// @(#)root/gl:$Name:  $:$Id: TGLUtil.h,v 1.29 2006/06/13 15:43:39 couet Exp $
// Author:  Richard Maunder  25/05/2005

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TGLUtil
#define ROOT_TGLUtil

#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#include "Rtypes.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMath
#include "TMath.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TError
#include "TError.h"

#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>

// TODO:Find a better place for these enums - TGLEnum.h?
// Whole GL viewer should be moved into own namespace
// probably
enum EPosition
   kInFront = 0,

enum EOverlap
   kInside = 0,

enum EClipType
   kClipNone = 0,

enum EManipType
   kManipTrans = 0,

// TODO: Split these into own h/cxx files - too long now!

//                                                                      //
// TGLVertex3                                                           //
//                                                                      //
// 3 component (x/y/z) vertex class                                     //
//                                                                      //
// This is part of collection of utility classes for GL in TGLUtil.h/cxx//
// These provide const and non-const accessors Arr() / CArr() to a GL   //
// compatible internal field - so can be used directly with OpenGL C API//
// calls. They are not intended to be fully featured just provide       //
// minimum required.                                                    //

class TGLVector3; // Forward declare for Shift()

class TGLVertex3
   // Fields
   Bool_t ValidIndex(UInt_t index) const { return (index < 3); }
   Double_t fVals[3];

   TGLVertex3(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
   TGLVertex3(const TGLVertex3 & other);
   virtual ~TGLVertex3();

         Bool_t       operator == (const TGLVertex3 & rhs) const;
         TGLVertex3 & operator =  (const TGLVertex3 & rhs);
   const TGLVertex3 & operator -= (const TGLVector3 & val);
   const TGLVertex3 & operator += (const TGLVector3 & val);
         TGLVertex3   operator -  () const;

   // Manipulators
   void Fill(Double_t val);
   void Set(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
   void Set(const TGLVertex3 & other);
   void Shift(TGLVector3 & shift);
   void Shift(Double_t xDelta, Double_t yDelta, Double_t zDelta);
   void Negate();

   // Accessors
         Double_t & operator [] (Int_t index);
   const Double_t & operator [] (Int_t index) const;
   Double_t   X() const { return fVals[0]; }
   Double_t & X()       { return fVals[0]; }
   Double_t   Y() const { return fVals[1]; }
   Double_t & Y()       { return fVals[1]; }
   Double_t   Z() const { return fVals[2]; }
   Double_t & Z()       { return fVals[2]; }

   const Double_t * CArr() const { return fVals; }
   Double_t *       Arr()        { return fVals; }

   void Dump() const;

   ClassDef(TGLVertex3,0) // GL 3 component vertex helper/wrapper class

inline void TGLVertex3::Negate()
   fVals[0] = -fVals[0];
   fVals[1] = -fVals[1];
   fVals[2] = -fVals[2];

inline Bool_t TGLVertex3::operator == (const TGLVertex3 & rhs) const
   return (fVals[0] == rhs.fVals[0] && fVals[1] == rhs.fVals[1] && fVals[2] == rhs.fVals[2]);

inline TGLVertex3 & TGLVertex3::operator = (const TGLVertex3 & rhs)
   // Check for self-assignment
   if (this != &rhs) {
   return *this;

// operator -= & operator += inline needs to be defered until full TGLVector3 definition

inline TGLVertex3 TGLVertex3::operator - () const
   return TGLVertex3(-fVals[0], -fVals[1], -fVals[2]);

inline Double_t & TGLVertex3::operator [] (Int_t index)
   /*if (!ValidIndex(index)) {
      return fVals[0];
   } else {*/
      return fVals[index];

inline const Double_t& TGLVertex3::operator [] (Int_t index) const
   /*if (!ValidIndex(index)) {
      return fVals[0];
   } else {*/
      return fVals[index];

inline void TGLVertex3::Fill(Double_t val)

inline void TGLVertex3::Set(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)

inline void TGLVertex3::Set(const TGLVertex3 & other)

//                                                                      //
// TGLVector3                                                           //
//                                                                      //
// 3 component (x/y/z) vector class                                     //
//                                                                      //
// This is part of collection of utility classes for GL in TGLUtil.h/cxx//
// These provide const and non-const accessors Arr() / CArr() to a GL   //
// compatible internal field - so can be used directly with OpenGL C API//
// calls. They are not intended to be fully featured just provide       //
// minimum required.                                                    //

class TGLVector3 : public TGLVertex3
   TGLVector3(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
   TGLVector3(const TGLVector3 & other);
   virtual ~TGLVector3();

   const TGLVector3 & operator /= (Double_t val);
   const TGLVector3 & operator *= (Double_t val);
         TGLVector3   operator -  () const;

   Double_t Mag() const;
   void     Normalise();

   ClassDef(TGLVector3,0) // GL 3 component vector helper/wrapper class

// Inline for TGLVertex3 requiring full TGLVector definition
inline const TGLVertex3 & TGLVertex3::operator -= (const TGLVector3 & vec)
   fVals[0] -= vec[0]; fVals[1] -= vec[1]; fVals[2] -= vec[2];
   return *this;

// Inline for TGLVertex3 requiring full TGLVector definition
inline const TGLVertex3 & TGLVertex3::operator += (const TGLVector3 & vec)
   fVals[0] += vec[0]; fVals[1] += vec[1]; fVals[2] += vec[2];
   return *this;

inline const TGLVector3 & TGLVector3::operator /= (Double_t val)
   fVals[0] /= val;
   fVals[1] /= val;
   fVals[2] /= val;
   return *this;

inline const TGLVector3 & TGLVector3::operator *= (Double_t val)
   fVals[0] *= val;
   fVals[1] *= val;
   fVals[2] *= val;
   return *this;

inline TGLVector3 TGLVector3::operator - () const
   return TGLVector3(-fVals[0], -fVals[1], -fVals[2]);

inline Double_t TGLVector3::Mag() const
   return sqrt(fVals[0]*fVals[0] + fVals[1]*fVals[1] + fVals[2]*fVals[2]);

inline void TGLVector3::Normalise()
   Double_t mag = Mag();
   if ( mag == 0.0 ) {
      Error("TGLVector3::Normalise", "vector has zero magnitude");
   fVals[0] /= mag;
   fVals[1] /= mag;
   fVals[2] /= mag;

inline Double_t Dot(const TGLVector3 & v1, const TGLVector3 & v2)
   return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];

inline TGLVector3 Cross(const TGLVector3 & v1, const TGLVector3 & v2)
    return TGLVector3(v1[1]*v2[2] - v2[1]*v1[2],
                      v1[2]*v2[0] - v2[2]*v1[0],
                      v1[0]*v2[1] - v2[0]*v1[1]);

inline Double_t Angle(const TGLVector3 & v1, const TGLVector3 & v2)
   // Calculate unsigned angle between vectors v1 and v2
   return TMath::ACos(Dot(v1, v2) / (v1.Mag() * v2.Mag()));

inline Double_t Angle(const TGLVector3 & v1, const TGLVector3 & v2, const TGLVector3 & ref)
   // Calculate signed angle between vectors v1 and v2, using ref to define right handed coord system
   // If v1.v2 parallel to ref vector: +ive for clockwise, -ive for anticlockwise
   // If v1.v2 antiparallel to ref vector: -ive for clockwise, +ive for anticlockwise
   TGLVector3 cross = Cross(v1, v2);
   if (Dot(cross,ref) > 0.0) {
      return Angle(v1, v2);
   } else {
      return -Angle(v1, v2);

inline const TGLVector3 operator / (const TGLVector3 & vec, Double_t val)
   return TGLVector3(vec[0] / val, vec[1] / val, vec[2] / val);

inline const TGLVector3 operator * (const TGLVector3 & vec, Double_t val)
   return TGLVector3(vec[0] * val, vec[1] * val, vec[2] * val);

// Vertex + Vector => Vertex
inline TGLVertex3 operator + (const TGLVertex3 & vertex1, const TGLVector3 & vertex2)
   return TGLVertex3(vertex1[0] + vertex2[0], vertex1[1] + vertex2[1], vertex1[2] + vertex2[2]);

// Vertex - Vertex => Vector
inline TGLVector3 operator - (const TGLVertex3 & vertex1, const TGLVertex3 & vertex2)
   return TGLVector3(vertex1[0] - vertex2[0], vertex1[1] - vertex2[1], vertex1[2] - vertex2[2]);

// Vector + Vector => Vector
inline TGLVector3 operator + (const TGLVector3 & vector1, const TGLVector3 & vector2)
   return TGLVector3(vector1[0] + vector2[0], vector1[1] + vector2[1], vector1[2] + vector2[2]);

// Vector - Vector => Vector
inline TGLVector3 operator - (const TGLVector3 & vector1, const TGLVector3 & vector2)
   return TGLVector3(vector1[0] - vector2[0], vector1[1] - vector2[1], vector1[2] - vector2[2]);

//                                                                      //
// TGLLine3                                                             //
//                                                                      //
// 3D space, fixed length, line class, with direction / length 'vector',//
// passing through point 'vertex'. Just wraps a TGLVector3 / TGLVertex3 //
// pair.                                                                //

class TGLLine3
   // Fields
   TGLVertex3 fVertex; //! Start vertex of line
   TGLVector3 fVector; //! Vector of line from fVertex

   TGLLine3(const TGLVertex3 & start, const TGLVertex3 & end);
   TGLLine3(const TGLVertex3 & start, const TGLVector3 & vector);
   virtual ~TGLLine3();

   void Set(const TGLVertex3 & start, const TGLVertex3 & end);
   void Set(const TGLVertex3 & start, const TGLVector3 & vector);

   // Bitwise copy constructor and = operator are fine

   // Accessors
   const TGLVertex3 & Start()  const { return fVertex; }
   const TGLVertex3   End()    const { return fVertex + fVector; }
   const TGLVector3 & Vector() const { return fVector; }

   // Debug
   void Draw() const;

   ClassDef(TGLLine3,0) // GL line wrapper class

//                                                                      //
// TGLRect                                                              //
//                                                                      //
// Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class                             //

class TGLRect
   // Fields
   Int_t    fX, fY;           //! Corner
   UInt_t   fWidth, fHeight;  //! Positive width/height

   TGLRect(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height);
   virtual ~TGLRect(); // ClassDef introduces virtual fns

   // Bitwise copy const & =op are ok at present

   // Manipulators
   void Set(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height);
   void SetCorner(Int_t x, Int_t y);
   void Offset(Int_t dX, Int_t dY);
   void Expand(Int_t x, Int_t y);

   // Accessors
   Int_t    X()       const { return fX; }
   Int_t &  X()             { return fX; }
   Int_t    Y()       const { return fY; }
   Int_t &  Y()             { return fY; }
   UInt_t   Width()   const { return fWidth; }
   UInt_t & Width()         { return fWidth; }
   UInt_t   Height()  const { return fHeight; }
   UInt_t & Height()        { return fHeight; }
   Int_t    CenterX() const { return fX + fWidth/2; }
   Int_t    CenterY() const { return fY + fHeight/2; }
   Int_t    Left()    const { return fX; }
   Int_t    Right()   const { return fX + fWidth; }
   Int_t    Top()     const { return fY; }
   Int_t    Bottom()  const { return fY + fHeight; }

   UInt_t Diagonal() const;
   UInt_t Longest() const;

   Double_t Aspect() const;
   EOverlap Overlap(const TGLRect & other) const;

   ClassDef(TGLRect,0) // GL rect helper/wrapper class

inline void TGLRect::Set(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
   fX = x;
   fY = y;
   fWidth = width;
   fHeight = height;

inline void TGLRect::SetCorner(Int_t x, Int_t y)
   fX = x;
   fY = y;

inline void TGLRect::Offset(Int_t dX, Int_t dY)
   fX += dX;
   fY += dY;

inline void TGLRect::Expand(Int_t x, Int_t y)
   // Expand the rect to encompass point (x,y)
   Int_t delX = x - fX;
   Int_t delY = y - fY;

   if (delX>static_cast<Int_t>(fWidth)) {
      fWidth = delX;
   if (delY>static_cast<Int_t>(fHeight)) {
      fHeight = delY;

   if (delX<0) {
      fX = x;
      fWidth += -delX;
   if (delY<0) {
      fY = y;
      fHeight += -delY;

inline UInt_t TGLRect::Diagonal() const
   return static_cast<UInt_t>(sqrt(static_cast<Double_t>(fWidth*fWidth + fHeight*fHeight)));

inline UInt_t TGLRect::Longest() const
   return fWidth > fHeight ? fWidth:fHeight;

inline Double_t TGLRect::Aspect() const
   // Return aspect ratio (width/height)
   if (fHeight == 0) {
      return 0.0;
   } else {
      return static_cast<Double_t>(fWidth) / static_cast<Double_t>(fHeight);

//                                                                      //
// TGLPlane                                                             //
//                                                                      //
// 3D plane class - of format Ax + By + Cz + D = 0                      //
//                                                                      //
// This is part of collection of simple utility classes for GL only in  //
// TGLUtil.h/cxx. These provide const and non-const accessors Arr() &   //
// CArr() to a GL compatible internal field - so can be used directly   //
// with OpenGL C API calls - which TVector3 etc cannot (easily).        //
// They are not intended to be fully featured just provide minimum      //
// required.                                                            //

class TGLPlane
   // Fields
   Double_t fVals[4];

   // Methods
   void Normalise();

   TGLPlane(const TGLPlane & other);
   TGLPlane(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t d);
   TGLPlane(Double_t eq[4]);
   TGLPlane(const TGLVector3 & norm, const TGLVertex3 & point);
   TGLPlane(const TGLVertex3 & p1, const TGLVertex3 & p2, const TGLVertex3 & p3);
   virtual ~TGLPlane(); // ClassDef introduces virtual fns

   // Manipulators
   void Set(const TGLPlane & other);
   void Set(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t d);
   void Set(Double_t eq[4]);
   void Set(const TGLVector3 & norm, const TGLVertex3 & point);
   void Set(const TGLVertex3 & p1, const TGLVertex3 & p2, const TGLVertex3 & p3);
   void Negate();

   // Accessors
   Double_t A() const { return fVals[0]; }
   Double_t B() const { return fVals[1]; }
   Double_t C() const { return fVals[2]; }
   Double_t D() const { return fVals[3]; }

   TGLVector3 Norm() const { return TGLVector3( fVals[0], fVals[1], fVals[2]); }
   Double_t DistanceTo(const TGLVertex3 & vertex) const;
   TGLVertex3 NearestOn(const TGLVertex3 & point) const;

   // Internal data accessors - for GL API
   const Double_t * CArr() const { return fVals; }
   Double_t * Arr() { return fVals; }

   void Dump() const;

   ClassDef(TGLPlane,0) // GL plane helper/wrapper class

typedef std::vector<TGLPlane> TGLPlaneSet_t;

inline void TGLPlane::Set(const TGLPlane & other)
   fVals[0] = other.fVals[0];
   fVals[1] = other.fVals[1];
   fVals[2] = other.fVals[2];
   fVals[3] = other.fVals[3];

inline void TGLPlane::Set(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c, Double_t d)
   fVals[0] = a;
   fVals[1] = b;
   fVals[2] = c;
   fVals[3] = d;

inline void TGLPlane::Set(Double_t eq[4])
   fVals[0] = eq[0];
   fVals[1] = eq[1];
   fVals[2] = eq[2];
   fVals[3] = eq[3];

inline void TGLPlane::Set(const TGLVector3 & norm, const TGLVertex3 & point)
   // Set plane from a normal vector and in-plane point pair
   fVals[0] = norm[0];
   fVals[1] = norm[1];
   fVals[2] = norm[2];
   fVals[3] = -(fVals[0]*point[0] + fVals[1]*point[1] + fVals[2]*point[2]);

inline void TGLPlane::Set(const TGLVertex3 & p1, const TGLVertex3 & p2, const TGLVertex3 & p3)
   TGLVector3 norm = Cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1);
   Set(norm, p2);

inline void TGLPlane::Negate()
   fVals[0] = -fVals[0];
   fVals[1] = -fVals[1];
   fVals[2] = -fVals[2];
   fVals[3] = -fVals[3];

inline void TGLPlane::Normalise()
   Double_t mag = sqrt( fVals[0]*fVals[0] + fVals[1]*fVals[1] + fVals[2]*fVals[2] );

   if ( mag == 0.0 ) {
      Error("TGLPlane::Normalise", "trying to normalise plane with zero magnitude normal");

   fVals[0] /= mag;
   fVals[1] /= mag;
   fVals[2] /= mag;
   fVals[3] /= mag;

inline Double_t TGLPlane::DistanceTo(const TGLVertex3 & vertex) const
   return (fVals[0]*vertex[0] + fVals[1]*vertex[1] + fVals[2]*vertex[2] + fVals[3]);

inline TGLVertex3 TGLPlane::NearestOn(const TGLVertex3 & point) const
   TGLVector3 o = Norm() * (Dot(Norm(), TGLVector3(point[0], point[1], point[2])) + D() / Dot(Norm(), Norm()));
   TGLVertex3 v = point - o;
   return v;

// Some free functions for planes
std::pair<Bool_t, TGLLine3>   Intersection(const TGLPlane & p1, const TGLPlane & p2);
std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> Intersection(const TGLPlane & p1, const TGLPlane & p2, const TGLPlane & p3);
std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> Intersection(const TGLPlane & plane, const TGLLine3 & line, Bool_t extend);

//                                                                      //
// TGLMatrix                                                            //
//                                                                      //
// 16 component (4x4) transform matrix - column MAJOR as per GL.        //
// Provides limited support for adjusting the translation, scale and    //
// rotation components.                                                 //
//                                                                      //
// This is part of collection of simple utility classes for GL only in  //
// TGLUtil.h/cxx. These provide const and non-const accessors Arr() &   //
// CArr() to a GL compatible internal field - so can be used directly   //
// with OpenGL C API calls - which TVector3 etc cannot (easily).        //
// They are not intended to be fully featured just provide minimum      //
// required.                                                            //

class TGLMatrix
   // Fields
   Double_t fVals[16]; // Column MAJOR as per OGL

   // Methods
   Bool_t ValidIndex(UInt_t index) const { return (index < 16); }

   TGLMatrix(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
   TGLMatrix(const TGLVertex3 & translation);
   TGLMatrix(const TGLVertex3 & origin, const TGLVector3 & zAxis, const TGLVector3 * xAxis = 0);
   TGLMatrix(const Double_t vals[16]);
   TGLMatrix(const TGLMatrix & other);
   virtual ~TGLMatrix(); // ClassDef introduces virtual fns

   // Operators
   TGLMatrix & operator =(const TGLMatrix & rhs);
   Double_t & operator [] (Int_t index);
   Double_t operator [] (Int_t index) const;

   // Manipulators
   void Set(const TGLVertex3 & origin, const TGLVector3 & zAxis, const TGLVector3 * xAxis = 0);
   void Set(const Double_t vals[16]);
   void SetIdentity();

   void SetTranslation(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z);
   void SetTranslation(const TGLVertex3 & translation);

   void Translate(const TGLVector3 & vect);
   void Scale(const TGLVector3 & scale);
   void Rotate(const TGLVertex3 & pivot, const TGLVector3 & axis, Double_t angle);
   void TransformVertex(TGLVertex3 & vertex) const;
   void Transpose3x3();

   // Accesors
   TGLVertex3  GetTranslation() const;
   TGLVector3  GetScale() const;

   // Internal data accessors - for GL API
   const Double_t * CArr() const { return fVals; }
   Double_t * Arr() { return fVals; }

   void Dump() const;

   ClassDef(TGLMatrix,0) // GL matrix helper/wrapper class

inline TGLMatrix & TGLMatrix::operator =(const TGLMatrix & rhs)
   // Check for self-assignment
   if (this != &rhs) {
   return *this;

inline Double_t & TGLMatrix::operator [] (Int_t index)
   /*if (!ValidIndex(index)) {
      return fVals[0];
   } else {*/
      return fVals[index];

inline Double_t TGLMatrix::operator [] (Int_t index) const
   /*if (!ValidIndex(index)) {
      return fVals[0];
   } else {*/
      return fVals[index];

inline TGLMatrix operator * (const TGLMatrix & lhs, const TGLMatrix & rhs)
   TGLMatrix res;

   res[ 0] = rhs[ 0] * lhs[ 0] + rhs[ 1] * lhs[ 4] + rhs[ 2] * lhs[ 8] + rhs[ 3] * lhs[12];
   res[ 1] = rhs[ 0] * lhs[ 1] + rhs[ 1] * lhs[ 5] + rhs[ 2] * lhs[ 9] + rhs[ 3] * lhs[13];
   res[ 2] = rhs[ 0] * lhs[ 2] + rhs[ 1] * lhs[ 6] + rhs[ 2] * lhs[10] + rhs[ 3] * lhs[14];
   res[ 3] = rhs[ 0] * lhs[ 3] + rhs[ 1] * lhs[ 7] + rhs[ 2] * lhs[11] + rhs[ 3] * lhs[15];

   res[ 4] = rhs[ 4] * lhs[ 0] + rhs[ 5] * lhs[ 4] + rhs[ 6] * lhs[ 8] + rhs[ 7] * lhs[12];
   res[ 5] = rhs[ 4] * lhs[ 1] + rhs[ 5] * lhs[ 5] + rhs[ 6] * lhs[ 9] + rhs[ 7] * lhs[13];
   res[ 6] = rhs[ 4] * lhs[ 2] + rhs[ 5] * lhs[ 6] + rhs[ 6] * lhs[10] + rhs[ 7] * lhs[14];
   res[ 7] = rhs[ 4] * lhs[ 3] + rhs[ 5] * lhs[ 7] + rhs[ 6] * lhs[11] + rhs[ 7] * lhs[15];

   res[ 8] = rhs[ 8] * lhs[ 0] + rhs[ 9] * lhs[ 4] + rhs[10] * lhs[ 8] + rhs[11] * lhs[12];
   res[ 9] = rhs[ 8] * lhs[ 1] + rhs[ 9] * lhs[ 5] + rhs[10] * lhs[ 9] + rhs[11] * lhs[13];
   res[10] = rhs[ 8] * lhs[ 2] + rhs[ 9] * lhs[ 6] + rhs[10] * lhs[10] + rhs[11] * lhs[14];
   res[11] = rhs[ 8] * lhs[ 3] + rhs[ 9] * lhs[ 7] + rhs[10] * lhs[11] + rhs[11] * lhs[15];

   res[12] = rhs[12] * lhs[ 0] + rhs[13] * lhs[ 4] + rhs[14] * lhs[ 8] + rhs[15] * lhs[12];
   res[13] = rhs[12] * lhs[ 1] + rhs[13] * lhs[ 5] + rhs[14] * lhs[ 9] + rhs[15] * lhs[13];
   res[14] = rhs[12] * lhs[ 2] + rhs[13] * lhs[ 6] + rhs[14] * lhs[10] + rhs[15] * lhs[14];
   res[15] = rhs[12] * lhs[ 3] + rhs[13] * lhs[ 7] + rhs[14] * lhs[11] + rhs[15] * lhs[15];

   return res;

//                                                                      //
// TGLUtil                                                              //
//                                                                      //
// Wrapper class for various misc static functions - error checking,    //
// draw helpers etc.                                                    //
//                                                                      //

class TGLUtil
   static UInt_t fgDrawQuality;

   virtual ~TGLUtil() { }

   // Error checking
   static void   CheckError(const char * loc);

   // Some simple shape drawing utils
   enum        ELineHeadShape { kLineHeadNone, kLineHeadArrow, kLineHeadBox };

   // TODO: These draw routines should take LOD hints
   static void SetDrawColors(const Float_t rgba[4]);
   static void DrawSphere(const TGLVertex3 & position, Double_t radius, const Float_t rgba[4]);
   static void DrawLine(const TGLLine3 & line, ELineHeadShape head, Double_t size, const Float_t rgba[4]);
   static void DrawLine(const TGLVertex3 & start, const TGLVector3 & vector, ELineHeadShape head,
                        Double_t size, const Float_t rgba[4]);
   static void DrawRing(const TGLVertex3 & center, const TGLVector3 & normal,
                        Double_t radius, const Float_t rgba[4]);

   ClassDef(TGLUtil,0) // Wrapper class for misc GL pieces

namespace RootGL {

   class TGLEnableGuard {
      Int_t fCap;

      TGLEnableGuard(Int_t cap);

      TGLEnableGuard(const TGLEnableGuard &);
      TGLEnableGuard &operator = (const TGLEnableGuard &);

   class TGLDisableGuard {
      Int_t fCap;

      TGLDisableGuard(Int_t cap);

      TGLDisableGuard(const TGLDisableGuard &);
      TGLDisableGuard &operator = (const TGLDisableGuard &);


class TGLSelectionBuffer {
   std::vector<UChar_t> fBuffer;
   Int_t                fWidth;
   Int_t                fHeight;

   virtual ~TGLSelectionBuffer();

   void           ReadColorBuffer(Int_t width, Int_t height);
   const UChar_t *GetPixelColor(Int_t px, Int_t py)const;

   TGLSelectionBuffer(const TGLSelectionBuffer &);
   TGLSelectionBuffer &operator = (const TGLSelectionBuffer &);

   ClassDef(TGLSelectionBuffer, 0)//Holds color buffer content for selection

#endif // ROOT_TGLUtil

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