Examples showing the usage of the Event Display classes.
Files | |
file | alice_esd.C |
Complex example showing ALICE ESD track visualization. | |
file | alice_esd_html_summary.C |
Html table and event summary for alice_esd.C. | |
file | alice_esd_split.C |
Complex example showing ALICE ESD visualization in several views. | |
file | alice_vsd.C |
Complex example showing ALICE VSD visualization. | |
file | annotation.C |
Demonstrates usage of TGLAnnotation class. | |
file | arrow.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveArrow class. | |
file | arrow_standalone.C |
How to use EVE without the standard window. | |
file | assembly.C |
Geometry detector assembly example. | |
file | box.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class. | |
file | boxset.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveBoxSet class. | |
file | boxset_cones.C |
Demonstrates usage of 'cone' mode in TEveBoxSet class. | |
file | calo_detail.C |
Calorimeter detailed view by using TEveCaloDataVec as data-source. | |
file | calorimeters.C |
Demonstrates usage of EVE calorimetry classes. | |
file | camera_restore.C |
file | compound.C |
Demonstrates usage of EVE compound objects - class TEveCompound. | |
file | csgdemo.C |
Combinatorial Solid Geometry example. | |
file | geom_alias.C |
Demonstrates usage of geometry aliases - merge ALICE ITS with ATLAS MUON. | |
file | geom_alice_its.C |
Shows geometry of ALICE ITS. | |
file | geom_alice_tpc.C |
Shows geometry of ALICE TPC. | |
file | geom_atlas.C |
Shows ATLAS geometry. | |
file | geom_atlas_playback.C |
Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_atlas.C tutorial. | |
file | geom_cms.C |
Shows CMS geometry. | |
file | geom_cms_playback.C |
Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_cms.C tutorial. | |
file | geom_cms_stereo.C |
Shows CMS geometry in stereo mode. | |
file | geom_default.C |
Demonstrates usage of "Default" geometry alias. | |
file | geom_lhcb.C |
Shows LHCB geometry. | |
file | glplot.C |
Preliminary demo for showing Timur's GL plots in EVE. | |
file | glplot_geom.C |
Demonstrates how to combine Timur's GL plots with other scene elements. | |
file | hierarchical_scene.C |
file | histobrowser.C |
Demonstrates how to use EVE as a histogram browser. | |
file | jetcone.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveJetCone class. | |
file | lineset.C |
Demonstrates usage of class TEveStraightLineSet. | |
file | MultiView.C |
Multi-view (3d, rphi, rhoz) service class using EVE Window Manager. | |
file | overlay_palette.C |
file | pack.C |
Demonstrates usage of class TGPack. | |
file | paramlist.C |
Demonstrates usage of simple configuration via TEveParamList class. | |
file | pointset.C |
Demonstrates usage of class TEvePointSet. | |
file | projection.C |
Demonstrates usage of automatic 2D projections - class TEveProjectionManager. | |
file | projection_prescale.C |
Demonstrates usage pre-scaling for automatic 2D projections. | |
file | quadset.C |
Demonstates usage of 2D digit class TEveQuadSet. | |
file | run_alice_esd.C |
Complex example showing ALICE ESD track visualization. | |
file | run_alice_esd_split.C |
Complex example showing ALICE ESD visualization in several views. | |
file | selection_sigs.C |
Test signals from TEveSelection class. | |
file | show_extract.C |
Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries. | |
file | SplitGLView.C |
Helper classes for the alice_esd_split.C demo. | |
file | text.C |
Demonstrates usage of class TEveText - 2D & 3D text in GL. | |
file | track.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveTrackPRopagator with different magnetic field configurations. | |
file | triangleset.C |
Demonstrates usage of class TEveTriangleSet. | |
file | view3ds.C |
Loading and display of basic 3DS models. | |
file | window_manager.C |
Demonstrates usage of EVE window-manager. | |