Index of ROOFIT classes
Roo1DTable1-dimensional table
- Roo2DKeysPdfNon-Parametric Multi Variate KEYS PDF
RooAICRegistryRegistry for analytical integration codes
RooAbsAnaConvPdfAbstract Composite Convoluted PDF
- RooAbsArgAbstract variable
- RooAbsBinningAbstract base class for binning specification
- RooAbsCategoryAbstract index variable
- RooAbsCategoryLValueAbstract modifiable index variable
- RooAbsCollectionCollection of RooAbsArg objects
- RooAbsDataAbstract data collection
- RooAbsFuncAbstract real-valued function interface
- RooAbsGenContextAbstract context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAbsGoodnessOfFitAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsHiddenRealAbstract hidden real-valued variable
- RooAbsIntegratorAbstract interface for real-valued function integrators
- RooAbsLValueAbstract variable
- RooAbsMCStudyModuleMonte Carlo study manager add-on module
- RooAbsOptGoodnessOfFitAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsPdfAbstract PDF with normalization support
- RooAbsProxyAbstract proxy interface
- RooAbsRealAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsRealLValueAbstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooAbsRootFinderAbstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooAbsStringAbstract string-valued variable
RooAcceptRejectContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D1-dimensional adaptive Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooAddGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAddModelResolution model consisting of a sum of resolution models
- RooAddPdfPDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAdditionSum of RooAbsReal terms
- RooArgListList of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgProxyAbstract proxy for RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgSetSet of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgusBGArgus background shape PDF
RooBCPEffDecayB Mixing decay PDF
- RooBCPGenDecay
- RooBDecayAbstract Resolution Model
- RooBMixDecayB Mixing decay PDF
- RooBifurGaussBifurcated Gaussian PDF
- RooBinningContainer class for binning specification
- RooBlindToolsRoot implementation of BlindTools
- RooBreitWignerBreit Wigner PDF
- RooBrentRootFinderAbstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooBukinPdfVariation of Novosibirsk PDF
RooCBShapeCrystal Ball lineshape PDF
- RooCatTypeCategory state, (name,index) pair
- RooCategoryIndex variable
- RooCategoryProxyProxy for a RooAbsCategory object
- RooCategorySharedPropertiesShared properties of a RooCategory clone set
- RooChebychevChebychev PDF
- RooChi2VarAbstract real-valued variable
- RooClassFactoryRooFit class factory
- RooCmdArgUniversal method argument
- RooCmdConfigMethod configuration holder
RooComplexa non-persistent bare-bones complex class
- RooConstVarReal-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooConvCoefVarAuxiliary class representing the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- RooConvGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooConvIntegrandBindingRooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooCurve1-dimensional smooth curve
- RooCustomizerPDF customizer
- RooDLLSignificanceMCSModuleMCStudy module to calculate Delta(-logL) significance w.r.t given null hypothesis
- RooDataHistBinned data set
- RooDataProjBindingRealFunc/Dataset binding for data projection of a real function
- RooDataSetUnbinned data set
- RooDecayAbstract Resolution Model
- RooDirItemBase class for RooFit objects that are listed TDirectories
- RooDoubleContainer class for Double_t
- RooDstD0BGD*-D0 mass difference bg PDF
RooEffGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooEffProdProduct of PDF with efficiency function with optimized generator context
- RooEfficiencyGeneric PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooEllipse2-dimensional contour
- RooErrorVarAbstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooExponentialExponential PDF
- RooExtendPdfFlat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooFit
- RooFitResultContainer class for fit result
- RooFitShortHand
- RooFormulaTFormula derived class interfacing with RooAbsArg objects
- RooFormulaVarReal-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
RooGExpModelGExp Resolution Model
- RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D1-dimensional Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooGaussModelGaussian Resolution Model
- RooGaussianGaussian PDF
- RooGenCategoryIndex variable derived from other indeces, via an external global function
- RooGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooGenProdProjGeneral form of projected integral of product of PDFs
- RooGenericPdfGeneric PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooGraphEdge
- RooGraphNodeone-D circular node
- RooGraphSpring
- RooGrida multi-dimensional grid
RooHashTableHash table
- RooHist1-dimensional histogram with error bars
- RooHistErrorUtility class for calculating histogram errors
- RooHistPdfHistogram based PDF
- RooHtmlConvert Roo classes to HTML web pages
- RooImproperIntegrator1D1-dimensional improper integration engine
- RooIntContainer class for Int_t
- RooIntegrator1D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegrator2D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegratorBindingRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooInvTransformRooAbsFunc decorator
RooKeysPdfNon-Parametric KEYS PDF
- RooLandauLandau Distribution PDF
- RooLinTransBinningLinear transformation of binning specification
- RooLinearVarModifiable linear transformation variable
- RooLinkedListTList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooLinkedListElemElement of RooLinkedList container class
- RooLinkedListIterIterator for RooLinkedList container class
- RooListTList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooListProxyProxy class for a RooArgList
RooMCIntegratormulti-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooMCStudyMonte Carlo study manager
- RooMPSentinelSingleton class that terminate MP server processes when parent exists
- RooMapCatEntryUtility class, holding a map expression from a index label regexp to a RooCatType
- RooMappedCategoryIndex varibiable, derived from another index using pattern-matching based mapping
- RooMathmath utility routines
- RooMinuitRooFit minimizer based on MINUIT
- RooMultiCatIterIterator over all state permutations of a list of categories
- RooMultiCategoryDerived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
RooNLLVarAbstract real-valued variable
- RooNameRegString name registry
- RooNameSetA sterile version of RooArgSet, containing only the names of the contained RooAbsArgs
- RooNonCPEigenDecayPDF to model CP-violating decays to final states
- RooNormListManagerManager class for PDF normalization integral lists
- RooNormManagerManager class for PDF normalization integrals
- RooNormSetCacheManager class for a single PDF normalization integral
- RooNovosibirskNovosibirsk PDF
- RooNumConvPdfOperator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumConvolutionOperator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumIntConfigNumeric Integrator configuration
- RooNumIntFactoryNumeric Integrator factory
- RooNumberwrapper class for portable numerics
RooParametricStepFunctionParametric Step Function Pdf
- RooPlotPlot frame and container for graphics objects
- RooPlotableAbstract interface for plotable objects
- RooPolyVarPolynomial PDF
- RooPolynomialPolynomial PDF
- RooPrintableInterface for printable objects
- RooProdGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooProdPdfPDF representing a product of PDFs
- RooProductProduct of RooAbsReal and RooAbsCategory terms
- RooPullVarCalculation of pull of measurement w.r.t a truth value
- RooQuasiRandomGeneratorquasi-random number generator
RooRandomrandom number generator interface
- RooRandomizeParamMCSModuleMCStudy module to vary one or more input parameters during fit/generation cycle
- RooRangeBinningSingle bin binning
- RooRealAnalyticRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooRealBindingRooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooRealConstantRooRealVar constants factory
- RooRealIntegralReal-valued variable representing an integral over a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealMPFEMulti-process front-end for parallel calculation of a real valued function
- RooRealProxyProxy for a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealSumPdfPDF representing a sum of real functions
- RooRealVarReal-valued variable
- RooRealVarSharedPropertiesShared properties of a RooRealVar clone set
- RooRefCountListRooLinkedList with reference counting
- RooResolutionModelAbstract Resolution Model
RooScaledFuncRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooSegmentedIntegrator1D1-dimensional piece-wise numerical integration engine
- RooSegmentedIntegrator2D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooSetPairElement of RooLinkedList container class
- RooSetProxyProxy class for a RooArgSet
- RooSharedPropertiesAbstract interface for shared property implementations
- RooSharedPropertiesListManager for shared properties among clones of certain RooAbsArg-derived types
- RooSimGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooSimPdfBuilderRooSimultaneous PDF Builder
- RooSimultaneousDescription goes here
RooStreamParserUtility class that parses istream data into tokens
- RooStringVarString-valued variable
- RooSuperCategoryDerived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooTObjWrapContainer class for Int_t
- RooTableAbstract interface for tables
- RooThreshEntryUtility class, holding a threshold/category state pair
- RooThresholdCategoryIndex variable, defined by a series of thresholds on a RooAbsReal
- RooTraceMemory tracer utility for RooFitTools objects
- RooTreeDataAbstract ttree based data collection
- RooTreeData::PlotOpt
- RooTruthModelAbstract Resolution Model
RooUnblindCPAsymVarCP-Asymmetry unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindOffsetOffset unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindPrecisionPrecision unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindUniformUniform unblinding transformation
- RooUniformBinningUniform binning specification
- RooVoigtianVoigtian PDF
Last update: Thu Dec 14 17:12:04 2006
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