RooFit main classes for building likelihood models, mainly PDFs.
For an introduction check the user's guides, courses or the RooFit chapter of the Manual.
For tutorials see RooFit packages tutorials.
Classes | |
class | Roo2DKeysPdf |
Two-dimensional kernel estimation PDF. More... | |
class | RooArgusBG |
RooArgusBG is a RooAbsPdf implementation describing the ARGUS background shape. More... | |
class | RooBCPEffDecay |
PDF describing decay time distribution of B meson including effects of standard model CP violation. More... | |
class | RooBCPGenDecay |
Implement standard CP physics model with S and C (no mention of lambda) Suitably stolen and modified from RooBCPEffDecay. More... | |
class | RooBDecay |
Most general description of B decay time distribution with effects of CP violation, mixing and life time differences. More... | |
class | RooBernstein |
Bernstein basis polynomials are positive-definite in the range [0,1]. More... | |
class | RooBifurGauss |
Bifurcated Gaussian p.d.f with different widths on left and right side of maximum value. More... | |
class | RooBlindTools |
class | RooBMixDecay |
Class RooBMixDecay is a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation that describes the decay of B mesons with the effects of B0/B0bar mixing. More... | |
class | RooBreitWigner |
Class RooBreitWigner is a RooAbsPdf implementation that models a non-relativistic Breit-Wigner shape. More... | |
class | RooBukinPdf |
The RooBukinPdf implements the NovosibirskA function. More... | |
class | RooCBShape |
PDF implementing the Crystal Ball line shape. More... | |
class | RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > |
RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions. More... | |
class | RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > |
RooCFunction2Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions. More... | |
class | RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > |
RooCFunction3Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions. More... | |
class | RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > |
RooCFunction4Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions. More... | |
class | RooChebychev |
Chebychev polynomial p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooChi2MCSModule |
RooChi2MCSModule is an add-on module to RooMCStudy that calculates the chi-squared of fitted p.d.f with respect to a binned version of the data. More... | |
class | RooChiSquarePdf |
The PDF of the Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom. More... | |
class | RooCrystalBall |
PDF implementing the generalized Asymmetrical Double-Sided Crystall Ball line shape. More... | |
class | RooDecay |
Single or double sided decay function that can be analytically convolved with any RooResolutionModel implementation. More... | |
class | RooDstD0BG |
Special p.d.f shape that can be used to model the background of D*-D0 mass difference distributions. More... | |
class | RooExponential |
Exponential PDF. More... | |
class | RooFunctor1DBinding |
RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions. More... | |
class | RooFunctor1DPdfBinding |
class | RooFunctorBinding |
RooFunctorBinding makes math functions from ROOT usable in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooFunctorPdfBinding |
RooFunctorPdfBinding makes math functions from ROOT usable as PDFs in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooGamma |
Implementation of the Gamma PDF for RooFit/RooStats. More... | |
class | RooGaussian |
Plain Gaussian p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooGaussModel |
Class RooGaussModel implements a RooResolutionModel that models a Gaussian distribution. More... | |
class | RooGExpModel |
The RooGExpModel is a RooResolutionModel implementation that models a resolution function that is the convolution of a Gaussian with a one-sided exponential. More... | |
class | RooHistConstraint |
The RooHistConstraint implements constraint terms for a binned PDF with statistical uncertainties. More... | |
class | RooIntegralMorph |
Class RooIntegralMorph is an implementation of the histogram interpolation technique described by Alex Read in 'NIM A 425 (1999) 357-369 'Linear interpolation of histograms' for continuous functions rather than histograms. More... | |
class | RooJeffreysPrior |
Implementation of Jeffrey's prior. More... | |
class | RooJohnson |
Johnson's \( S_{U} \) distribution. More... | |
class | RooKeysPdf |
Class RooKeysPdf implements a one-dimensional kernel estimation p.d.f which model the distribution of an arbitrary input dataset as a superposition of Gaussian kernels, one for each data point, each contributing 1/N to the total integral of the pdf. More... | |
class | RooLagrangianMorphFunc |
Class RooLagrangianMorphing is a implementation of the method of Effective Lagrangian Morphing, described in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-047. More... | |
class | RooLandau |
Landau distribution p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooLegacyExpPoly |
RooLegacyExpPoly implements a polynomial PDF of the form. More... | |
class | RooLegendre |
Compute the associated More... | |
class | RooLognormal |
RooFit Lognormal PDF. More... | |
class | RooMathCoreReg |
class | RooMathMoreReg |
class | RooMomentMorph |
class | RooMomentMorphFunc |
class | RooMomentMorphFuncND |
class | RooMultiBinomial |
RooMultiBinomial is an efficiency function which makes all combinations of efficiencies given as input different efficiency functions for different categories. More... | |
class | RooNDKeysPdf |
Generic N-dimensional implementation of a kernel estimation p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooNonCentralChiSquare |
The PDF of the Non-Central Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom. More... | |
class | RooNonCPEigenDecay |
Time-dependent RooAbsAnaConvPdf for CP violating decays to Non-CP eigenstates (eg, \( B_0 \rightarrow \rho^\pm \pi^\mp\)). More... | |
class | RooNovosibirsk |
RooNovosibirsk implements the Novosibirsk function. More... | |
class | RooParametricStepFunction |
The Parametric Step Function PDF is a binned distribution whose parameters are the heights of each bin. More... | |
class | RooParamHistFunc |
A histogram function that assigns scale parameters to every bin. More... | |
class | RooPoisson |
Poisson pdf. More... | |
class | RooPolyFunc |
RooPolyFunc implements a polynomial function in multi-variables. More... | |
class | RooPolynomial |
RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form. More... | |
class | RooPowerSum |
RooPowerSum implements a power law PDF of the form. More... | |
class | RooPyBind |
A RooFit class for wrapping python functions. More... | |
class | RooSpHarmonic |
Implementation of the so-called real spherical harmonics, using the orthonormal normalization, which are related to spherical harmonics as: More... | |
class | RooSpline |
A RooFit class for creating spline functions. More... | |
class | RooStepFunction |
The Step Function is a binned function whose parameters are the heights of each bin. More... | |
class | RooTFnBinding |
Use TF1, TF2, TF3 functions as RooFit objects. More... | |
class | RooTFnPdfBinding |
class | RooTMathReg |
class | RooUnblindCPAsymVar |
Implementation of BlindTools' CP asymmetry blinding method A RooUnblindCPAsymVar object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters. More... | |
class | RooUnblindOffset |
Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method A RooUnblindOffset object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters. More... | |
class | RooUnblindPrecision |
Implementation of BlindTools' precision blinding method A RooUnblindPrecision object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters. More... | |
class | RooUnblindUniform |
Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method. More... | |
class | RooUniform |
Flat p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooVoigtian |
RooVoigtian is an efficient implementation of the convolution of a Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, making use of the complex error function. More... | |