file | candledecay.C [code] |
| Candle Decay, illustrate a time development of a certain value.
file | candlehisto.C [code] |
| Example showing how to combine the various candle plot options.
file | candleplot.C [code] |
| Example of candle plot with 2-D histograms.
file | candleplotoption.C [code] |
| Example showing how to combine the various candle plot options.
file | candleplotstack.C [code] |
| Example showing how a THStack with candle plot option.
file | candleplotwhiskers.C [code] |
| Example of candle plot showing the whiskers definition.
file | candlescaled.C [code] |
| Candle Scaled, illustrates what scaleing does on candle and violin charts.
file | ContourList.C [code] |
| Getting Contours From TH2D.
file | cumulative.C [code] |
| Illustrate use of the TH1::GetCumulative method.
file | draw2dopt.C [code] |
| Display the various 2-d drawing options
file | DynamicSlice.C [code] |
| Show the slice of a TH2 following the mouse position.
file | exec1.C [code] |
| Echo object at mouse position.
file | exec2.C [code] |
| Echo object at mouse position and show a graphics line.
file | Fibonacci.C [code] |
| A TH2Poly build with Fibonacci numbers.
file | fillhistosauto2p.C [code] |
| Fill multiple histograms with different functions and automatic binning.
file | fillrandom.C [code] |
| Fill a 1-D histogram from a parametric function.
file | fillrandom.py [code] |
| Fill a 1-D histogram from a parametric function.
file | FirstContour.C [code] |
| Make a contour plot and get the first contour in a TPolyMarker.
file | h1draw.C [code] |
| 1-D histogram drawing options.
file | h2proj.C [code] |
file | hbars.C [code] |
| Example of bar charts with 1-d histograms.
file | histpalettecolor.C [code] |
| Palette coloring for histogram is activated thanks to the options PFC (Palette Fill Color), PLC (Palette Line Color) and AMC (Palette Marker Color).
file | hksimple.C [code] |
| Illustrates the advantages of a TH1K histogram
file | hlabels1.C [code] |
| 1-D histograms with alphanumeric labels
file | hlabels2.C [code] |
| 2-D histograms with alphanumeric labels.
file | hlHisto1.C [code] |
| This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram.
file | hlHisto2.C [code] |
| This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram.
file | hlHisto3.C [code] |
| This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on a ntuple.
file | hlHisto4.C [code] |
| This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram.
file | hstack.C [code] |
| Example of stacked histograms: class THStack.
file | hsum.C [code] |
| Histograms filled and drawn in a loop.
file | hsumTimer.C [code] |
| Demo of Timers.
file | legendautoplaced.C [code] |
| The legend can be placed automatically in the current pad in an empty space found at painting time.
file | logscales.C [code] |
| Draw parametric functions with log scales.
file | multicolor.C [code] |
| Use a THStack to show a 2-D hist with cells with different colors.
file | ratioplot1.C [code] |
| Example creating a simple ratio plot of two histograms using the pois division option.
file | ratioplot1.py [code] |
| Example creating a simple ratio plot of two histograms using the pois division option.
file | ratioplot2.C [code] |
| Example of a fit residual plot.
file | ratioplot2.py [code] |
| Example of a fit residual plot.
file | ratioplot3.C [code] |
| Example which shows how you can get the graph of the lower plot and set the y axis range for it.
file | ratioplot3.py [code] |
| Example which shows how you can get the graph of the lower plot and set the y axis range for it.
file | ratioplot4.C [code] |
| Example that shows custom dashed lines on the lower plot, specified by a vector of floats.
file | ratioplot4.py [code] |
| Example that shows custom dashed lines on the lower plot, specified by a vector of floats.
file | ratioplot5.C [code] |
| Example that shows how you can set the colors of the confidence interval bands by using the method TRatioPlot::SetConfidenceIntervalColors .
file | ratioplot5.py [code] |
| Example that shows how you can set the colors of the confidence interval bands by using the method TRatioPlot::SetConfidenceIntervalColors .
file | ratioplot6.C [code] |
| Example showing a fit residual plot, where the separation margin has been set to 0.
file | ratioplot6.py [code] |
| Example showing a fit residual plot, where the separation margin has been set to 0.
file | ratioplotOld.C [code] |
| Example displaying two histograms and their ratio.
file | rebin.C [code] |
| Rebin a variable bin-width histogram.
file | reverseaxis.C [code] |
| Example showing an histogram with reverse axis.
file | sparsehist.C [code] |
| Evaluate the performance of THnSparse vs TH1/2/3/nF for different numbers of dimensions and bins per dimension.
file | statsEditing.C [code] |
| Edit statistics box.
file | testSmooth.C [code] |
| Histogram smoothing.
file | th2polyBoxes.C [code] |
| This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly).
file | th2polyEurope.C [code] |
| This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it.
file | th2polyHoneycomb.C [code] |
| This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with hexagonal bins (TH2Poly).
file | th2polyUSA.C [code] |
| This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it using the col option.
file | thstack2palettecolor.C [code] |
| Palette coloring for 2D histograms' stack is activated thanks to the option PFC (Palette Fill Color).
file | thstackpalettecolor.C [code] |
| Palette coloring for histograms' stack is activated thanks to the options PFC (Palette Fill Color), PLC (Palette Line Color) and AMC (Palette Marker Color).
file | tprofile2polyRealistic.C [code] |
| Different charges depending on region
file | tprofile2polyRealisticModuleError.C [code] |
| Simulate faulty detector panel w.r.t.
file | transpad.C [code] |
| Example of a canvas showing two histograms with different scales.
file | twoscales.C [code] |
| Example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales in the "same" pad.
file | twoscales.py [code] |
| Example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales in the "same" pad.
file | xyplot.C [code] |
| Example showing how to produce a plot with an orthogonal axis system centered at (0,0).