Files | |
analyze.C | |
This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Analyze. | |
anim.C | |
Macro illustrating how to animate a picture using a Timer. | |
archi.C | |
This macro displays the ROOT architecture. | |
arrows.C | |
Draw arrows. | |
AtlasExample.C | |
Show how ATLAS Style looks like. | |
basic3d.C | |
Show 3-D polylines and markers. | |
canvas.C | |
Example of primitives in a canvas. | |
canvas2.C | |
Example of canvas partitioning. | |
compile.C | |
This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Compile | |
crown.C | |
Draw crowns. | |
diamond.C | |
Draw a diamond. | |
earth.C | |
This tutorial illustrates the special contour options. | |
ellipse.C | |
Draw ellipses. | |
eval.C | |
This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Eval. | |
event.C | |
Illustrate some basic primitives. | |
feynman.C | |
Draw Feynman diagrams. | |
first.C | |
Show some basic primitives. | |
formula1.C | |
Display interpreted functions. | |
framework.C | |
An example with basic graphics illustrating the Object Oriented User Interface of ROOT. | |
gaxis.C | |
Simple example illustrating how to draw TGaxis objects in various formats. | |
gaxis2.C | |
Example illustrating how to draw TGaxis with labels defined by a function. | |
gaxis3.C | |
Example illustrating how to modify individual labels of a TGaxis. | |
graph_edit_playback.C | |
This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive graphical editing operations. | |
greyscale.C | |
Create grey scale of 200 x 200 boxes. | |
gtime.C | |
Example of a graph of data moving in time. | |
inside.C | |
Test the IsInside methods of various graphics primitives. | |
latex.C | |
This macro draws 5 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file. | |
latex2.C | |
This macro draws 4 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file. | |
latex3.C | |
Example illustrating a TPaveText with Latex inside. | |
latex4.C | |
Draw the Greek letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files. | |
latex5.C | |
This draws the Mathematical Symbols letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files. | |
mandelbrot.C | |
Using TExec to handle keyboard events and TComplex to draw the Mandelbrot set. | |
markerwarning.C | |
This script illustrates the danger of using asymmetric symbols. | |
mass_spectrum.C | |
This macro makes use of some basic graphics primitives such as line, arrow and text. | |
palettes.C | |
This macro draws all the high definition palettes available in ROOT. | |
pavetext.C | |
Draw a pave text. | |
perceptualcolormap.C | |
A “Perceptual” colormap explicitly identifies a fixed value in the data | |
piechart.C | |
Pie chart example. | |
polytest1.C | |
This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter. | |
polytest2.C | |
This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter. | |
pstable.C | |
Display all possible types of ROOT/Postscript characters. | |
psview.C | |
An example how to display PS, EPS, PDF files in canvas. | |
quarks.C | |
Example illustrating divided pads and Latex. | |
save_batch.C | |
This macro demonstrates batch image mode of web canvas When enabled - several images converted into JSON before all together provided to headless browser to produce image files. | |
saveall.C | |
Creates many canvases and save as images or pdf. | |
schroedinger_hydrogen.C | |
Plot the Amplitude of a Hydrogen Atom. | |
tmathtext.C | |
This macro draws various formula in a canvas. | |
tmathtext2.C | |
This macro draw all possible symbols provided by TMathtext. | |
tornado.C | |
Show 3-d polymarker. | |
transparency.C | |
This macro demonstrates the use of color transparency. | |
triangles.C | |
Generate small triangles randomly in the canvas. | |