Index of HIST classes
TAxisAxis class
- TConfidenceLeveloutput for TLimit functions
TF1The Parametric 1-D function
- TF12Projection of a TF2 along x or y
- TF2The Parametric 2-D function
- TF3The Parametric 3-D function
- TFormulaThe formula base class f(x,y,z,par)
- TFormulaPrimitiveThe primitive formula
TFractionFitterFits MC fractions to data histogram
- TGraph2DSet of n x[i],y[i],z[i] points with 3-d graphics including Delaunay triangulation
- TGraph2DErrorsA 2D graph with error bars
- TGraphDelaunayDelaunay triangulation
TH11-Dim histogram base class
- TH1C1-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH1D1-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH1F1-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH1I1-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
TH1K1-Dim Nearest Kth neighbour method
- TH1S1-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH22-Dim histogram base class
- TH2C2-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH2D2-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH2F2-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH2I2-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH2S2-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
TH33-Dim histogram base class
- TH3C3-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH3D3-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH3F3-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH3I3-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
TH3S3-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- THLimitsFinderClass to find best axis limits
- THStackA collection of histograms
- TLimitClass to compute 95% CL limits
- TLimitDataSourceinput for TLimit routines
TMultiDimFitMulti dimensional fit class
- TPolyMarkerAn array of points with the same marker
- TPrincipalPrincipal Components Analysis
- TProfileProfile histogram class
- TProfile2DProfile2D histogram class
- TProfile3DProfile3D histogram class
TVirtualHistPainterAbstract interface for histogram painters
Last update: Thu Dec 14 17:12:04 2006
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