 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ AddStamp()

void REveElement::AddStamp ( UChar_t bits)

Add (bitwise or) given stamps to fChangeBits.

Register this element to REX::gEve as stamped. This method is virtual so that sub-classes can add additional actions. The base-class method should still be called (or replicated).

Definition at line 1417 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ Annihilate()

void REveElement::Annihilate ( )

Optimized destruction without check of reference-count.

Parents are not notified about child destruction. The method should only be used when an element does not have more than one parent – otherwise an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 1184 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ AnnihilateElements()

void REveElement::AnnihilateElements ( )

Annihilate elements.

Definition at line 1213 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ AnnihilateRecursively()

void REveElement::AnnihilateRecursively ( )

Protected member function called from REveElement::Annihilate().

Definition at line 1158 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ApplyVizTag()

Bool_t REveElement::ApplyVizTag ( const TString & tag,
const TString & fallback_tag = "" )

Set the VizTag, find model-element from the VizDB and copy visualization-parameters from it.

If the model is not found and fallback_tag is non-null, search for it is attempted as well. For example: ApplyVizTag("TPC Clusters", "Clusters");

If the model-element can not be found a warning is printed and false is returned.

Definition at line 300 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ assign_element_id_recurisvely()

void REveElement::assign_element_id_recurisvely ( )

Definition at line 130 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ assign_scene_recursively()

void REveElement::assign_scene_recursively ( REveScene * s)

Definition at line 151 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ BuildRenderData()

◆ CanEditElement()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CanEditElement ( ) const

Definition at line 213 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CanEditMainColor()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CanEditMainColor ( ) const

Definition at line 227 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CanEditMainTrans()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CanEditMainTrans ( ) const

Definition at line 247 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CanEditMainTransparency()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CanEditMainTransparency ( ) const

Definition at line 240 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CheckReferenceCount()

void REveElement::CheckReferenceCount ( const std::string & from = "<unknown>")

Check external references to this and eventually auto-destruct the render-element.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveTrackPropagator.

Definition at line 534 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ClearStamps()

virtual void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::ClearStamps ( )

Definition at line 351 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CloneChildrenRecurse()

void REveElement::CloneChildrenRecurse ( REveElement * dest,
Int_t level = 0 ) const

Clone children and attach them to the dest element.

If level == 0, only the direct descendants are cloned (default). If level == -1, all the hierarchy is cloned.

Definition at line 210 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ CloneElement()

REveElement * REveElement::CloneElement ( ) const

Clone the element via copy constructor.

Should be implemented for all classes that require cloning support.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet.

Definition at line 185 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ CloneElementRecurse()

REveElement * REveElement::CloneElementRecurse ( Int_t level = 0) const

Clone elements and recurse 'level' deep over children.

  • If level == 0, only the element itself is cloned (default).
  • If level == -1, all the hierarchy is cloned.

Definition at line 195 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ CopyVizParams()

void REveElement::CopyVizParams ( const REveElement * el)

Copy visualization parameters from element el.

This method needs to be overriden by any class that introduces new parameters.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveLine, ROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet, ROOT::Experimental::REveShape, ROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet, ROOT::Experimental::REveTrack, and ROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList.

Definition at line 363 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ CopyVizParamsFromDB()

void REveElement::CopyVizParamsFromDB ( )

Copy visualization parameters from the model-element fVizModel.

A warning is printed if the model-element fVizModel is not set.

Definition at line 377 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren ( )

Definition at line 315 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren ( )

Definition at line 316 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren ( )

Definition at line 317 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren ( )

Definition at line 318 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CSCImplySelectAllChildren()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCImplySelectAllChildren ( )

Definition at line 313 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ CSCTakeMotherAsMaster()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::CSCTakeMotherAsMaster ( )

Definition at line 314 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ DecDenyDestroy()

void REveElement::DecDenyDestroy ( )

Decreases the deny-destroy count of the element.

Call this after releasing an external pointer to the element.

Definition at line 1324 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ DecImpliedSelected()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::DecImpliedSelected ( )

Definition at line 303 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ Destroy()

void REveElement::Destroy ( )

Destroy this element.

Throws an exception if deny-destroy is in force. This method should be called instead of a destructor. Note that an exception will be thrown if the element has been protected against destruction with IncDenyDestroy().

Definition at line 1228 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ DestroyElements()

void REveElement::DestroyElements ( )

Destroy all children of this element.

Definition at line 1258 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ DestroyMainTrans()

void REveElement::DestroyMainTrans ( )

Destroy the main transformation matrix, it will always be taken as identity.

Editing of transformation parameters is disabled.

Definition at line 808 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ DestroyOrWarn()

void REveElement::DestroyOrWarn ( )

Destroy this element. Prints a warning if deny-destroy is in force.

Definition at line 1243 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ DisableListElements()

void REveElement::DisableListElements ( Bool_t rnr_self = kFALSE,
Bool_t rnr_children = kFALSE )

Disable rendering of children and their list contents.

Arguments control how to set self/child rendering.

Same as above function, but default arguments are different. This is convenient for calls via context menu.

Definition at line 1149 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ EnableListElements()

void REveElement::EnableListElements ( Bool_t rnr_self = kTRUE,
Bool_t rnr_children = kTRUE )

Enable rendering of children and their list contents.

Arguments control how to set self/child rendering.

Definition at line 1136 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ExportToCINT()

void REveElement::ExportToCINT ( const char * var_name)

Export render-element to CINT with variable name var_name.

Definition at line 561 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FillExtraSelectionData()

virtual void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::FillExtraSelectionData ( nlohmann::json & ,
const std::set< int > &  ) const

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCaloData, and ROOT::Experimental::REveDigitSet.

Definition at line 321 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ FillImpliedSelectedSet()

void REveElement::FillImpliedSelectedSet ( Set_t & impSelSet,
const std::set< int > &  )

Populate set impSelSet with derived / dependant elements.

If this is a REveProjectable, the projected replicas are added to the set. Thus it does not have to be reimplemented for each sub-class of REveProjected.

Note that this also takes care of projections of REveCompound class, which is also a projectable.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCompound, ROOT::Experimental::REveCaloData, and ROOT::Experimental::REveDataItemList.

Definition at line 1377 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FindChild() [1/2]

REveElement * REveElement::FindChild ( const TString & name,
const TClass * cls = nullptr )

Find the first child with given name.

If cls is specified (non 0), it is also checked.

Returns nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 1036 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FindChild() [2/2]

REveElement * REveElement::FindChild ( TPRegexp & regexp,
const TClass * cls = nullptr )

Find the first child whose name matches regexp.

If cls is specified (non 0), it is also checked.

Returns nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 1055 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FindChildren() [1/2]

Int_t REveElement::FindChildren ( List_t & matches,
const TString & name,
const TClass * cls = nullptr )

Find all children with given name and append them to matches list.

If class is specified (non 0), it is also checked.

Returns number of elements added to the list.

Definition at line 1074 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FindChildren() [2/2]

Int_t REveElement::FindChildren ( List_t & matches,
TPRegexp & regexp,
const TClass * cls = nullptr )

Find all children whose name matches regexp and append them to matches list.

Returns number of elements added to the list.

Definition at line 1098 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ FirstChild()

REveElement * REveElement::FirstChild ( ) const

Returns the first child element or 0 if the list is empty.

Definition at line 1119 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ get_mother_id()

ElementId_t REveElement::get_mother_id ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ get_scene_id()

ElementId_t REveElement::get_scene_id ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ GetChangeBits()

UChar_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetChangeBits ( ) const

Definition at line 353 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetChildClass()

TClass * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetChildClass ( ) const

Definition at line 163 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetCName()

const char * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetCName ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetCompound()

REveCompound * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetCompound ( )

Definition at line 145 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetCTitle()

const char * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetCTitle ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetDenyDestroy()

Int_t REveElement::GetDenyDestroy ( ) const

Returns the number of times deny-destroy has been requested on the element.

Definition at line 1306 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt()

Bool_t REveElement::GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt ( ) const

Returns state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero.

This is true by default.

Definition at line 1287 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ GetElementId()

ElementId_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetElementId ( ) const

Definition at line 111 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetHighlightTooltip()

◆ GetImpliedSelected()

int ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetImpliedSelected ( )

Definition at line 304 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetMainColor()

virtual Color_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetMainColor ( ) const

Definition at line 233 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetMainColorPtr()

Color_t * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetMainColorPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 229 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetMainTransparency()

virtual Char_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetMainTransparency ( ) const

Definition at line 242 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetMother()

REveElement * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetMother ( )

Definition at line 152 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetName()

const std::string & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetName ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetRenderData()

REveRenderData * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetRenderData ( ) const

Definition at line 263 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetRnrAnything()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetRnrAnything ( ) const

Definition at line 218 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetRnrChildren()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetRnrChildren ( ) const

Definition at line 216 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetRnrSelf()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetRnrSelf ( ) const

Definition at line 215 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetRnrState()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetRnrState ( ) const

Definition at line 217 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetScene()

REveScene * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetScene ( )

Definition at line 151 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetSelectionMaster()

REveElement * REveElement::GetSelectionMaster ( )

Returns the master element - that is:

  • master of projectable, if this is a projected;
  • master of compound, if fCompound is set;
  • master of mother, if kSCBTakeMotherAsMaster bit is set; If non of the above is true, this is returned.

Reimplemented in RecHitProxyBuilder::FWBoxSet, ROOT::Experimental::REveCollectionCompound, and RecHitProxyBuilder::FWBoxSet.

Definition at line 1347 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ GetTitle()

const std::string & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetTitle ( ) const

Definition at line 119 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetUserData()

void * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetUserData ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetVizModel()

REveElement * ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetVizModel ( ) const

Definition at line 132 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ GetVizTag()

const TString & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::GetVizTag ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasAunts()

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasAunts ( ) const

Definition at line 161 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasChild()

Bool_t REveElement::HasChild ( REveElement * el)

Check if element el is a child of this element.

Definition at line 1025 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ HasChildren()

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasChildren ( ) const

Definition at line 169 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasMainColor()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasMainColor ( ) const

Definition at line 232 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasMainTrans()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasMainTrans ( ) const

Definition at line 248 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasMother()

bool ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasMother ( )

Definition at line 149 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ HasScene()

bool ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::HasScene ( )

Definition at line 148 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ IncDenyDestroy()

void REveElement::IncDenyDestroy ( )

Increases the deny-destroy count of the element.

Call this if you store an external pointer to the element.

Definition at line 1315 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ IncImpliedSelected()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::IncImpliedSelected ( )

Definition at line 302 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ InitMainTrans()

void REveElement::InitMainTrans ( Bool_t can_edit = kTRUE)

Initialize the main transformation to identity matrix.

If can_edit is true (default), the user will be able to edit the transformation parameters via GUI.

Definition at line 795 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ IsA()

TClass * REveElement::IsA ( ) const

Return class for this element.

Definition at line 553 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ IsPickable()

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::IsPickable ( ) const

Definition at line 293 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ LastChild()

REveElement * REveElement::LastChild ( ) const

Returns the last child element or 0 if the list is empty.

Definition at line 1127 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ NameTitleChanged()

void REveElement::NameTitleChanged ( )

Virtual function called when a name or title of the element has been changed.

If you override this, call also the version of your direct base-class.

Definition at line 255 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ NumAunts()

Int_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::NumAunts ( ) const

Definition at line 160 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ NumChildren()

Int_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::NumChildren ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ operator=()

REveElement & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::operator= ( const REveElement & )

◆ PreDeleteElement()

void REveElement::PreDeleteElement ( )

Vertex / normal / triangle index information for rendering.

Called before the element is deleted, thus offering the last chance to detach from acquired resources and from the framework itself.

Here the request is just passed to REveManager. If you override it, make sure to call base-class version.

Definition at line 173 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ProjectAllChildren()

void REveElement::ProjectAllChildren ( Bool_t same_depth = kTRUE)

If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of all children there.

This is supposed to be called after you destroy all children and then add new ones after this element has already been projected. You might also want to call RecheckImpliedSelections() on this element.

If 'same_depth' flag is true, the same depth as for the projected element is used in every projection. Otherwise current depth of each relevant projection-manager is used.

Definition at line 1004 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ ProjectChild()

void REveElement::ProjectChild ( REveElement * el,
Bool_t same_depth = kTRUE )

If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of child 'el' there.

This is supposed to be called after you add a child to a projectable after it has already been projected. You might also want to call RecheckImpliedSelections() on this element or 'el'.

If 'same_depth' flag is true, the same depth as for parent object is used in every projection. Otherwise current depth of each relevant projection-manager is used.

Definition at line 974 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PropagateMainColorToProjecteds()

void REveElement::PropagateMainColorToProjecteds ( Color_t color,
Color_t old_color )

Propagate color to projected elements.

Definition at line 719 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds()

void REveElement::PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds ( Char_t t,
Char_t old_t )

Propagate transparency to projected elements.

Definition at line 757 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds()

void REveElement::PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds ( )

Propagate render state to the projected replicas of this element.

Maybe this should be optional on REX::gEve/element level.

Definition at line 655 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PropagateVizParamsToChildren()

void REveElement::PropagateVizParamsToChildren ( REveElement * el = nullptr)

Propagate visualization parameters from element el (defaulting to this) to all children.

The primary use of this is for model-elements from visualization-parameter database.

Definition at line 348 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds()

void REveElement::PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds ( )

Propagate visualization parameters to dependent elements.

MainColor is propagated independently in SetMainColor(). In this case, as fMainColor is a pointer to Color_t, it should be set in TProperClass::CopyVizParams().

Render state is not propagated. Maybe it should be, at least optionally.

Definition at line 332 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ PtrMainTrans()

REveTrans * REveElement::PtrMainTrans ( Bool_t create = kTRUE)

Return pointer to main transformation.

If 'create' flag is set (default) it is created if not yet existing.

Definition at line 770 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RecheckImpliedSelections()

void REveElement::RecheckImpliedSelections ( )

Call this if it is possible that implied-selection or highlight has changed for this element or for implied-selection this element is member of and you want to maintain consistent selection state.

This can happen if you add elements into compounds in response to user-interaction.

Definition at line 1392 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RefAunts() [1/2]

AuntList_t & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::RefAunts ( )

Definition at line 158 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ RefAunts() [2/2]

const AuntList_t & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::RefAunts ( ) const

Definition at line 159 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ RefChildren() [1/2]

List_t & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::RefChildren ( )

Definition at line 166 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ RefChildren() [2/2]

const List_t & ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::RefChildren ( ) const

Definition at line 167 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ RefMainTrans()

REveTrans & REveElement::RefMainTrans ( )

Return reference to main transformation.

It is created if not yet existing.

Definition at line 782 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveAunt()

void REveElement::RemoveAunt ( REveAunt * au)

Remove el from the list of aunts.

Removing aunt is subordinate to removing a niece. This is an internal function.

Definition at line 521 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveElement()

void REveElement::RemoveElement ( REveElement * el)

Remove el from the list of children.

Definition at line 881 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveElementLocal()

void REveElement::RemoveElementLocal ( REveElement * el)

Perform additional local removal of el.

Called from RemoveElement() which does whole untangling. Put into special function as framework-related handling of element removal should really be common to all classes and clearing of local structures happens in between removal of list-tree-items and final removal. If you override this, you should also override RemoveElementsLocal().

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCompound, ROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetArray, ROOT::Experimental::REveViewer, and ROOT::Experimental::REveViewerList.

Definition at line 914 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveElements()

void REveElement::RemoveElements ( )

Remove all elements.

This assumes removing of all elements can be done more efficiently then looping over them and removing them one by one.

Definition at line 945 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveElementsInternal()

void REveElement::RemoveElementsInternal ( )

Remove all elements.

This assumes removing of all elements can be done more efficiently then looping over them and removing one by one. This protected function performs the removal on the level of REveElement.

Definition at line 924 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RemoveElementsLocal()

void REveElement::RemoveElementsLocal ( )

Perform additional local removal of all elements.

See comment to RemoveElementLocal(REveElement*).

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCompound, ROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetArray, ROOT::Experimental::REveViewer, and ROOT::Experimental::REveViewerList.

Definition at line 958 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ RequiresExtraSelectionData()

virtual bool ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::RequiresExtraSelectionData ( ) const

◆ ResetAllCSCBits()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::ResetAllCSCBits ( )

Definition at line 312 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ ResetCSCBits()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::ResetCSCBits ( UChar_t f)

Definition at line 309 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SaveVizParams()

void REveElement::SaveVizParams ( std::ostream & out,
const TString & tag,
const TString & var )

Save visualization parameters for this element with given tag.

This function creates the instantiation code, calls virtual WriteVizParams() and, at the end, writes out the code for registration of the model into the VizDB.

Definition at line 396 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetChildClass()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetChildClass ( TClass * c)

Definition at line 164 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetCompound()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetCompound ( REveCompound * c)

Definition at line 146 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetCSCBits()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetCSCBits ( UChar_t f)

Definition at line 308 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt()

void REveElement::SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt ( Bool_t d)

Sets the state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero.

This is true by default.

Definition at line 1297 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetEditMainColor()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetEditMainColor ( Bool_t x)

Definition at line 228 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetEditMainTransparency()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetEditMainTransparency ( Bool_t x)

Definition at line 241 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetMainAlpha()

void REveElement::SetMainAlpha ( Float_t alpha)

Set main-transparency via float alpha variable.

Value of alpha is clamped t0 [0, 1].

Definition at line 747 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetMainColor()

◆ SetMainColorPixel()

void REveElement::SetMainColorPixel ( Pixel_t pixel)

Convert pixel to Color_t and call SetMainColor().

Definition at line 695 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetMainColorPtr()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetMainColorPtr ( Color_t * colptr)

Definition at line 230 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetMainColorRGB() [1/2]

void REveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( Float_t r,
Float_t g,
Float_t b )

Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor.

Definition at line 711 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetMainColorRGB() [2/2]

void REveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( UChar_t r,
UChar_t g,
UChar_t b )

Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor.

Definition at line 703 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetMainTransparency()

void REveElement::SetMainTransparency ( Char_t t)

Set main-transparency.

Transparency is clamped to [0, 100].

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveCompound.

Definition at line 732 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetName()

void REveElement::SetName ( const std::string & name)

Set name of an element.

Definition at line 222 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetNameTitle()

void REveElement::SetNameTitle ( const std::string & name,
const std::string & title )

Set name and title of an element.

Here we attempt to cast the assigned object into TNamed and call SetNameTitle() there. If you override this call NameTitleChanged() from there.

Definition at line 243 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetPickable()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetPickable ( Bool_t p)

Definition at line 294 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetPickableRecursively()

void REveElement::SetPickableRecursively ( Bool_t p)

Set pickable state on the element and all its children.

Definition at line 1333 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetRnrChildren()

Bool_t REveElement::SetRnrChildren ( Bool_t rnr)

Set render state of this element's children, i.e.

if they will be published on next scene update pass. Returns true if the state has changed.

Definition at line 595 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetRnrSelf()

Bool_t REveElement::SetRnrSelf ( Bool_t rnr)

Set render state of this element, i.e.

if it will be published on next scene update pass. Returns true if the state has changed.

Definition at line 572 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetRnrSelfChildren()

Bool_t REveElement::SetRnrSelfChildren ( Bool_t rnr_self,
Bool_t rnr_children )

Set state for rendering of this element and its children.

Returns true if the state has changed.

Definition at line 616 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetRnrState()

Bool_t REveElement::SetRnrState ( Bool_t rnr)

Set render state of this element and of its children to the same value.

Returns true if the state has changed.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveDataItemList, and ROOT::Experimental::REveDataCollection.

Definition at line 639 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetSelectionMaster()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetSelectionMaster ( REveElement * el)

Definition at line 298 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetTitle()

void REveElement::SetTitle ( const std::string & title)

Set title of an element.

Definition at line 231 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetTransMatrix() [1/2]

void REveElement::SetTransMatrix ( const TGeoMatrix & mat)

Set transformation matrix from TGeo's matrix.

Definition at line 825 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetTransMatrix() [2/2]

void REveElement::SetTransMatrix ( Double_t * carr)

Set transformation matrix from column-major array.

Definition at line 817 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetupDefaultColorAndTransparency()

void REveElement::SetupDefaultColorAndTransparency ( Color_t col,
Bool_t can_edit_color,
Bool_t can_edit_transparency )

Set up element to use built-in main color and set flags allowing editing of main color and transparency.

Definition at line 668 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetUserData()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetUserData ( void * ud)

Definition at line 261 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SetVizModel()

void REveElement::SetVizModel ( REveElement * model)

Set visualization-parameter model element.

Calling of this function from outside of EVE should in principle be avoided as it can lead to dis-synchronization of viz-tag and viz-model.

Definition at line 266 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetVizModelByTag()

Bool_t REveElement::SetVizModelByTag ( )

Find model element in VizDB that corresponds to previously assigned fVizTag and set fVizModel accordingly.

If the tag is not found in VizDB, the old model-element is kept and false is returned.

Definition at line 277 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ SetVizTag()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SetVizTag ( const TString & tag)

Definition at line 130 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ SingleRnrState()

virtual Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::SingleRnrState ( ) const

◆ StampColorSelection()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampColorSelection ( )

Definition at line 343 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ StampElementAdded()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampElementAdded ( )

Definition at line 348 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ StampObjProps()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampObjProps ( )

Definition at line 345 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ StampObjPropsPreChk()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampObjPropsPreChk ( )

Definition at line 346 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ StampTransBBox()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampTransBBox ( )

Definition at line 344 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ StampVisibility()

void ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::StampVisibility ( )

Definition at line 347 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ TestCSCBits()

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::TestCSCBits ( UChar_t f) const

Definition at line 310 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ ToString()

const std::string & REveElement::ToString ( Bool_t b)

Convert Bool_t to string - kTRUE or kFALSE.

Needed in WriteVizParams().

Definition at line 1449 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ VizDB_Apply()

void REveElement::VizDB_Apply ( const std::string & tag)

Set visual parameters for this object for given tag.

Definition at line 437 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ VizDB_Insert()

void REveElement::VizDB_Insert ( const std::string & tag,
Bool_t replace = kTRUE,
Bool_t update = kTRUE )

Create a replica of element and insert it into VizDB with given tag.

If replace is true an existing element with the same tag will be replaced. If update is true, existing client of tag will be updated.

Definition at line 489 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ VizDB_Reapply()

void REveElement::VizDB_Reapply ( )

Reset visual parameters for this object from VizDB.

The model object must be already set.

Definition at line 449 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ VizDB_UpdateModel()

void REveElement::VizDB_UpdateModel ( Bool_t update = kTRUE)

Copy visual parameters from this element to viz-db model.

If update is set, all clients of the model will be updated to the new value. A warning is printed if the model-element fVizModel is not set.

Definition at line 464 of file REveElement.cxx.

◆ WriteCoreJson()

◆ WriteVizParams()

void REveElement::WriteVizParams ( std::ostream & out,
const TString & var )

Write-out visual parameters for this object.

This is a virtual function and all sub-classes are required to first call the base-element version. The name of the element pointer is 'x%03d', due to cint limitations. Three spaces should be used for indentation, same as in SavePrimitive() methods.

Reimplemented in ROOT::Experimental::REveLine, ROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet, ROOT::Experimental::REveShape, ROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet, ROOT::Experimental::REveTrack, and ROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList.

Definition at line 423 of file REveElement.cxx.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ REveManager

friend class REveManager

Definition at line 46 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ REveScene

friend class REveScene

Definition at line 47 of file REveElement.hxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fAunts

AuntList_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fAunts

Definition at line 75 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fCanEditMainColor

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fCanEditMainColor {kFALSE}

Definition at line 87 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fCanEditMainTrans

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fCanEditMainTrans {kFALSE}

Definition at line 89 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fCanEditMainTransparency

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fCanEditMainTransparency {kFALSE}

Definition at line 88 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fChangeBits

UChar_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fChangeBits {0}

Definition at line 339 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fChildClass

TClass* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fChildClass {nullptr}

Definition at line 77 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fChildren

List_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fChildren

Definition at line 76 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fCompound

REveCompound* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fCompound {nullptr}

Definition at line 78 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fCSCBits

UChar_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fCSCBits {0}

Definition at line 290 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fDefaultColor

Color_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fDefaultColor {kPink}

Definition at line 92 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fDenyDestroy

Int_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fDenyDestroy {0}

Definition at line 82 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt {kTRUE}

Deny-destroy count.

Definition at line 83 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fDestructing

Char_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fDestructing {kNone}

Definition at line 340 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fElementId

ElementId_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fElementId {0}

Definition at line 59 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fImpliedSelected

Short_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fImpliedSelected {0}

Definition at line 288 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fMainColorPtr

Color_t* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fMainColorPtr {nullptr}

Definition at line 93 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fMainTrans

std::unique_ptr<REveTrans> ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fMainTrans

Definition at line 94 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fMainTransparency

Char_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fMainTransparency {0}

Definition at line 91 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fMother

REveElement* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fMother {nullptr}

Definition at line 62 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fName

std::string ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fName

Definition at line 73 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fPickable

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fPickable {false}

Definition at line 289 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fRenderData

std::unique_ptr<REveRenderData> ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fRenderData

Externally assigned and controlled user data.

Definition at line 98 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fRnrChildren

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fRnrChildren {kTRUE}

Definition at line 86 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fRnrSelf

Bool_t ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fRnrSelf {kTRUE}

Definition at line 85 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fScene

REveScene* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fScene {nullptr}

Definition at line 63 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fSelectionMaster

REveElement* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fSelectionMaster {nullptr}

Definition at line 64 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fTitle

std::string ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fTitle

Definition at line 74 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fUserData

void* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fUserData {nullptr}

Definition at line 96 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fVizModel

REveElement* ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fVizModel {nullptr}

Definition at line 79 of file REveElement.hxx.

◆ fVizTag

TString ROOT::Experimental::REveElement::fVizTag

Element used as model from VizDB.

Definition at line 80 of file REveElement.hxx.

Libraries for ROOT::Experimental::REveElement:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: